Author Topic: VE: Corellia Shines  (Read 85974 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2011, 11:40:19 AM »
Centerpoint Station

Frank Farmer knew something was wrong.  Artemis had been late in the past, but not this late.  He had altogether missed the last appointed meeting. Farmer hadn't eaten in about a day, when he finished the last wafer that Artemis had left him.  Things could get desperate very quickly if Farmer had to emerge from the vents to search for food.  But things were looking desperate already.

Cautiously bringing his older form through the vents, he headed down into the bottom levels of Center Point.  It was here, he assumed, he would figure out what had happened, and why Artemis was no longer seen.

Slithering and crawling through, he found himself over a heavy vent, through which he could hear a conversation below.

"The boy has refused to provide any information, despite our attempts at ... persuasion.  He is more resistant than we thought."

"He is also more ignorant, and irrelevant to the project.  He may have nothing to provide"

"He'll know where to look inside the vents"

"So can we.  we have already begun scanning and flushing out the ventilation system.  If we haven't found him within the next 24 hours, we'll close the the entire system and run a toxin inside.  But our droid scanners have already begun seeing signs.  Small trails of dirt, sweat.  Some has been identified as the boy's, but there are a few matches to Farmer."

"You are sure he's here?"

"Yes.  the agent assigned to trail him found he hadn't left his apartment in several days - and found the apartment empty.  This is where he ended up."

Farmer shifted slightly, frowning.  So they were on to him.  That made things worse, to be sure. And they knew where he was hiding, roughly, and had a plan to get him out.  They also had Artemis.  He would need to speed things up, or his whole mission, and saving all those people, would be a failure.

"Why here?"

"Why here?  What kind of question is that?  You know why here!  Center Point Station is the key to everything.  The droid program, the enhanced soldier program.  And the weapon"

"But how could Farmer know about all that?"

"Farmer is more resourceful than you could have thought.  Plus, he spoke to Melanie Masterton, who, despite being blond, has her moments of insight and intelligence.Plus, we led him here"

There was a pause in the conversation, Farmer confused. They led him here?

"But if you really want to know how Farmer knows what he knows, you can just ask him."

Quite suddenly, Farmer felt  the vent begin to shake, as if it had been hit by several blaster shots.  Glancing ahead, he saw a bright light of overheated metal, and light pouring in.  He felt heated air behind him as more shots were fired, and then suddenly, the vent and duct came crashing downward.  Farmer felt the weight of metal on his back, and attempted to shrug it off, as he was pulled, quite suddenly out of the broken piece of duct work

Four individuals, dressed in Corellian Confederation uniform lifted him to a standing position, pulling arms harshly behind his back.  Farmer glanced about, only briefly trying to break free - if he could only reach his blaster.

But a man, looking all too familiar to him came forward and pulled the blaster from his holster, taking a step back and glancing at him with a smile.

"Director Farmer.  It has been some time, but of course, I've been expecting you.  I've been expecting you for some time now."

Farmer stared at the man with the dark eyes and the short red hair, and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Alexander Winton?  No... it can't be ... your ..."

"dead?  yes, I know.  And quite an experience that was.  I imagine you'll experience it too, and quite soon.  But not yet.  Your part has not yet finished.  Take him to the special laboratory, and make sure our guest is .... comfortable"


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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2011, 03:08:57 PM »

"How long, my friends?  How long will we let the Empire threaten us and everything we hold dear?  They have assaulted and taken one of our worlds.  They have destroyed our ships and killed our people.  For too long, we have been slaves to others.  to the corrupt Republic, to the greedy Empire, to the nightmarish droids of the Trade Federation.  But we have defeated them all.  We have tossed away the Republic's corruption.  We have overthrown the Empire.  We have turned droids into molten metal, and have rebuilt.

Corellia is a phoenix.  It will never die, and it will never be defeated.  Corellia is stronger than it has ever been, and we will make it stronger still.  The Empire may attack us.  They may come and kill our sons, and our daughters.  They may conquer our worlds.  But they will not succeed.  They will not succeed because of who we are.  We are, all of us, Correllians.  We will stop the Empire, and we will avenge those who have fallen protecting Corellia.

Duro may have been lost, but it is not forgotten.  Nor are those murdered in defending it.  I stand before you today, not just as High Commander, chosen to defend our citizens through strength of might.  I stand before you as a brother, a comrade.  Here, we honor Admiral Jason Booma, who sacrificed himself and forced the Empire to lose much in taking Duro.  Today, we honor Jason Booma with the Corellian Bloodstripe, First class.  Let his memory remind us of the fight we have ahead of us.  Let it remind us that we still have many enemies that threaten us every day.  Let it strengthen our resolve as we prepare to let the Empire know that they cannot keep what does not belong to them, that they cannot get away with threatening our security and killing our people.

Today, let us send a message that the Empire will suffer its greatest defeat because it dared to strike at us.

And so today, as we honor our fallen, I hereby declare the Corellian Confederation to be at war with the aggressors, the Empire.  And so too will we be at war with any organization or individual that aids them.

To arms, my brothers and sisters of Corellia!  Let us tarry not another minute, and let us make the Empire pay for their crime."

Saga Judec stepped off the stage to the sounds of thousands cheering loudly, handing the red corellian bloodstripes to a woman, apparently Admiral Booma's widow, before making his way out of the military arena.  Meanwhile, Alexander Winton, watching from the sidelines, simply smiled and turned to an aid.

"Begin the next phase.  It's time to bring the weapon online"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2011, 08:10:14 PM »
Centerpoint Station

"Begin the next phase.  It's time to bring the weapon online"

Troops moved along at a fevered pace, and scientists among them moving almost as if they were disciplined troops themselves.  It was a day both exciting and nerve wracking.

