Author Topic: VE: Vogue Empire  (Read 90870 times)

Offline Syren

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VE: Vogue Empire
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:30:46 AM »
From the producers who brought you Socially Acceptable Monsters & The Reluctant Redhead comes the final chapter in an epic saga.


Vogue Empire

Coming soon...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:34:07 PM by Medivh »

Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 09:38:01 AM »
Socially Acceptable Monsters : 0ABY - 4ABY

The Reluctant Redhead/Corellian Rebirth : 4ABY - 6ABY


The Present

Fall 6ABY

Emperor Dementat controls the remnants of The Galactic Empire.

The Sith Abomination known as Alexia Winton is dead, struck down by her own sister on Phage's base of operations in the Coruscant Asteroid Field.

Byss has become the new Imperial capital.

Marius Guile, a rogue ISB Agent loyal to the missing Imperial Director, murders most of his team including fellow agent Mod Navris and sabotages the mission. He confiscates the original translation of The Persephonea Prophecy and intends to use it as leverage. His whereabouts are unknown.

Doctor Felicia Kensington, sole survivor of the Imperial team, finds herself part of a conspiracy deeper than anyone realizes.

Karen Winton, now possessed by the same darkness that controlled Alexia, completes her Sith training to become the Emperor's lover and progeny Darth Kyja.

Corellian Governess Valerie Gellar is murdered by Phage's hand after thwarting a Federation invasion of the system. Mara Anna, the seemingly impossible spawn of Phage, takes the life of Agent Scott St. Claire then of her creator and assumes the role of a Gellar.

Kent Carlson, a Corellian reporter who covered the Federation Crisis searches for a truth that lies far beyond the system.

Kimber Patten betrays the Empire by handing over the  treacherous Imperial Director to the Hapan Consortium only to discover she is pregnant with a child savior baptized by the Force. Aided by The High Protectorate, Rydan Stratford, they flee across the galaxy.

After years of hiding, the Jedi Melanie Masterton emerges to stop the Empire from preventing the prophecy from coming to pass.

Only one can survive.

Vogue Empire

Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2011, 01:32:57 PM »
The Imperial Remnant is steadily gaining strength. There is progress in areas once seemingly lost to the delusions of the Alliance. Systems come crawling back or bow in fear as his shadow falls over them. A mysterious figure and skilled tactician, the Emperor Dementat sets his sights on reclaiming the universe for the Galactic Empire once and for all.

Everyone has their weapon of choice. He just happens to be in love with his.

The sultry sass of an Apprentice has come out on the other side a Lord and lady alike. Gone is the vapid model and Imperial socialite Karen Winton and in her place the woman now known as Darth Kyja.


Byss: Imperial Capital

Surface: Emperor's Citadel

In a darkened chamber cloaked in heavy and expensive drapery atop a platform bed covered with silken fabrics stained the deepest of purples, a young Emperor and his stunning Apprentice work on fulfilling more than just a prophecy. His fingers run the length of her smooth back as he enters her again. She gasps and he smiles, leaning down close enough for his nose to graze her ear.

"Soon," Dementat whispers. "We will have everything."

"A part of me thinks I already do."

"There is always more to the story. You, of all people, should know that."

"A little too well, I'm afraid."

"Fear not, my love. You and I will decide how we want the story to end."

"You and I?"

Dementat's electric blue eyes seem to sizzle in their sockets as he reaches for a black velvet box at the edge of the bed. Intrigued, Karen rises from the pillow. He turns and, on one knee, opens the box slowly in front of her surprised face. Inside lies a crimson Roonstone engagement ring with a platinum band encrusted with sparkling gems. Karen's emerald eyes widen at a stone she recognizes.

"Cut from Alexia's necklace as a symbol of your triumph over her. Our destiny, our passion, our love - was fated from the beginning. It was always you. The future is ours to shape. Be my Empress and we shall rule this galaxy together."

The darkness in her heart flushes scarlet, pulse quickening. She touches the edge of the textured box and removes the ring. It fits perfectly on her slender finger. Karen inhales sharply, beaming.


Dementat kisses her deeply and they fall back against the sheets with the ring glinting softly in the pale light.

When he is gone and she finally rouses from the coma, still deep in the sex and murder haze, she is still smiling proudly. Everything feels like it has come together. So obvious. Far too late, of course, for some. It would be humbling to anyone less fabulous but realizing that most of her life has been hindered by hesitation and dubious attempts at a vague morality seems almost ridiculous now. The dark energy of the Imperial center courses through her, recharging and amplifying a sensation revelation.
In this new void she finds a clarity she so desperately lacked.

