Author Topic: VE: Corellia Shines  (Read 85975 times)

Offline Medivh

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VE: Corellia Shines
« on: February 22, 2011, 08:29:58 PM »
((runs parallel to "Alive" and "Vogue Empire"))


CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City

"Your responsibility is to defend Corellia.  Your loyalty is to the Corellian Security Force.  When a superior gives you an order, it is not your place to question.  You obey, or you have committed treason.  Betraying Corellia is punishable by death.  Is this clear?"

"Sir Yes Sir!"

The room rang with the loud voices of hundreds of new recruits.  One day soon, they would be proficient in weapons, skilled in combat, trained in the skills of survival.  The things that made the Corellian Security Force one of the most formidable police agencies in the galaxy.

Much had changed in the last few months.  With the mysterious murder of Governor William Tacofer, Saga Judec had declared martial law.  No new elections were held.  The civilian government disappeared.  And CorSec, once a beacon of Corellian independence, had slowly been transformed into a tool to stifle dissent.  Director Frank Farmer, still alive, had been forced into an early retirement, and one of Judec's own deputies took control of the academy.  Discipline, control, force.  Hand in hand, they were the new methods of teaching, and selection to enter the force became more discriminatory.  Women, for example, were facing open sexual harassment, and were not promoted nearly as often as men of lesser qualification.  There were also rumors of more serious sexual assault, but of course, discussing or accusing these things were a violation of the rules.

Outside in the square, Judec had begun using extreme measures to show the population who was in charge.  A golden statue of piled battle droids stood on one side of the square; a statue of Valerie Gellar stood on the opposite side.  And in between?  What became known as the 'Death Stone' - a square block where "traitors" would be summarily executed, publicly.

Artemis was a teenager, nearing adulthood when his father was taken.  His father had served in Tacofer's administration, and had been helping the governor deflect the encroachment of the military under Saga Judec.  When Tacofer was killed, one by one, members of his staff had been arrested and sentenced for betraying the Corellian Confederation.  Artemis' father had been a good man, a loyal Corellian, but Artemis could remember that day, that fateful day when he was dragged out of the house.  Artemis ran after the soldiers, but was stopped at the outskirts of the square.  He watched, crying out as his father was stood on the block, sentenced to death, and shot in the head.  He remembered falling to the ground, crying as the body was dragged away.  And he remembered the thoughts of revenge beginning to grow in his thoughts.

Artemis was now 18, a man, with choices.  And today, he was taking the first step on the rest of his life.  No matter what path he took, he knew he needed to be trained, and he needed access.  So he signed up to enlist on the Corellian Security Force.

And now he stood in line with hundreds of new recruits, declaring his loyalty to CorSec, shouting out the lie that would get him where he needed.

"Sir Yes Sir!"

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:33:47 PM by Medivh »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 03:35:49 PM »

CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City

Sweat poured down Artemis's forehead.  He could feel his heart pounding, his back pressed against the cold duracrete wall.  Hands loosened and tightened around the blaster in his hands as he counted down in his head.  Almost.

As he reached zero in his head, Artemis swung around the corner, raising the blaster and.


He felt the pressure hit him square in the chest, pain spreading quickly, followed by numbness.

"Your dead, cadet"

Artemis had barely time to think before he blacked out, body falling to the ground.

He was awakened by a cold splash of water - ice cold, and he shivered, before looking up.

"you messed up again, cadet.  If you were in the real world, it wouldn't be stun fire.  You'd be dead five times by now.  But in the real world, there are no second chances. Once you die, you die"

It was the drill sergeant, giving Artemis the same general lecture he'd received four times before.  He frowned up at the man, as feeling returned to his hands and feet.  He had learned that most of the other cadets had 'died' on their first exercises, but he wasn't sure if he was doing better or worse than the rest of them.  Hard to keep track.

"Did you hear what I said, cadet?"

Artemis nodded "Yes sir"  he tried standing, but his legs were still wobbly.  The drill sergeant just frowned and walked away, leaving Artemis to his thoughts.

It had only been a short while since his arrival, but already, it was hard to keep track of the days.  Every day, intensive physical training, going through obstacle courses, academic courses, weapon use, tactics.  His body felt continously sore, though he was starting to pick up some muscle, especially in his legs. There was a lot of running.

But even more confusing was the schedule - some days, there was no sleep at all, sometimes there would be a wakeup in the middle of the night, or half an hour after lights out.  Sometimes, they spent the daylight doing absolutely nothing, staring up at the ceiling in the large hall in the middle of the academy, followed by nights of constant movement. Meals came sporadically - maybe once or twice a day.  Then there were these odd live fire exercises.  It wasn't clear if they were training or testing. No one told him the proper procedure to turn that corner, and every time he just died before he could take another step forward. What did he need to do differently, if only to get past that first point?  He had asked the first time, only to get the yelling of a lifetime.

But he didn't have it worst.  One of the other cadets, an arrival at the same time as Artemis, a young woman named Della, had been having a rougher time (as Artemis imagined most of the female cadets did).  Artemis had heard some of the catcalling that happened when Della passed, and she had mentioned to him how some officers had been making advances on her.  SHe told Artemis that when she had asked how to beat the training exercise, the drill sergeant had said "it doesn't matter.  You don't belong holding a gun anyway - the only thing your good for is keeping a bed warm."

She'd even got smacked around a bit, a black eye from someone she refused to name, taking her suffering in silence.  She refused to quit, and Artemis admired her for it. Both of them were here, both hated the system for one reason or another, and both had a goal in mind (though Artemis had not revealed his plans of vengeance to her).

For now, he too was suffering in his own silence.  Once he got his motion back, he stood and made his way from the infirmary tent to his barracks, moving quietly along the CorSec Academy Campus.  Once there, he stripped down, throwing the sweaty clothing into a general hamper, and heading to take a shower.  The barracks were quiet - people must be out at a meal, or something.  He shrugged.  He didn't care.  He liked the quiet time.

Shower on, and he stepped beneath it.  Water was luke warm (better than the ice cold it usually was). and he stood beneath the spray for a few minutes before scrubbing down, rinsing, and grabbing one of the sterilized towels from the rack and drying himself off.  Fresh work uniform from a shelf holding his size (they shared clothes here at CorSec) and he glanced at himself in the mirror as he put on the grayish-blue outfit.  He could see he had grown.  THe short time he'd been here had forced him to improve his posture and he looked taller, his eyes more knowing, his body stronger.  CorSec was helping him. It wasn't just a way to get close to his father's murderers.

