Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793961 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1365 on: October 24, 2012, 09:43:25 AM »
Im sorry but I fail to see how im NOT being civil? Im being more then civilized with my argument here. The correct terminology your looking for is im not being "submissive". That has not, nor will ever happen. Im not going to be someones silent slave just to be allowed to play a game. I wont play if thats how its gotta be, I thought I made that clear from the start?

There is a difference between playing as a team member, and being someones slave. I am no slave. If thats what your expecting out of me, then yes, we most certainly have a serious issue.

Edit: On the contrary, im the only one remaining civil with this. Im the only one providing valid points to back up what im saying, all the rest of you can do is talk about how im trying to kill the game because I wont silently sit back and eat bullshit rulings that completely distort what the game was built to be. Because I wont take "No, because I said so" as a valid answer. That might work for your boss at work, but you dont pay me, your not my superior, and your not my mother. I dont have to accept such an answer from any of you, nor will I. If thats a problem, then just say so, Eid can have my faction and i'll go back about my business. Otherwise, I do apologize but im gunna need a bit more elaboration on "no" answers. Where is it breaking a rule, where is it creating an imbalance? If its not doing any of those things, then whats the problem? Is providing that little courtesy really that much for everyone to handle?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 09:56:12 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1366 on: October 24, 2012, 09:55:49 AM »


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1367 on: October 24, 2012, 09:56:35 AM »
Negative red one. I can not in good conscience follow said order in its current form and is my duty under article 21.001a of the code of USMJ to question said order. (Not sure if thats really where its located, but ive read the hand book. Its in there somewhere.)

If there is a problem with my storyline idea, I want to know what it is, citing points and examples, and done so without telling me im trying to ruin the game. Do so and you will have complete silence from me, for a while anyway.

Edit: And for the record, the only valid reason ive gotten so far is because Dem doesnt want to SL. And thats fine, but I have to ask, if thats the case, why are you here? And no, im not trying to make you quit, but as I learned myself through my failed boycott, if your not going to SL, theres not much point to playing at all, thus why I shut up and just ate the stupid mission system. Storylining is kind of a pre-req to playing here.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 10:10:24 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1368 on: October 24, 2012, 10:09:00 AM »
Im sorry but I fail to see how im NOT being civil? Im being more then civilized with my argument here. The correct terminology your looking for is im not being "submissive". That has not, nor will ever happen. Im not going to be someones silent slave just to be allowed to play a game. I wont play if thats how its gotta be, I thought I made that clear from the start?

There is a difference between playing as a team member, and being someones slave. I am no slave. If thats what your expecting out of me, then yes, we most certainly have a serious issue.

Edit: On the contrary, im the only one remaining civil with this. Im the only one providing valid points to back up what im saying, all the rest of you can do is talk about how im trying to kill the game because I wont silently sit back and eat bullshit rulings that completely distort what the game was built to be. Because I wont take "No, because I said so" as a valid answer. That might work for your boss at work, but you dont pay me, your not my superior, and your not my mother. I dont have to accept such an answer from any of you, nor will I. If thats a problem, then just say so, Eid can have my faction and i'll go back about my business. Otherwise, I do apologize but im gunna need a bit more elaboration on "no" answers. Where is it breaking a rule, where is it creating an imbalance? If its not doing any of those things, then whats the problem? Is providing that little courtesy really that much for everyone to handle?

Highlighed and struck out parts that were not civil and uneeded, and only there to stir trouble.

Your post could have easily read

I believe I'm being civil, I'm just concerned about how I might combine two hero stats into my one character, and so far I haven't been given a clear reason.

but you always choose the over dramatic style with lots of passive aggressive insults and attacks on the other players. I know that it is in your nature to be that way. But for the sake of game play, if you REALLY care about the quality of game play as much as you always say you do, why don't write your posts in notepad then sit on them for ten minutes, then look at them again and try to make them without any emotion and keep it simple and without all the fireworks?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1369 on: October 24, 2012, 10:34:25 AM »
Good point, I will take that into consideration from now on.