This could have been bypassed had they all died along the way.

Most went unaware of their significance.

Others did not.

Like always, Valerie gave it up early. In a way that makes her the lucky one. She does not have to suffer knowing her mildly noble yet slightly sinister sacrifice will not, in the end, save Kimber. Melanie will be the real challenge and the most worthy opponent. That is, if she ever shows her face again. Anyone else in the way would be cut down by her saber. They will fall as the opponents of the Galactic Empire will fall. As they fall to Dementat's fleets, to her sheer power and will. It will be a battle of the ages, of best friends and blinding destiny that would blow this prophecy to high holy hell.

Inside, she rages and unilaterally decides to express it outwardly.

Do unto others.

From the moment Karen struck Alexia down the door to a future written in sand and stars sprung wide open. Blackness consumed her soul as she gave in completely to the dark side, to a life she spent years telling herself she did not want. She let it all go and as a result attachment becomes liability. Threats to her personal safety are now everywhere. Possess a power this great and others will want to take it away. Or control it. Use it for a purpose not your own. Now they will try and kill her for it and that simply cannot be allowed. She imagines them plotting against her, trying to rationalize what she knows must be done. What she feels is the final outcome of their melodramatic struggle.

To the victor go the spoils and Karen Winton wants it all.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 07:53:59 PM »
Byss: Imperial Capital

Surface: Emperor's Citadel

Karen sits at the massive vanity table staring dreamily at her outstretched hand and the glittering ring nestled on a delicate and well-manicured finger.

A handmaiden enters, bowing before her. There are so many she can barely keep track. When Dementat brought her back to the new capital, she was uncertain as to how she would be received. Many of those who survived the destruction of Coruscant knew of her fame and reputation there. It was something she had squandered that last year leading up to her Imperial awakening and introduction to the new Emperor. Their friends had been mercilessly stalked and murdered by Alexia and as their numbers dwindled, The Four fought to remain alive. She had all but given up on the life she thought she could have. Dementat has shown her all things are possible. Now it seems her celebrity remains intact and the Imperial public welcomes her back into the spotlight as if she had never left. She ponders the ripple effect the engagement announcement would  have when this line of thought is disrupted by the presence of the handmaiden whom, until just now, she had forgotten was there.

"What say you?"

"Message from central command. A Corellian ship entered the system asking to see the Emperor."

She sighs, already bored.

"You disturb me for such trivialities?"

"Of course not, your Highness. The pilot, a woman, calls herself Mara Gellar."

Karen's skin turns to ice as she whirls around.

As far as she knew, the Gellar name had been wiped off the galactic map when that psychotic droid Phage choked the life right out of Valerie. There is only one who knows the lengths to which she had gone to fashion a story around that sacrifice to save another and it's not the Emperor.

"Mara Gellar?"

"Yes, your Highness. She is listed as renegade from Corellia and is asking for permission to land."

Karen's heart is suddenly pounding with anticipation and opportunity.

"Then I say we grant her permission and find out who she really is."

"But the Emperor-"

"The Emperor does not concern himself with such things. There is, after all, a galaxy to reclaim. Let him plot strategy while I handle this very personal matter. As you know, the Gellar's and I have history. Worry not, this woman is no threat to me. Have the landing party bring her to me and keep it quiet. I am not in the mood for a public showdown."

The handmaiden nods and scampers away, leaving Karen with a haze of questions and angles. She squares her shoulders, stands and stalks off into wardrobe to find something more betting a future Empress.

A smaller, more intimate reception hall with a breathtaking view into the pulsing green and blue cityscape below is prepared.
The twinkling lights amplify the intensity of Karen's emerald eyes as she awaits a girl who calls herself a Gellar.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 08:05:12 PM »
(continued from the thread: Alive)

Byss: Imperial Capital

Surface: Emperor's Citadel

Karen soaks in a gigantic tub and reflects. She is not worried about Mara bolting away. There is much to discover, much to learn. Then she realizes if Mara braved entering the Imperial capital then she must really be desperate. She knows the feeling well. Hell, she spent most of her formative years in a similar state of flux. Questions that lingered over everything they did. Unlike Mara, Karen had so many pretty things to distract her. It worked for a time.

Their world came crashing down anyway.

Valerie appears in the cavernous bathroom, through the steam, sauntering over in what looks like an edgy twist on the CorSec uniform. Her dark hair is cut in layers that frame her face. The way it was in high school. She sits on the edge of the tub and dips her fingers into the scalding water.