He shook his head.  The drills were effective in one thing.  they gave you little time to think.  CorSec just wanted you focused on the task at hand and protecting Corellia.  They didn't want individuals. They wanted soldiers. Killers.  Artemis made his way past his bunk, when suddenly, something caught his eye.  A small slip of paper, tucked by his pillow.  Curious, Artemis turned back to his bed, grabbed the slip, and unfolded it.

'I need your help.  Meet me at the back of the dining hall tonight at midnight


Artemis wasn't sure what this was about.  But Della rarely asked for help.  If she was in trouble, Artemis had to find out what it was.  Assuming there was no training going on at midnight (and there was no guarantee of that), Artemis would meet her there.  For now though, he shredded the paper in his hands, tossed it away, and made his way quickly out of the barracks.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 05:54:01 PM »

CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City

'I need your help.  Meet me at the back of the dining hall tonight at midnight


Artemis fingered the note in his hands as he glanced around nervously.  It was one minute past midnight.  He was standing in the dark alleyway behind the main dining hall near the center of CorSec Academy.  Around were some of the subtle sounds of the evening - the buzzing of florescent lighting somewhere, rustling grass, bugs chirping endlessly.

The last march of the day had ended, the last training before everyone was sent for the short span of sleep.  But Artemis was not sleeping.  After receiving the letter from Della, he had been preoccupied, and after lights out, he had waited patiently for the sounds of his bunk mates to fall asleep before slipping out.  He had arrived at the location about fifteen minutes before midnight, waiting and growing more nervous.

Now, it was past midnight, and Della had not yet come.

Artemis had no idea what had happened, or what could have happened to Della.  But he knew that whatever it was, she was later for her own planned meeting.  He checked his chronometer again.

Minutes ticked by with no response.  It was now half past midnight.  Something wasn't right, and Artemis couldn't stand here any longer.  Peering out of the alleyway, he made sure the coast was clear of any guards before stealthily making his way across the academy campus until he reached the women's bunk.  It was smaller than the men's, and in a sort of irony, less neat than the men's.  Part of the new Corellian mentality of women's subordinate role. Or something like that.  But Artemis didn't have time to get upset about the chauvenisism that permeated the academy.  He made his way to the door and without thinking stepped inside.

There was a nervous silence in the air, and there was a sense of forced shallow breathing as he approached the rows of beds, slowly walking past each.  He knew instantly - the women around him weren't asleep, though they pretended they were.  Maybe they felt that if they were awake, they'd draw attention from the man who had invaded their private space.  Maybe he wasn't the first to do so.

Quietly, Artemis made his way down the row to where he knew Della's bunk to be, but when he arrived, he found an empty bed.  No, not just empty.  It was clean made, and there was no sign that it was being used. No belongings next to it.  Not just empty, but vacant.  He stood staring for what felt like a long few minutes, wondering what it meant.

"If you wanted a piece of her, your too late.  She's already been transferred"

The voice came from the bed next to Della's, a woman who no longer kept the charade of sleep offering him an appraising look and a sarcastic tone.


"Yeah - the sergeant told us she was being transferred for 'special assignment.'  A few of us have already been sent out. Nobody knows for sure what it means.  But hey, at least it keeps a few of us away from guys like you"

Artemis shook his head
"No - I'm not ... not like that"
He unfolded the note and showed it to the woman
"She had asked me for my help, and she never showed up.  Do you know what was going on?"

The woman looked at the note with mild distrust, before again looking up at him.  She shrugged.
"Wasn't any secret.  Della was attracting lots of male attention.  Too much.  My guess?  Somebody got to her. I mean really got to her"

Too much vague euphemism.  But Artemis got the gist of it.

"I want to find her.  I want to help her"

"The only way to find out what happened to her is to get sent on 'special assignment' too. and my guess, buddy, is that you don't really want that.  If I were you, I'd high-tail it out of here.  Our bunk hasn't had a nightly visit from a superior officer in a few days, and my guess is that one will be wishing he could satisfy an itch tonight.  You don't want to be here when whoever it is has to reprimand you instead of spending time with one of us lucky girls"

Artemis just nodded.

"What's your name?"

The woman tilted her head, again an accusing distrust before finally speaking again, as if accepting this guy was not all bad.

"Milly.  You?"

"Artemis.  Listen, Milly.  If you hear anything about what happened to Della, let me know.  Somehow.  OK?"

Again a moment's pause before she nodded.

"You got it - but don't go getting yourself killed for a girl.  They'll tell you - we aren't worth it"

Several minutes later, Artemis was again laying on his own bed, but he still could not sleep.  Too much was going on, and he was without the power to stop it.  How could he attempt revenge if he couldn't even save a friend?

Three hours later, the morning alarm blared.  It was 04:00.  Too early.  But Artemis decided - today, today would be the day that he beat the course.  And start becoming the soldier he needed to be. So he could become the killer he needed to be.


SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 01:18:45 PM »


At about the same time that Mara was plotting with Karen Winton aboard a mark two imperial star destroyer, a picture of her face was flashing across billboards and screens throughout the entire Corellian Federation.

And beneath her face, the word TRAITOR flashed.  followed by the word REWARD.

"This individual goes by the name of Mara Gellar.  She claims to be related to the Corellian hero Valerie Gellar, though that is believed to be among her many lies.  She is a traitor to the Corellian people and seeks to undermine the Corellian Federation."

A video appeared, Mara firing shots, than another clip of several confederate soldiers down.  Nice editing work made it look seamless.

"Already, she has caused the deaths of many of our bravest soldiers.  And she is implicated in the murder of Governor Tacofer.  She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.  If anyone has any information on this traitor, they are to report the information to the local authorities immediately.

Once again, she cannot be believed."

Mara's name and face were only semi familiar to the corellian citizenry - she had been seen in the background of many photos with governor Strye, and a few small pieces had been written in the media about this cousin of Valerie taking up a role in government. Now though, everyone across the Confederation would remember that face, that hair, those eyes.  And remember that Corellia called her a traitor.

Frank Farmer, forced-retired director of the Corellian Security Force watched the ads silently on his monitor.  His last encounter with Mara had started with him telling her that he knew she was lying about who she was, and the conversation being cut off by word that Governor Tacofer had been apprehended.

Mara had come with Farmer to the station, and helped arrange for the governor's release.  Only for him to be found dead a few hours later in his home.

