Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793556 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #90 on: May 01, 2011, 11:53:44 PM »
And I will say the next person that complains about the transparency of my posts, and how im giving away too much information, FUCK YOU TOO. See what happens when we try and do shit covertly. Someone calls me out and you leave me out to dry to clean up the garbage. Like hop, any time you'd like to jump in here with my locations I sent to you, seeing as we are using an honor system that applies to everyone but me.

So now, the underlying issue here, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I dont have a GM to mail locations to as im the only player on the rebel side, and my word is evidentally not good enough to play in YOUR honor system cause I guess what your telling me is everything I will ever say is a lie, and im the only person on earth that would ever do such a thing as far as your concerned. So, without telling you every aspect of every part of my side of the game, how do I do anything???

And seriously, after this episode, dont you dare even attempt to ask me to trust you. I wont do it out of spite. So you really got 2 choices. Either A) End the game as you only got you and Xcal playing or B) face it your gunna have to start taking me at my word and trust me not to cheat as I trust that your not. And I think ending the game would be a hell of a waste over something so stupid.

I mean, you guys yell at me about my social skills and bad speaking management but seriously, look how you handled this. I asked a question, and instead of just saying "Do you actually have you fleet at Yavin?" to which I would have replied yes for the sake of the event, and you could have either A) changed 1 word in the event so it takes place at another planet or just asked me "Hey, for the sake of the game, would you put your fleet back at home, i'd really really like to use that for my event?" But no, you just fly off the handle, oh, prove it prove it, your a cheater!! And you have the nerve to judge me... Your worse then I will ever be, cause at least I got the gumption to admit im an unlikable asshole as opposed to trying to act like im someones friend while I sit there and judge THEM for the same faults I have.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #91 on: May 03, 2011, 03:13:58 PM »
And to address your PM you sent to Hop, Private Messages are just that... Messages. If you don't post anything on the board IC, even with an honor system I can't assume it actually happened, when all it would've took was: "Rebel Fleet with (*) ships entered hyperspace for *****". And then under the HYPERSPACE thread you could have posted: "Rebel Fleet exits hyperspace at ***** in Deep Space Zone *".  DONE. That's all you would've had to do. That's all I was asking for.

Do you honestly think I'm trying to destroy you? Why would you believe that? I made this game, I'm trying to be the administrator AND play it at the same time AND make it fun for everybody.. which includes YOU by the way.

YOU wanted building times sped up... I DID THAT FOR YOU.
YOU wanted extra facilities for more income... I DID THAT FOR YOU.

Why do you think I'm out to get you? I'm not.

Do you want to know my hidden agenda? Fine, I'll make it public for you: I AM ONLY TRYING TO MAKE THIS GAME AS FUN AS POSSIBLE FOR THE MOST PEOPLE, so I created the Flashpoint event to get people involved. That's it. That's my agenda.


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #92 on: May 03, 2011, 07:39:28 PM »
Actually I thought you did those things for everyone, I was just suggesting what everyone else was thinking, but if it was for ME, thank you. I just sit here and my every action is questioned by you, yet when someone else says your wrong, you dont even think twice. Not to mention you set this flashpoint off on my head, which yes, I understand was unintentional, theres no possible way you could have known where my fleet was, which is why I tried my best to be coy when I asked, which I evidentally suck at. But technically I did send my fleet to HS, I just diverted it with a message to my GM instead of going through the nonsense of redoing the whole post. Had I known my GM would have disappeared 36hrs later, i'd have never even contemplated that.

But again, then you come right off the board calling me a cheater instead of just taking my word for it and dealing with it that way. Even you have to admit it would have been easier to just say "Hey, I want to use that planet for my thing, I'll let you send your fleets home free if you just move them." Not an issue, easily solved, no arguements or debates. Perhaps I make a 1 post for my side, but again, you just say, anything there before I come out dies on my exit. Makes it real easy to decide to not want to be there.

And I give you the post, and I will relent on anything of mine being at Yavin, but honestly, had I posted "Fleet exits HS in **** DS" would it really have changed anything? You still wouldnt have known I was at yavin, and without my GM being here to confirm it, this exact thing would have still happened. Just saying, this is not my fault, I just wanted to ask a question! =(

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #93 on: May 03, 2011, 07:41:33 PM »
And just a quick check cause I know I was having trouble with it, am I doing the smuggling correct now?