"She's not me, you know."

Karen glowers, sinking further down.
"Neither are you."

"Is that what you think? Still don't get it, do you? I will always be with you."

Valerie's face turn ashen, cracking apart, eyes hollow as she leers down at her and hisses in many voices. 

"We all will."

She grips the side of the tub, trying to catch her breath. Water sloshes loudly. Karen climbs out, grabs a towel and shivers. She stares across the now empty room, steam hanging in patches, unnerved. She changes into something more functional, a stylish black bodysuit and gray fur-lined tunic with polished platform wedge knee-high boots. As she applies shadow over her brilliant green eyes, she wonders what's happening to her. She had been seeing things more often lately. Ever since the battle on Phage's Base, her soul has been filled with an unexplained heaviness.

A parting gift filled with presences.

Karen shrugs off the dread styling her hair. She is not going to let anything Alexia did get in the way of finally finding out how deep this hole goes. The vanity consol bleeps and she taps open the line.

A holographic image of Dementat appears, no doubt calling from his SSD elsewhere in the Core. Seeing his face calms her down immensely.

"Hello, lover. How go the negotiations?"

"Those unwilling to listen to reason are struck down."

"That's my boy."

"That's not why I am contacting you."

"Something on your mind?"

"Actually, it's on yours. I felt your emotions spike. Tell me what troubles you."

"There may be progress on the Corellian front."

"I am certainly pleased to hear it but why do I get the feeling that is the least of your concerns?"

"There is more at play."

"Naturally," he says with a sly grin.

"It seems a legacy is not the only thing Valerie Gellar left behind. You know there are things I must do in order for our Empire to be safe. Threats that have written alongside my destiny."

"And you feel this is one of those things?"

"Exactly. We share the same goal, the same vision but we each have decidedly different paths. I need you to trust me here."

"I do."

"I'll try not to cause too much of a scene."


"No but it sounded nice, didn't it?"

He nods, "I am here if you need me."

"As I am for you. Now go, negotiate, conquer. I'll keep you posted."

"Goodbye, my Empress."

Karen bows then taps off the device, her heart conflicted. She does not like keeping things from him, especially since they are remarkably connected, but it would behoove her not disrupt his concentration.

This is a delicate time for the Empire with so many system uncertain. The Republic menace had gained tremendous momentum after they blew the fuck out of the second Death Star. She groans inwardly. Stupid Death Star's. That was a costly mistake if there ever was one but an extremely valuable opportunity. Dementat rose to power as it was foretold and propelled the menace out of the Deep Core but the destruction of Coruscant and multitude of galactic threats proved the road to reclamation would not be swift. Only when Dementat relocated the capital, ramped up production to maximum, and mobilized the remaining fleets did the new Imperial dream begin to expand.

Karen is thrilled to be a part of it now that she has some creative control.

Hours have passed and night has fallen.

She wonders if Mara has had time to ponder her words and if she could convince her to hunt down the remaining members of The Four. One down, two to go. That pesky prophecy isn't going to stop her from doing a little actualizing of her own.

In due time.

Karen stands before the mirror, dabbing on lipstick and clipping her saber to a thin black belt. Turning on the wedge heels, she strides out into the hall to check on how Mara was processing.

-TBC (in the thread: Alive)

Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2011, 07:52:37 PM »

Surface: Haven Base

Rydan Stratford slips out from under the covers in the early morning hours, leaving behind Republic Agent Trace Denton slumbering peacefully. There is a void left where Scott St. Claire's presence used to fill. Months had passed since he first heard through various nefarious sources that his beloved Imperial Agent had met his end at The Wheel. Their relationship had been surprisingly uncomplicated given so many alarming circumstances and now all Rydan wants is a little release. He creeps down the hall and stands outside her door, considering if he should even disturb her. There is a protective compulsion he cannot explain. Valerie had ordered him to keep Kimber away from Corellia, to keep her safe from all the things that could harm her and he did so because wanted to. Not because it is written. Rydan has never been one to place faith in prophecy's but this has all hit a little too close to home. He taps in the door code and steps inside as quietly as he can.

Kimber Patten sits on the edge of her bed, tenderly cradling a high heel, crying softly.

"You ok?"

She holds up the heel, shaking her head.

"These are my favorite and I can't wear them. My feet are too swollen. My feet are...fat."

She sobs.

"You are barely showing at three months."

Kimber runs a hand across her belly.
"I can't believe Mod did this to me."

"Miracle of life."

"Oh, don't even start."

