Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 794056 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #915 on: July 23, 2012, 02:06:02 PM »
   When you go looking for scapegoats, they are easy to find.

   Self victimization is INCREDIBLY self defeating.
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #916 on: July 23, 2012, 02:25:33 PM »
I certainly wouldn't put my money at risk opening a business of any kind in a community in that condition. What would I want with a bunch of self-deprecating employees and the likelihood that I would suffer thousands of dollars in losses, probably at their hands. Why would I want to take my chances with the pleasures of flash mobs ransacking my business.

The vicious cycle. Costs go up, the business leaves, the people grow resentment, the people victimize the business, more business leaves, more people grow resentful....
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #917 on: July 23, 2012, 03:14:57 PM »
Here the problem though, if a few of these business megalomaniacs could decide they dont need 50 billion $ to make it though the year, everything would change. Its a horrible circle because you business leaders cause us to be like that. Why would a business move into these conditions, because people live here and we need jobs too, and being a business leader YOU have a responsibility to create jobs for us to pay our bills. Dont like the system, quit running your business and give it to someone else. I'd happily take it, for a fraction of what you make doing it.

And I dont want to hear about how these business leaders get the job cause they are so superior to me. I fail to see how you can do worse then losing 700 BILLION $ and causing a 2nd great depression. Please... my 2yr old can do better then that.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #918 on: July 23, 2012, 03:19:05 PM »
I mean seriously, big business sits here and ruins themselves with bad business practices, and when we tell them we dont want their services anymore, you take the entire country hostage. Big business leaders are no better then fucking terrorists. Fucking iraqi raghead camel jockey terrorists, and should be treated as such!!!! And you have the fucking audacity to literally sit here and tell me its my fault im where im at?! Seriously fuck that.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #919 on: July 23, 2012, 03:30:07 PM »
And I dont want to hear about how these business leaders get the job cause they are so superior to me. I fail to see how you can do worse then losing 700 BILLION $ and causing a 2nd great depression. Please... my 2yr old can do better then that.

   Yeah, I feel like I could have a fucking awesome slam dunk to if they'd just give me a chance to play and crash course in basketball fundamentals ;p

And you have the fucking audacity to literally sit here and tell me its my fault im where im at?!

  Yes.  If you had as much interest in DOING as you did in TALKING. Your problems would be solved already ;p  No offense intended.

  Listen, I partially agree with what you say, but greedy FAT CATS are only half the problem.  Scapegoating, laziness and a culture of social assistance is the other half.  Most people are unwilling to admit their own role to themselves though.  They build their worldly view around a convenient perspective that alleviates any personal blame for their status.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 03:38:07 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #920 on: July 23, 2012, 03:41:14 PM »
I mean dont get me wrong, I agree at some level the problems on this earth are everyones fault, but the point im making is those with the power and ability have the responsibility. By what logic do you think we get to control 95% of the wealth and NOT pay 95% of the taxes? By what logic do you think you get to make all the decisions while having none of the actual power? By what logic do you get to control slaves and claim you do all the work?!

This my friends is called blind ignorance, and so long as business leaders make it impossible to achieve change, people are going to continue to take to the street with assault rifles, and no amount of gun control is going to change that. And it will get worse long before it gets better. And god help us all if someone with my level of intelligence decides to lose it. And no, I may be angry, but im not going to turn the hospital MRI machine into a low-yield thermonuclear device unless the gov tries to take my kids away. And im on the low end of the genius scale...

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #921 on: July 23, 2012, 03:55:11 PM »
On a game note, I know it says there is a city on Myrkr, but I thought it sounded more interesting to act like it had been abandoned then just have another planet just surrender like scared little girls cause they have a total of 100 soldiers, lmao. So just say you cleaned up the city and repopulated it, it would have been yours either way. Just tossing a little flavor into the mix.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #922 on: July 23, 2012, 04:02:58 PM »
  Dude.  You got what, 3 kids?   Two less and you, your wife and one child would be much better off.  Unless the other two are earning you government money, which is a separate problem ;p

  The point is Every single day of your life up until this point there have been decisions you made that could drastically change what the state of things is NOW.

  I have no kids, I'm not married, I'm an only child.  One parent deceased.  The other still works by choice (she could retire if she wanted).  I earn tween 40-50k a year.  I pay 28% of that in taxes. I get no government money back.

  You get government money yes (thought you said that)?  Why?  They should give it back to me right?  I worked for it.  So for starters, send me my money.  Now you're on track with setting things in the world right and the chances of it coming back around for you are that much better ;p

  You're expecting Fairness?  I don't ever expect fairness out of anything in the world.  Whether that's attributed to my spiritual convictions (militant atheism) or some other set of absorbed qualities *shrug*.  To me, Human beings are just animals with freakish intellectual capacity that does us as much harm as good, and complex social behaviors.  
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #923 on: July 23, 2012, 04:04:00 PM »
On a game note, I know it says there is a city on Myrkr, but I thought it sounded more interesting to act like it had been abandoned then just have another planet just surrender like scared little girls cause they have a total of 100 soldiers, lmao. So just say you cleaned up the city and repopulated it, it would have been yours either way. Just tossing a little flavor into the mix.

I think planet surrendering is bupkis.  The IR acquisition of Dantooine in such a manner is BS.  Can I have Raxus for free like that? ;p

Whatever the time estimated to fight the PDF (2 days/1 days of exchange?) inbetween the other actions made at Dantooine should be assessed as a penalty against the ISDII/pertinent units.  For said period of time it is frozen.

