Author Topic: Q&A: Developer's Corner  (Read 86486 times)

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2011, 02:52:12 PM »
It does answer all of my concerns, however, you need to go through and completely reword that part of the rules cause what you just explained is not what the rules say. The rules say in just about every way, that stuff is in addition to, or comes with the starting facility.

The Rebel Alliance gets a special command bonus in that a combination of  up to (5) Medium Transports and/or YT-1300 Rebel Freighters, in addition to (3) Starfighter Squadrons may be added to a player's fleet beyond the set limits.

I dont see where the bonus comes into play otherwise as the stats to those transports already state they dont need command ships to operate. So your stats contradict your bonus. Can you see how there would be confusion there? You have to understand, im not using your brain, I dont know what you mean unless you write it exactly how you mean it. That, is no where close to what you just explained. I cant even begin to understand how you got what you just explained from that but yes it addresses everything that was frustrating the shit out of me. Thank you.

And wait, isnt everyone allowed to command up to 3 fighter squads without a "mothership" for them? If so, again, how is that a bonus for the rebs, I think you just need to do away with that whole line and it will fix everything cause your giving bonus's that dont really exist, kinda like tax deductions.

And another one: 3. Rebel players pick their worlds next (privately) and their Facility Transport will be converted into a Rebel Operations Base, instantly; the bonus X-Wing squad received is stationed immediately at that Rebel Ops Base.  (Honestly, the Facility Transport and X-Wing Squad aren't really significant and don't count as 'property' - they merely exist as part of the prologue to the game).

So now, if that X-Wing squad doest really "exist" why the fuck would you even mention it other then to purposfully confuse people? Either I have an extra X-Wing squad or I dont?! Make up your mind, you cant say you have it but you dont really "HAVE" it. That makes no fucking sense.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 03:07:13 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2011, 03:09:55 PM »
And again, I appologize for the offensivness of my posts as im having a really bad fucking day, your rules I thought I had a good handle of now are confusing the hell out of me, my wife's job is screwing with her hours, my car is falling apart, and I dont mean to take it out on you guys even though I know I am. So again, im sorry.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2011, 03:34:09 PM »
First, stop being offensive, then apologizing after being offensive. Just edit your post, save the apologies.

Second, I agree the wording isnt perfect, but at the same time you are saying your interpretation is what everyone takes away from it; not true. We will re-word it so that it is more explicit. I would only point out that it doesn't say the ships are included anywhere, only that you may command them outside of the 6-ship limit.

Third, I also agree the extra X-Wing squad was needlessly confusing. But then we are all human beings and just trying to make a fun game. The idea for this game is not lets all sit around and find semantic loopholes or grey areas to pick vulgar fights over. Its to work together in best intentions to have fun. We worked a lot to try to make the rules very plain-faced and transparent. Obviously they aren't prefect and never will be, but we will keep working to refine them based on experiences from players, like yours.

Please, if you have legitimate question ask them. But try to keep it simple, factual, and to the point. If you feel your question is not understood, that is not an invitation to insult or criticize those taking the time to try to help you out; just rephrase or specify the issue again politely and someone will try to answer you again.

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2011, 04:18:21 PM »
I'll work on that.

I just dont understand why you would call it a bonus, when there is no bonus, those aux craft can already operate outside of the 6 ship limit, with or without rebel bonus according to the stats, so why even list it at all? There is nothing gained there that we didnt already have through other means. That just makes it confusing and makes you think you get more then you get. I mean to me, what your rules said was "The bridge is green" then you all get mad at me for thinking the bridge is green when you meant it to read "The turbolaser does 12 damage". Like wtf?!

And I got so offended because time and time again I wrote "THIS IS NOT MY BATTLE FLEET" and no one ever addressed that. They just kept saying, you cant have all that in your fleet. "Its not in my fleet". You cant have all that in your fleet. Like seriously, are you reading what im writing?! "I just said its not all in my fleet." You cant have all that in your fleet... -slaps head- Sometimes I wonder if im still speaking english?

Would that not irritate you?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2011, 08:17:16 PM »
stop it =P
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2011, 08:35:23 AM »
As primary rule writer, I apologize if things were too confusing.  Some of these game concepts are difficult to fully understand because GCW is unlike any other traditional sim anyone is used to playing.

Here's what a Reb fleet can consist of: 6 capital ships, 5 AUX, 3 SF Squads.  That's it.  Operate within those limits and keep it all under 20 CP and you're set. That's the overarching rule.

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2011, 10:02:27 AM »
Gotcha, WAY easier to understand there! If I may be so bold, I would like to offer the suggestion that the thing about the X-Wing squad be taken off, drop the "Can be used outside of 6 ship limit" on the aux craft STATS... not the bonus explanation, and see if we cant re-word that bonus explanation to something a 10yr old could understand and that SHOULD fix a lot of the confusion problems with the starting stuff. Again, just a suggestion. =)

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2011, 10:11:11 AM »
Alrighty, now that I think I got this all straightened out, lets try this again:

6 NSBC (Paid for as starting stuff with 12CP and 1074KC of my 20CP, 2000KC start)
3 Y-Wing (Paid for as starting stuff with 3cp and 237KC of my 20CP, 2000KC start)
5 YT-1300 (Paid for as starting stuff with 5cp and 450KC of my 20CP, 2000KC start)

Now with all that being placed, can a capship attack CSP for the purposes of engaging them. Like could a YT-1300 or an NSBC be used to engage a squad/swarm of TIEs on CSP allowing bombers to streak in and make an attack?