"You mustn't worry."

Her wide violet eyes are filled with tears.

"How can I not?"

Rydan falls onto the bed beside her, wrapping a muscular arm around her. She leans into him. The heels and expanding waist line are just two in a long line of recent sacrifices. The Jedi had shown them the graphs of all those who have died in connection with their fabulous fates.

It's not a short list.

For a long time she wasn't sure her place in all of this - NCH graduate, a model, cheerleader, CorSec freshman, and an unwilling yet vital part of an Imperial plan that stretches so wide she can hardly grasp the scope and magnitude.

They had been manipulated and lied to.

A lot.

Kimber had let herself be used by the Empire and she hated herself for that. It began with a broken promise that claimed many lives including her father and half-sister. They said they would save Valerie from Phage if she would play counselor for a while. Karen was with Dementat and they needed a new pretty face to justify their treacherous ways. Just simple diplomacy, they said. No big. Yeah, right. Kimber had effectively reneged on prior negotiations that turned Contruum's populous over to the Empire. She took Hapan Admiral Rana Ohtar hostage on the assumption they would send Imperial fleets to Corellia if they just got what they wanted from the Consortium. Kimber had tried to spare the Admiral by deflecting torture and murder to experimentation which led to Ohtar's suicide and brought a steep price on her head.

Not her finest moment.

It's the worst thing she's ever done.

The guilt over her actions coupled with a full scale Federation invasion of Corellia led her to throw herself at the mercy of the Consortium. Instead of trading her life for the Admiral's, they wanted something else. Something bigger, better. A far worthier sacrifice - The Imperial Director of Intelligence who, as it turns out, was one of her best friends father's all along! Jerk. All that transpired had done so on his orders. He was solely responsible for their torment and the Consortium wanted him to pay.

Karen had been surprisingly reasonable with the arrangement. Her own outrage greased the wheels a bit. She allowed Kimber and Rydan to flee Hesperidium with Alexander Winton. Their time in the Hapes Cluster had been a beautiful grieving period. The loss of Scott, Mod and Valerie overshadowed all they did. Hapan Counselor Valina Erin's had been a sympathetic friend and created a new life for her.

They changed her name to Nulla Vanya, gussied her up and made her a famous model.


This time her heart just wasn't in it. She knew they couldn't stay there. Even with the new benevolent Queen Mother, their secret wouldn't stay hidden forever. The past, it seems, always comes around for another pass. It never stays gone. Nothing is ever forgotten.

And when a present arrived from Melanie Masterton, she knew this would always be true. The holocron contained a message that told her if Karen killed Alexia, she would be consumed by the same rage and turn on them. It also contained the Persephonea Prophecy, translated with notations by the Jedi Order Melanie now belonged to. A little light reading to make things worse.

That's also the same day she found out she was pregnant.

Desperate for answers, Counselor Erin's snuck Kimber into a maximum security prison to have a little chat with the Imperial Director. She needed to know why he had purposefully destroyed their lives on so many levels.

The conversation cut deeply.

"Monica's vision was the foundation. With a little help from the Empire's resources a new galactic future was being formed. It was life after Palpatine with a reach far greater and more secure than it had ever been in the past. Dementat on the throne with Karen at his side and a darkness so thick it chokes consumes all that lives. An Empire to end all Imperial dynasty's before it. In exchange for total security, an agreement was forged to introduce the Four into an environment in which they would be prone to seek each other out. It was no accident that you all ended up at North Coruscant. We debated how much direct involvement we should have but everything began to take shape, just as she had seen it. Some hedged their bets more than others."

"But it was Patten who truly understood. Father of both touchstones. You and Gellar were the wild cards, the non-sensitive's, who rounded out The Four. If there is anything your father knew for sure is that there would always be a sacrifice. The prophecy pointed to a murder and a betrayal. As any good strategist knows, it's all a gamble but you take it if you think you can win. So he made a deal."

"A business arrangement between Patten and the Trade Federation on behalf of Corellia allowed for the creation of the droid known to you as the Baron Phage. He sold Gellar's genetic material knowing full well the project could turn and the original compromised."

This oppressive truth flattened her and she left Alexander Winton to die at the hands of the Consortium.

Kyri sold out Valerie to save Kimber. And with Valerie dead, Kimber was now the leverage between Karen and Melanie. To spare the Consortium any more harm, she decided to leave. If it was all true then she and Rydan would not be safe there. Karen knew where she was and would come for them. Rydan and Valina agreed and their escape was arranged. They followed Melanie's instructions to Arbra where they remain under Jedi protection.