Farmer didn't trust Mara, because he didn't know who she was, or what she was hiding. But he did know this - Mara was not responsible for killing Tacofer.  Because Mara had been with Frank Farmer that entire evening, as he tried learning more about her.

Not to mention, of course, that he never trusted anything Saga Judec's martial law government said.  He frowned at the monitor, wondering what, if anything he could do.

High in the north, the lab facility that Mara had visited - and destroyed - was back online.  The computer systems had taken quite a bit of time to recover, and some information was still missing, but the important parts had been salvaged and secured.

Now, The High Commander, Saga Judec, was watching a monitor scroll information across as information was being told to him.

"We have confirmed, sir, that she-"

"It, lieutenant." Judec turned briefly to the officer, "it is not a living creature. it is a machine.  I'd rather not humanize machines"

"Yes, of course sir.  As I was saying, IT definitely was as we suspected.  Our computers recognized her - err, I mean, the machine, as matching programming code of Phage.  Phage's spawn, as it were.  We believe that the HRD ended up doing what several high-level droids have done in the past.  It turned on its creator.  As you know, several assassin droid models have become independent.  Phage did the same thing - something clicked, and became what Phage became.  The same is true of this HRD."

"and now what?"

"Well, we believe that repairs were not completed, meaning the HRD is still weaker than its full strength.  But in all likelihood, it is seeking answers.  trying to find keys to its programming, possibly so that it can modify its programming.  Again, much like Phage did."

"Which means it was headed, where?"

"We have a fair guess that it was headed to its place of origin - Coruscant.  Where Phage kept the droid army base of operations.  We already have sent probes to that outskirts of the asteroid field, and we believe we have found traces of recent hyperdrive activity.  Also, that base has been more active in the past week than it was for months since Phage was destroyed."

"But is the HRD there now?"
"We don't think so.  We think just as it turned on Phage, Phage's army turned on her - I mean it.  Our belief is that the HRD went somewhere else for answers, though we aren't sure where"

"Very well.  Thank you lieutenant.  Good work.  Keep searching"
"yes sir"

the lieutenant stepped out and Judec sat alone in his thoughts.  Judec had been a military man and an opportunist - the two characteristics that made anyone a good candidate for dictator.  But he had only limited knowledge of Phage's origins.  And he wanted to know more. More because he wanted something like phage under his control, without the risks of losing that control.  And so now, he was doing his research.  Taking steps to avoid the mistakes made by the likes of the Trade Federation.  But first, he needed to learn how Phage came to be.  And for that, he had another source.  Someone who had come to him only recently, a shadowy figure who never appeared in person, and always communicated on highly secure channels.  Nor did he have any idea who this person was.  But he knew the information was good.

Typing in a few keys, he activated a program on his personal reading device, and began reading:

To be continued

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2011, 01:56:13 PM »

CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City

How many times had Artemis failed this course before?
He stood with the blaster in hand, at the corner, ready to turn and face the sniper, like each time before.  And in all likelihood, it would cause him to "die" again, feeling that nasty feeling from a stun blaster, and another mark of failure on his chart.

He waited patiently.  How was he going to beat the sniper this time?

[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]

Blast - the sound of the horn marked the beginning of the exercise.  Artemis  secured his grip on the blaster and prepared to turn the corner.

But this time was different - instead of rounding the corner that marked the start of the course, he turned the other way, moving as quickly as he could and circling around the other side of the building.  Cautious he was - blaster up as he rounded the corner, despite still being outside the exercise grounds.

[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]

  Up, down, around.  All clear - he moved along the perimeter wall to the next corner

[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]

This time, he was more cautious, peering around the corner, gun raised and ready for the fight, ready to die again.  But he found that this whole time, the threat had actually been so easy to defeat.  Up above, on the tower facing the alley he was supposed to take, an automatic gun unit was aimed, facing downward, its rapid fire stun-blaster was fixed on aiming down that alley.  Nothing that walked that way would be able to escape it - but anything going around definitely could


[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]               

It almost seemed too easy - a gun that couldn't move?  maybe there was another weapon that was ready to strike back from wherever something fired.  He peered around the corner and caught sight of just what he was looking for - another weapon, poised to strike whatever dared to cross the current path of the building

[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]             

Nor could he hit either of the automatic weapons from where he stood.

"Well, Artemis" he thought to himself. "if the guns don't move, and we cannot go around the building - what about through the building?

He took a glance at the facility that was his shelter, a duracrete walled facility without much features.  But then he noticed what was not at first obvious - the walls had grooved bricks, common in duracrete structures, but deep enough that someone light could 'rock climb up it.

Hesitantly holstering his weapon, he began to slowly pick his way upward, slipping a few times but otherwise making progress.  The building was tall and he felt exhausted when his fingers finally reached the edge, not daring to look at the height beneath him - that fall would cause more than just a stun wound.

Pulling himself up, he quickly drew his weapon and did a sweep.  No one on this roof, though he now could see clearly the two automatic weapons perched across the intersection from him. Slowly, he made his way across the roof.

[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [A [[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]             

The guns were point blank range - and turned permanently downward.  aiming gun from this close range, he targeted the wiring behind the basic shielding of the closer weapon, firing a succession of shots before turning to hit the second weapon and doing the same.  Neither gun responded.

And nothing happened.  So now what?  From his vantage point, he could see the top of the course - was there more to it?
Almost immediately in response, he heard  a soft motor from below.  Glancing down, he saw a small armament droid rolling around the corner, heading toward the starting location.  Without hesitating now, he aimed his gun downward and fired several shots, the droid falling to pieces.  More silence.

XX            D 
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [A [[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]             

ANd then that was it.  After ten minutes standing atop the roof, he guessed nothing else was coming out.  No way down other than the way he came up - he scrambled across the roof, holstered his blaster and took the treacherous wall down, slipping several times, scraping his knees, and landing only semi-softly on his feet.  Blaster out again, he now walked - still cautiously - down the designated path for trainees, and walked to the finish line.

[[[[[[[[]]]]] A[[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
XX            X 
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]
[[[[[[[[]]]]]   [[[[[[[[]]]]]             

It all seemed so easy, he glanced around, wondering if there was some sort of trick to it.  But no.  He had figured it out.  He had passed this test.

"Alright, cadet.  Now we really start your training"
Artemis avoided a grin.
"Yes sir"
The men sat in a dark room watching the photage, amused looks on their faces.