It's bad enough that the Empire has the personality luxury of invading independent systems to get them, and the NR is bound by IC behavior to do most annexation through diplomacy, but to make it even easier on Imperial elements as to have surrenderings going on (negligent PDF or not), that's a bit far.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 04:31:00 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #924 on: July 23, 2012, 04:39:54 PM »
Diplomacy and Democracy is what has, is, and will always make the Republic weak!



Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #925 on: July 23, 2012, 06:27:02 PM »
(whoops. .)

Surrender at Myrkr and Dantooine,

  Am I the only one (who has not benefited from these instances),  that considers it rule bending bullshit?

  Taken directly from Rules > Missions, Flashpoints section.  I don't see anything regarding option for Surrender, and i'd like to call special attention to Note #2, which specifically spells out what is suppsoed to happen according to rule of rules.  I'd note, none of that happened at Myrkr or Dantooine.

Mission Requirements: Imperial Officer or Imperial Sith (Sith Lord)
Cross-Class Penality: Imperial Leaders attempting Conquest must take a +2 Day stacked penalty (+2, +4, +6, +8) for each Milestone (i.e. Milestone #4 will require 28 Days).
1. Take your Fleet Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone, perform an Active Scan of the System. Please post locations for the System's units once your scan is completed (24 hours).
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and give you a warning. If you move to the B-Ring, the System will consider your presence hostile and send out a galaxy-wide distress call (x1 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1 [5 Days]: Disable all units making up Space PDF. For each platform, capital ship, starfighter squadron, or auxiliary craft destroyed, add 10 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [10 Days]: Destroy all ground units making up the Ground PDF. For each Infantry Squad and GAV you destroy, add 1 KC to your Account.
Milestone #3 [15 Days]: The system can now be declared under control of the GE or IR; Immediately add a "spoils of war" victory prize of 1000 KCs to your Account. You can now start building facilities on the System at will.
Milestone #4 [20 Days]: Build an Imperial Sector Palace on the System. Once you complete this Milestone, your character gets a free ability upgrade (if fully upgraded, transfer 1000 KCs to your Account) due to the experience gained from battle.

  Hale, I would like a Ruling and Explanation on all of this, including your own assimilation of Dantooine.  For starters, no one should be allowed to command a PDF for someone else if they are just going to surrender since a player is by default expected to control their own enemy neutral PDFs and to do so realistically with the intention of beating themselves.  I realize we are talking about nominal PDF's here, but the fact remains losses could be sustained, there is a well defined Order of Operations when performing a Conquest, and Surrender is never mentioned in it.  These various Actions require a specific set amount of time to be completed. Step #2 (not milestone) alone 48hrs or more. These time constraints on one player effect EVERY other player because units are being moved that would otherwise be occupied for longer durations of time etc.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 07:16:55 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #926 on: July 23, 2012, 07:56:19 PM »
I'm going to step in here and agree with Jay.

You are taking an operation that should be 4+ days and making it 1 day, and leaving defenses intact. The rules CLEARLY outline the milestones just like we have for diplomacy:

3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1 [5 Days]: Disable all units making up Space PDF. For each platform, capital ship, starfighter squadron, or auxiliary craft destroyed, add 10 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [10 Days]: Destroy all ground units making up the Ground PDF. For each Infantry Squad and GAV you destroy, add 1 KC to your Account.
Milestone #3 [15 Days]: The system can now be declared under control of the GE or IR; Immediately add a "spoils of war" victory prize of 1000 KCs to your Account. You can now start building facilities on the System at will.
Milestone #4 [20 Days]: Build an Imperial Sector Palace on the System. Once you complete this Milestone, your character gets a free ability upgrade (if fully upgraded, transfer 1000 KCs to your Account) due to the experience gained from battle.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE "DAYS" EACH MILESTONE TAKES!! At a minimum, 10 days must be allotted just for space and ground battling. Whether the outcome is inevitable or not does not matter. This show the rules say the game is played.

It makes expansion 1000x's FASTER (and speed matters) for Imperials and Ram who is not really playing an Alliance character anyway. The shit that went down at Bespin was BS as well -- specifically the mixing of SL with battling to try to get out of having to use a hero unit and go through the process the RULES CLEARLY OUTLINE. I can see where Ram is coming from -- a sort of RPG approach that you might try if we were sitting in a room with dice and notebooks -- but this game isn't played that way.


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #927 on: July 23, 2012, 08:00:20 PM »

Fuckin A

The Prosecution Rests

Adele has dun sung.

   And that tag team was just a prelude of what to expect from the NR Dynamic Duo in The Galaxy at large ;p

   There is no disputing the rules were not followed.  We expect compensation being the only ones who haven't gotten in on the flagrant fouls yet.  What is your offering?  ;D

   Regarding Myrkr, it is recent enough to go through the process properly so we can demonstrate for the group and all see how it works.  :-*
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:45:16 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #928 on: July 24, 2012, 03:56:18 AM »
I planned on pummeling Myrkr into submission without landing any troops. If yall wish me to still do this, no skin off my back.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #929 on: July 24, 2012, 10:05:13 AM »
  I merely expect the rules of Conquest to be followed when you embark on a conquest and a GM to enforce rules indiscriminately.  Surrender is not an option (hehe).  Rules for Conquest are CLEARLY defined in terms of required actions and time line.

Dantooine, Bespin and now Myrkr have all broken those rules.  I had a problem with it when it went down like that at Dantooine and tried to raise the question but no one had any input.  Now the "Cheating Surrender" is rampant practice.

Accountability of some sort for the previous violations are a must to balance the pace of the game.  The NR is behind everyone else because of those invented surrenders.  Myrkr should be done proper since it is a fresh poo.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 10:10:31 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death