The pretty picture of her present life.

Kimber sighs as Rydan puts her back to bed. He pulls the covers up to her chin and kisses her forehead.
"We will get through this. Together. I promise."

She is still clutching the high heel.

"I want to believe you."

"Good," he says, smiling. "Then we actually might have a chance in hell."

« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 09:55:40 AM by Syren »

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 08:15:13 PM »

Surface: Bestine

He orders another ale as the dingy screen above the bar broadcasts the increasing violence between Imperial and Alliance forces throughout the mid-rim. The young Emperor continues to display his military prowess with a slew of recent victories. He groans, moving away from the bar. A fight erupts and he has to step over a fallen Rodian to reach an empty table where he can wallow peacefully into the thick foam spilling over the side of the glass. The realization has been slow and steady but there it is.

Kent Carlson's mainstream career is over.

The Corellian Confederation had seen fit to shut him down following the Phage Crisis. The interim government, lead by William Tacofer, was taken by Saga Judec and Kent's once famed editorials became slanderous challenges to a new leader. His editor and broadcast channel fired him on Judec's orders. His investigation into the hostile transition was effectively shut down. There would be no digging into the new High Commander. CorSec Director Frank Farmer had been deposed by Judec and Valerie's entire staff detained. It was if they did not wish her sacrifice to detract from the rising regime. The story of a lifetime briefly but significantly impacted him. He had lived through it all and his photage had garnered much critical acclaim. Tacofer seemed to respect their freedom from the Federation and sought only to honor those who had made it possible. Others saw it as an opportunity to seize upon the unification and capitalize amidst a haze of questions. Former Governess Gellar's ties to Phage and CorSec are overshadowed by the screams of the resistance and Tacofer's spectacularly brutal murder.

These screams are quickly silenced on the stone in the shadow of Valerie's statue.

Kent is given a choice.

Silence or the stone.

He chose to buy himself a little time.

Associations across multiple factions called to him. The journalist within is never quiet but he couldn't stay on Corellia. That much was clear. Judec may have his hands full but Kent had been warned. Interference would cost him his life.

There was one final source he had to check before he left.

Former contacts who had avoided capture gained him access to Coronet General. Using the sliced floor plans and cloned access cards, Kent entered the psychiatry ward annex and located the cell. The annex is a fully functional but empty wing of the facility currently under construction, far from the brightly lit halls for the actively insane. Although this patient was listed publically, there was a strict no-visitors policy.

Kent bypassed the locking mechanism and entered quickly. The room is large and padded, something more typical than he would have expected.

Lilandra Patten stood in a corner writing nonsensical gibberish on the walls. The padding is covered with diagrams, symbols and broken sentences. She didn't speak or seem bothered by his presence as she continued writing. The reports stated Lilandra lapsed into a violent state after Major Kyri Patten was murdered by Phage in front of an entire city of spectators. When the same fate befell Valerie Gellar, she attempted to escape and injured three orderlies. She ranted about a Federation conspiracy with an Imperial backing. There had been a previous history of mental illness and fear she had regressed into paranoid delusions. She had been in solitary until Saga Judec abruptly had her moved and restricted access without explanation. Kent suspected Lilandra could be a liability and, if kept appropriately medicated, would blend into the background. With most of Farmer, Tacofer, and Gellar's personnel either dead or incarcerated, Judec was free to move forward without loose ends.

He knew it wouldn't be long before Judec considered him the same.

Kent introduced himself to Lilandra in a hushed tone. She stirred, glancing only briefly his way. He asked about the Major, about Kimber, Valerie and the events that lead her to present situation. He wanted to know about the conspiracy, if she could tell him anything that might help them. Her answers were mumbled and low and she continued to scribble. Kent sighed, shaking his head. This had been a mistake. They wouldn't leave her lucid enough to tell anyone anything. Absently, he whispered.

"How did this happen to you?"

"It was him," Lilandra began to chant as she scrawled on the wall. "It was him."

Her voice sounded strained, like it hasn't been used in some time.

It startled him.

"What did you say?"

"It was him."


She steps back, shaking her head, repeating the same three words over and over again. Kent's eyes traveled up the wall to focus on the only recognizable word.


Kent fled Coronet General and hurriedly packed essentials from his apartment. There was no way Judec's forces would allow him to leave the system on his own free will. The only reason he was still alive was because Judec thought he could use him. The High Commander needed a familiar mouthpiece. Kent would rather die. Corellia was locked down and the information he sought could only be obtained outside the sector.