"He took way too long on this.  Couldn't even beat it the quick and easy way."
"And this is a good thing?"
"Perhaps - the exercise is designed to to test their ability to understand their surroundings.  Most cadets fail every try until they realize where the gun is, then they destroy the gun before they move.  But him?  He went around the system."
"He cheated - he entered the course from an unauthorized location"
"No - he beat the system.  He found a way to go that we didn't want cadets to go. That we didn't think cadets to go.  That wall?  It's not meant for climbing, but he did it.  he hit those guns at point blank range, and they couldn't fire back, because he outsmarted the system.  That's what we are looking for"
"I don't know sir"
"Trust me.  THis soldier - he thinks the way we need him to for the project.  He has a brain that will work for us.  Begin him on the special training assignment"
"Very well, Commander"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 11:19:38 PM »

CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City

Artemis thought that his initial training was hard.  But now that he had beaten that course, his capacities were being tested to a new level.

Logic games, of all things, seemed to be a focus for them.  He didn't understand it.  he was training for security, so why give him puzzle after puzzle to solve?

He found he was good at them - with every type of puzzle, there was a trick, and the more complicated they got, the more sophisticated they were, the more he found there were loop holes - trick ways around, weaknesses in the programs.  And he was finding them faster.

He also noticed that he was spending much less time with the other cadets.  His schedule had been altered, and he was transferred to a new bunk on the opposite side of the campus.  He didn't understand it, and he didn't really have time to think about it.

It was one day, just after finishing one of those puzzles, that he was approached by his superior sergeant.

"Cadet.  I have received transfer orders for you.  You are to be taken out of Coronet and sent to Orbital Base Epsilon for a special training assignment"
Artemis wasn't sure what it meant - he had never heard of Orbital Base Epsilon, and 'special training assignment' had a negative connotation to him.  Della had been sent on 'special assignment' and had not been heard from since.  But Artemis had not been causing trouble, and they had no reason to suspect his true motives.  What could possibly be going on?

"When do I leave, sir?"

"Immediately.  Leave any personals. You won't need them anymore"

Even more foreboding, but he had little choice but to comply

"Understood, sir"

It felt like hours later.  Artemis had been shuttled offworld to an orbital platform, and almost immediately ushered onto another ship. Whatever his destination, it wasn't orbiting Corellia.  Now, he could see out the viewport a space station, deep in space.  It had a familiar look to it, like it was out of the history books of Corellia's colonial period.

"Where are we headed?"

"You cannot tell by now?  That's Center Point station.  That is where you will be for the next portion of your training"

That was it, Center Point Station - more powerful than the first death star, and a relic controlled but little understood by the Corellians.  Why were they going there, and what kind of training was he to be doing?  Center Point was known to be a center of science experiments, related to changing gravitational forces.  Would he be training in gravitational operations?

The shuttle made its way toward the behemoth, which grew larger and larger in the viewscreen until nothing else could be seen.  Slowly, more detailed features of the station were revealed, and Artemis could see the massive sphere rotating on its access.  No artificial gravity existed, the station used that rotation to create gravity within.  Closing in, the shuttle began to pick up speed, and artemis could hear the pilot speaking.

"This is shuttle Z-1-B, preparing constant orbit and making our approach."

The shuttle began moving even faster, and Artemis could feel the g-forces increasing, pushing him first against his seat.  The shuttle rotated, so that the top of the shuttle faced Center Point Station, and Artemis could feel the gravitational pull pushing him down..

"Shuttle Z-1-B, now in position. We are moving in for a lock"

The shuttle's own artificial gravity was shut off and it began moving closer, a small arm coming out of the station and latching on to the shuttle. Over the intercomm, he could hear:

"Shuttle Z-1-B, we have you locked on now.  Shut down engines and prepare to be brought inside."

The shuttle was slowly pulled back into the station and the hatch through which it came closed underneath them.  Not five minutes later, the shuttle was on a docking bay platform and Artemis was stepping out.

Greeting him were three officials dressed in the blue corellian confederation uniform.

"Welcome to Center Point Station.  Just a few important notes. Because gravity is created using centrivical (sp?) motion rather than artificial gravity, it is not constant.  Down here, it is the heaviest and if you turn the wrong way you may suddenly find yourself off balance.  Going up several levels, the gravity will get weaker.  And there are points in the open where if you jump too hard, you'll actually float to the other side of the station.  Don't try it."

Artemis nodded.

"Anyway,welcome to Center Point Station.  We'll get you set up in your quarters, and then you will be briefed on your new special assignment"

Artemis couldn't wait.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Medivh

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2011, 10:17:46 AM »
High Command Platform, Low Orbital

High Commander Judec watched the monitor in silence.  It was a series of photographs, taken less than a day ago from the Wheel space station.

Mara Gellar.  Karen Winton.  Together.

“it was as you predicted.  The droid went to the imperials.  And apparently, is now working with them.”

A voice responded over the speaker system.

“Not necessarily.  The HRD went to seek answers, not as an imperial operative.  It was drawn to Winton specifically, because her programming is based on Valerie Gellar, who was also close to Winton”

“So that is why they are together – but what are they doing at the wheel?”

“isn’t it obvious,Commander? They are seeking answers.  The droid wants to learn how it came to be, why it is so capable, where other droids are not.”

“And Winton? What’s in it for her?”

“She too is seeking answers.  The droid is trying to learn of her past- Winton is trying to decipher her future.  I have told you of the prophesy, yes?”

“I do not much believe in prophesies.”

The voice on the other end sounded smug, superior in reply.

“They are worth paying attention to.  Because Winton and her former friends all certainly believe the prophesy will come true.  But any prophesy can be interpreted with different endings.  Each will be trying to develop the ending most suited to them.”

“And why should I care if they are trying to play out an old fool’s tale?”

“Because it can be used to your advantage.  Winton will not come to Corellia – she is not foolish enough to do so, given the current relations between the Confederation and the Empire.  Nor will the droid, obviously.  But the other two – Patten, Masterson.  They will come to Corellia, seeking parts of the puzzle.  And when they do, you will find it beneficial to be prepared for their arrival.”

Judec leaned back in his chair, flipping  the monitor to another picture – older, of the Four socialites together.

“You’ve told me that Masterson is now a jedi?”