Centerpoint Station was in shape, essentially a large sphere with two large cylinders coming out of each side.  The artificial gravity was an old fashioned variety, kept by those cylinders constantly spinning at a high enough speed that centrivical force pushed the inhabitants within down along the curved floor.  Gravity.  It was strongest at the bottom levels, which were also the outermost levels.  And in the very center of those cylinders, one would feel like they were floating.  Or being pulled apart, as the case may be.

But in the center sphere, dynamics were different.  The sphere did not spin like its two appendages.  Nor was it inhabited.  Its center held a bright ball of energy that was older than any Corellian alive today, and dozens of gravity-cones of various sizes, lined up to tap into the energy.  A few rooms located in the outskirts of that massive sphere held control rooms to activate the various cones.  And to reposition the station itself so that its cylinders would point at particular areas of the galaxy.

A yellow light was flashing throughout the station now, and those command and control rooms were filled with Corellian scientists, setting coordinates.  The station began to rotate, its massive behemoth moving slowly, as other stations were checking in.

"Gravity Cones, Sectors 1-20, check in on status"

"Sector 1, active, 60%"
"Sector 2, active, 50%"
"Sector 3, active, 85%"

So on and so forth, they checked in, listing the power levels of their designated gravity cones.  Slowly, each sector reported in that their cones were fully powered.

Loudspeakers throughout the station began to blare.

"Centerpoint, lockdown procedures are being initated in three minutes.  Secure your locations.  Repeat, lockdown procedures in three minutes"

Scrambling went faster as throughout the two cylinders, individuals made their way as quickly as possible to secured seating.  No one was in the uppermost level of the station, restricted from access several hours ago and scanned for imperfections that could negatively impact the upcoming operation.  All fighter craft had been secured as well.

Even the X-soldiers, down in the lower levels, were secured in their places.

Another announcement, blaring everywhere

"Centerpoint lockdown procedures are being initiated.  Warning!  Lockdown in 10 ...9...8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Lockdown has been initiated."

Each and every level and station of Centerpoint had its entrances sealed, as well as all ventillation systems.  A lockdown that lasted too long could suffocate some in certain areas of the station, but most had gone to areas with more air available.  No one could go much of anywhere now.  Which was important.

"Lockdown initiation complete.  Centerpoint coordinates have been established.  M-12-G1B has been fixed.  Beginning energizing procedure"

the cylinders on either side of the station had been moving at their normal high speed, establishing the G-1 standard gravity.  Now though, they began to increase in speed.  Round and round they went, increasing the gravity in both cylinders to 3Gs, 3x the force of gravity.  Those in the cylinders, mostly trained troops, grasped onto their seats and bore the pressure with as little discomfort as they could manage.  Systems to counter those G-forces could affect the operation, and therefore could not be used.

Even as the cylinders were speeding up, a round entrance way slid open in the very center/highest level, allowing free access from the sphere to the cylinders themselves.  Lights changed from yellow to red as at the end of the cylinders, the observation windows also slid away, leaving the very core of Centerpoint exposed to space

"Target acquired. Acceleration complete. Energizing complete.  Weapon ready for fire."

Inside the control room, a voice over the intercom, silent until now spoke


Buttons pressed, and that central point of energy in the center of Centerpoint's sphere grew brighter, a wave of energy going back and forth between the gravity cones before collecting and shooting out one end of the station, like a ball of fire or a laser, it leapt out and soared into space.  The energy dimmed in brightness as it went away from the station, but its strength never diminished as it headed to reach the target.  Inside the control room, a large screen lit up, a map of the coordinates, as compared to Centerpoint, tracing the energy beam as it moved.


The Imperial fleet had a steady war-patrol around Duro, their recent acquisition in the now declared war with the Corellian Confederation.  At least a dozen imperial star destroyers guarded this planet that had cost them so much to win.

The head of the fleet, at least temporarily with Admiral Saevia gone, was Vice Admiral Repor.  He was making his way to the bridge when he felt a sudden shaking of the ship.  Disturbed, he picked up his pace to the bridge.


"All appears normal sir.  No sign of any activity"

"No one else felt the ship move?"

"We probably just hit some type of bump in the system's gravity.  Systems have probably already compen ..."

Even as the lieutenant was finishing speaking, the ship tremored again, harder this time.

"Did something hit us?"

"No sir, negative.  There's nothing out there"

"Find out what that was"

The ship tremored again, this time enough to trigger the alarm.  And now the ship continued to shake.

"Sir - it seems.  I don't know.  There appears to be increase gravitational forces affecting the ship.  We are getting reports from other vessels in the fleet of similar experiences.  Some of our smaller ships are reporting structural damage"

The Vice Admiral shook his head.

"Order the fleet to disperse. I dont want any damage from one vessel affecting another.  And move the fleet away from the planet"

"Yes sir.  Sir, I am getting a report from the Activ.  Sir, they've had a significant hull breach. It seems the ship just collapsed in on itself.  Also, vessels don't seem to be able to move sir.  In fact, it appears that whatever is pressing against the ship is stronger than our engines allow."

"That's impossible.  hyperspace?"

"Too much gravitational interference to even try sir."

"Well figure out something.  Where is it coming from?"

"Our sensors are showing it's not from the planet.  It looks to be coming from the very middle of the Corellian sector."

"Get a message to Byss, indicating what we are finding, and tell them... tell them that we will be suffering from sever structural damage"

"Yes sir"

"And put all power into engines, moving us away from the fleet"

The command ship's thrusters lit up and slowly, though the vessel protested heavily, it began to move away.

