Author Topic: VE: Corellia Shines  (Read 81489 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2011, 12:36:44 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Things were coming to a head.  Alexander Winton looked silently at the report before him.  All but two of the droid facilities had been destroyed.  Cast into the sea, under a landslide, a massive explosion.  It was no coincidence.  Though to be honest, Winton did not believe in coincidences.  Millions of droids had been lost, a huge expenditure.  Corellia, if it knew its money had gone to waste, would not be happy.  It would of course, never learn.

Undoubtedly, the perpetrators knew of the facility that remained floating among Coruscant's ashes, and probably the facility here as well.  And they were well equipped.

Both facilities, of course, were the strongest of those created.  These were entire environments, not just a factory or plant.  It would take an entire imperial fleet to destroy Centerpoint, and even then, it would still be a tough battle.  Which of course, was the whole plan.

As someone was slowly destroying Winton's backup plans, his main plans were moving ahead at full speed.  The war against the Empire had turned defensively, and Judec had sent him an order to fire Centerpoint at one of the four recent imperial conquests, at his discretion.

Of course, he preferred none of the options.  Dementat wouldn't leave his fleet vulnerable, so there was likely nothing to destroy.  Besides, he wanted the empire to draw nearer. He wanted them to target Corellia and Centerpoint. That was how they would be destroyed.

Which would happen first?  Success of his plan, or destruction of his backup plans?  It was like a race, almost a game really.  And at that, Winton smiled.  Even if they killed him, he would never die.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't take precautions.  He had analyzed, repeatedly the possible revealers of the truth. Those that new of every one of the droid facilities. And had ruled out all of them. Saga Judec, despite his growing hesitance, he would not allow a Corellian asset to be destroyed.  Scott St. Claire was dead, plus only knew of two of the facilities. The same was true of  Patten.  and Medivh.  Medivh knew of all the facilities that existed - had helped in each of their creations, in fact - but was also dead.

Or was he?

A more detailed review of his data showed that two of the destroyed facilities were destroyed internally. From the very droids who were built there.  Not a normal malfunction, and too time consuming for someone with explosives.  Perhaps Medivh, like himself, was not as dead as originally thought.

Time to check out the old dig, and see what cropped up.  He himself went aboard a shuttle, filled with some of his best X-Fighters, and set a course for Ord Radama.

He wasn't worried. He would be back in time for the fireworks.

Artemis had survived the death match against him by doing what he had to in order to survive.  He had killed.  It was a tough fight, and Artemis had almost lost.  THey were equal in almost every way, and both were being controlled. Artemis felt the ability, just a brief moment, where he COULD have stopped his hand, just long enough to avoid killing the other.  But that would have led to his death.  And so he let himself kill an innocent where it could have been stopped.

Now, he was in a state of dreaming again. Or almost.  He was grief stricken, and despite the drugs they were pumping into him, he found his mind was active.



His eyes opened.  His body was still in its drug-induced paralysis but his mind, his mind was awake.

It felt fuzzy, to be sure, and concentration was hard. But he tried.  Slowly, slowly trying to focus on one part, just one part of his body.  It was exhausting work, and several times he wanted to give up. But then, finally he did it.

He was able to voluntarily twitch his thumb.  And with that sense of accomplishment, he collapsed back into sleep.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2012, 09:00:03 AM »
Centerpoint Station

It was only a short hop from Corellia to Centerpoint Station, the massive structure hovering in the darkness of space.  The Corellian Corvette Vigilance exited hyperspace, shaking and rattling as the damage from its escape from Corellia seemed to take its toll on the entire ship.  The last of the thrusters died out, and the engines themselves had to be shut down to avoid an explosion.

Almost immediately, the ship was swarmed by Corellian fighters, and shuttles.  The vessel would not be able to travel close enough to the station, and its passengers needed to be securely moved as soon as possible. The ship was too vulnerable.

Outside the viewport, a sight to behold - aside from the station itself (larger than the death star, and still looking as ancient as it was), a massive, massive fleet of Corellian and unidentified vessels stood waiting in the darkness.  A fleet that in itself was about the size of the imperial fleet.
Not far from where the Corellian Corvette made its dramatic exit from hyperspace, In the bowels of Centerpoint, Artemis lay awake.

It was a feat in itself, fighting the drugs they pumped into the sleeping soldiers.  But over the past few days and weeks, he had managed to fight them just long enough to move his hand, and even his arm.  Using all of his effort, he dragged his left hand toward the edge of the bed.  Slowly, slowly slowly.

Here goes nothing.

With all the energy he could muster, he threw his arm off the bed, letting it slam into the IV pole.  As his hand fell, his thumb and index finger latched on, momentarily, to the knob, turning it ever so slightly, and reducing the flow of drugs in his IV.

It was still several hours later when he was able to get his arm back onto the bed.  And then threw it off again.  His hand hurt as it slammed into the IV pole, but that was good - it meant he could feel.  Fingers latched on again, closing the valve just a little more.

By night's end, he had managed to shut the valve completely, cutting off those drugs to his body.  Now all he had to do was hope they didn't notice.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2012, 11:01:10 PM »
Centerpoint Station

They had made it. Barely. The Corellian Corvette Vigilance was in bad shape and orders to evacuate come through to the shuttle containing the fugitives.
Kimber is shaken, distraught.

"They came for us...just like you said they would."

"We made it out."

Her violet eyes are wide and fearful.

"What about Corellia? What about my people? I don't want to see them suffer and die because of what the Empire believes I represent."

Melanie eases into a chair beside her, placing a calming arm around her shoulder.

"It goes deeper than that. The High Commander challenged the Empire long before we arrived. The Confederation is prepared to engage them for the treachery and malevolence they have inflicted upon the galaxy. True, Dementat knows what must be done for his legacy to survive but we have allies here. They will help us fight them."

"What about Karen? Do you think she is here?"

"No," Melanie says softly.

But she will be.

The shuttle takes them toward the station. It looms in the viewport, making Melanie uneasy. Rydan paces through the shuttle silently, seething while Agent Denton looks on anxiously. When they arrive, Trace and Rydan unload their luggage as Melanie helps Kimber down the ramp. Agent Cirque and Kent Carlson are waiting for them surrounded by a small but heavily armed squad wearing a version of the CorSec uniform none of them have ever seen before. The soldiers are devoid of expression and practically neutral to Melanie's senses. No thoughts or emotions radiate from any of them and they move without speech, effortlessly in sync with one another.

