Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 794615 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #750 on: July 12, 2012, 11:46:37 AM »
And yes, I know its only Coruscant and Mon Cal you get to bring PDF with, but at the current point in the game, the SSD is invincible. Dem could end it right now just by attacking Mon Cal. The battle would be over before I even got there, and I still couldnt touch an SSD with my fleet.

   If PDF left Coruscant, and everyones goal is to get Corucant, wouldn't everyone else go to Corucant when Dem left it with the SSD to be at Mon Cal?

   But besides that, I trust Dem's discretion and judgement.  I don't think he plays for the purpose of winning.  And if he does, I'm sure he'd rather do it in a tasteful manner.  *NUDGE*
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 11:57:08 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #751 on: July 12, 2012, 11:57:02 AM »
I believe he would need to be at the highest level of his hero to do that (you cant take PDf fleet unless youre the grand admiral or what have you). Still in 4 action days or less he could. And bring it on, I'm ready for an epic battle vs an SSD whenever!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #752 on: July 12, 2012, 12:05:12 PM »
Oh and so am I, just not with Z-95s and Lambda shuttles, lmao!

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #753 on: July 12, 2012, 12:52:58 PM »
I'm officially back. I may work up a post this afternoon, depending on how much work I want to ignore on my first day back. Then likely something tonight. Time to get the Hapans moving.
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #754 on: July 12, 2012, 02:22:39 PM »
What enables the creation of a PDF fleet?  1 facility? a sectors ops base?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #755 on: July 12, 2012, 02:42:03 PM »
The completion of any facility on the planet, from a sector operations base all the way to a little delta base. Anything enables PDF production afterwards. At least this is how hale explained it during the mocks, not sure if he changed anything since then.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #756 on: July 12, 2012, 02:50:31 PM »

Must PDF fleets follow normal Fleet rules? i.e. only 7 ships in a fleet, etc?

They must; PDF Fleet = 23 CPs / 7-ship limit, per the rules:

Space PDF Fleets
Space PDFs are limited to 23 Command Points, and operate the exact same way a Player Fleet. Bonus units to a PDF do no count against the 23 CP Limit.

Ground PDF and RGF
Ground PDFs are limited to facilities, that is, only the units that can be housed in a facility are the ones that can be permanently stationed there. Reserve Guard Forces (RGF) would be the equivalent to National Guard units employed by many nations today. Ground RGFs are comprised of entirely stock units at first but can be upgraded if a player so chooses, and they are always "active". The RGF has the following standing limits: 1 Starfighter Squadron, 100 Infantry Squads, and 10 GAVs to be placed in any Ground Grid with a facility.

What enables the creation of a PDF fleet?  1 facility? a sectors ops base?

To build any other Facility, you will need a Sector Ops Base or Sector Palace or Alpha-class. Some facilities don't need an HQ Base to be built, such as Embassies/Depots/Deltas. You need CONTROL of a planet to build a PDF. Control comes when you have a ground facility that is uncontested.

Also, I have a question as I cant remember covering it before, and it could raise a serious issue here if Dem catches on. Do the ships listed on our strongholds, IE: Endor has a free MC-90, do these count as part of your PDF when attacking another players stronghold? Cause if thats the case, Dem can go ahead and win the game right now by sending the SSD after Mon Cal. Theres nothing any of us could do to stop that currently. Likewise if Hop and I teamed up to hit Bastion, we'd be running an MC-90 and 2 MC-80s without even having to touch our fleets.

Where does it say Dem can bring the SSD to Mon Cal? You're extrapolating a conclusion based on the fact that everyone else can muster their PDF to attack Coruscant, but check the profiles for the Imperial Heroes. There is a little phrase that says "if defending Coruscant, then the SSD gets the Flagship bonus". Key words: "if defending".

And another thing im going to throw out for shits and giggles because it crossed my mind, can units choose to drop shields to be tractored? IE: Can I turn the shields off on my Omega platform and tow it around with me if I had enough tractor power? I mean, how do you think they got these big stations into position to begin with, something has to move it around.

Sounds odd, but feasible under the rules. 2000 meters is a helluva lot to tractor. Just don't pull that shit when attacking... or I'll create a gravity shadow so fucking big it'll make your ass implode and cause a blackhole.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 03:00:23 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #757 on: July 12, 2012, 03:42:15 PM »
And yes hale, my whole point was to try and figure out how to bring a PDF station with me into combat, lol.