"Order other vessels to move as far apart as they -"

His voice was cut off by a loud sound, tearing of metal, the entire ship shaking uncontrollably, everyone falling from where they stood.


The imperial fleet, using all its power to escape the invisible death grip closing around it, could not stand a chance.  Gravity is something that is almost undefeatable.  As the full power of the Centerpoint weapon reached Duro, the great imperial fleet literally began to crumple like foil, masses of metal imploding in on themselves.

The orbital platforms around Duro faired no better, as millions of the civilian populace -many still loyal to Corellia - died under its great weapon.  On the the planet itself, the gravity had only slightly less effect, but massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred simultaneously, mountains formed and crashed in seconds where it would usually take centuries, waves lifting miles high and crashing hard on the shores.

Not ten minutes had passed.

Dementat received the message in his throne room, standing as he watched a video of the fleet playing, watching as his ships crumpled before the camera gave out.  His eyes grew cold, darkening as fists clenched.  Servants nearby cowed back in fear as electric energy seemed to coalesce around the emperor.  The servant nearest to Dementat fell to the ground, blood spurting from orifices as he died from sheer proximity.

The emperor was angry. Angrier than he had been in a long long time.  And as the power of the dark side coarsed through him, his only thought was on destruction.  Destroy Corellia, it's weapon, Saga Judec.  And torture whatever being it was that was playing him like a fool.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2011, 11:34:06 AM »

Corellia's citizens had mixed feelings about the events of the past few days.  On the one hand, they had pride and confidence.  Look what had been done to the imperial fleet, terror of the galaxy.  On the other, there was beginning to be a sense that the current military state was taking too much to maintain their protection.  Becoming just a little bit too strong.

The military presence on the capital had been increased, possibly in case of an imperial attack in retribution to what occurred at Duro.  High overhead, many could see the capital ships, small specs from the distance, floating past.

Meanwhile, in low orbit, Saga Judec's command platform was bustling with activity, the High Commander sitting behind his desk as a lieutenant stepped inside, saluted, and reported.

"Commander, we have received word from planet security indicating that the Jedi Masterton has returned.  She is requesting sanctuary for herself and her companions. From the Empire.  She also has requested an audience"

Saga Judec nodded, smiling.

"Have her ship escorted to the hangar bay.  Have the Director meet her there and escort her to my office"

"Yes commander"

Corellian Fighters flanked the shuttle until it was just a dozen or so meters from the platform, breaking off with brilliant precision As the shuttle made its way in.

Even as it was landing, a patrol of a half dozen men in uniform approached, making up an impromptu honor guard for the jedi.

Ramp lowered, and Melanie exited first, perhaps out of caution or suspicion, or perhaps because it was her own request to land.  Something felt uneasy about introducing Kimber to Saga Judec, as necessary as it was.

As the line of Corellians turned and saluted, another individual was making his way forward.  Even from a distance, he looked familiar, a man in his middle age, but who clearly had aged more than he should have.

Melanie blinked, confused as the man came into focus.  Frank Farmer came up to her and offering her a warm smile.

"Director ... Farmer?  I am a bit surprised to see you here."

Farmer nodded his head, glancing sideways at the other Corellians before turning back to her.

"I'll be happy to tell you all about it later on.  For now though, let me just say that I have been reinstated in CorSec.  Not as director.  More as an emeritus position, overseeing some of the rough patches between CorSec and CDF. Saga Judec and I may not disagree on a lot of things. But for now, the threat of the Empire is big enough on both of our lists.  Come.  He wishes to see you and Kimber as soon as possible.  And anyone else you have brought with you"

Farmer glanced behind Melanie at the other individuals coming down. Kimber was waddling along, very pregnant, while Rydan gingerly held her hand.  Counselor Prescott was right behind her.  Then came Kent Carlson and in the rear, Agents Cirque and Denton.

Farmer's eye stopped on Kent.

"You brought Carlson back ... I'm a bit surprised"

"We didn't really have a choice.  He is here under my protection"

"I hope that works."

Farmer turned and began escorting the team out while Melanie was trying to figure out what was going on.  She kept an eye on Farmer, trying to get a sense of his new role and demeanor.  His uniform was freshly pressed, bearing the usual insignia of CorSec (Farmer would never trade that in for CDF anyways).  The only two differences were that the new uniform had a higher collar, covering the lower part of the back of his neck, and the insignia indicated a promotion.  Nothing that she could see or sense out of the ordinary.  But something was definitely up.

Not five minutes later, Farmer reached the door and brought them all in to see the High Commander.

Jedi Masterton.  I had a feeling you would be coming back. I am glad you made it back safely

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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2011, 01:41:58 PM »

Low orbit: Command Platform

As startling as it is to see Frank Farmer in this place, Melanie adjusts her attention toward the High Commander. The greeting party and sense of ceremony this time around seem far warmer than Judec had been when they first met. No doubt their recent military progress had them in higher spirits.

"Jedi Masterton. I had a feeling you would be coming back. I am glad you made it back safely."

"Thank you, High Commander. We are grateful for your assistance in this matter. In the interest of mutual cooperation, I will be as forthcoming as possible. Those I brought here I did so for protection."

She motions to each of those behind her.

"This is Kimber Patten and Ryden Stratford along with our Republic escort, Agent Seneca Cirque, Agent Trace Denton and Counselor Circe Prescott. I believe you already know Kent Carlson."

His aggravation over Carlson's inflammatory words aside, Judec survey's the crowd but his eyes linger on Kimber's flawless and frightened face and the protective way her arm curls around her expanded stomach.

Melanie continues evenly.