The reunion is short-lived as they are quickly ushered into lifts and taken to nondescript living quarters. They have no idea where in the station they actually are, only that they, like Centerpoint itself, lay somewhere between Talus and Tralus.

As the soldiers begin to leave, Melanie calls out to one.

"Please, is there any word from Corellia?"

His blank stare reveals nothing as the door slides closed.

The series of rooms adjoin to each other through a pattern of blast doors and soon the group reforms in Melanie's quarters. Kimber rummages through a bag frantically until she locates and hugs a pink frilly dress with a delirious smile. Obviously, Kent is the first with something to say.

"Something isn't right."

Agent Cirque growls, "So you've been saying for weeks."

"This is ridiculous," Trace mutters.

Rydan interjects.

"No, I want to hear this. Speak up, Calrson."

The reporter folds his arms, "We've been here for over twenty-four hours and you are the first people to speak to us. These people, whoever they are, haven't said a word. No one has given us instructions or updates on the situation. We wouldn't even know the Imperials showed up if you hadn't mentioned it."

Melanie tilts her head, "You say 'these people' like you do not know who they are. Are they not CorSec?"

"Not any unit I've ever encountered."

"That is hardly conclusive," Trace says.

Kimber shrugs, "Maybe we should ask Frank. Oh, no! Frank!"

Rydan sits beside her and take her hand, "I'm sure he's safe, sweetie but it is something we should bring up when we see him. I got a bad feeling from those guys too."

"I am certain the Confederation has various units much the same way any larger faction does," Melanie says. "Perhaps they are not authorized to report to us until they have something to report. All we know is that the Imperial blockade surrounds Corellia. They attacked anything coming or going, regardless of who they are."

"And why do you think that is, miss Jedi?" Rydan hisses.

Kimber scowls, "Don't you yell at her!"

"I'm not-"

Melanie gently cuts him off.

"Go ahead, Rydan. Say what troubles you."

The Mandalorian fixes his dark eyes on her flawless face.

"They came here in retribution for what the Confederation did to them."

Melanie shakes her head, not following.

Kent is on the same wavelength, "What the Confederation did to them with this station."

The statement is like a concussion grenade in the room.

Rydan nods, "Do you see now, Melanie?"

His says this venomously, the tone of her name suddenly sounding like a threat.

Her lips part and allow a small and barely audible gasp to escape.

"The Confederation used Centerpoint to destroy an Imperial fleet, to destroy Duro. You told me so yourself. Aside from us, what do you think the Empire came for? Decimating the Confederation fleets is only half of it. The real lesson comes in destroying the very station Judec, Farmer and, strangely enough, you are so convinced we are safe aboard."

And then he draws back, satisfied.

"The worst part is, it may be too late to start asking why."


Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2012, 10:34:18 PM »
Centerpoint Station

The Imperial message had reached them, sending the band of fugitives into states of reflection.

Melanie stands staring silently through a large viewport as the Confederation ships loom in the darkness. She is hurt and desperately trying not to be. Rydan and Kent may believe she has somehow conspired to bring them here but she feels differently. She had been so careful to avoid manipulation, to side-step any ulterior motives held by the clandestine and corrupt. She has done everything to keep them safe, to keep them alive. So disgusted was she by what Alexander Winton did to them that she swore she would never again let others dictate the course of their lives.

But Rydan's words have filled her with a reasonable doubt she could not suppress. Doubt, for a Jedi, was dangerous and could lead to an inescapable darkness. She had seen it, watched it consume Alexia and, in turn, circle back around to claim Karen. So many were already dead.

What stake could Saga Judec possibly have in their fates?


Kimber soaks in a tub filled high with bubbles. Rydan leans against it, stewing in his own thoughts. There must be a connection that leads directly to Centerpoint. He is convinced Melanie is blinded by an idealism he does not share. He worries though that Kimber may. From the time he spent with Valerie and what he knows of Karen, they were always more aggressive and sinister than the other two. Ordinarily, that would be a good thing but with this much at stake, no one can afford to be naive. Carlson knows Judec has been hiding something and Farmer is acting less like the supporter he once knew him to be of Valerie. He cannot help but feel they are all being played somehow, like it has all be a set-up from the very beginning.

It started with his brother, tied next to his lover, then to an unlikely friend and political ally and now, he holds a savior's life in his hands. Some High Protectorate he turned out to be. The only one he's managed to keep safe is Kimber and even that had been touch and go for a while. Still, she is alive and well. Maybe that's what is most important. Valerie sure seemed to think so. Melanie does as well. But where one was forged out of familial love, the other stems from that damn prophecy. The one he never invested much faith into. How much can the past really dictate the future? How many lines have to intersect before they are all boxed in?

As he turns and looks at her, he feels something deeper than guardianship. Kimber's light had saved him from the downward spiral after losing Scott. She was a salvation from the wounds of having Reef taken from him, wounds that had never healed. He saw promise and hope in her eyes, something he felt was slipping away. She represents all things good in the worlds when he was certain there was never any to begin with. It is then he realizes Kimber is the reason he fights onward, that he has not been lost to grief and consumed by despair. She gives him purpose and perhaps that is why she was placed in his path for protection.

She reaches out and dabs a cluster of bubbles on the end of his nose, an innocent smile pulling at her full lips.

What Rydan fears most is that were someone to extinguish her light, the darkness that followed would last forever. If his role had been foretold, and that's a big if, he would not fail.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2012, 09:29:23 AM »
Centerpoint Station

Artemis took a breathe, his first breathe in a long time. Freedom.  It had been - what, one night? two nights?  time really was hard to relate to in this prison. But regardless, it had been only a few days since he had managed to shut off the valve linking the drugs to his body.  And perhaps through luck, or because the technicians were too busy with other tasks, they hadn't noticed.  By day, he was still bound by the implant installed in the back of his neck, but by night, he was free.

The drugs had finished passing out of his system, and for the first time in weeks, he had a clear head.  Now, if only he could figure out what to do with it.

Sitting up, he looked around his surroundings.  It was the bunker, housing the newer experiments, known as the X-Fighters.  Extreme fighting machines, designed to be perfectly loyal and virtually unbeatable.

