Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793526 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2011, 03:31:38 PM »
ouch, sorry to hear that X. Are you still gunna be able to post or are you completely out of it for a while? Kinda important. =)


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« Reply #76 on: April 16, 2011, 06:05:52 PM »
Nah, I can still post, there just might be a delay unless Im actively checking the boards.

Offline Empier4552

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« Reply #77 on: April 17, 2011, 05:27:27 PM »
X Cal, set up a gmail account :)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #78 on: April 17, 2011, 08:58:44 PM »
Gmail is where it's at.


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« Reply #79 on: April 17, 2011, 11:41:37 PM »
Yeah, I slunk into the Gmail office n set up n account already.  Im just miffed.  I mean.. the fuck AIM?  The.  Fuck.


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« Reply #80 on: April 19, 2011, 01:45:46 AM »
Oooooooooooh man, we got VPs on the 1st?  I've got me some editing to do.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #81 on: April 19, 2011, 11:26:58 AM »
Yeah I think I wrote it somewhere that the first game Action Day was April 1st. Alot of people started late too, so feel free to backlog accordingly (you should just have your VPs for either a RASOB or ISP only though).


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« Reply #82 on: April 27, 2011, 01:33:54 AM »
I've actually got 130 VPs. 

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #83 on: April 27, 2011, 06:30:34 AM »
Let me guerentee your wrong, lol. Dont question what Hale writes, im learning that the hard way myself.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #84 on: April 27, 2011, 06:57:45 AM »
No X prolly had an Imperial Leader that I didnt account for. Which if so, gives him the 130. =) ? You can always question what I write. I make mistakes just like everybody. I just typically happen to have a rulebook to reference and back up everything I say so I'm not just writing BS. =)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 07:02:08 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #85 on: April 28, 2011, 10:33:58 AM »
So I got a question about this flashpoint thing... say a person already had their stuff posted in deepspace at yavin iv... when this starts is that person gunna get wiped out by the mandalorian fleet? Pretty much I guess im asking if a ship in deep space is doing nothing but a passive scan, if anything at all, or, persay an entire fleet, are the mandalorians going to know they are there?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2011, 10:56:43 AM »
It would be a very convenient posting up indeed if that were the case. And dubious. It's better to not assume any knowledge of the MLA Fleet at all right now because IC-speaking, your character has no clue it exists(ish), let alone is on its way to Yavin IV.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #87 on: May 01, 2011, 02:21:36 PM »
Uhh, no, my whole fleet has been sitting in Yavin IV DS since 4/13/11. I was planning on an assault on Korriban to make a statement, but seeing as my staging point is about to get attacked, I thought I should ask if you can flame everything I got on your exit post.

And now cause you took 4 days to answer my question and had to beat around the bush with it, im stuck with the entire imperial armada knowing where my stuff is and im locked in a combat situation.

Furthermore, honestly if you ask me, it was awful convenient that this is taking place directly where my ships were located sir. So yeah, before you start accusing me of stuff... why DID YOU pick Yavin IV for this, its not cannon to the story, so why Yavin IV and not something like Mon Cal or Taris? So yeah, just so you know, you planned this ontop of my fleet, not the other way around. So yes, indeed lets talk about convenient posting.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2011, 06:01:38 PM »
Uhh, no, my whole fleet has been sitting in Yavin IV DS since 4/13/11. I was planning on an assault on Korriban to make a statement, but seeing as my staging point is about to get attacked, I thought I should ask if you can flame everything I got on your exit post.

Please sir, direct me to the post under your DEMON BASE thread where your fleet actually entered hyperspace to begin with. For the record, you have (4) hyperspace movements, to include:
3 YT-1300s on April 5th
1 GR-75 Rebel Transport on April 16th

Clearly you have nothing to indicate any hyperspace movements other than what you?ve already posted. Not even anything under the HYPERSPACE thread.

So which is it? Did you deploy units without posting them? Or am I mistaken?

And now cause you took 4 days to answer my question and had to beat around the bush with it,

School finished up for me this past week so I went out of town for the weekend (in fact, I still am out of town, I just havn?t had internet access). I apologize for taking a few well-deserved days off for myself (which I plan on continuing to do until tommorow).

im stuck with the entire imperial armada knowing where my stuff is and im locked in a combat situation.

You?re not stuck with anything. Quite frankly, it was your perogative to keep your units at Yavin IV in the first place out of the dozens of other worlds.  And you can always move them if away now, can?t you?  This is of course all dependant on establishing that you had units there in the first place, to which there is no indication of that I can see.

Furthermore, honestly if you ask me, it was awful convenient that this is taking place directly where my ships were located sir.

Convenient for me you ask? How could I know where ANY Rebel Base or ship is at this point? Did you post your fleet moving from DEMON BASE to YAVIN IV? ...?

No, you didn?t.  There is nothing on these boards that give away anything regarding the location of your fleet. So why do you persist in believing that I have some hidden knowledge when the truth is really you?re the one hiding something (if you indeed have units at Yavin IV).