However, what you said is not what I meant. I guess I just dont understand how calling something what it is is being overly dramatic? I dont care about the dual classed character as much as I do being told "No, you cant do something because I said so." This is what im ranting about. I already said, if there is a real reason why I should not do this storyline, I will abandon it with no further word. Im not trying to be an asshole, truly, but "No, cause I said so." is most seriously in my opinion an asshole move. Its what you do when you consider a person too immature to warrant an explanation. That is offensive to me, I know I may challenge the system like a teenager, but I will have you know, I am 32yrs old and am most certainly not a child.

And as I also have apologized for on multiple occasions, I am a person of deep feeling. I have no way of conveying my point without the emotion behind it. Im not some unfeeling robot contrary to popular belief. I simply dont know any other way to say stuff. I do care about the quality of the game, I want to see it succeed, I want to see it progress, but not at the expense of who I am. You cant even say im not trying here, in 6 months no one has yet been told to go kill themself, IC or OOC. In 6 months I have not outright tried to quit a player, in fact, even through everything I begged Eid to stay, but realistically it just wasnt going to work. There is just too much animosity between us. But as he even said in his own words, it was his choice and not something I did. He just dislikes me to that degree, unfortunate but it happens to all of us. That one person you just not willing to get along with, sometimes its a neighbor, sometimes its a person you went to school with, sometimes its me. I cant change that.

So even if I did things as you suggest, and it is a good idea btw, but its not really going to change my posts simply because we have to completely different views on what uncivilized behavior is. I truly dont feel im being uncivilized, Im just not being submissive.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1370 on: October 24, 2012, 10:39:39 AM »
For the record, if you want to dual class into a Jedi, the farthest I'll let you go is Jedi Knight. Otherwise if you want a full on Jedi Grandmaster you will have to create a second Hero. Case closed?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1371 on: October 24, 2012, 10:55:43 AM »
Yeah, I got that point, I was trying to work out with you how that would work. Then Dem had to comment on it. As I have said for years, yes I could keep my mouth shut, but so could other people. Had Dem never said anything, id never have went on with my rant. This is my biggest problem with people here OOC, you cant start something with someone, then say its completely their fault. Stop doing that to me and I wont have to be like this, problem fixed.

And the whole point to my first giant post was to show the flaw behind the logic that a dual classed character would imbalance the game. He would be nothing that another jedi wouldnt already be at level 10. Would the argument have been as strong if I just said "Well at level 10 everyones equal"? No, it would not have been. We'd have spent the next 2 weeks with each person taking a chance at picking an ability that would imbalance things, and me showing that they're character already had said ability. Can you at least kind of see what im saying there? The emotion behind it was what made the argument strong, it was simply looked upon as "oh here goes another ramano rant" and no one actually read it. So of course you wouldnt know what im talking about, no one is paying attention to what im saying, they just groaned and "blanked out a few lines in like I was reading an editorial in the NY Times." Stop that and I will make more sense to you and wont seem like such an asshole all the time.

But anyways, getting on with the show, we've established point and purpose. Hale, I need specifics on what your talking about now for it. How are you seeing it work, and how do I have to go about achieving it?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1372 on: October 24, 2012, 11:39:00 AM »

Greg and Dem, stop trying to make Ram miserable.

You two are THE worst.

Damn antagonists.  >:(
SWSF 'til Death

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1373 on: October 24, 2012, 01:52:24 PM »
Incorrect Eid. The only person here guilty of purposefully trying to make anyone miserable was you. And Dem is not making me miserable, he's just instigating responses out of me so he can try to get me frustrated and make a mistake. Common tactic, when you cant beat them physically, beat them psychologically.

