Author Topic: OOC Chat  (Read 793476 times)

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1590 on: November 18, 2012, 03:50:28 PM »
I'll be in and out of the forum this week. I'm hosting IT-Guy's parents for Thanksgiving which I somehow agreed to do at our house this year. His parents are pretty chill for in-laws but I want to strangle his sixteen year old sister. I don't know how one person can purposefully make themselves that hideous. Think Twilight-Goth with a distaste for anything resembling presentable. Large quantities of wine and klonopin will be consumed.

Your HOSTING thanksgiving?  does this mean you are cooking too?  That would seem to be a bit too .. domestic.

OR, maybe have the sixteen year old do all the cooking.  Then, she'll be in the kitchen the entire time, and your problems will be solved
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Offline Syren

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« Reply #1591 on: November 18, 2012, 04:35:27 PM »
I know, right? The Turkey is thawing in the fridge and I'm actually going to the grocery store with a list. A list! When it was first brought up I demanded we cater it but, to my complete surprise, he wanted to do something traditional. His parents have been very cool over the years through the loss of my own and relationships are about compromise so here I am. A hostess in heels. I'm going to get his sister a make over by hook or by crook. So, It's tradition with an ulterior motive. His classic charm, my evil ways. Somehow it works.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1592 on: November 18, 2012, 04:35:49 PM »
ROFLMAO! Med, this is Syren we are talking about. Of course it will be catered. Who the fuck sits around for 10hrs cooking a turkey anyway?! What a waste of 10hrs...

And Hale, the issue is not whether or not his hero is there. His hero is at Thyferra attacking. The issue is, does he get to collect money for stuff destroyed as per milestone #1 completion bonus even if he doesnt complete the milestone. He cant win at Thyferra, so he's wants to just collect creds on what he destroyed and bug out.

Im contesting the rules assumingly state that you cant collect a milestone bonus without completing the milestone. Thus, it doesnt matter how much he kills at Thyferra, he cant collect creds until ALL of my space PDF is neutralized. The ruling is needed on Dem claims such things are not stated in the rules therefore he should still get to collect for the 19 shuttles and 6 fighter squads he killed, and im saying it is stated in the rules, and if he had a question he should have asked before just trying to do it and see what happens, and no he should not get to collect anything unless he can fully complete milestone 1.

Hope that clears things up a tad?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1593 on: November 18, 2012, 05:00:46 PM »
The Milestones are not exclusive of each other. In order to complete the Mission, each Milestone must be completed; but we can do Milestone 1 all day long and collect cash even if the Milestone itself will never be fully completed, because the two requirements of "destroy the PDF" and "collect money" are independent of each other. Try not to think of it as "destroy the PDF THEN collect cash" and instead "destroy the PDF AND collect cash".

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1594 on: November 18, 2012, 05:12:00 PM »
That makes no sense, this whole game you've painted a picture that the rewards were exactly that, rewards for completion of a milestone. Case and point, the ruling on back about Thyferra for the milestone 3 completion. You specifically said it was a reward. So now your saying some are rewards and some are, well it depends on the situation and who's involved. Summed up.

-sighs- I love the GM... I love the GM... I love the GM... -mutters to himself as he goes back to the battlefields shaking his head-
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 05:16:10 PM by Ramano »

Online SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1595 on: November 18, 2012, 09:04:15 PM »
Sorry i feel for ramano, as im forced to sit 18 days for the milestone to complete myself, and it is unclear if dem can show up with a pdf fleet still or not, if its a neutral system or not, but he can get scans still and enter in c ring, etc... Lots of just deciding on how things work in hte moment here which i guess is unavoidable, but if i have to wait to complete a ilestone to have the benfits of that milestone, i think rams is right on dem and the cash for kills scnario.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1596 on: November 18, 2012, 09:16:21 PM »
Dammit these Missions are going to be the end of me!

So what your saying is: the milestone must be completed in its entirety if the rewards for it are to be gained? If that's how I'm understanding it, then I would have to agree, although personally I'd like to see Milestone 1 operate as a blanket cash-for-kills system, I see where you guys are coming from.

GM Ruling Dementat, in order to cashout your chips you must complete Milestone 1 in its entirety, to include destroying the entire PDF. As for everyone else, treat all Milestone requirements as an AND logic system. Thank you for your understanding.

GM Vote Request Would everyone be in favor of a "cash-for-kills" payment system a la the Conquest mission that is active at all times?

