Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793595 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1665 on: November 29, 2012, 10:34:40 AM »
I just want to be clear, Med, Syren, I was also just fucking around, but Ive never read more then the first 5 sentences of any of your SLs not involved in one of the sims here. And if you dont play in GCW III, I promise to continue to mock and ridicule it until said day at which the forum finally has no one left to pay for it, or the earth ends, which so ever should happen first. And im going to live forever, eventually im going to figure out exactly what all this DNA does specifically, and im going to design a computer code equivalent to it. After that all I will need is a modem capable of communicating between the 2 and a replenishing supply of clones and you'll have to deal with me until time ends and yet still beyond. MWUAHAHAHAHA. You see, immortality is not beyond our grasp, humans simply think in such primitive 2 dimensional terms with far too much emphasis on myth and legend. What you refer to as a soul is merely a series of chemical and electrical reactions that with the right coding, could be easily duplicated on any computer and uploaded into any brain hooked up to it.

And before people go into things about how a body looses some infintecimal amount of weight upon death, do keep in mind that electricity is still matter. Strings of electrons flowing along a circuit. If it is matter, it has mass, and on earth, all mass, no matter how infintecimal, has weight. The recorded loss you find is simply the electrical impulses being produced by your brain shutting down. No more electricity, no more mass created by electricity, thus the loss of weight. You see, once you take religion out of the equation, its all pretty logical.

And the point of all this you might ask. Right now we have a text based half RTS, half TBS game that for all intents and purposes, if I wanted to id have way more fun just playing Empire at War. Theres no story too it, nothing interesting is happening, its just trading fighters and aux at different battles in a text based EaW game. So if you refuse to interject your skill and creativity into the game simply to spite me, then im going to make you feel how I feel playing this boring shit... tortured.

And please, Hale, Hop, dont misunderstand what I mean by that. I dont mean the game is bad, its far from it. The rules are getting about as close to perfection as they are going to get, everything runs wonderfully, and its had a lot of time put into it. But we have to face facts, its still a multi-player game. Without the creativity of others, its just another text based game. To work right, it needs everyone working on it. It needs the creativity of Syren and Med keeping the story progressing, it takes the GM(s) making sure rules are followed to the manner in which they were written, it needs protagonists like Eid and Dem, and Antagonists like me and Gall, to give the people something to fight for or against. It needs all of these to work, not just a portion. Yes, I agree I need to continue acting as a team player, which I feel ive maintained at least a B- average at. (And if you went to inner city public schools, you know thats pretty good, lmao) But you guys also need to realize that just because I called someone a dumb twat doesnt mean anything either. Have you never heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? Well, ok maybe not Eid, but... ;p j/k

But seriously, we all bring something to the table here, and if we want this game to work on the scale Hop and Hale are working for, we ALL need to BE at the fucking table. To not play out of spite doesnt effect me what so ever, gives me something to use against you if nothing else (see good in bad, good philosophy) but you insult the creators of the game, to which I have nothing to do with. And if you do that to my boy smash... I will verbally eviscerate you. You will be punished. I will fall you! Pain... great... pain! Do you get my drift?

Enough of the bullshit people, we are adults here now, all working for the same goal one way or another. Lets get with the program and quit acting like the american political machine and lets work together for the greater good!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1666 on: November 29, 2012, 10:42:55 AM »
It appears the creature has a brain and a mouth to speak with it after all.

Congratulations Ramano, you just got upgraded to... Stock Light Freighter.

Online SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1667 on: November 29, 2012, 10:50:18 AM »
I actually fully agree with you Ramano. I myself am guilty of not getting the story up and rolling and then fading away. I have two excuses: 1) sometimes posting a part of an SL feels like I'm just screaming into a void... can't even hear my own echo. My story/character/sim is so vastly disconnected from every other player, it is hard to keep interest/feel it matters; and 2) I keep getting stuck with NR characters and gaming, as I always want to be Empire but ALWAYS end up having take the NR :P

In other areas though, GCW2 is mostly EaW but worse - you dont even have a computer to play against most of the time, but just your own self. Just look at the first months of GCW2 as each player went around battling themselves at neutral worlds. One of the other major ways to interact outside of story, in battle, again removed from the equation.

Things have gotten better. There's a little more happening. But even with some battles, there is this huge void. I'm sure my feelings in this regard are more acute because I am bored with my sim and my character is a cardboard cutout without a soul (and I dont give a shit about him). I am stating to piece together some ideas for the Hapans when GCW3 starts, and trying to find the main characters I can use that will be interesting to throw into each other and other players.

I definitely think we ought to have a Character OOC thread where we can talk about our plans, characters, and network with each other to lay some ground work for more story.

GCW3 absolutely MUST have a narrative drive (or many of them). I know Hale likes to be hands off when possible and let people be creative, but perhaps setting the stage before GCW3 would be a good idea. Maybe we should all put the same energy that Hale and I are putting into tweaking the gameplay into preparing the stories and characters of our sims for GCW3 as well.

One idea that occurs to me is having each of us write up a sort of "intelligence report" - identify key characters, some information about their past, a summary of the political tensions, etc etc whatever strikes your fancy. A briefing for all the other players. Then we can put together some sort of larger plan that will tie us all in together, making it easier for us to interact and connect our stories.

I don't know. But yes, we need Narrative Drive!

Online SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1668 on: November 29, 2012, 10:52:05 AM »
It appears the creature has a brain and a mouth to speak with it after all.

Congratulations Ramano, you just got upgraded to... Stock Light Freighter.


