Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793714 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1470 on: November 14, 2012, 06:12:22 PM »
I speak 2 languages, english and bad english... I have no wish to EVER travel to another country, therefore I feel no need to learn any of their gibberish. And yes, even if I could afford it, i'd still never leave the USA. Nothing out there I cant see here. Just more of the same garbage with a different graphical skin. I firmly believe there is nothing left for me to see on this planet. Next time I go on a sight seeing vacation its going to be on Mars or Io. Possibly the moon, but ive already seen what the earth looks like from space up close in god knows how many movies and pictures, I feel its again would just be more of the same.

Although ive been told by satellite techs that at about 600,000 miles out, the garbage cloud surrounding the planet is something to behold. Yes, your pictures are wrong, from space the earth is not a pretty blue marble, its a brown hazy ball of trash. Hahaha.

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1471 on: November 14, 2012, 06:33:42 PM »
Pak jsem, že to je to nejlepší, co z?stali ve svém malém sv?t? nudné, takže my ostatní nemusíme ?ešit s vámi. Nejsem si jist, že další zem? by mohly ?ešit s vaším hovno. Jste nekulturní svin?.


Offline Syren

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« Reply #1472 on: November 14, 2012, 06:39:09 PM »
Although why it added all those question marks after I posted it blows my mind and basically throws off the entire meaning. Silly forum. I speak four languages therefore I am sent to conduct business in those countries which explains why I will always make more and have more than you. Your narrow perspective is why you will remain stagnant forever. 

Basically, what I said was, the world will breath a sigh of relief you won't go anywhere else. Because you suck. Smooches!


Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1473 on: November 14, 2012, 07:27:35 PM »
Ramano tenes un visto del mundo bien tipico de los estados unidenses. Lamentable, y en mi opinion parte de la gran problema cultural/politico de nuestro pais. Todos piensen que EEUU esta bien, esta el rey, porque hace 80 anos o 60 anos fuimos un poder mundial. La realidad hoy en dia es que nuestra fuerza va dismuyendo rapidamente mientras que China y estes piases de sudamerica van aumentando lo suyo. Pero cada uno lo suyo asi que si no tenes ganas aprender y ver todo lo que ofrece el mundo no hay nadie que te va a joder!

Saludos y la concha de tu madre! ;)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1474 on: November 14, 2012, 07:38:29 PM »
It would mean more if the business you conducted wasnt to the detriment of your city, state, nation, and people of the world... You speak so highly yet forget your job is to sell people things they never wanted and cant afford. Your a vampire. A parasite that feeds off of the suffering of others so that you can have... shoes and stuff. All your fancy titles and education still dont change that.

Next, before you start bragging about your possessions, do you actually OWN any of it, or is it all still being paid off? Hell even with my 426 credit rating I got a mortgage for a house lol. Remember, any idiot can get a mortgage for a house, but you dont technically own it until its paid off. Next, how many car loans do you have currently, and let us not forget the ample credit card debt im sure you have. When we add all that in, im betting I got more money then you do. ;)

So for all your money and "on paper" power, you're still totally and completely worthless. Smooches!

PS: And for the record, that sounded awful Arabic. Remember, terrorists go to Gitmo. ;) Although it might just be all the added punctuation haha.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1475 on: November 14, 2012, 07:43:21 PM »
And Hop, I refuse to learn spanish out of spite. I would rather go to jail then learn to speak that mouth diarrhea. Mostly because all the damn mexicans around here refuse to learn or speak english. However it really fucks with them if you start yelling at them in Klingon or something.

See, the problem with them is they know english, they can speak english, they just dont cause they think its funny to watch us stare at them like retards. So in the words of the great magic card Orcish Artillery: So they want to kill my men ey? Well... 2 can play that game!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1476 on: November 14, 2012, 07:50:52 PM »
jIH DIchDaq 'uQ'a' Daq the porghmey vo' lIj Heghpu' SoH DIchDaq parish Daq the wov vo' wIj divine qul.  SoH 'oH bIng wIj qamDu'. K'plah.

See, I can do it too, bastards!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1477 on: November 14, 2012, 07:52:26 PM »
Quite a lingual group we got here.

