Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 794675 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #675 on: July 04, 2012, 02:26:45 PM »
Another reason to hate ISDs: Tractor Beams. They can hold smaller faster ships and pummel them with 100% accuracy (hold 3 NEBs at a time, just to give you an idea, which cant withstand accurate fire from an ISD and its escort at all) - so it makes no sense to field anything small. The only ships you can look at or consider are carriers and MC80 or MC90.

There should be a UCR-involved bit for tractor beams, otherwise an ISD can pin down 3 NEBs and disable/destroy them 100% in 1 turn ($$$$$). Or pin down an RAF, destroy it in 1 turn, then pin down another, destroy it in 1 turn, and the RAFs; return fire would be 33% accurate (UCR =1 for tractored vessel, ISD = 3)

Perhaps tractors should only go against ships without shields and cant lock onto a ship until the post following destroying it shields (so in 1 post you cant do 300 dmg to drop a NEBs shields then lock tractors).

But i mean come on. Yes it only has 6 TIE Squads but:

It can do 1000+ damage at UCR 3
Speed of 2 and can run down ANY capital ship (no one gets away)
36 AUX (best case scenario = 648 dmg at 5 UCR and 2 speed)
Enough troops and GAVs to take on any planet surface
Enough TBs to trap 3 NEBs at once and destroy/disable them all in 1 turn!

I mean why dont we just get 23 CP worth of starfighters since our capital ships are absolutely useless cannon fodder that will just be expensive to replace? (4 QFBC + 3 Squads)? Do you want to face that fleet? Going in range = your ship dies next turn 99% of time, just a big waste of money to do 2 turns of 300-500 dmg max if that (less if it gets tractored).

My problem isnt so much with "fairness" as with "FUNness" here... i mean its extremely limited, the ISD is covered from every direction, you can go at it with small ships, you cant go at with MC80s, we dont carry mcuch AUX, all we have are fighters. And if we have a fleet with any number of those, it means sacrificing our ability on the surface entirely.

Sorry to be annoying and keep complaining about this but the more scenarios I run and math I do... something has to give on the ISDs. Speed, UCR, changed tractor beam rules, SOMETHING.

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #676 on: July 04, 2012, 03:46:41 PM »
Come be a Hapan! You get the following:

  • Battle Dragons: battle combined with dragons. 'nuff said. Don't even need to consider their specs, which are pretty good. Once I have 3, they'll be named Fus, Ro, and Dah.
  • Hetrinars: kick ass bombers, I think. I don't really know.
  • Beautiful women everywhere: no explanation required.
  • Charubahs: fantastic carriers, even after being toned down a little. Can take damage and dish out a lot of fighters.
  • You get to use the phrase "what's hapaning?" all the time: again, no explanation necessary.

Now maybe I shouldn't have put that list together, because now we'll have everyone being a Hapan and the game will just suck, but I had to. Take a while, think on it, have some beers, watch some flash-bangs, come back, and I forgot where I was going with this.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #677 on: July 04, 2012, 04:48:10 PM »
You shoulda put that "whats Hapaning?" Line over on me prior to Greg tricking me in to NR! ;p
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #678 on: July 04, 2012, 04:53:05 PM »
Ok hop I dont get it, you told me my argument held no merit then sit here and make the same arguments... ? As ive said all along, the ISDs are fine as is, so long as ALL variants of them cost 23CP to field. It should be a big bad ass monster if its the only ship you can have. Then we just put a 1 per game and make the imp players fight over whos gunna get it for the ISD II.

Its literally that simple guys.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #679 on: July 04, 2012, 04:58:23 PM »
Ramano I never claimed to make sense! :P

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #680 on: July 04, 2012, 06:02:23 PM »
Only Leaders and Jedi Knights can do Diplomacy. Officers and Sith Lords can do Conquest.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #681 on: July 04, 2012, 08:44:25 PM »
I think this is the first time I've felt depressed on the 4th of July (while living abroad) :(

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #682 on: July 04, 2012, 09:01:19 PM »
aw, there there, would it make you feel better if we went and blew up an ISD?  :)

look at it on the bright side, if you're not involved with fireworks or drunk people with fireworks, you have less of a chance of losing a finger =D
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #683 on: July 04, 2012, 10:52:05 PM »
What if we flipped the ISD's ratings to 1 Speed 2 Maneuver? It's still at UCR 3 but at least now you can run away from it.

Also Tractors should work against ships without shields. I'll add that into the rules.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #684 on: July 05, 2012, 12:00:06 AM »
Thats where the ISD was, and thats where I said it should be from the start lmao! Yes, that will be perfect hale.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #685 on: July 05, 2012, 02:16:55 AM »
So ISDs now have a speed of 1 and Sith can't do diplomacy on behalf of the Empire? Now I have to rethink my entire sim  >:(
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #686 on: July 05, 2012, 09:03:12 AM »
If Jedi can do diplomacy then Sith should be able to - Palpatine was a politician, wasn't he?

And the ISD is plenty strong at speed of 1, run a few scenarios. Once anything gets in range its toast, and if an ISD shows up you have to deal with it at some point, or get your planet conquered.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #687 on: July 05, 2012, 10:09:33 AM »
The diplomacy limitation is quite hampering.  I think any hero unit ought to be able to take part in diplomacy, perhaps diplomacy just easier for Leaders or Force Sensitives, less time required or something perhaps?
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #688 on: July 05, 2012, 10:54:40 AM »
The plebeians have spoken!

The logic behind Sith being Conquerors and not Diplomats is due to their Dark Side alignment and natural predisposition to be warriors.
The logic behind Jedi being Diplomats and not Conquerors is from their heritage of being "defenders of peace and justice".

BUT... I will add an extended time requirement if you are attempting a cross-class Mission. Maybe something like +2 Days for each milestone should suffice?

Also.. the ISD/ISD-II has officially been changed to 1 Speed / 2 Maneuver.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 10:57:37 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #689 on: July 05, 2012, 11:27:42 AM »
Hale you're too good to us! Too good!

And I'll be the first to vote for a reversion to old ISD specs if it doesnt balance well!