His first look around told him one bit of disappointing news.  Della was not in the same barracks.  And he already knew that come  morning, the implant would be reactivated, and he would be forced to be a drone again. Even if he could resist it, how much would that tax him?  He wasn't certain. Now could he deal with it alone.

Where was Farmer? Had he been captured or killed? or was he still out there, hiding in the vent shafts, biding his time?
Artemis knew what had to be done. He had to find the command control console, the one that would deactivate their implants.  Then, he, and those strong enough his fellow prisoner/slave/whatevers would have to figure out a way to destroy the station.  He knew there was an attack of some kind on Corellia. But the details and significance of that were still beyond him.  He only knew what he had to do, right here and now.

Rising slowly from his bed, careful not to disturb the wires and IV connected to him, he moved to the bed next to him.  It felt good to move on his own, but that was not the focus of this exercise.  Reaching the machine of the next bed, he slowly turned the dial, shutting off the drugs to his neighbor.  He could not reach any further than that bed without disturbing the wires.  He carefully slipped over his bed and to the opposite side, reaching over his left-side neighbor and shutting off the drugs there as well.  By tomorrow night - hopefully - he would have two others to share time with. And possibly make a better plan.  If they were up to it, they could then shut down the drugs of those next to them, and so on and so on.  Maybe, if everyone in the bunker were freed at night - they could make a plan.

It was the next morning.  A group of X-Fighters moved through the station in formation, approaching the quarters of the guest.

It opened, and they stepped forward.

"Jedi Masterton - I have a report from Corellian Command.  The imperial blockade is in full force, and the Corellian forces are preparing to plan an attack to break the imperial line."

"Have you heard anything from Director Farmer"


The X-Fighter had a flash of recognition and confusion on his face.

"Where did you last see Farmer?"

"On Corellia. Just a few days ago - do you know Director Farmer?"

The young fighter looked like he was struggling, and then his eyes went a bit vacant, and he shook his head, though it looked forced.

"No, ma'am. Apologies for asking, ma'am"

And abruptly, he turned and left.
Artemis felt his body betray him as he was silently making his way away from the jedi. She had seen Frank? He was back on Corellia?  What had happened?.

But perhaps more importantly, this was someone who apparently cared enough to inquire about Farmer. Maybe she could be trusted. Maybe she could help.
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2012, 12:20:30 AM »
Centerpoint Station

Melanie paces in the stateroom, doubt giving way to concern that borders on alarm. The young man that had come to give her an update seemed surprised she had seen Frank Farmer but denied personally knowing him. It wasn't the exchange that piqued her interest, it was the feeling she got from him when she asked if he knew Farmer. His expression, pained almost, seemed forced. There was a flicker of resistance, as if he was struggling then a flat calm. She believes this boy knows Farmer and now she must know how.


Kimber waits until Rydan has finally fallen asleep before leaving the room and padding out into the empty corridor. It is so silent it's scary but she wanders two doors down and taps the door chime. Kent Carlson is surprised to find her standing there.

"Can I come in?"


She pushes past him, "You can drop the suspicious routine, Carlson. There aren't any cams here."

"There hasn't been coverage for a while now."

She waddles to the bed and plucks the blanket from it, pulling it around her like a cape.
"And I'll bet that just burns you up, doesn't it? No one is listening."

"Oh, they will listen."

"What will you tell them, I wonder? About us? About me? I read your little stories about Valerie."

Kent smirks, "They were miniscule, weren't they?"

"Why do you hate us so much? What did we ever do to you?"

"I don't hate you."

Kimber arches a brow, "You sure seem to have some sort of fascination with us. I hear you are even writing the sordid tale of our lives."

"Who told you that?"

"Counselor Prescott."

Kent scoffs, turning away.

"So much for client privilege."

"That only applies to lawyers and doctors. She was neither of those things to you. So, tell me, how's the story going?"

"Circe would know. I gave it to her before she left."

"Have you spoken to her?"

"As a matter of fact, I have." Kent says with a flare of anger to his voice. "She regrouped with the Republic yet they somehow don't feel our situation warrants assistance despite the fact that it is growing more dire by the hour."

"The time table has expired. The Empire is going to attack Corellia."

"So it would seem."

"That doesn't upset you? These are our people, Kent."

"Are they?" he asks contemptuously. "You must know how fickle the public can be. One minute they are your best friends, your adoring fans, and then the next they treat you like a pariah. Your stint with as an Imperial Counselor proved that."

"I was blackmailed!" she shouts.

"Oh, don't treat me like one of the bleeding hearts who clamor at the chance to be near you. You aren't the famous model you were on Coruscant. You aren't even the charming CorSec undergrad."

"Then what am I? You think you know me, then tell me."

Kent is caught between being a painfully direct journalist and insulting an emotionally unstable pregnant girl.

"Your beauty can't conceal your cleverness even though you have relied on it for most of your life. In truth, you are far more intelligent than people have ever given you credit for but what I can't understand is why you have willingly followed this Jedi into imminent danger."

"She's my friend," Kimber says quietly, uncertain if his last statement was actually a compliment.

"Friendship only gets you so far."

"Maybe for you. You don't know what we've been through together."

"I do know. I know your parents set you up for something they couldn't possibly understand, something you barely understand now. I know your friends were hunted down and viciously murdered by Alexia Winton. I know Melanie fled after graduation, rumored to be dead, leaving the rest of you to pick up the pieces-"


Kent stares at her curiously, taking her in.

"You all suffered in her absence and then when she magically resurfaced, you follow her into the depths of hell."

"You followed her too."

"Follow her or die? That's hardly a choice."

"She saved your life."

"That she did. From one of your old classmates."

Kimber pulls the blanket tighter around her, "I don't think you realize how much pressure she was under back then. She was the only one who knew about the prophecy and couldn't say anything out of fear for our lives."

"Ah, yes, the Prophecy Persephonea."

"You say that like it's a joke. You wouldn't if you were in my shoes."

"It's compelling, I'll give you that but just vague enough to be left open to interpretation."

"I didn't buy into it either at first but then I started to see things in it, things that had already come to pass. The similarities are too glaring to ignore."

Kent sighs, using the information he has obtained as a segue.

"This prophecy was given to her by the late Queen Greyson-Winton which she stole from her husband, Alexander Winton?"

"That's right."