In the early morning hours, a cargo ship departs for the Outer Rim with Kent Carlson stowed aboard.

Some stories, he thought throughout the long journey, are meant to be told.

Cut to now - a filthy bar on the dreadfully dry Tatooine, Kent polishes off what's left in the glass and slams it down. He had rented a closet-sized hotel room while he poured over his notes and files. Gellar, Phage, Patten - they are part of something larger. They are figures in a drama that started long before with many other characters. He had first heard of The Four when he was a senior at university. Classmates of his were obsessed with them, socialite models from Coruscant who at times ate up more holo space than actual news. Kent thought they were spoiled, vapid and impossibly attractive distractions who got exactly what was coming to them.

The Event at 500 Republica had been big news -  slew of vicious murders that ended atop the luxury tower. That story had been almost instantly eclipsed by the destruction of the second Death Star above Endor. The public's attention was drawn away. He thought that was the last of it until Gellar and Patten moved back to Coronet to attend the CorSec Academy Fall 4ABY. There was a big fuss and a lot of unnecessary publicity. It had done wonders for enrollment though which, Kent speculated, was part of the plan all along. There were whispers about a sordid relationship between Gellar and Director Farmer but no proof came to light. Patten was adored by all due to that flawless face and a familial relationship to a famed and highly respected Major. They left Corellia for break after the first semester and never returned. The Federation situation served to shift the public's attention to more pressing matters. They had not crossed his mind again until Valerie Gellar was specifically and unexpectedly targeted by Phage during his first siege of Corellia. Major Patten fought him and lost. Gellar fought him and lived. She proved to be scrappy and unpredictable but effective. Her heroics thrust her back into the public spotlight, a position she most certainly did not shy from.

It was then Kent began to wonder about her and started to dig.

Farmer remained close to her and when Phage returned, it seemed almost personal. He wanted all of Corellia but he wanted her dead more. Bits of information from the outside filter through the haze attached to figures from Gellar's past. His research was derailed by Judec. The last he heard, Kimber Patten was some sort of Imperial liaison to the Hapan Consortium much to the dismay of the Corellian people. Now Winton's in the mix. Lilandra's words echo in his head. Him. Him? A Winton not Karen? The only male Winton on record is her father, Alexander, who died in a speeder accident on Bakura in spring 3ABY. There was also a forth. Melanie something. Masterton, that's right. The blonde. No public records exist of her beyond graduation from North Coruscant, a month and a half before the planet was nearly destroyed by minions of the Dark Queen. It's as if Masterton disappeared. Or died. He wouldn't be surprised either way. Strange and interesting things happen wherever they go usually followed by terror and death. Kent draws mental lines between them all that become fragmented by galactic crisis.

One issue overshadowing another.

How far does it reach and what does Saga Judec have to do with any of it?


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2011, 03:16:28 PM »
Byss: Imperial Capital

Orbit: ISD-II Corporeal Quandary

Doctor Felicia Kensington tucks a strand of black hair behind her ear and glances over a patient's chart. It's physical time aboard the Quandary and all personnel are required to see her for their routine check-up's. She loathes it spitefully but it keeps her busy, keeps her mind occupied from the fear creeping in. Not a day passes that she doesn't believe she will share the same fate of the crew on the Abyss and the Imperial team that followed.

Screaming, running, the white hot pain of a blade piercing her flesh.

How did she end up here?

Once a prominent medical agent, Felicia knew her life would never be the same when she first sat Karen Winton down on her exam table. She had never hated anyone more and was glad to be rid of her when Emperor Dementat came to collect the mouthy royal. In losing one, they gained two others - Valerie Gellar and Kimber Patten. It only went downhill from there. Their team was consumed by the dangerous drama swirling around them, pulled into an arena no one could comprehend. The rules bent and blurred. Had she not accepted the Duros mission to tail a frightfully beautiful woman at an auction, Felicia would have exploded all over the hangar bay of a Republic command ship just like everyone else on the Strike-Cruiser Abyss. Viceroy Gesser had been most appreciative. Despite this assistance to CorSec and the Corellian government (reported by St. Claire as non-hostile relations for future Imperial dealings), she was reassigned to the Quandary under the command of a much scarier Karen. Darkness and horror came after those surrounding her yet again and Felicia nearly bled out on a bedroom floor in the Bolerathon Tower. Karen had found and saved her. No one else had been so lucky.

So Felicia made a deal with the devil.