"We believe we are being pursued by agents of the Empire. Our shuttle was attacked before we made the jump to lightspeed by something not detected on our scanners. I could feel it and after the information we had received, we felt it prudent to evacuate immediately."

He studies her closely, "What information?"

The words are chosen carefully.

"Before I was reunited with miss Patten, the Hapan Consortium was kind enough to ensure her safety when the Empire put out a price on her head. They arranged for her transport to meet me when it was discovered the Empire may have known where she was. For months, we hid without detection but when a message from Hapes confirmed the Counselor working exclusively with miss Patten was missing, we believed the Empire had finally infiltrated their world."

She pauses, considering something.

"While the Empire's ideal's pose a galactic threat, the Jedi believe the fates of the Emperor and his Apprentice are linked to the fates of others. Among those who are still alive include miss Patten, mister Stratford, mister Carlson and Director Farmer. Their safety is tantamount in stopping them."

Melanie inhales, soft blue eyes never leaving Judec's face.

"I have come before you to ask sanctuary for my companions on Corellia's surface. In exchange for their protection, I pledge to help the Confederation rid the universe of the Empire's insidious ways once and for all."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2011, 11:45:02 AM »

Low orbit: Command Platform

"I have come before you to ask sanctuary for my companions on Corellia's surface. In exchange for their protection, I pledge to help the Confederation rid the universe of the Empire's insidious ways once and for all."

Judec nodded his head gravely.

"I am somewhat aware of the situation you speak - no, I cannot reveal my sources, but needless to say, the Confederation has developed its own extensive intelligence network.  I of course would be honored to have you and your companions under our protection. Well, most of your companions.  As you no doubt are aware, there is a warrant out for Mr. Carlson."

Melanie was not prepared to accept that

I understand that Mr. Carlson has some qualms with your leadership that he has made public -"

"He has instigated unrest and rebellion"

Melanie gave a stern face to Judec and continued

"- but you and I both know that the charges against Carlson have been trumped up, and I will not accept his being taken into custody simply because he is a political opponent of yours.  You said you are ready and willing to protect us.  That you thought it was best for us to be under Corellia's protection.  We come as a package, as a group.  All of us, or none of us."

Judec and Melanie stared at each other for a moment, before Judec's eyes flickered to Kent Carlson, Kimber Patten, and back to Melanie.

"Very well, Master Jedi.  But his movement will need to be restricted.  Kent Carlson will not be allowed to leave the level that I have set aside for you and your companions.  So long as he stays within that space, I give you my word that no harm will come to him.  At least, no harm from anyone under my command.  But if he so much as takes one step out of those boundaries, takes one step into a turbolift, that protection will be lifted, and he will be subject to arrest and the full weight of the Confederation.  Am I clear?"

Melanie nodded "very"

Judec nodded,

"Excellent.  Now, I must warn you, there is concern of the Empire attempting to infiltrate Corellia itself.  Should the war escalate as quickly as I anticipate, it may be prudent for you and your charge to be taken to a more secure location.  You no doubt know of our facility in deep space.  That station is more readily capable of resisting infiltration and defending itself.  But that is not for today.  No doubt you have had a long journey and all of you need rest.  We will talk more later, Jedi Masterton"

turning to Frank Farmer.

"Director Farmer, I would appreciate if you could escort our guests to the suite upstairs"

(ran out of time, but wanted to get the post started. you or I can continue)
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2011, 04:42:19 PM »

Low Orbit: Command Platform

Melanie nods to Judec as the group follows Frank Farmer to the lifts. Once inside, Kent has a not so subtle seizure.

“This is ridiculous, this is an outrage!” he fumes. “That man is a tyrant, a villain!”

Melanie arches a brow, “I have no interest in your qualms with his regime, Carlson. We are here because you are an Imperial target and the Confederation has the military power to protect you. Be thankful you are allowed to remain.”

He grumbles something but quiets down.

“Hi Frank,” Kimber says, glancing up at him with those violet doe eyes.

“Hello, Kimber. I am very glad you are safe.”

“Me too.”

They exit on what appears to be a diplomatic residence level. It is brightly lit and very clean but devoid of any personal touches. She figures this is to prevent offending those from other cultures or perhaps Judec does not favor unnecessary decoration. This is, after all, his command platform. More utility, less style. It is comfortable and clean and that is really all they care about right now. They are shown to various staterooms to relax after the long journey. Rydan helps Kimber settle in. She turns in the doorway to the refresher.

“That man creeps me out.”

“Who? The High Commander?”

She nods, “He’s all business. So cold. Brrr, scary.”

“He’s a military leader, darling. That doesn’t leave much room for warmth.”

“Perhaps not…”


“But I don’t like the way he looked at me.”

He laughs.

“You’re famous. Everyone looks at you.”

“I was famous. Now I’m infamous. That’s not the same thing.”

“Isn’t it in your world?”

“The lines can be blurred at times. I just think Judec is up to something.”

“Like, what? Using you as leverage against the Empire?”

“Totally! I’m like, the most fabulous bargaining chip ever.”

“I would be lying if I said it had not crossed my mind as well but I don’t believe Melanie would let that happen. She could sense if that was his intention.”

Kimber sighs, “You are right. I’m just being paranoid.”

“No, you are being cautious. You have more than just yourself to look out for.”

“Don’t I know it. Could I be any fatter?”

“You’re nearly nine months pregnant.”

“Yeah, well, I feel like Kimmy the Hutt.”

He winks, “The hottest Hutt.”

She laughs and disappears into the bathroom. He can hear the sound of water hitting tile as steam begins to creep out into the bedroom. Rydan activates the door lock and checks his cache of blasters. Despite his reassurance, there is no telling how Kimber’s presence would affect the brewing war between Confederation and Empire. He had to be ready.