Another question as im looking through stuff, and I know this is gunna sound stupid as hell, so bare with me, its why Im asking, lol. Can we have a rebel cell base located on the same planet as our RASOB?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:04:25 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #94 on: May 04, 2011, 11:19:14 AM »
Yes, your smuggling is good to go.

You can have a total of (8) Facilities per planet, limited to (2) per G-grid. What you build is your perogative.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #95 on: May 04, 2011, 11:28:30 AM »
Well, just throwing this out here, seeing as we are using this honor system anyway, and I have no GM, why dont we just do away with the secret posting and TRUST eachother not to use OOC info for IC purposes without one hell of an elaborate SL. As of now there are only 3 of us, I think its going to be painfully obvious if one of us is abusing the system. Perhaps if things switch to a more active standpoint in the future we can go back to the GM system, but for now anyway, lets do away with doubts...?

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #96 on: May 04, 2011, 12:14:06 PM »
May the 4th be with you all  :)
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #97 on: May 04, 2011, 12:36:52 PM »
Thanks Dem.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #98 on: May 04, 2011, 12:40:53 PM »

What would that look like though?

Full fleet movements? Unit locations? BASE LOCATIONS? Facility locations?

Details like that preserve the "Fog of War" that is critical for this game to operate. But if we lifted the "Fog of War" and converted GCW into a Conquest-style game (as opposed to the Real Time Strategy-esque nature of it now) where everybody knows where everybody is, so it's just a matter of who and how they attack -- then that's something I can't in all fairness I can't decide as the Administrator.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a contigency plan set in place for this situation. Greg and I made GCW knowing full well we were probably going to have 4~6 people total. Which is fine, because we do. It's just now that number of people aren't even active.

The other downside of GCW right now is that "Ashes of the Alliance" plays off the post-Hoth timeline, and so if we converted GCW into a normal GR/AE Conquest-style game, what exactly would that look like? I think it would turn into a Free For All, with every player (and/or faction) out for itself.

Granted, we could turn this into an FFA/Conquest, as I could make rules to create Neutral Planet PDFs for players to attack and such and give some more freeformness the the uni overall by letting every player be their own GM in a manner of speaking (like: why have another player manage neutral PDF when you can do that yourself? if you can play chess with yourself, then you can battle your own fleet with a neutral PDF, the only rule would be: no surrenders. you'd have to kill everything.)

The other thing about the "Fog of War" too -- Hero Units now become less Heroic. Now that I know where your Rebel Leader Unit is, I can send my Operative to kill it. Done. +100 VPs for me. Bount Hunters would become obsolete. Smugglers on Smuggling Runs would get ambushed. All sorts of stuff.

If we lifted the Fog of War, then personally I would feel more comfortable removing all Hero units and Missions. Everything you do is what your player character is doing, nothing extra.

Granted, we can simply say "let's just trust each other"... but when you're making hundreds off of smuggling runs every month, I'm going to do something about it. Who knows, a Bounty Hunter might just show up where your Smuggler is and Track the shit out of him, and then I send my fleet to destroy him.  Because right now, my character has no clue that you're doing smuggling ops... so why would I SL going to Tatooine or wherever to get a bounty hunter? And what would that be based on...? ..some gut feeling or actual intelligence leads?

That's why if we converted GCW into FFA/Con, then I would remove Hero Units & Missions, simply because they would get abused.

But when it's all said and done, we'd arrive exactly where we are now: the Summer Slump of Inactivity.  Though perhaps this is all my fault. Maybe Greg and I made a uni too complicated, and as such is too intimidating.  GCW really began as a Two-Faction Conquest game. We made specs, and kept it very simple as you can see, and made some great combat mechanics to balance things out (UCR). Facilities and such are a natural part of any uni, so that was a given.  But now what? We wanted to give GCW that edge by making it Episodic and Story/Timeline-based as opposed to a glorified boxing match between Imperial and Rebel units that was Galactic Realms and After Endor. We wanted to give it an edge by throwing in Victory Points, Missions, Heroes, (and now) Flashpoints.

Perhaps that was all too much? Maybe. I don't know. I think it's what makes GCW unique and even more exciting to play than a GR/AE Clone Uni.

Maybe it's not the uni at all and the SWSF itself. AE would've worked if everybody was active. It had fully functional rules and everything. It failed because activity slumped. The Lost Campaigns failed because not enough people were invested in it.  I believe Syren was correct in saying one time (not a direct quote) "you boys talk about gaming, but don't game. get on with the gaming. enough talk."