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #758 on: July 12, 2012, 07:05:24 PM »
So, it takes 8.8 days for Bespin's distress signal to reach Hapes. Hrm.

That hyperspace calculator is cool, btw. Good job with it!
SWSF Rogue

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #759 on: July 12, 2012, 07:10:38 PM »
Ramano, be advised, if you can bring PDFs to foreign battles via tractor beam, the Empire can too, and we have more tractor beams than you ;-)

By the way, I'm against this tactic. PDFs should not be moveable through hyperspace in our game.

Now, Bespin and Dantooine bring up an interesting thought. Should the planet list include a "leans rebel / leans empire" notation? That way diplomacy would be more necessary at "friendly" worlds and conquest of a friendly world could cause other friendly worlds nearby to change their status.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #760 on: July 12, 2012, 07:42:28 PM »
I'm torn. I kinda like the idea of it being like an army lugging siege weapons to a well-fortified city. But would you really risk that? And it's just not Star Warsy.

The political stance is a good thought. Kind of what I'm doing with my Diplomatic Status updates in the Hapes thread, though that's really purely for storylining purposes. Be nice if influence changed, but I'm afraid that'd be too complicated. But a basic stance might be kind of cool. No one likes me though :-/ Cry.
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Offline Syren

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« Reply #761 on: July 12, 2012, 08:00:31 PM »
I like you. I would like you more if the hapans took down ramano and crammed that mc-80 right up his ass. In all seriousness, erasmar I'm a huge fan of your stories. I look forward to reading more of your adventures.  :-*

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #762 on: July 12, 2012, 09:15:15 PM »
Haha well that means a lot, Sy. Though I was talking in-character in terms of no one liking me ... I hope haha.

That said, there are plenty other worlds in the Cluster for you to start your own noble (or ignoble) family on... Just a thought, if you feel like developing different characters from your epic.
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #763 on: July 12, 2012, 09:30:41 PM »
Ok, for the record, it was more of a joke about the hauling stations around, I was expecting to get shot down at the get go, lol. Just tossing it out to see what levels of nonsense we can get away with. Personally, I think if I was GM I would have to rule against lugging PDF stations into battle with us, like others said, whether or not its doable, its kinda goofy lol.

Also, if we really want to get into bespin, that is technically an imperial controlled garrison at this point in the timeline so I would have been well with in my rights to invade it. With that being said wasnt it also stated that at this point in the timeline, for our game we were calling all NPC planets basically their own political sovereignty, and thus unless listed in their notes, dont associate with any faction. So with that being brought to light, I dont see what the political issue is here, im merely demonstrating to the people of bespin the error of that line of thought.

As far as my guy acting imperial, I beg to differ on this line of thought. Did my faction under orders attack without provocation another world, yes, but just because someone attacks you doesnt mean they wish to see your death and destruction. Think mandalorians, they are most certainly not imperial, yet they test others through combat. They make a point through battle. As I said, if you look at my attacks, those ships are unhurt outside of shields and armor. There shouldnt be an injury on those vessels outside of a few scrapes and bruises. I didnt come out to kill them, I came out to show them how woefully unprepared for the universe they are, much the way the mandalorians would have. Adopting the tactics of an enemy does not make you said enemy.

And Hop, Eid, keep in mind if you look at the notes under my ship, this is my character. A republic operative who the NR chose to "unleash" rather then control. The one person in the galaxy capable of taking the empire on under THEIR terms and still winning, by any means necessary. Being NR you guys should already have prior knowledge of this, its why I "fight" for the NR but am not so much "associated" with the NR, to do the things your politics dont allow you to do. If you want to break off ties with me over that, I am cool with SLing it out, but do keep in mind, just like I wont be able to count on you guys for assistance, you will also not be able to count on me, and remember, if Dem attacks me theres no possible way he can bring the SSD with, if he hits you, well your probably still fucked even with my help but breaking our alliance hurts you WAY more then it hurts me. But just so you know, this is the way my SL is supposed to work out, and the NR is "supposed" to be ok with it. This is what your commanders appointed me into this position for.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #764 on: July 12, 2012, 09:44:53 PM »
And Dem, you have more tractor power then me until I go get the tug stats for Aux, lol. AND I MAKE IT REBEL ONLY MWUAHAHAHA!!