"Say your parents were manipulated by him into believing it was something it was not. That is, presumably, why they would go along with any of it to begin with. Why risk their children's safety otherwise? This prophecy is turned over to an impressionable young girl who then hands it over to the Jedi for further research and study. They translate the text, fill in the gaps and suddenly it becomes something horrifyingly significant to the survivors."


"So, it is terribly convenient."

"What? What are you saying?"

"That perhaps it says what Alexander Winton wanted it to say."

Kimber shakes her head, "That's impossible. The Queen told Melanie that Alexia was drawn to it when she was a child, that she led an Imperial excavation team right to it on Korriban. They dug it out of a cave."

He nods, "As if he put it there for her to find."

"Then how do you explain everything in it that happened? Even if he wrote the damn thing, how would he have known how it would all play out years before it actually did?"

Kent strides across the length of the room, "No disrespect to the dead but Alexia was unstable and jealous of her sister. The Emperor Dementat could have been pointed in Karen's direction. Melanie distrusted the Empire and was, if I am not mistaken, consorting with an alleged separatist faction on Coruscant which would make her the perfect target for the conspiracy of the prophecy. Your father sold Valerie's genetic material to the Federation and the end result, Phage, came after her as a direct threat."

"And this?" she says, running a hand over her swollen belly.
"Unprotected sex with an Imperial Agent? It happens."

Kimber scowls.

"What about the High Commander? How does Judec factor into this?"

"Winton could have gotten to Judec before Valerie died, giving him the opening he needed to seize control of the sector once she had united it in a military emergency against Phage."

"Well, you have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"It's my job to look at things objectively. You are all so close to this that it has become difficult to see clearly."

"So, that's what you think? We're a bunch of idiot fashionista's who fell for this hook, line and sinker?"

"No," he says. "I think it's one of the most elaborate and twisted plots I have ever seen. You may have left Alexander Winton to die on Hapes but his ties and influence span farther than anyone realizes. The speculative information he left behind is highly suggestive and those who stumbled upon it, by accident or otherwise, have made decisions based solely on his misdirection. The whole thing has spun completely out of control with all of us right in the middle of it."

Surprisingly, she is not enraged. She considers this silently for several minutes before narrowing her eyes at him. She knows better than to take him at face value, considering he has always had his own agenda in the past but the summary gives her pause.

"If that's true then how do we stop it?"

Kent does not want to admit it but forces himself to do so.

"I don't think that's a possibility anymore."

She closes her eyes.


Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2012, 09:07:59 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Rydan wakes from a vivid nightmare to find Kimber sleeping peacefully on her small bed. His heart racing, he eases himself back down but cannot help but think of the fates of those on Corellia as the hours pass toward dawn.

The morning brings no peace for him as he waits for Kimber to exit the refresher. She is wearing a short, soft yellow baby doll dress with a simple cardigan sweater and strappy heels she somehow managed to cram her feet into. Her hair is blown dry and flips off her shoulder. She smiles at him as he passes but he stands beneath the steaming water for what seems like forever, trying to wash away the images and feelings of shadows filling up rooms he cannot escape. He dresses quickly in a black jumpsuit and doesn't bother to shave.

"That stubble is pretty sexy," she says, dabbing pink gloss over her lips.

He shrugs, "Why are you so dressed up?"

"What? Fat girls can't be pretty too?"

"The only weight you gained is around your stomach. Most should be so lucky. Don't be so dramatic."

"Aren't we in a mood today."


"Again? Are you alright?"

Rydan shutters, "This place creeps me out."

"It is a bit sterile."

"How did you sleep?"

"Fitful at first but I nodded off after a while. I couldn't get what Carlson said out of my head."

"You went to see Kent?"

"Yes, last night. After you fell asleep."

"What did he have to say?"

Kimber straightens, batting her eyes.

"Apparently, we're all sorts of crazy and I'm a giant whore. Any events that coincide with the prophecy can be explained away as things that would have happened anyway. It wouldn't be stretch to say he believes we are overreacting."

"And what do you think?"

"That we're headed full speed toward disaster. I mean, come on. The Empire has probably begun their assault on Corellia. Even if the Confederation counters with everything they have, this isn't going to end well for anyone."

"War never does. Not really."

"I don't want anyone else to die," she says, brow furrowed. "That's a ridiculous statement, I know, but is it so unreasonable to wish this could be resolved without a massacre? A part of me thinks I should just turn myself over to them so it would be over with."

He moves toward her quickly, "Don't you dare."

"No one else would have to suffer."

"I would suffer."

"You'd get over it, run off with some moron hunk into the sunset."

"Maybe that's not what I want."

"That's what we all want, babes. Let's get the rest of our crew and get something to eat. I'm practically starving to death."

She takes his hand and steps out into the hall. Melanie is just coming out of her own stateroom in swaths of white robes.
"Good morning."

"Good morning, Mel. Sleep well?"

"Not particularly," Melanie says. "I wish there was more we could do."

"I feel you but sticking together is our best bet."

She nods, glancing past them as Kent enters the corridor. He waves curtly as he wanders over.

"I slept terribly."

Rydan smirks, "Join the club."

"Where are our agent friends?"

Kimber traipses past them to the other staterooms, tapping on each door chime as she goes.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads!"

Neither door opens. Grinning, she taps open the door to Agent Denton's room. The bed is neatly made and does not appear slept in. There are no personal belongings and no Agent Denton.


"Gone where?" Rydan says, moving toward her.

Melanie and Kent trail behind.

Rydan searches the room but there is no trace of Trace Denton.

Melanie strides to Agent Cirque's room and taps open the door to find the place in the same state. She inspects the small living quarters but it does not look like anyone has ever been there. The dull ache of dread begins to rise up within her.

"Maybe they changed rooms last night," Kimber says hopefully.

Melanie, Kent and Rydan open all the doors in the long corridor. Rooms are carefully inspected. All seem to be in a perfect state of order.

There is no sign of Seneca or Trace.

Kent leans against the wall casually, whistling.

"And you wanted to come here."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2012, 09:18:07 AM »
Centerpoint Station

Artemis's barracks was filled with desperate Corellian soldiers.  Through Artemis's efforts, all had been freed of the sleep-inducing drugs, allowing them moments of freedom at night, before the implants were reactivated on their necks at 05:00.  It was during these hours he tried organizing the men and women to come up with a plan, a way to escape for good.