So yeah, before you start accusing me of stuff... why DID YOU pick Yavin IV for this, its not cannon to the story, so why Yavin IV and not something like Mon Cal or Taris? So yeah, just so you know, you planned this ontop of my fleet, not the other way around. So yes, indeed lets talk about convenient posting.

I picked Yavin IV because at the beginning of the game, when we were still deciding Imperial controlled worlds (for X and Dem), I posted the YAVIN IV thread in anticipation that we wouldn?t get a 3rd Imperial player.  At that point, no Rebel player stepped up and said ?hey, my base is there!? (which would?ve sucked), so this led me to believe that YAVIN IV was ?available? to use for storylines and events... namely an event that I created so some activity can be sparked on these boards.

GCW isn?t exactly active right now because from what I gather, we all have some personal shit going down right now. Which is all fine and dandy, but for those players who needed an incentive to activate themselves, I created the Flashpoint to do that.

I will rest my case when and:
1.   If you can show me that you posted ANYTHING on these boards detailing hyperspace movements of your fleet to Yavin IV.
2.   If you can prove that I KNOW EVERYTHING player related that happens both IC and OOC on these boards.

The problem is Ramano, you can?t prove any of those things, which leads me to two conclusions, either you are:
1.   Cheating, because you?re ?stealth simming?
2. Under the influence of mind-altering substances, which are not conducive to IC simming or legitimate OOC discussion.
OR 3. Both

So which is it? Do you want to play GCW fairly and give this Flashpoint a shot and actually see what I?m trying to do with it, FOR EVERYBODY HERE? Or do you want to continue to gown down this road of loaded statements and false accusations?

And please, do not patronize me with any sort of talk like "well I had my fleet there at the beginning of the universe because that's where they were" in order to get out of this one, because that is not going to cut it. You can't bullshit a bullshitter.

Have a nice day.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2011, 10:24:59 PM »
Oh you know what, im tired of having to defend my every post to you while you let your players do whatever with no question what so ever. Every post I make you scrutinize every aspect of, oh I need ScreenShots and Proof of everything, yet your own members say, oh you forgot this, and you jump on it like a bitch in heat with "Oh, I must have missed something". You dont even ask what is was? What the fuck is that?

And I know for a fact my opening stats didnt have that many typo's in it, which leads me to the only conclusion that your modifying stuff and telling me im wrong on a daily basis. And Id love to prove to you that my stuff is at Yavin, but the only proof I have is the message I sent to Hoppus back in the middle of april, and seeing as he's fallen off the face of the earth after I was told to send all my stuff to him, again, how convenient.

So where does that leave me, im gunna get bent over a table and have to take it up the ass because A) You screwed me over cause everyones time off always coincides with some major event getting ready to happen that im trying to prepare for, B) Cause you've had it out to get me since this started, like im not already bad enough off 1 vs 3 (And I greatly urge you to prove me otherwise on that), and C) As usual something I legally did is gunna get thrown out because like usual when the shit hit the fan, every person that im supposed to have working with me magically disappears with everything Ive sent em.

I mean seriously, if you dont want me here, you need only say the word. I will leave without a sliver of an argument, I dont have anything invested in this, go ahead. But honestly, quit trying to screw me over. If you didnt want my stuff at Yavin, even though its there legally, then just simply say "Yes, if your stuff is there im gunna destroy it ALL on my exit. I will be happy to move it for your event, in fact, you could just ask. But quit fucking calling me a cheater, none of you are good enough for me to need to cheat. And fuck you and your proof, even if I had it to send to you why should I be expected too?! You dont ask none of your people to prove anything, why should I? Where was X's proof, I looked, yeah he collected it, but he never posted it, isnt that considered stealth posting?

So in closing, either tell me you dont want me here, or play the game dude. If you dont want my stuff at Yavin, just ask me. But if your going to insist on just ramming it up my ass, then I see no reason to even continue playing here. A game is supposed to be fun, and im not having fun if I have to have 6 copies of every action I make in case you want me to prove it.

And for the record, Hale dude, seriously, I-AM-NOT-TRYING-TO-CHEAT. For the love of god, theres only 3 total players, what the hell is there to gain by cheating? That would be like cheating at monopoly... what the fuck are we 10?

And let it not be misinterprited hale, I am not calling you a cheater either. Im just saying, your stuff looks just as suspicious to me as mine does to you. I mean, just for once, try and look at it from my perspective. Give me the benefit of the doubt for 10 seconds for the sake of an experiment and put yourself in my shoes. My fleets been sitting around for almost a month, suddenly in the last week ive lost my GM, all my players, and wham a non-cannon event explodes ontop of my fleet, and you jump out the water accusing ME of being the cheater. At what point am I supposed to believe this is NOT a move to get me to leave so you dont have to feel/look bad for kicking me? I know, ive used this tactic before in other sims, hell I did it to lazarus in LotR. The only reason ive even stayed to argue this out is cause I know for a fact you didnt know where my fleet was, so unless hoppus is purposely hiding, what the hell is going on dude?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 11:14:35 PM by Ramano »