“Yes – or on her way to becoming one.  And Patten is still hiding from Winton, and coming along in her pregnancy”
“How do you know all this”
“it is my job to know”
“And they will come here?”
“at least one of them will.  You have some individuals on the surface who will be useful contacts to them.”
“and when they arrive, what should I do?”
“watch them.  Carefully.  Let them have their meeting.  It will speed along the result in the end.  Masterson and Winton will cause each other’s death.  The Republic and Empire will both fall, and Corellia, with you at the helm, will be able to use your new warriors to sweep across the galaxy.”

“And why do you want to help me?”
“Consider it my part to play in the prophesy”

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2011, 11:21:32 PM »

Melanie reflects heavily during the long journey.

Kent Carlson is her primary target but paying respects to Valerie is something she should have done some time ago. The memories are bittersweet. A part of her feels guilt for not being there, for not trying harder to save them all from the monsters within. Master Corrin had been clear when telling her she could not change their path. Those who were meant to would come to her when they were ready and they did.   

There is a third prerogative she has kept to herself.

The Corellian traitor named Mara Gellar. Her face had been splashed across the Holo, a face that she recognized and questioned. Melanie had stashed this intel until she could make sense of it all. She did not want to upset Kimber further. Long ago, Valerie had voiced to her that she believed the man who raised her was not her father. They shared many secrets not known to Kimber or Karen. Valerie trusted Melanie with certain information because Melanie also had things to hide. She doubted this man, Jerico Gellar, was a CorSec Agent at all. There were several inconsistencies, leads which Valerie followed to a bleak conclusion that only served to darken her view of the worlds. When Kimber admitted Kyri Patten was Valerie's biological father, things became more complicated. Why would the Major have his daughter raised by another? Scandal aside, it would have taken considerable planning. How would you be able to choose someone for such an assignment? The effort and organization involved in pulling off that facade would have been staggering. It would be incomprehensible were it not for the complicated webs their lives seem to weave. And now there is another Gellar.


Who is this girl, named a traitor, with the face of a hero and friend?

Melanie would have to be discreet in her investigation. She did not want to rile the High Commander who had a reputation for swift action and a low tolerance for any acts of defiance.

The shuttle alarms blare from the consol. Melanie eases on the controls and flares out of hyperspace in the Corellian Sector. She merges into the main commercial traffic lanes headed for the capital planet. As she approaches, the com bleeps. A voice from central command, ordering her to identify herself and state her business. She takes a breath and opens the channel.

"Central command this is Jedi Melanie Masterton, friend of Corellia and the late Valerie Gellar, requesting permission to formally pay my respects and gain closure after the loss of a hero and trusted companion."


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2011, 05:07:42 PM »
High Command Platform, Low Orbital

It seems his shadowy contact was extremely accurate in his assessment of what was happening in the galaxy.
Not three days passed when suddenly, he receives word that the contact was right.  Jedi Melanie Masterton had come to Corellia.  And with the same excuses as the contact had claimed would be used.

"Have her land on my personal platform, and set up an audience with her"
"it is not every day we are visited by the jedi"

"Yes sir"

Melanie would wait for a few minutes before two corellian fighters came up to her flanks and she received a message over the comm.

"Jedi Masterton, High Commander Judec welcomes you to Corellia and seeks an audience with you prior to your landing on the surface.  He hopes it is not too inconvenient for you to make time to meet with him"

The invitation was forceful enough that Melanie would recognize it as more of a command. She was in their space, she had to follow their rules.

Upon her compliance, the two fighters would direct her to not the planet's surface, but the command center on a nearby orbital platform.  And upon stepping down from her shuttle, she would find herself in a docking bay, holding only a few other small vessels, but otherwise carrying with it an almost alien sterility.

Greeting her, a single line of blue-uniformed corellian personnel.  and coming toward her, an entourage of about ten individuals, all ranking members of the Corellian Defense Force, and at their front a tall, imposing figure, uniform adorned with multiple pins and medals, face and body chiseled from a heavy workout regime, hair matched cold black eyes.  He smiled politely, but the smile looked just that -polite.

"Jedi Masterson.  I have heard much about your past, but little about your recent whereabouts.  But I know of your longstanding friendship with Governor Gellar, and it is an honor to have you here with us"

His handshake was firm, and he never dropped eye contact.

"Please - I'm sure we have much to discuss on your visit"

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2011, 09:58:28 PM »

Two fighters flank her shuttle when a message arrives.

"Jedi Masterton, High Commander Judec welcomes you to Corellia and seeks an audience with you prior to your landing on the surface.  He hopes it is not too inconvenient for you to make time to meet with him."

Melanie smiles to herself. It's not unreasonable for them to be cautious. She would be too if she were them. Given what they probably know from their more publicized antics, she is the only one of The Four that has been "missing" for several years now.

"Central command, I would be honored to meet with High Commander Judec."

She is guided to an orbital platform and lands smoothly. Melanie draws tranquility from within as she rises from her seat and moves through the cabin. She wears fashionable but simple stark white robes, long blond curls spilling wildly off her shoulders and down her back. Her blue eyes are vibrant and filled with calm.

The saber she constructed under Master Corrin's tutelage is clipped to a thick white belt.

Melanie steps off the ramp into the hangar bay to find a small greeting party. She nods to them and notices the officers striding toward her, the leader of which she feels must be Valerie's replacement. His uniform, metals and swagger give him away.

"Jedi Masterson. I have heard much about your past, but little about your recent whereabouts.  But I know of your longstanding friendship with Governor Gellar, and it is an honor to have you here with us."

Melanie extends a hand which he grips firmly.

"The honor is mine, High Commander. Thank you for seeing me. I prefer to keep a low profile as of late. My formative years weren't exactly what one would call discreet and I quite enjoy the peace my recent solitude has afforded me."

"Please - I'm sure we have much to discuss on your visit."

She nods, falling into step beside him.

"I apologize for the suddenness of my arrival but I felt it was time to personally honor my friend. She was the bravest of all of us and I am deeply proud of her accomplishments. I ask only to be allowed to pay my respects and spend some time getting to know the Corellia that meant so much to Valerie."


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2011, 12:41:48 PM »

"I apologize for the suddenness of my arrival but I felt it was time to personally honor my friend. She was the bravest of all of us and I am deeply proud of her accomplishments. I ask only to be allowed to pay my respects and spend some time getting to know the Corellia that meant so much to Valerie."

He kept his current, steady pace, almost a march as they continued down the cooridor.

"You will be pleased to know then that Ms. Gellar’s vision for a well defended, prosperous Corellia has come true.  The re-militarization she started has been accelerated, and the Confederation has expanded its borders tremendously.  And our fleet has grown strong enough to almost face off against the Empire."