Online SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #1597 on: November 18, 2012, 09:24:01 PM »
yes to the vote, and I like your intentions to work that in under current missions Hale, but just for the sake of consistency until Dem blows us up with his deathstar its the right call imo... :P

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1598 on: November 18, 2012, 09:28:11 PM »
Thanks for wasting a week of my time. I'm glad we are working out all the holes in the rules. Maybe in EIII we will have our shit together.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1599 on: November 18, 2012, 10:19:14 PM »
With all due respect to everyone playing, I really do have to agree with Dem on that. Both him and I have been at the receiving end of a lot of bullshit that should have been hashed out long before this episode was launched. Questions that when looked at, show the speed with which this was rushed into service. Im coming into battles that should have X amount of craft and have to fight 3x as much, Dem is having his work just tossed out the window, and hop is sitting in a position where he's in control of a planet he cant do anything with due to incomplete scanning rules.

Normally im not much for this, but perhaps we should just stop everything at the current moment, send everyones fleets back home, and institute a temporary pause to the game until all this stuff can be sorted out while we arnt in the middle of combat witnessing surprise after surprise that shouldnt be?

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #1600 on: November 18, 2012, 10:42:42 PM »
Well, if we continue to play we will continue to find the things that need fixing. I don't believe the guys rushed this, but I do think they underestimated the depth at which you and I would pick it apart ;-)

As for your unexpected amount of fight you stepped in at Rendili, what did you expect? It is a staging point to me as Thyferra is to you. I built those T/I with the intent of restocking my fleet with them after Thyferra, but the Burden of Command doesn't allow it so I kept them there. Visit my other worlds and you will find several others are also well defended.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1601 on: November 18, 2012, 10:49:28 PM »
If everyone could please list some changes they'd like to see under the Developer's 2.0 thread, that would be appreciated. I don't think we need to pause the game, but perhaps taking a moment to implement some transitional rules before we get Episode III rolled out, that would be best.

Also Ramano, sometimes you don't know how rules are going to manifest months into a game, and in all my benevolence of trying to create a good rules set, shit happens still. In the end, it is just a game, and we are all human. I'm not keen on gang-writing the rules, but it's clear we do need some tweaks. That's why I'd like everyone to use the Developer's thread to post your thoughts, and then Hop and I can privately decide on what's best.

In the interest of fairness, can we let Dementat collect cash-for-kills at Thyferra? Immediately transfer control of Eriadu to Hoppus?

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1602 on: November 19, 2012, 06:34:52 AM »
Well, the issue of planetary control isnt really the problem with Eriadu, the issue is how long do usable up-to-date scans last. Everything else happening there is clearly defined in the rules, he is a jedi and has to wait extra time for conquest missions. We just think its kind of crap that after almost 2 weeks with no contact to the outside galaxy that Dem would still be able to exit in Eriadu as if he still had up-to-date scans of it.

As far as Thyferra, yeah im cool with him collecting, so long as we work out 1 way or the other how payment works. Is it a work-as-you-go system or a reward system. I personally dont care either way, it just needs to be defined however we go at it.

And at Rendili, I was under the impression all of the sector operations bases had the same stats. Never actually bothered to look it up and by rights I was fully expecting you to try to find some obscure factoid that would allow you to restock that fleet while still in combat at Thyferra, as well as I was also under the impression even if its ground bases, if they have units involved in the fighting they have to be listed on the stats. When you didnt list any of those ground bases, I naturally assumed the fighters had to have come from the fleet, thus my challenge of it. Like I said, I wasnt challenging the legality of what was there, I just wanted clear stats on where each of the fighters came from so I knew none of them were from your fleet. You had 12 squads of fighters I couldnt account for, and a fleet sitting there that can hold 12 squads of fighters. The math was looking squirrely too me, thats all.

However, I still maintain all of that wasnt built for that planet, lol.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1603 on: November 19, 2012, 06:46:44 AM »
However I did receive a sign about it yesterday before I saw it. I was on my way home from GameStop buying Assassins Creed III and on one of the classical music stations they were playing the "Imperial March." No shit. I get home, boot up the forum and im looking at 30 something squads of fighters, LMAO! It was precious.

Offline Syren

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« Reply #1604 on: November 19, 2012, 11:39:48 AM »
So, it's mah birthday and as I transition into a solid thirtysomething, I reflect back on my SWSF adventures back in the day. All those afternoons spent in the Cantina chat room. The old boards and the change to the Space Wars Sim Forum due to copyright issues. How they disappeared one day altogether and the years in between then and when I stumbled upon the last version of the SWSF and how much nerd joy that brought me. Thanks to all of you for making this such a great escape from the vexing challenges of daily life. Especially you Medivh. The worlds and characters we created have helped heal the wounds of losing family and give me the rush of indulging in my Star Wars fandom.

I'm bursting with love today.