They looked over the implant itself, trying to see how it could be removed, but none of them were surgeons, and any attempt might tip off their overlords.  They all agreed that the command station had to be destroyed, or any success would be short lived.

Artemis had started telling this group of sleeping rebels about everything he had learned, about the droids, about the weapon.  It was not pretty.
He did not tell them about Frank Farmer though - how he was missing (possibly), or about the newest guests onboard the station.  He had a feeling they might be able to help, as outsiders, but didn't want to compromise his or their safety.  So just before they all went back to sleep, back to that state of uncontrol, he managed to scrawl out a note, written on paper.  A warning and a cry for help in one.
It was the next morning.  A group of X-Fighters moved through the station in formation, approaching the quarters of the guest.

It opened, and they stepped forward.

"Jedi Masterton - I have a report from Corellian Command.  The imperial blockade has begun its immediate attack on Corellia"

That same soldier from days earlier, that same blank stare.  He reached out, offering her a printed copy of the recent data on the attacks,  his hand seemed to have difficulty unclenching but he finally released it.  Before Melanie or any of the other could say anything, he departed.

THe first sheet of paper indeed was the report on the war effort, not too optimistic.  BUt beneath it, in crumpled paper and scrawny handwriting, a brief message:

"Help.  Controlled by Neck-implant.  Find Farmer"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #53 on: January 28, 2012, 04:14:37 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Days have passed since the Republic agents had gone missing. Those that remain spend their time in an anxious flux. Save for the reports given to Melanie, no one speaks to them. They are provided food and amenities but nothing else. Now she stands in her stateroom clutching the note pleading for help. She knew something was wrong but mind-control was not what she was expecting. The implications bring her mind to a dark place filled with questions about why the Confederation would need to control their own agents. Just what were they being asked to do?

Rydan stays close to a panicked Kimber. Even Kent, despite his bravado, seems uneasy. Melanie debates sharing this latest development. To do so would risk pushing their concern into full blown alarm. She finds her com-link and tries to reach Frank without success. Where could he be? She had seen him last on the surface of Corellia, heading up the security team in place at the Gellar residence. No, he was with her when the High Commander requested a meeting. He accompanied her into his office. Judec dismissed him so that he and Melanie could speak alone. She struggles to remember if he was on the shuttle when she returned to the surface to collect the others. Her mind flashes over his face, tight and weary, watching them as they sat down to the dinner Kimber had prepared. Yes, he was definitely there but he was strangely not present with the team escorting them to Centerpoint. She did not have time to question it since the Imperial fleets had arrived at the same time. Attention was diverted elsewhere as they docked with the Corvette and charged the blockade.

Melanie tries the com again but there is nothing but a dull hiss of empty air. It's possible communications were disabled and CorSec had switched to something more secure to prevent the Empire was overhearing their movements and plans. Suddenly, she feels very alone up here on this mysterious station. She focuses on the young agent trying to make contact and considers trying to find him but remembers the last time they tried to leave this floor. No turbolifts came when they called. No other doors opened except the staterooms and kitchen. In essence, they are trapped.

Then it strikes her, a powerful memory lost in the blur of activity.

She stood amongst a team of CorSec agents as they forced open the lift doors to find Kimber Patten holding a smoking blaster that she used to kill Marius Guile. Rydan, Trace and Frank were unconscious and loaded onto stretchers that passed as she comforted a traumatized Kimber. Her eyes drifted across Frank's form, his head tilted to the side, something briefly glinted from his exposed neck beneath the collar of his uniform.

His neck.

How many of them had been compromised?

Melanie shutters, tucking the note into her robes. She grabs her saber and storms out into the hall, determined to get some answers when she spots three forms moving toward her at the far end of the corridor. As they come into view, she has to stifle a scream.

Frank Farmer strides proudly, flanked on either side by Agent Denton and Agent Cirque.

She has a choice, reveal what she knows with offensive action or play the role in hopes of obtaining additional information that could help them uncover motive. The years of pretending prior to becoming a Jedi kick on automatically. A bright smile spreads across her face, wide blue eyes sparkling.

"Director Farmer," she says warmly. "I am so pleased to see you made it off of Corellia safely. We were worried."

He nods, "As was I, Melanie. I trust you are well?"

"We are holding up. I am sorry we cannot do more to help the Corellian people. I know the situation has worsened."

"There have been numerous casualties but the Confederation is preparing to strike back at the Empire's advances."

She turns her gaze to the others, tone almost playful, "Agents, where did you run off to? I thought we had agreed to stay together."

Agent Denton's face grows taunt then relaxes, "We apologize if our absence caused anyone to panic. Director Farmer was briefing us on station protocol should we need to defend it."

Agent Cirque nods in agreement but remains silent.

Her voice never falters, "I appreciate the initiative. Perhaps it would be best if I were kept in the loop going forward. Our safety is my top priority."

Farmer smiles tightly, "Of course, Melanie. Should we check in on the others?"

"Right this way," she says, motioning toward the kitchen area.

Rydan, Kimber and Kent's reactions are less than subtle but otherwise genuine. They are smart enough not to hurl around accusations and settle for welcoming back the rest of their team. Melanie watches their movements carefully, smile never slipping while dread causes her heart to pound in her chest. One thing has become quite clear.

They cannot be trusted.


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #54 on: January 31, 2012, 03:10:41 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Things were coming to a head.

In the under levels of the station, Artemis spent his days in an agonizing prison, his own body.  At night, he and his bunkmates were working on how to free themselves without tipping off their overlords.  They were experimenting at times, trying to fight the commands the implants caused, but only Artemis had made any progress, and even that was minimal.

Artemis had hoped that the jedi would be able to help him, but it appears that no soldiers were being sent to update them anymore, for reasons Artemis could not know.

Frank Farmer too was in a state of turmoil, spending time with Melanie and the others, knowing he was betraying them, repeating their conversations from in front of him to the devil, Alexander Winton himself.  Winton always seemed delighted at Farmer's inability to disobey, making him all the more furious.  He also exerted himself to fight the controls of the implant.

And then there was Winton himself, cunning as ever, mindful both of his guests here, and the battle at Corellia.  Watching and waiting.  The Empire was slowly destroying the Corellian defenses, and soon, he would destroy the Empire's fleet, with one swift stroke.  All that remained was the arrival of Karen on Centerpoint, and all the pieces would be in place.