They had reached his private quarters, his hand identification opening the door with a hiss to reveal the suite – A large office, one wall a giant viewport, another wall covered in medals and awards and an authentic ated timeline of Corellian military history.  In the center of the room, a large desk, covered with various datapads and slips of paper.  He motioned for her to sit, and offered a glass of water from a small caddy nearby.

Finally, both were seated, he leaning back in his chair, studying her with hard cold eyes, silent before leaning forward on his desk and again speaking

"I say almost strong enough.  But preparing a fleet takes time, and the Empire, we believe, is poising for a strike against Corellia.  You no doubt have heard of traitors in our midst.  Mara Gellar.  Not her real name, of course.  She is responsible for killing the Corellian governor, William Tacofer.  And now, she has been seen parlaying with imperial elites"

He flips a switch and a holoprojector lights up, revealing the photage of Mara and Karen at the wheel

"Harboring a traitor is an act of war, and we have already begun to face imperial treachery on our borders. Small skirmishes, mostly, but they are just testing the waters.  Soon, they will strike us at the heart.  The Emperor’s apprentice, with this traitor at our side will be able to break us."

The projector shut off and he again focused on her.

"I know of the jedi code, and I know that despite your past with Ms. Winton, your path now lies in opposition to her.  She will bring about destruction unless she is stopped.  It seems a bit fortuitous that you should come to Corellia now.  Perhaps you come under other pretenses?"

He tilted his head ever so slightly, he knew she was here on a mission – he had been told as much.  But he was not about to reveal everything he knew.

"Perhaps you are not really here for your friend, but as an ambassador of the republic, and a well needed ally.  It has been long since the Republic and Corellia worked together, but with Darth Kyja at Dementat’s side, the Empire threatens to consume the galaxy.  Maybe the jedi are fearful of the sith destroying what they work so hard to protect.  I should hope so.  So let me ask you straight – what do you and the jedi plan to do about Emperor Dementat and his apprentice? "

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2011, 08:23:23 PM »

Orbital Platform

"I am glad to hear Valerie's vision has been realized. It would make her proud."

The High Commander's office is no doubt impressive. Melanie sits in the chair facing his desk, crossing her legs slowly. Her stare is neutral as he speaks. She does not fear him but knows the situation remains delicate.

Judec makes reference to Mara Gellar, blaming her for the murder of the interim governor who assumed control after Valerie's death. Melanie's expression does not change until he flips on the holoprojector. Karen appears bold and menacing as her image is captured, frozen as she strides down a corridor on The Wheel. Beside her is a woman who looks so much like Valerie she gasps and she grips the side of the chair.

If she's not a Gellar, who is she? And what is she doing with Karen?

It's no surprise the High Commander sees this alleged unholy alliance as an act of war but Melanie is not so quick to judge. The story she hears is one-sided from a man who clearly wants to maintain control. There would be other sources with a perspective on Mara that may add depth to her true purpose. For her to investigate, she would first have to finesse her way off this platform and onto the surface. There is a grave to visit, leads to follow and a reporter to find.

The projector shuts down and he focuses on her once again.

"I know of the Jedi code, and I know that despite your past with Ms. Winton, your path now lies in opposition to her. She will bring about destruction unless she is stopped.  It seems a bit fortuitous that you should come to Corellia now. Perhaps you come under other pretenses?"

Melanie folds her hands, "Are you insinuating something, High Commander?"

"Perhaps you are not really here for your friend, but as an ambassador of the Republic, and a well needed ally. It has been long since the Republic and Corellia worked together, but with Darth Kyja at Dementat’s side, the Empire threatens to consume the galaxy. Maybe the Jedi are fearful of the Sith destroying what they work so hard to protect. I should hope so. So let me ask you straight – what do you and the Jedi plan to do about Emperor Dementat and his apprentice?"

She speaks fluidly with an even tone.

"I did not come here as a liaison to the Republic or the Jedi but will not deny we all share a similar fear. The Empire is and always has been a serious threat to galactic security. The Jedi, pushed to the brink of extinction by the Sith long ago, are not oblivious to the rise of a new darkness. Neither the Republic nor the Confederation can stop them and you know it. They must be dismantled separately."

Melanie's wide blue eyes radiate with an intense sincerity.   

"I alone must face Darth Kyja. Some things, no matter what the price, are inevitable. Valerie Gellar knew this as I do. Destiny requires sacrifices, some larger than others. I do not expect you to understand or care -  what matters most is what you do once Kyja is taken out of the equation. With his lover and apprentice gone, Dementat will be weak, unfocused, and vulnerable. It is then the Republic and Confederation can make a move if you so choose. That is when you will have the power and opportunity to stop the Empire. But not before. Winton must fall for the rest to follow."

She allows this to settle over him before making the pitch.

"There are individuals on Corellia who would be pray to those who wish to undermine all you have built and the security you provide in an attempt to claim the sector. Make no mistake, I am here for Valerie but I can help keep Kyja's curse off your doorstep if you will allow it."


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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2011, 02:24:54 PM »

Orbital Platform

"I alone must face Darth Kyja. Some things, no matter what the price, are inevitable. Valerie Gellar knew this as I do. Destiny requires sacrifices, some larger than others. I do not expect you to understand or care -  what matters most is what you do once Kyja is taken out of the equation. With his lover and apprentice gone, Dementat will be weak, unfocused, and vulnerable. It is then the Republic and Confederation can make a move if you so choose. That is when you will have the power and opportunity to stop the Empire. But not before. Winton must fall for the rest to follow."

Judec listened to Masteron, nodding patiently. The idea that she would need to kill Darth Kyjas as part of some destiny was not new to him – he had been told as much just days before.

"I We seem to be in agreement of an ultimate goal then – destruction of the sith, and the empire they control.  I agree, Winton is the key. Her destruction will be the beginning of the end for Dementat. If you must face her, then so be it.  How may I aid you in your task?"

"There are individuals on Corellia who would be prey to those who wish to undermine all you have built and the security you provide in an attempt to claim the sector. Make no mistake, I am here for Valerie but I can help keep Kyja's curse off your doorstep if you will allow it."

"I anticipate that Kyja will meet her end in Corellian space, she and the Corellian traitor.  They will attempt to sabotage one of Corellia’s greatest assets. The Center Point Station.  But if there are those on Corellia’ surface who can aid you, and you can hold off Kyja for just a little while longer, than I can have Center Point better prepared for the expected assault.  Wherever it is you go, I expect we will see each other again soon.  Go now- pay your respects to our fallen comrade."