Out in the corridor, Melanie lingers behind to talk to Frank. Once they are alone she finally speaks.

“I must say I wasn’t expecting to see you here and I was worried when I did not hear from you after I left. In the morning, I wish to take them to the surface. If Carlson must remain here that is acceptable. I will leave the Counselor and Agent Cirque with him. I know Kimber is anxious to return home. It would certainly ease her fears. We will, of course, comply with CorSec security throughout our stay.”

She crosses her arms and glances behind her, making sure they are out of ear shot.

“You heard the High Commander reference Centerpoint in the event of escalation. Were you able to uncover anything about it while I was gone?”


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2011, 06:34:27 PM »

Low Orbit: Command Platform

?You heard the High Commander reference Centerpoint in the event of escalation. Were you able to uncover anything about it while I was gone??

Frank blinks, then nods

"You know what happened at Duro, right?  The imperial fleet stationed there was crushed, literally, like foil.  No battle, no lasers, no bombs.  It was Centerpoint.  Judec's managed to reactivate Centerpoint's primary function, it's gravitational tractor beam systems.  Those same powers originally were used to bring the planets of the Corellian Sector to their current position.  Now, he's using it as a weapon.  Strong enough gravitational forces can crush just about anything"

?including an entire imperial fleet, apparently.  How far does the weapon reach??

"I don't think even Judec knows for sure.  What is clear is that it is strong enough to work as a weapon within Corellian space.  When the imperials took Duro, that put them in range of the weapon.  And it turned out to be just what Judec wanted as a test for its strength"

Melanie absorbed this information, nodding her head.  She had heard about - and sensed through the force - the events at Duro not too long ago.  A weapon that could destroy entire fleets and wreak havoc on an entire planet? Maybe even destroy a planet?  It sounded like an imperial super weapon, like the death star.  Except Centerpoint had a further range. The death star had to have the planet in sight.  Duro was nowhere near Centerpoint.

"Is there anything else at Centerpoint?"

"It is also a military training facility, for specialized forces"

"What kind of forces?"

Frank blinked again, and for a moment, his eyes looked older and more strained, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.  Then he shook his head.

"They were classified.  Judec has refused to let me anywhere near them.  I'm still looking to see what else I can find, but I'm on thin ice.  I am trying to keep my head above water right now, keep the most dangerous enemy as the common enemy, and then worry about Judec later"

"It worries me to think of what Judec will be like when he's the biggest bully left"

"But right now, we need him to stave off a bigger bully. The Empire was hit hard, but they are still stronger than the Confederation is.  The weapon is likely keeping them cautious, but eventually, they'll strike.  That's what Judec was talking about.  If the Empire attacks Corellia, that is one world he couldn't use the weapon against. Even him, as cold as he is.  He's told me that you would be safer in Centerpoint itself.  and I happen to agree with him"

Frank glanced behind him then back at Melanie.

"How is Kimber doing?  I haven't seen her since. .. well, a long time now.  She and Valerie were, well, you know.  This whole pregnancy thing must be rough on her.  How far along is she?"

Saga Judec watched them leave as a figure came out of the shadows.

"You were right"

"I always am"

"What now?"

"Farmer will play his role. The role he's been meant to play all along.  They will go where they need to go, and so will the Empire.  It's coming close now"

"I'm not comfortable setting things in motion that I cannot control"

"I would try to get used to it.  You are doing your part.  And you'll reap the rewards in the end"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2011, 07:43:18 PM »

Low-Orbit: Command Platform

Melanie is unsettled to say the least. There is a flicker from Frank, as if he is holding back but it passes quickly. She is not entirely comfortable with a fully functional Centerpoint. A weapon that massive does bring up frightening similarities to the Death Star's along with a menace a terror she had hoped never to relive. His endorsement of the station's security also troubles her but at this point the primary objective is Kimber's safety and with that she could not argue. Still, the words of the High Commander from their first discussion stay with her.

Winton would come to Centerpoint.

If he is so certain of that, is Kimber the reason?

There is no time to second guess.

Frank changes the subject, drawing her attention away.

"How is Kimber doing? I haven't seen her since. .. well, a long time now. She and Valerie were, well, you know. This whole pregnancy thing must be rough on her. How far along is she?"

She smiles, "She is doing well given the circumstances. She's entering the ninth month of her pregnancy which, I've heard, can be rather uncomfortable."

"The father?"

"An Imperial Agent named Mod Navris. He came to turn against them after they manipulated Kimber in negotiations with the Hapan Consortium. Unfortunately, for everyone, he was killed on Hesperidium by a rogue agent working for Alexander Winton. Coincidentally, this rogue agent was working with a classmate of ours who was kidnapped in high school. She was brainwashed and apparently trained as an assassin who in turn came after Kent Carlson on Tatooine. Thankfully, I was there to stop her."

She shutters, pulling on the white robes as they walk along the silent corridor past a large transparasteel window facing the planet's surface. Corellia glows below them, bustling with life as the Confederation forces mobilize in orbit.

"Losing her father, Mod, Valerie and then her mother has been tough on Kimber. I told her about Lilandra when I returned with Carlson. Poor thing was barely shocked, as if she had somehow been expecting it-"

Her voice trails off as her body tenses.


She holds up a hand, trying to get a grip on the emotions raging through her. The forces of darkness, growing near.

"Something is here."


"The same something I felt before we came to Corellia," she whispers with wide eyes.

Frank watches her closely. She gasps, turning to him.

"Maker have mercy. They followed us here."


"We have to warn Judec. Now."


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2011, 08:26:39 PM »


"We have to warn Judec. Now."

Frank glanced around the hallway, completely empty except for the two of them

"This is a Force thing, right?  Where are they?"