Edit: And no Eid, your not bothering me either. You dont even play here, so that makes you nothing more then some little insignificant troll... I feed off that shit.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 02:03:08 PM by Ramano »

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1374 on: October 24, 2012, 02:16:46 PM »
You know what I would like to see? Less yapping and more storylining. I crave character development and I would love love love to see you guys continue development in the current game. Is there a time limit for Episode II or is it action based, like, once you achieved a certain goal you move onto the next one? Battles are good and all but brawls can be tempered with interaction and growth. I like to read about what really drives these characters.


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1375 on: October 24, 2012, 02:51:19 PM »
*soaks it up*

you eat troll shit?  Gross.  I guess that explains some of your personality disorders.

But Whatever you gotta tell yourself to get to sleep at nite buddy ;oD

See you on the III game board  ;D
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1376 on: October 24, 2012, 04:49:16 PM »
Just to let everyone know... Greg and I are currently developing GCW: Episode III, which will be set during the Thrawn Era (9 ABY). We are nowhere near close to getting done with this one, since we are building entirely new game mechanics from the ground up in many categories. Episode II is still kicking and potentially could run indefinitely since the game works, so I will continue playing the Imperial Remnant and continue moving forward with my plans, mwhahahahah.

To give ya'll a "sneak preview" regarding what's ahead:

1. Facilities will be entirely done away with. Systems will become what facilities are in Episode II: manufacturing centers and income generators. Systems like Muunilist, Kamino, and Bilbringi will be added, among others - but the galaxy will remain roughly the same size (~50 systems) in the end. Systems will have light PDFs (with exception to Capitols) and will require a response of some kind if attacked.

2. Technology will primarily remain the same, but will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! Common, Imperial, and Republic. Many ships are location-dependent for manufacturing, such as Mon Calamari cruisers and Star Destroyers.

3. Capitols will be Coruscant (New Republic), Byss (Dark Empire), Bastion (Imperial Remnant), and Hapes (Hapan Star Cluster). And while those are the "canon" factions, we're going to allow the continued presence of "unofficial" factions like the Rebel Alliance, Imperial Warlords, Sith Empire, Hutt Syndicate, Trade Federation, etc. with the option to create your own Capitol if these interest you. Depending on how it all goes down, I'm leaning towards the Imperial Remnant, Imperial Warlord, or Trade Federation.

4. Canon leaders will be done away with. We the players will take to the stage and forge the future of the GCW Star Wars Universe! If somebody wants to run with the Imperial Remnant, they will play the role of Thrawn, for example.

5. The current rank and ability system with Heroes will be abolished and will be replaced with more streamlined abilities that will focus on Warfare, Leadership, Command & Control, and Force Powers. Characters will begin the game with a Prestige Rank of some variety... there is no more "experience" to be earned or "upgrades" so to speak, this is the final chapter of GCW so the Characters will be fully developed to a large extent.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1377 on: October 24, 2012, 04:58:00 PM »
I'm going to continue in this uni as well until III starts, doing what damage I can to everyone :D

Next time round the Hapes Star Cluster looks good. :D

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1378 on: October 24, 2012, 06:18:26 PM »
3. Capitols will be Coruscant (New Republic), Byss (Dark Empire), Bastion (Imperial Remnant), and Hapes (Hapan Star Cluster). And while those are the "canon" factions, we're going to allow the continued presence of "unofficial" factions like the Rebel Alliance, Imperial Warlords, Sith Empire, Hutt Syndicate, Trade Federation, etc. with the option to create your own Capitol if these interest you. Depending on how it all goes down, I'm leaning towards the Imperial Remnant, Imperial Warlord, or Trade Federation.

Dark Empire, Imp Warlord or Hutt Synd pour moi
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1379 on: October 24, 2012, 06:34:28 PM »
Yeah, im not having a 2 week argument every time I make a post. Make a decision for chapter 3, him or me. Not saying im gunna just quit or anything on chapter 2, but we both cant play in the same game. I get this one as I was here first and he already quit, but as for the next one, im interested, but not enough to get along with him.