He stands and shakes again

"I I trust you at your word Jedi. Do not be tempted to do anything that would bring about the wrath of the Confederation.  If you are truly an ally, than you may go in peace."

He escorted her to the door, and had an attendant take her back to her ship.

Back in his chamber, he activated his commlink

"The Jedi is free to go the surface. ? Keep an eye on her. ? Track her on and off the planet. I want to know what her plans really are."

 Center Point Station

Artemis had now been on Center Point Station for over a month, and his regiment, which had seemed quite odd to him before hand, had become routine.

Each morning at 5:00am, he along with a group of about twenty were sent on a workout run around the outer, lower portion of the wheel where the gravity was the heaviest. ? The run had burned when he first arrived, but now, his muscles had adjusted. ? Before each run, he was required to put on a jumpsuit, equipped with a long line of sensors. ? Apparently, they were tracking the progress of his muscle development and brain function while he ran.
At 6:00am, time to shower and breakfast
At 7:00am, war games, where he and his team faced off against decoys in a host of scenarios in various portions of the station –sometimes in heavier gravity, sometimes in lighter gravity, and a few times, even in a special room that jutted across the center of the station, where gravity was essentially nil, and he could feel himself floating and body realigning. ? All the while, sensors seemed to be recording his every move.
War games ended at noon, by which point, even the hardiest soldier was usually ready to collapse. ? Lunch break lasted a full hour and a half, and at 13:30, they moved to intelligence analysis.
More sensors tracked their actions and brain patterns as they worked through logic games and simulated battles, serving as commanders, as pilots, as soldiers, as observers.
Three ? hours of that were followed by an hour and a half break, including dinner time. ? At 18:00, they were sent out to run maneuvers in various space craft. ? Again, sensors monitoring their every action. Three hours of that, 21:00 was the end of the day, by which point, soldiers were utterly exhausted.
It seemed like they were being tasked with every possible action, thought, or whatever that anyone in the service would need to do. ? Artemis was frustrated with it all. ? On the one hand, he felt his body had never been so fit in his life, his mind so keen, his fingers so nimble. ? Maybe he was training for a special-ops team, a team that would need the skills he was being given? ? On the other hand, he had not come any closer to his goal – finding his friend, Della, who had also been sent on ‘special assignment’ or getting close enough to High Commander Judec to have his revenge.

He had a feeling though – something on this station was a lot more than it seemed. ? If it was all about training, why here? ? They could simulate the conditions anywhere, why were they done at this research laboratory?
And why all the sensor readings? What was going on?

Artemis was determined to find out. ? It was at the end of another long day, 21:00. ? Most of the trainees were heading to the showers and then to get some relaxation in before heading to sleep – wake up was in less than 8 hours, and they needed a full night’s rest to be on top of their game for the extensive day ahead.

Artemis however was determined to use his precious free time to do some hunting. ? Dorm areas were in the very center area of the station, where the gravity caused by centrivical forces was most close to that of Corellia. ? Artemis slipped past his dorm, first heading to a turbo lift, and then thinking better of it. Sensors everywhere. Best to take the hard route. ? Near the turbolift was a service shaft with a ladder leading up and down to the various levels. ? Glancing around, making sure he was unseen, he slipped to the ladder and began making his way downward, to the outer most portion of the station. ? Ashe moved down, he passed several levels, and could feel the gravity growing stronger as he moved. ? Finally, the ladder came to an end and he stepped down onto the curved floor of the station’s outer wall. ? His first several steps were hard to take, but gaining his balance, and weeks of training, he moved with purpose. ? Down here, it was below where the turbolift led. ? Instead, there appeared to be a maze of pathways leading down dimly lit cooridors. There were storage rooms, and he passed an array of ventilation shafts that led to several docking ports. ? But all in all, there was nothing of interest that hecould find until he reached a bend in the path he had chosen. ? Turning, he found himself in front of a heavy blast door. ? A small entrance pad on the side had, in bright LED letters: “GURI PROJECT – AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY”

Artemis did not know what the Guri Project was, and this door was sealed shut, but he had a feeling that he would find answers inside. ? For now though, he had pressed his luck enough for one night. Making his way back to the ladder, he moved up as fast as his tired arms could carry him, and made his way as quickly as possible to his dorm and his bed.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 02:32:47 PM by Medivh »
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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2011, 09:54:35 PM »

"I trust you at your word Jedi. Do not be tempted to do anything that would bring about the wrath of the Confederation. If you are truly an ally, than you may go in peace."

Melanie offers a warm smile.

"Thank you, High Commander. We will be in touch."

As she guides the shuttle out of the station and toward the surface, Judec's words linger in her mind. Why is he so convinced Karen and Mara would come to the Centerpoint Station? He seemed certain it would be their target. Only someone harboring something of value to them would make such a bold statement. But what? Mara has ties to Corellia and possibly a deep hatred for Judec but Karen? What's on the station that she would want? Karen always frowned upon Corellia as if it was Coruscant's distant, unpopular cousin. Melanie would heed Judec's warning for now. Angering the Confederation at this juncture would be unwise. The Republic would need their support if they were to counter the Empire's forces.

The ride in is uneventful but she has a hunch the High Commander would not let her out of his sights, despite his assurances. The man has so many layers she doesn't even know where to begin. She deviates from the traffic lanes and follows her feelings through the towers of Coronet City to land on a private platform attached to a giant dome-shaped mansion. She gathers her bags and steps off the ramp into the warm night air. She has never been here but the presence of familiarity clings to the structure. The lavish spectacle befits the owner.

Melanie withdraws a keycard from her purse and swipes it through the reader. The red light blinks and turns green as the door hisses open. It's cooler inside, climate controlled despite its emptiness. What was once a center of social activity and sexual debauchery now feels like a tidy mausoleum.

The late Valerie Gellar's personal residence.

The Four had contingency plans of their own, everyone trading keys to each other's places in case of emergency. She sets her bags down and wanders into the living room to open the large windows lining the wrap-around balcony. The decor is typical; black leather with accents of intense color. Everything appears to have been left, she assumes, as it had been. No dust lines the mantle or tables. Freshly cleaned glass allows pictures of them to stare out into the room - Karen pulling Valerie's hair, Melanie shrugging as Kimber stares longingly at a purple flower. Stills from their first Raga'Ana campaign are blown up, wrapped on museum quality canvas and hung above the fire place. There is an astounding amount of visual stimulation within the residence, an homage to their glory days. Melanie is actually surprised by Valerie's sentimentality. Sometimes it was difficult to tell she cared.