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1669 on: November 29, 2012, 11:22:48 AM »
Well, its like I said, ive come to the realization that I can not sim by myself, so if I want a sim to play in I better play as part of the team. But me and 2 other players alone does not a sim make either. From what ive seen here with the low player count sims, we need at least 7 players. 4 Players for the main factions, 2 for each empire/rebel, then we need at least 2 outside faction major players, that keeps the story going, and 1 person to act as an indie to throw a monkey wrench around once and a while.

Who gets what and goes where, thats a debate for another time, but for the immediate future, we need to get at least 7 active players together just to get this off the ground. Any forward progress should depend upon having the active players for the factions before we even start to worry about it. I dont see a reason, and if people should so choose, that players couldnt just jump in on GCW 2 here simply for character building for GCW 3. Do like Eid is doing with a non-combat faction just setting up his story. We'll leave you alone while you write your stuff, just like we've left Eid alone while he does his stuff. Im basically counting this whole episode as rule testing for Episode 3 anyway. Shouldnt be any problem with others using it as a jump off point to get into GCW 3.

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1670 on: November 29, 2012, 12:15:32 PM »
All lovely points despite Ramano's lack of finess when it comes to the art of the pitch. I said I was considering a cameo in GCW EpIII but it's not something I can guarantee to expand into a fully active member. Real life prevents such activity. Med and I keep in contact in regards to things going on in our lives so we're not left hanging if someone doesn't post. Thus why I have secondary characters and storylines to continue if I cannot make a move in the primary narrative.

Med is seeking career and preparing for spawn. Congrats, btw, on the spawn part. A laywer and a dad. Very cool. That's me being supportive.

My career is insanely demanding and requires travel although I still manage to be fairly active on the forum. Also, I'm planning a fucking wedding here, people. Those of you who are married surely remember how much time and effort goes into that.

So hate all over it if you want, Ramano. I doubt its going to sadden Medivh in the slightest and Lord knows I will claw your eyes out if given even half the chance. I said I would consider it and that's exactly what I will do. Pushing it is only going to sour my interest. So do me a favor and shut it.  :D

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1671 on: November 29, 2012, 12:58:45 PM »
Also, I read everything everyone posts because I support your efforts. I like to know what's happening.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1672 on: November 29, 2012, 02:12:46 PM »
It was directed at more then just you, lol.

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1673 on: November 29, 2012, 02:32:40 PM »
It was directed at more then just you, lol.

I was just impressed that you decided to take after Alexander Winton's method of living forever, using computers to imitate the functions of humans.
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1674 on: November 29, 2012, 02:39:24 PM »
Bruce Lee was using The Force.

Online SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1675 on: November 29, 2012, 02:39:52 PM »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1676 on: November 29, 2012, 03:15:28 PM »
Do like Eid is doing with a non-combat faction just setting up his story. We'll leave you alone while you write your stuff, just like we've left Eid alone while he does his stuff.

Well the timeline of what's going on in the SL and Mock there in no way are in time with the CURRENT and NOW in GCWII.  Those unit's don't exist as stated, where as others not stated or talked about in the story do exist in the CURRENT/NOW =)

What I mean is, 2 ISDIs and a VSDII say it's more of a courtesy to yourself than to me to leave Kessel alone ;D

Even if managing a Mock and a Real battle in one thread at the same time would be an awful cluster fuck.   :o
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 03:18:14 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1677 on: November 29, 2012, 03:53:06 PM »
@ Greg

I like the idea of mildly structuring our character relations.  Good call on the Lounge Thread.  I will get involved in getting my character/faction/relations more explicitly described and laid out over there once I get to a comfy position in my Kessel thread SL progress.

I think it could help a good deal encourage main character interaction and create a dynamic where we've all got these intertwined stories weaving around besides simply conquering for gameplay tangibles etc.
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1678 on: November 29, 2012, 10:15:08 PM »
Well, unfortunately Eid, Dem is counting on that exact same defense plan and he's about to find out quickly its only so effective. =)

I have a hobby of turning ISDs into asteroid belts, and Thyferra's grows large.

And Med, im not trying to use a computer to mimic the functions of humans, cybernetics although wonderful in theory, im not willing to have implanted into me just yet. Primitive technology and all. Im only using the computer as a medium to hold my "consciousness" to be uploaded into the next available clone in the event of my untimely demise. Every night before bed, re-upload my brain and that way worst case scenario I lose less then 24hrs worth of time, which is not that big of a deal when talking in lifespan terms like I am. Whats less then a day in the face of hundreds of thousands of years?

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1679 on: November 29, 2012, 10:18:07 PM »
Well, unfortunately Eid, Dem is counting on that exact same defense plan and he's about to find out quickly its only so effective. =)

I have a hobby of turning ISDs into asteroid belts, and Thyferra's grows large.

And Med, im not trying to use a computer to mimic the functions of humans, cybernetics although wonderful in theory, im not willing to have implanted into me just yet. Primitive technology and all. Im only using the computer as a medium to hold my "consciousness" to be uploaded into the next available clone in the event of my untimely demise. Every night before bed, re-upload my brain and that way worst case scenario I lose less then 24hrs worth of time, which is not that big of a deal when talking in lifespan terms like I am. Whats less then a day in the face of hundreds of thousands of years?

Still similar ... and why not have automatic uploads, every hour or so?  Technology will allow for almost instantaneous download/upload, and so you won't lose even a full day's worth in the event of your untimely (or timely) demise.
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