"Here.  Somewhere in the Corellian system. Maybe in orbit, maybe not, but they feel close"

"Corellia has strong defenses and equip-"

"No! You aren't listening to me!  We cannot see them.  They have a working stealth system. A full cloak. Completely Undetectable.  THey could be -"

"Melanie!  calm down!  We'll let the High Commander know, and they'll sweep the system.  In the meantime, they cannot get on board without revealing themselves.  I'll order extra agents to stand guard by your rooms"

Melanie gave Farmer an incredulous look.

"My agents. CorSec. Loyal to me.  Not Judec's men.  You'll be safe with them.  And then, we'll move you all to a more secure location as soon as possible"

Melanie seemed unsatisfied, but Frank hurried away.

The uneasiness wasn't just from outside. Something, something intangible, was off about Director Farmer

Farmer had just left Commander Judec's office, the High COmmander turning to his Director of Intelligence and Operations.

"You brought them here, the Empire here"

"We wanted them brought here"

"Corellia cannot handle an imperial attack.  THe weapon cannot be used here"

"Which is why we are going to transfer the targets to where the weapon can be used.  Centerpoint itself"

"The Empire is readying to attack, and we are playing games!  A stealth ship in orbit, means they can monitor our every activity! I'm tired of these little maneuvers as part of playing some mystical prophesy!  It's time to finish this"

The Director narrowed his eyes.

"Careful, Commander.  Getting in the way of the prophesy has led to the destruction of many in the past"

Saga Judec turned his glare on the man

"Are you threatening me?"

"I have no use in threatening anyone, Commander.  I am simply offering you a warning. For your own good.  Consideration and prudence have gotten you far. As have I.  Follow both now, and you will find yourself even stronger.  Now, I must return to Centerpoint, and prepare the station for the many visitors we will be expecting soon.  Make sure Farmer reminds our guests of the safety of Centerpoint. I will trigger events that will convince our guests they must go there as soon as possible."
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 11:39:21 AM by Medivh »
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Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2011, 07:37:22 PM »

No one remembers their birth.

His resurrection gives new meaning to the term 'born again.'

Here, on this command platform, lurking in the shadows of their own stupidity, Alexander Winton reflects fondly on how it all came to pass.


He started out just another savvy businessman, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, climbing up the corporate ladder to eventually inherit what his father and grandfather helped build at RepulsorCorp. His friends, his lovely wife, everything was perfect if not completely traditional. Everything became mundane, predictable, and he was on the verge of resigning himself to the tedium of this life.

Monica's vision changed everything.

His began to see a new future unfold with the birth of his daughters.

Finding the prophecy gave him hope that he would break free of the stagnating hold his family business had over him. He and his family were destined for much greater things. As his cohorts translated more and more of the prophecy, he knew blood would be spilled. He made deals with the Empire, manipulating information to keep them one step ahead of the game and outside the Emperor's wrath. The other parents had questions he would answer with an ambiguity that began to wear thin. His whole life had become crisis management. His marriage, balancing two careers, and his family life became stifling and oppressive.

Resentment followed.

It wasn't until he met the Viceroy Medivh that he found a way out. The possibility of everlasting life pushed him into a period of reevaluation. The things once so important to him were now merely stepping stones to his own legacy.

Why should they have it all when he could?

So he tailored a plan around the prophecy. He showed only what he wanted them to see. Medivh did not share his ultimate vision but that wasn't going to stop him. He took what they had learned to a frightening degree and put into motion the spectacularly brutal fates that awaited those closest to him.

Alexia was determined but unstable. When the Force consumed her, she became a malevolent stranger to him. A stranger who's power he offered up to Palpatine as the rising star to replace Vader once he had outlived his usefulness. This potential in Alexia, however unfounded, kept them alive.

Karen regarded her abilities as a garish social stumbling block and somehow convinced Melanie they didn't need powers to be special. The ridiculous idealism of children. They sought normalcy when instead they should have sought greatness. Her insurmountable self-involvement was a great disappointment but this lust for status would work to his advantage.

Henrick Masterton's Force vaccine was a stroke of genius but there were no guarantee's they could keep Alexia in complete control forever. If he couldn't control her, he would use her instability against them. Alexia's wrath kept them in line. Celeste proved smarter than he realized and somehow eluded sharing her husband's grisly demise on Naboo. Fear would keep her out of his way forever.

Monica told him a lot more than she remembers. She would fall into trances, dazed yet lucid, and he would ask her things about the prophecy. She told him which five had to die. She spoke their names with certainty.

Saunders. St. James. Maxwell. Stratford. McNeal.

All Alexander had to do is appeal to one.

Reef Stratford may have been a brilliant athlete but he was hardly a thinker. He never had to be. He served his purpose and the friendships they forged with one another through his efforts to corral them were a mystery to Alexander. Loyalty blossomed out of nothingness and it was highly poetic to watch Alexia destroy it all. With each friend that fell, samples were taken and replicated. Soon his factory on Kamino was bustling with D'Arcy's and Skyler's. The whole clueless crew ready for round two. He even created himself a new best friend from Henrick's sample but the intrusive aura of guilt siphoned the joy from this accomplishment and he destroyed it. Although he has samples of The Four, he was hesitant to use them. Valerie Gellar's genetic material had allowed Medivh to create Phage who, in turn, created his own offspring.