But no rush. He was patient.  Everything was proceeding according to plan.
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2012, 07:55:15 PM »
Centerpoint Station

The walls seem to be closing in. Danger and mystery seep from the station itself. As much as Melanie tries to tell herself otherwise, the decision to bring them here has taken on sinister undertones. She paces in her small stateroom with a mind she tries to keep from tumbling end over end into panic. The small monitor in the corner picks up broadcasts throughout the Core, most of which focus coverage on the Imperial blockade and, sickeningly, the odds of the Confederation coming out on top. The commentators speculate wildly with a grim casualness that belies the fundamental flaws of humanity. The reports vary throughout the day until she hears a name that stops her cold.

Her blue eyes focus on the screen.

Photage is interwoven through the narrative in a way she finds provocative and inappropriate when it cuts to a news feed. Karen Winton gazes icily through the screen, seemingly fixed on Melanie's face, and announces her support of the Empire's siege on Corellia. Karen looks terrifying, overdone and menacing with heavily shadowed eyes and darker hair than she remembers. The effect is chilling and hardens Melanie's resolve against her former friend. She had fallen so far from the girl who once feared becoming her sister. Soon she would come for them and Melanie would be waiting.

And there were larger, more pressing issues.

The agent boy's message and the subtle differences in the behaviors of those thought to stand with them bore into her soul. She says nothing aloud in fear they are somehow being watched or recorded. This silence, she rationalizes, would do them no good.

She needs allies.

That evening after dinner, she stops by Rydan's stateroom where Kimber is brushing her hair in front of a mirror, humming to herself, blissfully wrapped up in her own world.

"Would you like to meditate with me?"

He laughs, "Meditate? What for?"

"It will help you relax. Kimber tells me you have had troubling sleeping."

Kimber sways in the chair, grinning.

"Please," Melanie says. "It may be more enlightening than you think."

He sighs then joins her on the floor, kneeling.

Inhaling slowly, she taps into his mind.

("Do not respond verbally. Just listen.")

"Now, out, slowly, evenly."

He nods.

("Farmer, Denton and Cirque have been compromised.")

His eyes widen then narrow at her, as if this does not surprise him.

"The point is to regulate your breath and heartbeat, to slow down the world around you."

("You cannot leave Kimber alone with any of them. Do you understand?")

He nods, motioning casually to the next room which belongs to Kent.

("Carlson has not been affected as far as I can tell.")

He raises his brows, a question.

"Keep breathing," she says soothingly. "Clear your mind, let it all go."

("The agent who has been bringing me updates gave me a note. A cry for help. He claims they are being controlled by neck implant's which explains a considerable amount given our treatment by the operatives on Centerpoint. He asked that I find Farmer when I remembered something.")

The brows furrow.

"That's right, feel your body relax."

("Farmer is not the same as when I first came to Corellia. He had been forced out of CorSec by the High Commander and seemed content not to serve his agenda. Upon my return, however, he was in full uniform and apparently reinstated. This struck me as odd but not entirely out of character given his service record and ties to the security force. After you were all attacked by Marius Guile, I saw something on Frank's neck as he was being carted away. I thought nothing of it until the agent slipped me the note.")

Rydan frowns sharply.

Kimber hums a lullaby, fingers nimbly working strands of hair into braids.
"Everything is slowing down now," she says. "Your mind is clear, tranquil."

("I do not know how Farmer got off Corellia and onto the station. He appeared with Denton and Cirque after I tried to contact him on his com. This was not a coincidence. If they are being controlled by something or someone, it would be unwise to reveal anything in front of them. We must behave as though nothing is wrong. I will warn Carlson but I think it would be safest if Kimber focused on the child without further stress. Most importantly, we should stay together whenever possible. I do not want anyone else to disappear.")

He nods again.

Melanie smiles broadly and takes his hands in hers.
"There we go. Do you feel better now?"

His eyes tell a different story than the words leaving his mouth.



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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2012, 08:31:28 PM »

The shuttle made its hasty exit from the station, even as the imperials took control of the docking bay, the bridge, the armory.  The imperial forces were moving in, slowly battering the Corellian defenses and shipyards.  It would still be a long time before they had a clean shot at the surface, but now, it was only a matter of time.

High Commander Judec cringed in pain as he pulled himself up on the gurney he had been placed in so that he could look out the viewport.  Despite the imperial attack, his shuttle was being ignored, probably was going unnoticed.  He was already past the front line of the imperial ships, and only the interdictors and their support craft lay between them and deep space.  If only he could get there.

"Are we drawing any attention?"
"Doesn't appear so, sir.  We're trying not to fly too fast, and avoiding straight lines.  The shuttle is fairly unremarkable, and the Empire had bigger targets"
"Just keep an eye out. When I get to Centerpoint, I plan on mounting a full counter-offensive with the rest of the Corellian fleet. ANd find out why it isn't already here"
"Yes sir"

Centerpoint Station

Alexander Winton stood at the monitor, watching cautiously as the scanners indicated the battle occurring not too far away.

"Sir, the weapon has been reset according to your specifications.  It should be able to have a tight enough beam for the short-range targeting your have requested"

"Begin setting your target, commander.  00-00-025"

The officer typed in the coordinates

"Sir ... I don't understand.  That's Corellia sir"


"Well, how can we target our own people"

"You know what is surrounding Corellia.  The imperial fleet. Bent on destruction.  The strength of the gravitational field has been sufficiently narrowed, if your settings are correct, that it should not have a significant impact on the planet"

"But sir - what about our ships?  Our shipyards?  And we cannot be certain of the effects on the-"

"Commander, I can press the button myself, if you feel incapable of your duties"

"No sir.  I understand sir"

"Then activate the short-range weapon, tight-beam.  Now"

"Yes sir"
When reaching across star systems, Centerpoint's entire infrastructure was required to generate the power necessary to activate its gravitational weapon.  But to a destination so close, to a target so fine, that would create overkill that could hurt the station itself.

Instead, only portions of the station were necessary.

Across the entire facility, alarms began blaring, warning of the imminent firing, but the rotation of the base's cylinders continued as normal.  The central sphere instead suddenly began to open, a massive satellite-like device extending out of it.

"Centerpoint on Lockdown in ten seconds ..."
Loud speakers across the station relayed the countdown.