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2011, 12:50:41 PM »
Now with all that being placed, can a capship attack CSP for the purposes of engaging them. Like could a YT-1300 or an NSBC be used to engage a squad/swarm of TIEs on CSP allowing bombers to streak in and make an attack?

The rules don't speak on this, so that's a good question.

Here's the new official ruling, to which I'll update the main rules accordingly:

<> Auxiliary craft are in essence "mini capital ships", so they can bypass enemy CSP, but at the same time due to their smaller "starfighter"-esque nature, they cannot take on an entire enemy SF squad by themselves.  One AUX craft might be effective at drawing fire from 2,3, or even 6 starfighters all at once... but "drawing fire" and "actively engaging" (as the rules say) are two different things.

<> Capital ships are a different story, as they have multiple weapon hardpoints and are capable of individually targeting all 12 SFs in a single squadron, so I see no reason why we can't make this provision.

Here's what I'm going to add onto the rules (and the FAQ):

Auxiliary craft cannot be used to engage enemy starfighters on CSP.  Capital ships can satisfy the "1:1 engagement" requirement, as if the capital ship was a starfighter squadron itself.

For example.
1. Carrack Cruiser Bruiser has 1 TIE Swarm (of 3 TIE Fighter squads) on CSP.
2. The TIE Swarm needs to be attacked (with all weapons) by 6 other units in order to be engaged.
3. 6 CORVs attack the TIE Swarm, satisfying the "6:1 engagement" requirement.
4. 3 Y-Wing Squadrons may now attack the Carrack, in this case for 360 damage.

If the 6 CORVs attack the Carrack Cruiser directly, they would have dealt 336 damage to it. Be it as it may, they dealt 294 damage to the TIE Swarm, which now has 138 hit points remaining.

*Important Note about CSP* -- if a CSP is dealt lethal damage, it is "engaged". In this scenario, that same TIE Swarm wouldn't have to be engaged 6:1 anymore, because 3 CORVs could deal 147 (lethal) damage to it.  I think this is important to bring up because I know some of you Rebel players are bewildered at the idea of facing 2 or 3 TIE Swarms on CSP, which is insane... but that just means you'll have to deal what damage you can to the CSP and keep pushing.

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2011, 08:26:35 AM »
Ok, awesome! Now, with that being said, CSP doesnt have to be completely killed to be considered "engaged" right? I believe the rules state something along those lines somewhere, but im just confirming with the new ruling out?

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2011, 08:52:00 AM »
In order for CSP to be considered "engaged", any of the following conditions must exist:
1. CSP Squadron is being attacked (with all weapons) by 1 other enemy SF squadron.
2. CSP Squadron is being attacked (with all weapons) by 1 other capital ship.
3. CSP Squadron has been dealt lethal damage (effective enough to kill it).

Once CSP has been properly engaged, additional starfighters may attack any capital ship in the gridspace of the CSP.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2011, 11:01:43 AM »
Are we earning the VP (50) from our Sector Ops Bases/Palaces on this our first action Day or not until the following (4/15)?

Also I missed it if it's written somewhere, but I'm assuming because it seems implied that to upgrade our Facils, i.e. to upgrade my SOB to Level 2, I first have to be Level 2 rank/Lt Commander correct?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 11:03:40 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2011, 04:15:51 PM »
VPs are earned every action day, so yes, you get 50 VPs from your SOB/ISP and any other facility.  Upgrades can be paid for at anytime, and it takes 15 days to upgrade (or however long the production time is).

Offline Ramano

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2011, 06:32:34 PM »
So I got a question as I dont see it covered in the rules section, what do we do now. For example, my hero unit is a leader, and I dont have the KC right now to justify setting up another base yet, what then? Im not exactly sure how to go about things from here on out other then building and defense until I can level up enough to directly assault an imperial base. In fact, if I cant do any missions how DO I level up?

Say for instance, I just were to say fuck it, load up my fleet and just jump to... oh shit I dont know... hapes, or telos, or some other planet that doesnt have a base on it, but isnt in the special planets list either. Do I gain VP for killing them if they have a settlement, and if so, can I just conquer it and tell the population to pay me?

Unless of course me and Eid are supposed to just team up, come slap chandrilla in the face, and call it a day until you feel like running the end storyline. I guess I just dont understand whats to keep the rebs from just comming out and smashing the imps right now before you even have a chance to setup. I mean, what else is there to do, and the above scenario leads to a really lopsided and boring game.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Q&A: Developer's Corner
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2011, 11:35:25 PM »
As a Rebel, all you can do a few things:
1) Lay low, collect your 100 KCs starting income. Generate VPs from your SOB.
2) Deploy yourself or a Leader Unit on a Resistance Mission to plant a Rebel Cell Base (your leftover starting cash + 100 KCs starting income should suffice for that).
3) Tag-team an Imperial world to hopefully hinder Imp progress.
4) Recruit another hero unit (like a smuggler).
5) Storyline with somebody or yourself.

In a couple weeks, after you'll collect income from the VPs you've earned (as explained in the rules), so your wealth will slowly develop. At that point, you can:
1) Upgrade one of your facilities so you have access to better units.
2) Build more facilities to generate more VPs.

Overall, as a Rebel player, you have two big advantages:
1) Your base is hidden so all you have to do is lay low and build up VPs with your facilities.
2) Any combat action you choose to do is entirely your choice, so if you want to do a hit-and-run or a coordinated attack, you'll have to time and the timing to do so.

Oh and one more thing:
1. If you want to try and Reb rape Chandrila... try me =) you won't stand a chance with your bitch-ass junk fleet.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 12:07:31 AM by GCW Hale »