Alexander wanted more than that. He wanted them to live and remember so that the victory would be that much sweeter.
He would have used Kimber Patten as his adorably dense test subject had his meddling daughter not circumvented this with alarming powers of perception she never seemed to manifest at an earlier age. The anger he saw in Karen was promising indeed yet she handed him off to Patten and the elder Stratford for Hapan justice. Alexander knew he would die there and often wondered what it would feel like to experience to exquisite pain of it all. His final conversation with Patten was both poignant and powerful. Nothing had tasted more satisfying then discovering she was The One spoken of in the prophecy.
The Hapan Queen Mother had been swift and as one life ended, his next began.


The Corellian command platform is quiet now. Judec is ambitious but merely a tool like the others. They serve a purpose in his quest for Imperial control which he would have once Dementat and his daughter have fallen. The Confederation would be damaged beyond repair in this climactic battle of the ages and once they have all perished he would be free to seize control.

To know he is so close to Masterton and Patten without detection excites him. He had allowed Melanie to believe so many things. She, like her parents, is blinded by an idealism that begets naiveté. Monica had ruined her life with the doctored version of that prophecy. She bore the weight of that alone because she thought she had to. Alexander had Alexia kidnap or kill five others to throw her off the trail. She thought it had already come to pass which is why she never saw Alexia coming for the real targets. She was helpless to stop it and had no choice but to go into hiding. But Melanie could only stay out of sight for so long. Way down, she knew and in some ways that makes her the brightest of the bunch. In others, it makes her the easiest to manipulate since she believes coming here was the only way to protect Kimber when in reality, none of them will leave Corellia again.

This is where is all comes to an end.


Offline Syren

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2011, 10:37:48 AM »

High Orbit: Command Platform

Agent Cirque touches his earpiece, listening as Melanie calmly relays the information. He sighs, tapping off and turning to Counselor Prescott.

“There was an attack at the Gellar residence.”

The Counselor’s eyes widen, “An attack? Is everyone alright?”
“Agent Denton was wounded but he’s being treated at Coronet General. Director Farmer and mister Stratford suffered minor injuries.”

“And Kimber?”

“She was assaulted in the turbolift but neutralized the attacker.”

“That poor girl. She must be terribly frightened.”

“Patten is tougher than she looks. She has to be with all that she’s been through.”

Kent Carlson appears behind the Counselor, “Who attacked them?”

“According to Jedi Masterton, it was an Imperial hit squad. One she believes followed us from Arbra. Masterton held off the attack but it was Marius Guile who went after Patten. She used Denton’s blaster. Single shot to the head.”

Circe cringes, crossing her arms.

Kent is fuming.

“Imperials on Corellia’s surface?”

“That’s what she said.”

The Counselor arches a brow, “What are you getting at, Kent?”

“If the High Commander has declared war on the Empire and secured the sector against possible retaliation, how did Imperial agents get to the surface undetected?”

“Unknown,” Agent Cirque says. “I take it you have a theory.”

“You bet I do. Judec is in on it.”

The Counselor gasps, “Kent, please. That’s outrageous. Why would the Corellian High Commander conspire with the Empire and declare war on them? In my experience it has either been one or the other.”

“Unless he stands to gain from both. On one hand, he circle’s the wagons and goes to war. The whole sector is behind him against this grievous threat. On the other, he knows how valuable Kimber Patten and Melanie Masterton are to the Emperor and his Apprentice who, as fate would have it, used to be one of their best friends.”

Agent Cirque frowns, “Go on.”

“So, he tips off the Empire after Melanie leaves Corellia while taking them head-on in a military show-down. They barely lose Duro but pull out an impressive retaliation. The Empire somehow finds us on Arbra and Melanie is convinced the Confederation has the brass to fend them off and she brings us here.”

“What’s the endgame?”

Kent scoffs smugly, “Judec has the public fooled into believing he’s a hero while holding Patten and Masterton as leverage against the Empire. He has a weapon they know can destroy them and two bargaining chips to force their hand.”

Counselor Prescott shakes her head, “Forgive me if that sounds like a paranoid delusion. You have a previous history of opposing his policy not to mention clashes with his security forces. For a reporter, you are hardly remaining objective.”

“She has a point, Carlson,” Agent Cirque says. “Are you sure this isn’t personal?”

Kent’s face is twisted in rage.
“Think what you will but Judec turned what Valerie Gellar made into a military machine. He’s hiding something.”


Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2011, 02:54:33 PM »

High Orbit: Command Platform

Kent Carlson wasn't the only one who was mad.  High Commander Judec was practically screaming into the comm unit.

"This was your doing.  You brought the imperials here!  To Corellia!  You let them on our homeworld, and you almost let them kill"

"Killing was never going to happen, Commander.  Nor did I bring the imperials here.  At least, not all of them.  I was not totally out of the loop, of course.  Dementat is looking for Patten, just as I suspected.  It was merely good fortune that his units finally caught up with her here"

"Good fortune?  What kind of"

"Commander, we WANT Patten to be running scared.  If she stayed at Corellia, she would endanger the entire plan.  the fact that the Empire sent only a small team here was a blessing.  They could have sent a fleet, and then where would we be?  Our precious weapon would be little use if it destroyed Corellia while defending it.  It was good fortune they came when they did.  I arranged for only a single agent to penetrate the defenses."

"Through Farmer ..."

"Yes - Farmer has been very useful, as of late.  That single agent understood his orders well enough.  He did exactly what was required of him"

"He's the one who died?"

"Yes - he proved quite useful while alive, but being captured alive would have been ... unfortunate.  His death is another lucky convenience"

"And the imperial team, still on Corellia?"