They covered up the attack on Bolerathon Tower by blaming it on Phage as he swept toward Corellia for what was supposed to be his greatest conquest. That Gellar bitch managed to stop him though and in the end forfeited her life. Phage was gone and Corellia engulfed in its own internal struggles after rebuffing the Empire's generous offer.

The real villain is still at large. The traitorous Marius Guile. He murdered their team save for her and came to finish the job on Hesperidium. Karen prevented this and not only do they share a secret but she owes the socialite Sith her life for a second time. She remembers it with a terrifying clarity.

Felicia Kensington and Governor Indew Strye of Contruum had witnessed the final showdown between Winton sisters. The good Governor never left that tomb in the asteroid field once called Coruscant. Felicia lives only because she answered correctly.

Now she waits for the tides to turn and Karen to come looking for a loose end.

Felicia's com bleeps. She sets down the chart to unclip the device from her belt. Message from Commander Landon Price in the command center.

Darth Kyja returning to Quandary.

Felicia shutters violently and hugs herself in the silence of the empty medical lab.

Better late than never.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2011, 09:39:42 PM »

Surface: Haven Base

The silent chamber room is humming with light energy.

Melanie Masterton sits on the floor with her legs crossed in a deep meditation. Her long, blond trademark curls spill over her shoulders and down across her chest as she inhales and exhales rhythmically. A thin cylindrical pillar extends from the floor atop which sits a small glowing holocron projecting a bold and oppressive text.

Take it back, way back, to a time before this one.

With most of their friends dead by Alexia's hand and the second Death Star destroyed, The Four retreated to the resort moon Hesperidium. Graduation had been bittersweet with so many empty seats glaring out of the senior class. No one really felt like celebrating but Karen was determined to show them all just how unlike her murderous sibling she really was. Valerie drown pain she would never admit to feeling in booze and men. There were never enough, it seems. Kimber was shaken but danced along in a traumatized trance. She kept the smile on. As the parties raged on, Melanie and Castin consummated their relationship and grew closer. Their love had been pure but her continued involvement with his insurgent faction had led to an arrest by Imperial authorities. They were closing in on Le Revolte and prepared to use Melanie as means to expose and capture them.

Fate briefly intervened.

Minions of the Dark Queen of Hapes set off a chain of explosives that blew apart the northern hemisphere of Coruscant and sent a fiery shockwave searing around the rest of the capital world. It killed everyone they knew that wasn't already dead and effectively ended their collective careers. Thrown off its axis, the remainder of the planet began to break apart. The area was a wasteland; a collection of rocks amidst violent electric storms.

Those on Hesperidium grew disillusioned, desperate. The Imperial forces wanted to lash out at any enemy they could find. Melanie was slated to be executed, an example made of her treachery. The public turned on her as well. Her image was destroyed. Castin pleaded with Karen for help and as the Empire reeled, she helped him spring Melanie from a holding cell at the West Iobatese Beach precinct. Kimber and Valerie had packed up Karen's royal cruiser with Melanie's belongings and said tearful goodbyes.

They understood it was the only way.

Melanie never looked back and knew not of what they faced at the end of that summer.

They followed the instructions and joined Master Corrin on Yavin IV. He and the new Jedi Order had been waiting for her for some time. They knew she would come. She delivered the holocron containing the prophecy stolen by the Queen. Plans were made to return to their secret stronghold but that was the end of the line for Castin. He loved her but knew their lives lied on separate paths. He had to fight in his own way and left to help where he could.

Heartbroken, Melanie followed the Jedi to the Haven Base on Arbra where she began her training. As she fought and learned in the depths of the dense Arbran forests, the prophecy weighed heavily on her mind. Reports from across the galaxy revealed those she loved. The fates of her friends began to a take a familiar shape. It all unfolded as it had been foreseen. Master Corrin told her she could not change their destiny.

She could, however, alter the final outcome.

Melanie opens her eyes slowly, focusing on the floating text.

It was a burden she had shouldered alone since she was fifteen.


Prophecy Persephonea

To the Holy Vessel a vision is sent.

Behold! An empire shall fall and from its ashes will rise the dark powers of the one called Master.

And he stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of the sea having four heads and eight horns, and upon each of her horns a crown, and upon her heads the names of blasphemy.

And those who are named will be worshiped and give power unto the beast.

Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar.

The Royal Four of the Force.

Two blessed with the gift.

Two called to serve as Touchstones.

Equal parts of a sacred balance.

The inception lies with the firstborn, one who will carve out destiny in blood.

The first Abomination known as The Beast.