Oh yeah, how do ya'll like the new Imperial Remnant logo? I hipster-fried it.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1478 on: November 14, 2012, 07:57:52 PM »
Well by rights Klingon is not a very useful language to know, but I like it so fuck off. Yeah, you have to learn shit for your job, I get to learn it just because I want to and enjoy it. N'yah.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1479 on: November 14, 2012, 08:10:40 PM »
Well by rights Klingon is not a very useful language to know, but I like it so fuck off. Yeah, you have to learn shit for your job, I get to learn it just because I want to and enjoy it. N'yah.

I lol'ed!

haha fun thread.

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1480 on: November 14, 2012, 08:22:48 PM »
The only debt I have is my house which I purchased in May. Car is paid off. No credit card debt. It does help that my work expense card pays for virtually everything I do up to and including outfitting myself with new accessories. What good would I be at selling things if I wasn't wearing them myself? And I didn't learn those languages specifically for my career. I learned Spanish because I am from California and it helps to know the native tongue. I learned Czech because two of my friends growing up are Czech and I couldn't stand when they would talk to each other and I didn't understand. So I learned it. Now I visit them in Prague as often as I can. My father used to take my sister and I to France for holidays and so I chose that as an elective throughout high school so I could do things on my own in Paris. The only language I had to learn for work was Italian since we must go to Milan once a year.

And yes, I may be the downfall of the human race but at least I look fantastic while taking everyone down. I tell people what is trendy and they buy it even if most of the time it's a joke to see if they will. They always do. Force a celebrity to wear something and it flies off the shelf even if its hideous because people are stupid and will do and buy anything to be famous. I did not create the society we live in. I just perpetuate it for profit. Either play the game or get the hell out of the way. Such is the way of things. You can rage all you want, my darling Ramano but it changes nothing.


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1481 on: November 14, 2012, 08:38:19 PM »
So instead of using some of that intellect you claim to have to change things for the better and do some real good with your life and that high priced education, you continue to perpetuate the problem. Well, just remember when you have to learn chineese in 10yrs on top of it that you helped to cause it. And in china, they outright take your money, your shoes, your house, and your cars and tells you how much your allowed to have.

And no, its not going to be because they attacked us and took us over, it will be because people like you thought it was more important to make a profit then it was to be a human being. Always remember, all the cloths, make-up, accessories, and money in the world wont cover up an ugly personality.

Edit: You want to impress people, sell the board of directors at your company a deal to give 50% of their yearly wages for 2013 to the various schools in the Denver area. And DONT raise prices and fee's to cover it. Just take it out of their pockets, no strings attached. Im sure even at 50% of their current pay they will be far from impovershed.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 08:45:31 PM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1482 on: November 14, 2012, 08:42:41 PM »
Aw, if I still had feelings and you weren't a spiteful little shit that may have resonated a bit more. Somehow I think I'll manage.


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1483 on: November 14, 2012, 08:48:50 PM »
If you still had feelings you wouldnt be in the position you are now, cause you know damn well you'd never be able to look at yourself in a mirror. Theres nothing wrong with being wealthy, only with how people obtain it and what they use it for afterwards.

Edit: And get it right, there is nothing little about me. I am a Huge spiteful shit.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1484 on: November 14, 2012, 09:07:16 PM »
And dont get me wrong Syren, I give you a hard time only cause your fun to toy with. As far as bitching at you about business, well, technically your a business leader (still some subject of debate) and being the only business leader I actually have the ability to speak to (without being arrested for tresspassing again), you get to be my complaint department as you have the ability and position to do a better job. If you can put me in contact with someone higher up on the ladder then you, i'll be happy to send my frustrations their way instead. Until then, as the saying goes: if you have the ability, you have the responsibility.

So no, I dont actually think your a bad person, and I dont think you torture people, and ive never seen a pic of you to know if your ugly or not. (Half dressed, drunkenly covered by hair does not give enough info to make such a judgement.) Your just the only person with thick enough skin here to fight back and not get all offended.

However I do think you are a person who is using all that fashion and money to hide how ashamed of what you've sold out to become what you are now. Claim to the contrary all you want, but your psychological profile depicts a person who has cried herself to sleep on more then 1 occasion.