"Lockdown has been initiated.  Power diverting for Weapon activation in 30 seconds"

Everywhere in the station, doors were sealed shut, lights were dimmed as the weapon's immense power was focused.

Again, the countdown was heard, the station shuttering as the bright beam of light burst forth from that satellite, heading straight toward Corellia

Artemis heard the countdown from the barracks, listening as station after station was locked down. Power diversion?  He had a hunch, a risk to be sure, but it was better than nothing.

Reaching behind his neck, he fingered the small implant there, reaching over its smooth shape until he felt a small switch.  It was virtually imperceptible, and he would never have tried it with the station's power working. but maybe ...

Just as the station shuttered from the weapon blast, the lights went out entirely, Artemis taking a deep breathe as he flipped the switch.

A moment later, the lights were back on.  And Artemis felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.


Now, if only he could actually get out and finish the job he needed to do. Save his friends, his fellow soldiers, and stop Centerpoint from being used.


Mara was busy thinking about her approach to the station when she saw the light burst from the station back toward Corellia.  It was a burst at first, then a steady stream of energy, barely visible in the darkness.

Her first thought was worry - was Karen ok? was she caught in the blast?
Then she realized that the shot was just the opportunity she needed.  Flying her shuttle closer to the path of the blast, she pulled up just as she felt the gravitational affects beginning to trigger her instruments.  Gripping the stick hard, she flew parallel to the burst, praying its energy signature would hide her own as she made her way toward that instrument of horror.



Saga Judec's shuttle had managed to break past the line of interdictors, barely noticed, him still watching out the viewport, ready for the moment their luck would change.  THat was when they felt the sensation.

"Sir - sir we are picking up heavy gravitational activity"

This was it.  One of the interdictors had spotted him and was moving to prevent his escape.

"Keep moving. try to outrun it"

"Sir -it appears to be coming from deep space."
"It isn't one of the interdictors?"
"No sir.  Coordinates show it as coming from ... well, from the station sir. Centerpoint"

Judec shook his head

"No.  That cannot be possible.  We never submitted orders - we would never order ... not Corellia!"

"Sir, I don't know what to say.  The energy field is getting stronger.  These controls are getting a bit tricky"

"Keep moving us away from the planet, as best as we can.  Try to keep away from the gravitational pull as much as possible"

"Aye sir"

The shuttle managed to move, perhaps because of its small size and fast speed, though clearly there was a strain, the engines whining in protest.  Judec again glanced out the window, staring in shock as the two nearest imperial capital ships - interdictor cruisers - were slowly being dragged toward each other.  Closer and closer, TIE fighters that had been around them, in the fight, suddenly in a spiraling orbit, crashing into their exteriors. Closer and closer, until the two ships collided into each other, bursting into fire.  Judec watched in fascination and horror, as their shuttle continued to disappear away as more ships, corellian and imperial alike began to feel the crushing weight of Centerpoint's gravitational weapon.

"Sir ... I think we are clear of the blast zone. Shall we stay?"

"No, Captain.  I cannot stay and see what affect the weapon will have on the planet, on our fellow people.  I want to get to Centerpoint as quickly as we can, and stop this weapon and the man behind it."

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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2012, 11:00:05 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Melanie wanders the long corridor deep in thought. She weighs the risks of disabling both Denton and Cirque before forcing answers out of Farmer. Such action is far more aggressive than she tends to favor but the anxiety of the unknown is pushing her toward the brink. Carlson has been warned and, in his own way, helps Rydan keep Kimber conspicuously away from the others. Still, she knows his thoughts. She knows Rydan's as well.

They told her so.

The implants used for control conjure darker thoughts about why they were brought here. It would seem that whoever controls them left the fugitives without any other options. The threat of an Imperial attack Judec must have known was coming combined with their own fears made Centerpoint the most secure location. She is hesitant to pin the blame solely on the High Commander as she does not believe he has a reason to betray or willingly put them in danger. He and Melanie had discussed the importance of ridding the galaxy of the Empire. He vowed to fight them and Melanie agreed to help. That does not provide much incentive to draw them into a trap. If not Judec then who? Who would provide a safe haven only to turn it into a prison?

Then she feels it. A familiar signature through the Force. One she has not felt for many years.


Karen is in the sector. She does not know where but she can tell it is not aboard the station. Not yet anyway. She is close, possibly joining her lover in the siege over Corellia. It figures that she would want to share in the spotlight. Karen never shied from it in the past. Judec was convinced Karen would come to Centerpoint but there were no guarantee's she could be drawn away from the fleets. Not with the Confederation forces lying in wait all around the station. And so there is one calculated risk Melanie is willing to take in order to fulfill her own end of the bargain with the High Commander.

She reveals her own Force signature, strong enough for Karen to know it is there.

By now, Karen must know or figure Melanie and Kimber are together but when she comes looking to thwart the prophecy, Melanie will be the only one she finds. There are enough CorSec forces aboard the station to help Rydan ensure Kimber's security and possible evacuation if necessary. All Melanie needs is for Karen to show herself and she would face a destiny she always knew would come.

A door at the other end of the hall opens and Frank Farmer steps out, once again flanked by Agent's Denton and Cirque. He does not glance in her direction but heads quickly toward the lifts. She can barely make out his fingers over the keypad but the lift doors open for him when they would not for her. They disappear behind them.

Melanie walks back toward Rydan's stateroom and taps the door chimes. He answers promptly, motioning for her to step inside. Kimber and Kent are playing a card game. She lowers her voice and leans close to Rydan.

"Where did they go?"

"Like they ever tell us," he says dimly. "Farmer mentioned something about operations."


The words have barely left her lips with alarms begin to blare throughout the small room, startling everyone.
"Centerpoint on Lockdown in ten seconds ..."

Kimber stands suddenly, shouting, "What's happening? That sounds like, bad!"

The countdown begins.

Melanie's heart is pounding, eyes grazing both Rydan and Kent who wear the same expressions of dread. The lights flicker off and are replaced by emergency beacons.

"Lockdown has been initiated. Power diverting for Weapon activation in 30 seconds."

There are sounds of slamming doors from outside. The door to the stateroom locks. Rydan rushes to the control panel, slamming his palm over the buttons.

"Nothing's happening!"

"We're trapped!" Kent shouts.

Kimber is covering her ears, backing up into a corner.

Melanie's eyes are wide as her worst fears about the station are being realized.

"They are firing the weapon!"