"Already being hunted down.  They won't be found, not soon anyway. Dementat's men are well qualified, well trained, well equipped.  But it does give us an opportunity to put some more extreme measures in place.  Reinitiate the curfew on the world.  In response to an imperial terrorist plot that resulted in damaging the hero's residence.  Keep CorSec busy"

"I'm busy trying to fight a war"

"Very good commander, but you and I both know that isn't true.  We aren't really fighting a war.  We are making moves to win a war without really fighting it.  Duro, Corellia, Centerpoint.  All just pieces on the board"

"I am a military commander, my strength is in fighting, and I'm tired of playing your games"

"You won't have to play them much longer."

Centerpoint Station

Alexander Winton shut off the comm unit, staring at the blank screen for a moment.  Then he smiled.

Commander Judec had been useful.  But so had Marius Guile.  Guile's usefulness had expired.  And he was dealt with.

Judec's usefulness was also rapidly coming to an end.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2011, 04:43:36 PM »
Centerpoint Station

A blank face staring up at the ceiling.  The inability to focus on reality. Endless sleep.

Then the dreams.  His body moving of its own free will through the bowels of Centerpoint Station.  He was dressed in a simple white jumpsuit with a Corellian Confederation Logo on the shoulder.  a drove of similarly dressed, similarly aged individuals moved forward.  They all seemed to have one purpose.

It was no dream. Though he wished it was.  He could, if he chose to, resign himself to this new state, let his mind fade into the cloud of oblivion as they controlled his every movement, every twitch of his muscle, even the emotions he felt.  He felt surges in adrenaline, artificial joy and sadness.  All manufactured.  He could resign himself to the life of a machine, of a slave.  They were telling him to - the same voices and triggers that controlled his hands, his emotions told him to just give in to the programming, and let it run him.  They would take care of him, and he couldn't fight it anyway. So the voices said.

But he could not.  He knew too much.  He couldn't let it beat him.

Artemis watched his body betray him over and over and over again, obeying the commands of those in charge of the X-Fighter Program.  As he fought and killed other innocents, other slaves like himself. As he laughed and cried at all the right moments, because that's what they made him do.

But he hadn't given up. He would get out of this mental prison. If it was the last thing he did.

Alexander Winton moved along the catwalk, watching as the X-Fighters sparred against each other.  Some in matches ordered to kill, others just to wound.  Behind him, one of the program directors was speaking.

"The new recruit is displaying some troubling signals, sir"
"such as?"
"His mental functions remain at a much higher level than any others"
"Well, we are not quite sure sir.  He was believed to be snooping around the program before he was caught.  We think he might be resisting our commands."
"Resisting?  Has he shown any resistance? Has he failed to obey a command?  Has he even hesitated?"
"Well ... no sir.  But ..."

Winton turned abruptly, his cold eyes staring at the man.

"What precisely do you think is going to happen?  His over active mind will do what precisely?  Override our signal?  We've already essentially disconnected their brains from any active function. If they somehow managed to use their mental will to shut off the signal, they will collapse in a heap on the ground, helpless."

"It is possible sir that if his mind does manage to override the signal, that he could survive and function independently"
"for how long, before the sheer effort leads to exhaustion?"
"It is not clear exactly.  But in seeking perfect obedient warriors to fight, we don't want them collapsing mid battle."

Winton frowned

"I do agree with you there.  alright.  We'll have to see just how far this so called active mind will take him.  He might be the one in a million who could cause us trouble.  Put him in a death match. If he manages to control himself long enough to hesitate making a kill - he'll die himself. We'll eliminate the imperfection.  But if he succeeds, makes the kill - than, well, he is an asset to our program to be studied, perfected"

"Yes, Sir"
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2011, 09:15:40 PM »
Centerpoint Station

A massive explosion has rocked the outer planet world of Naboo, collapsing the memorial dedicated to the Naboo war against the Trade Federation, over a generation ago.  Naboo Security Forces believe it was the work of terrorists.  Luckily, there were no reported injuries, as the memorial park was temporarily closed for maintenance work at the time of the explosion.

An interesting development from the explosion is the discovery of a massive cave-system underneath where the memorial had stood.  Analysts are studying whether it was natural or man-made when the Trade Federation set up their base there.  There are traces of metal and circuitry amid the rubble and rock, but it is unclear if they came from the infrastructure of the memorial itself, which included an old fashioned droid transmitter, also destroyed.

Naboo officials have yet to comment on if and how the memorial will be rebuilt.  Further investigation is ongoing to find the perpetrators

Alexander Winton stared at the monitor, but was no longer paying attention as the galactic newscast moved on to some other insignificant detail of the galaxy.

Harte Secur.

Emotions coursed through Alexander Winton. Emotions he could barely describe. Emotions he did not wish to feel.

After all, emotions made one week.  He did not need that facility. He had his others. Any sentimentality toward what that particular location had - sentiment was irrelevant, and dangerous.

No, emotion be left aside.  There was a more concerning matter.  Not that it had been destroyed, but that someone had known to destroy it. Someone knew what was there, and someone had purposely destroyed it.

Pressing a button, he summoned a minion to him.  A servant, a slave. Whatever you wanted to call it.

The man entered.

"Yes, sir?"

"I want to run a status check of all of our droid creation facilities.  I want visual confirmation that everything is proceeding as appropriate"

"Sir, wouldn't travel to those locations possibly reveal them"

"Possibly.  But it may be they are already revealed.  I insist that this be done, immediately, ahead of all other projects. Go, now"

The man left in a hurry, well aware not to trifle with Commander Judec's Director of Special Projects, a man who wielded almost as much power as the high commander himself.

Winton meanwhile turned to look out the viewport at the stars that surrounded Centerpoint.  The droid facilities were all well hidden, most far from populated areas.  Most were a complete secret to all but a scant few.  If somebody knew about them, it was because the secret had somehow been revealed.

Emotions or not, whoever it was would pay.


« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 10:41:08 PM by Medivh »
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