Melanie falls onto the couch, remembering.

She disliked Valerie Gellar until she saw below the brash surface she showed the worlds. If it wasn't for her, Melanie might have died that night after Homecoming. Valerie helped her stay clean despite her own foray into self-medication. The beauty was that she never asked why. They had an understanding, a respect for each other's secrets. She even came to Melanie when she was convinced the man who raised her was not who he claimed to be. When asked how she came upon this information, Valerie told her a friend looked into it for her.

That friend would now be a source.

Melanie stands and moves to the desk consol, scrolling through contacts until she finds who she is looking for. She opens the channel and exhales.

"Frank Farmer."

"Director Farmer, this is Melanie Masterton."

There is a significant pause.
"You know who I am."

"Yes, but be advised I am no longer the CorSec Director."

"My apologies."

"Where are you?"

"Corellia, actually, which is why I'm calling. Can you meet me tonight? There are things we must discuss."

He clears his throat, "Of course. Do you know the Coronet Club?"

"Only through our mutual friend."

"I'll be there at nine."

"Looking forward it."

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 09:57:50 PM by Syren »

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Re: Corellia Shines
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2011, 09:13:14 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

Gellar Residence

With a few hours to kill, Melanie wanders through Valerie's home. It's always interesting to see what others value and by the looks of things, she held her friendships in high regard. She wishes she could have brought Kimber here. It would have done her some good to be back in familiar territory but she doesn't trust the High Commander. He is obviously playing his own angle and she can't risk that including Kimber and Rydan as leverage against the Empire, especially with the bounty's on their heads.

She enters Valerie's bedroom and flips on the light. Black sheets, purple walls, a signed Miz Vovo poster framed on the wall, ridiculously large vanity filled with perfumes and makeup. It's all so Valerie. There is a picture of The Four together on Imperial Beach in front of the Bolerathon Tower on her nightstand. It was taken after their sophomore year at North Coruscant by Skyler. Melanie picks it up and gazes at the image. They look so happy, everyone grinning madly, their whole lives ahead of them. They were, save for Melanie, completely unaware of the larger danger surrounding them. Guilt creeps into her mind, echoing something Kimber said to her on Arbra. Would things really have turned out differently if she told them what she knew? The prophecy was too heavy for one person but there was a reason she had to shoulder it alone. In doing so, Master Corrin said she had kept her friends alive during that dark time. Anyone else with that information would have skewed the balances and they all could have wound up dead.

Still might, if she's not careful.

Melanie turns, bumping into the side of the dresser. It shakes and several pictures topple over. One of them slips off the side, frame shattering on the hardwood floor. Sighing, she stoops down to pick it up. It's a picture of Reef looking rather smug. She never understood their relationship or what Valerie saw in him. He was kind of a jerk. More than kind of. She remembers that summer after graduation when they had all been mourning the loss of their friends. She expected Valerie to be more upset after losing Reef but she wasn't. When she found her one evening drunk on Karen's balcony, she looked up at Melanie and smiled.

"That boy was only good for one thing."

Melanie shutters, picking up the frame when she notices something taped to the back. She pulls off the tape to find a datacard. What's this doing hidden in a picture frame? With Valerie it could mean anything but Melanie is compelled back down the hall and into the living room. She slides the card into the consol, praying to the Maker it's not a sex tape.

There are no video files on the card, only audio. Interesting. She taps open the first file.

The speaker crackles, caught in static, cutting into the middle of a conversation.

"What about our deal?"

Reef's voice, deep and vaguely condescending.

Then another.

"You know the terms. Keep them together and all your dreams come true."

"They are together."

"Not just The Four. All of them."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. The nine of us are going to be great friends."

"I hope so, mister Stratford. For your sake."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

The other voice laughs.

"You'll see."

Melanie stops the recording, panting for breath. She knows that other voice. She grew up hearing it. The tone is lower than she's used to but the laugh confirms it.

The voice belongs to Alexander Winton.

She checks the date signature of the recording. Two weeks into their freshman year at North Coruscant. But they barely knew Reef then. How did they meet him? That's right, after the first Death Star was destroyed. He approached Karen and Melanie on the plaza. He introduced  them to Lucas, Valerie and Kimber. He had art history with Skyler and Billy. He bumped into D'Arcy in the Hesperidium spaceport and brought her back to the Bolerathon Tower the following summer.

Questions sail through her mind. What deal? What dreams were promised in exchange for forging these connections? Were their friendships not as random as they...wait.

The prophecy.

Five will die.

The Four survive.

Together, nine of them. 

Dread rises within her.

How did he know it would be those five? The five specific names mentioned in the prophecy were not theirs.

Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar.

Then later, Dementat.

Melanie thought the five who were to perish did so long before Alexia returned to Coruscant.

Carli Cole, Tenley Price, Lux Lynus, Caprial Bronson, Nikoli Venko.

Were they merely a foreshadowing of things to come? Melanie stands and backs away from the terminal, her mind spinning with disgust and horror. Only one thing is clear.

Reef Stratford was a spy.

Does Rydan know his brother helped sell them out?

How long had Valerie been holding this information?

Good questions - for another time.

Melanie ejects the disk and tosses it in her bag. That is a whole other issue she could not deal with right now. There are more important tasks at hand, information she must gather in order to stop Karen from fulfilling the prophecy. She powers down the consol and returns to the bedroom. After a quick shower, she pads into Valerie's closet. The girl was never much for colors save for crimson, black, and grey. She selects what she can only imagine is the most conservative garment Valerie had and tries it on.

When she stands in front of the vanity mirror, she has to laugh. The simple black floor-length gown looks stunning if not a hilarious contrast to the rather drab robes she had been wearing recently. Still, it might be nice to exude the confidence Valerie paraded around and shoved everyone's face into. It certainly got her what she wanted most of the time. She sighs, tucking a blond curl behind her ear. What's wrong with her? She used to be good at this kind of thing. It was once her job. The attention was in some ways it owns reward. At least that's what they used to tell themselves. It's all so trival now. Perhaps the crushing weight of reality has dulled the allure. It wouldn't be the first thing. Humming softly, she steps into a pair of black heels and glances at herself once more.

Would Farmer be able to help her?

One way to find out.