"At what?!"

The countdown repeats itself.

Kimber is shaking her head, "At the Imperials! They are going to fire at the blockade!"


"Judec wouldn't be so stupid!"

The countdown finishes.

Melanie draws in a breath, "I do not think it is the High Commander."


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2012, 02:41:06 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Saga Judec's shuttle landed on the executive docking bay of Centerpoint, and he hobbled out, looking worse for the wear but still baring a commanding presence.  He strode without a word down the ramp, down the hall, and to the executive suite, where his eyes fell on him, the evil man who had attacked the homeworld.

Alexander Winton smiled back.

"High Commander, it is good to see you"

Judec's eyes were filled with fire.

"You attacked Corellia"
"A necessary part of the plan, sir"
"We discussed this.  Corellia was not to be attacked.  You probably have killed millions of innocent noncombatants"
"I still AM killing millions, Commander.  But that isn't the point. I am saving Corellia from being in the hands of the Empire"
"By destroying it?"
"If I must"

Judec is looking furious, Winton, cool and conniving

"I should have you arrested for war crimes"
"What I did is nothing worse than what you have done. There were so-called innocents at Duro too.  I didn't here this then"
"Corellia is our people"

Winton shook his head

"YOUR people, commander. To me, they are just more pieces on the board.  And it worked too.  The imperial fleet is severely crippled.  Even with backup forces, they will not be able to take on the ships I have here"

"Those ships were meant to save Corellia"
"Forget Corellia, Commander"

Judec approached, pulling out his blaster now

"FORGET Corellia?  Corellia is all we have!  If you cannot grasp that, then you are no longer of service to me"

Winton glanced down at the blaster, his smile disappearing.

"Actually, Commander, it is you that are no longer of service to me"

Winton's hand reached out, and without touching Judec, the gun was knocked from his fist.  Winton's second hand came up, half open, clenching slowly.  Judec's body suddenly lifting off the ground, his hands reaching to his neck as he gasped for breathe.


Winton's smile returned

"The only person I've ever declared loyalty to, High Commander, is myself.  Goodbye"

With a final clench of his fist, Winton pounded his hand downward.  Judec's head jerked sideways in an unnatural fashion, then plummeted to the floor.  No breathe, though a small amount of blood dribbled from his lips down onto his Confederation Uniform.
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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #59 on: February 13, 2012, 02:04:23 PM »
Centerpoint Station

Artemis was unable to notify his fellow bunk mates of the secret to their freedom.  Just seconds after the blast, The controls were triggered, and orders were distributed.  Artemis had one of two choices - go along with them, and hope to find a better opportunity to free them.  Or stay behind, and possibly be discovered.  And risk not only his life, but all of theirs.

He chose to follow, taking up his usual place in the squad, and moving as close to perfectly as possible.  Orders were transmitted via intercom and he thought perhaps this was going to be his chance.

"You are to report to the executive level, and secure the Jedi and her companions.  Make sure they do not leave that location until authorized"

A unified yes sir frightened Artemis. It was hard to believe that just minutes ago, he was one of those drones too.  But he had to focus, stay unnoticed.  And then, maybe with the Jedi's help, he could find a way to free the rest of these conscripted soldiers.

March march march march march

It was several tense minutes later when his particular squad, about 11 others beside him, reached the suite with Melanie, Kimber and the others.

There was marked tension, distrust in their eyes.

The jedi, the spokesperson of the group, stands and approaches, hand noticeably closer to the cylinder around her belt.
But there is recognition in her eyes as they meet his.  She remembers him.  Knows about his note.  She can help. Hopefully.

"What has happened?"

It is not Artemis that spoke, but another in his squad

"the Empire has taken Corellia.  The Corellian Defense Force has attempted to incapacitate the imperial fleet, using our specialized weapons.  We believe a significant portion of the imperial fleet has been destroyed, but are anticipating an assault on Centerpoint.  Command has calculated that our fleet will easily deal with the imperials, but you are asked to stay in your quarters in case any imperials board, and you might otherwise be in danger.  We have been asked to station ourselves at the turbolifts to ensure further protection."

The jedi's eyes show the distrust she had, but her words were diplomatic.

"Thank you for the update.  Do you know where Director Farmer went"

Again, Director Farmer.  the Jedi was looking at the one who spoke, but she glanced briefly in his direction.  That confirmed what for him what he had guessed. Farmer had been apprehended, and had the implant placed in his neck as well.

"No, Master Jedi.  Farmer is under special orders of the High Commander"

"Would you please see to it that I can speak with the High Commander as soon as possible?"

"I will convey the message, ma'am"

The others in his squad were turning to stake out their positions at the ends of the hall.  This was his chance.  Rather than doing as the others, he stepped forward, trying his best to have a steady voice.

"Ma'am, I have orders to remain in the stateroom, for added protection.  The High Commander has suggested that it might be vulnerable to a more direct assault"

The Jedi turned her attention to him, staring for a long while, as if trying to assess his trustworthyness.

"Very well"

The other soldiers seemed to accept that he had individual orders and slipped outside.  It was only once the doors to the chambers closed, that Melanie approached.

"What do you know soldier?"

"We have already reported to you everything we could, ma'am."
But even as he spoke, he lifted his hands, motioning as if writing on one hand with the other.  Artemis didn't trust that their room wasn't bugged.

Melanie nodded, continuing to speak as she grabbed the instruments he requested.  Indicating her annoyance at the whole situation, but accepting it gracefully.

Meanwhile, Artemis wrote, in a much clearer way than before:

My name is Artemis.  We have been implanted with an object in our necks that makes us perfect, obedient soldiers.  The implants are controlled through a central system somewhere on the station.  The implants can be deactivated, but only once power to that command center is shut down.  I managed to deactivate mine during the power outage caused by the weapon being fired.  I believe if the implants are deactivated while power is still up, it would kill us.  Frank Farmer was assisting me in trying to find and destroy the command center, but I believe he was caught and implanted as well.  I have not seen him since I was captured.

There is more as well.  In my travels through the station, I discovered that High Commander Judec is creating an army of droids.
Can you help me shut down the command center, so we can stop Judec?

The jedi read the note, taking in the details with a look of horror on her face.  But then she looked to Artemis and nodded.

"Very well, soldier.  I hope we can be of assistance to each other"

And for the first time in months, Artemis smiled
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