So, maybe I'm all wrong. Maybe GCW isn't the problem at all. The facts that have presented themself are thus: this forum is dead. It's the same story over and over. Failed sim to failed sim, with every failure arising out of simmer inactivity.

So let's just call the SWSF what it really is: it's a place where we AOL'ers of old can come together to feel nostalgic, but not really live nostalgically. For the people who are active on this Forum, they will have something that never fails them: Storylines.

Where does that leave us now???

Should we go ahead and have the Battle of Endor Flashpoint, and then simply have a post-Endor Free For All Conquest game? I'm cool with that. We can do the Battle of Endor just for fun while I rework the rules and standby for a REBOOT (yeah, I said it).

What the Reboot would do:
> No more "OOC Fog of War" (Rebel Base locations would be revealed, scanning and things of that nature would work the same)
> No more Hero Units as they are now (players would instead get 1 "Custom" Hero Unit of their own design to do things, like if you wanted to split your fleet into two task forces, you could command one while your NPC Hero commanded the other. In essence, this Hero Unit is a manifestation of your player's will.)> Reduction in available Missions (only "Surveillance" and "Smuggling Runs" would remain)
> No more Primary Mission Taskings
> Reduction in NPC Worlds (Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, Ord Mantell, Endor, Dathomir would become playable and up for grabs)
> Expansion of 3rd Party Options (neutral facilities, more neutral tech, etc)
> An indefinite "post-Endor" timeline would remain
> No more monthly Flashpoints (unless people think that's a cool idea)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #99 on: May 04, 2011, 04:43:00 PM »
Uhh, I wasnt saying we needed to go to that level of extreme, I was mearly suggesting when we move our fleets, for at least the time being, lets not hide it. If you dont like the idea, im perfectly ok with what we are using now.

Just understand, as the only current rebel player, your gunna have to take my word for stuff and trust im not out to cheat you. I mean, if you have a disagreement with how I did something, or if I did something wrong, please, continue to let me know, its the only way I will learn.

Personally, im against turning this back into a "normal" sim. The differentiation is what truly drew me here, id like to see it stay as is. However I do agree, player activity is what destroys everything, which is what I been saying for a decade now. We just gotta get up and kick a few people in the ass and tell em "Hey, do you wanna fucking play or not?"

We know me and you want to play, we would argue like we do over the rules if we didnt. I believe X still wants to play and is active as well. (However neither of you have collected your Action Day yet) So really we only need like 1 more player on the rebel side and to get dementat posting for your side. Currently im ok with taking you guys both on, and if I lose I lose, we move on to the next chapter and I adapt.

I just dont want to see the game end, if I did Id have just quit during our last arguement. There was too much hard work, and too much fun to be had to just throw it away. This is what makes or breaks a sim, when the people get inactive, those left step it up to cover the slack. Either we do that or we fold. Lets not fold with 4 of a kind aces!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #100 on: May 05, 2011, 08:00:01 AM »
Well I sent out a Wake-Up Call PM last week, only Dem bit the bait, so we'll see how things play out.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #101 on: May 05, 2011, 09:59:19 AM »
Seriously, this game is set that you need only look at it once a week if need be. For god sake, at least make an SL and let us know you people are still here! Im all alone out here beneath the onslaught of the imperial war machine! I... Need... Help!

There, I said it, happy now, lol!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #102 on: May 06, 2011, 01:19:03 PM »
Ok, I got a quick question on assassination operations, how does that work, and am I allowed to SL for my NPCs defense? Do you need anything from me outside of that?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #103 on: May 06, 2011, 02:51:11 PM »
Assassinations have to be airtight. If your Hero is where my Operative is, then I can simply SL killing your Hero. Originally, the GM was supposed to function as the intermediary, because all of this would be handled offline via PMs. If I had discovered where a Hero Unit was via Recon, I'd deploy my Operative on a "***** mission". That would be your only warning to an impending action, as you have no defense.

But who said I was trying to kill your Smuggler? =)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #104 on: May 06, 2011, 04:26:07 PM »
-shrugs- Just a guess seeing as I doubt your using that bounty hunter to kill one of your own players hehe.

On a serious note though, how is this gunna work? With me being the only rebel player, any time a person mobilizes a bounty hunter thats pretty much an auto-tipoff that your comming after one of my people?