For she will be trained as a Sith but defy their teachings to be consumed by jealousy. And the Master will know the beast and attempt to tame her rage but the beast cannot be tamed whence The Four shall be tested in a calamity framed by two similar tragedies.

Five will die.

The Four survive.

The blood of the innocent will seal the fates of The Four in a crimson fire and the Master shall rise to power. An Emperor unlike no other before him.

All will tremble before Dementat and fear his name.

The gifted go in search of higher purpose.

One of light. One of dark.   

The daughter of light finds absolution. Only in the face of total isolation will she face a truth always known.

The daughter of darkness finds the Master. Only in the face of total separation will she be sent an Unconventional Champion.

A Dark Queen will evoke her rage and allow the Master to call upon her.

A High Protectorate will then be chosen for the Touchstones.

True identity is revealed to them, a test of will and a challenge of loyalty will spawn the tyrant and the idealist. One murder, one betrayal, tied to one sinner, one savior, and the one who lives but does not have life.

In the day of reckoning the daughter of darkness shall slay the beast and be consumed by her rage. Friend becomes foe becomes the second abomination. A tribulation of justice shall follow and of The Four only one can survive.

The One will bear a child out of true love, tempered and tainted by good and evil, dark and light that shall be baptized by the essence of the Force and hold power to give back what the Abominations took away.

Master and daughter of darkness together, a rule eternal, so long as the child does not live.

So it is written, so it shall come to pass.


The holocron's glow is like a dare.

She swallows the doubt that has so long caused her agony.

There is no longer fear.

Melanie must kill Karen.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2011, 02:09:56 PM »

Orbit: Planetary Defense Platform

Agent Marius Guile stands before a vast viewport in the center of a long empty corridor, staring down to the swirling brown and blue world below. Distance always held a better vantage point for him. He had spent most of his career waiting in the shadows.

Today, he ensures Imperial operations continue to run smoothly on Contruum - from a discreet distance, of course. Massive shipyards float silently within the planetary defense grid. Cargo ships arrive hourly from the borium mines on the surface. With Graves, Kennick and Serif dead after their failure to stop Winton from absconding with the imprisoned Governor Strye, sector government and planetary operations remain solidly in their control. Things are best led by those without foretold investment or the potential to become necessary sacrificial collateral damage. His silver flecked eyes focus on a particular cloud pattern sweeping across the tropical region signaling the arrival of the monsoons.

A harbinger of the season's as they change.

Two years ago they sent Winton into Contruum knowing full well the Empire would invade. Dementat had only recently claimed control and there were many, like Guile, who operated solely to preserve the Empire's legacy regardless of leadership. Winton humanized their faction, gave them the personality and verve so desperately lacking in previous diplomacy.

They needed the people of Contruum to believe her.

They also needed her to be within striking distance of the Dark Queen.

Reports had indicated an interest. How the Consortium knew of the Imperial assets was never established but it was monitored closely. Unfortunately, the Hapan agents had greater destruction in mind and served a mighty blow to an already fractured Empire. The Director needed to see if the Dark Queen knew they escaped the ravages of Coruscant and how badly she wanted them.

As if on schedule, the Consortium came for her on Contruum.

Winton did not disappoint.

Her spectacular display of power set destiny in motion. The Emperor came for her as planned, leaving Patten and Gellar wide open for infiltration. St. Claire had been a damn good agent and resisted longer than most but he too fell victim to the assets strange and fabulous charms. His growing emotional attachment and curiosity into the framework was the key to his undoing. His death at the hands of Phage's spawn was one of impressive convergence. He fell as so many of their champions fell.

Marius' mind drifts back toward more pressing matters.

The price for the traitor Kimber Patten's head has tripled.

Find the girl, wipe out what's left of the Jedi and the Alliance will soon follow.

Tragically, there had been no leads on her or in the search for the Director. Contingency measures had been taken and Guile returned to the Byss to remove the prophecy as instructed. It could not fall into the hands of those outside their scope. While he would never cease to search for the one he serves, Guile has a secondary protocol.

He cares not for Emperor Dementat or Karen Winton but knows they must remain alive and in power until the fringe elements of the prophecy have been dealt with. The Director had been meticulous while the outcome of what is written is split like a serpents tongue. It could go either way but for the Empire to survive, there can be no others.

Last call for the main cast.


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2011, 07:22:27 PM »


The midmorning sun rises in a stark blue sky as Melanie takes Kimber along for her daily walk. She feels the fresh air will calm her. The forest is a clean and brilliant shade of green. As they wander, they talk of life on the lush world. Kimber hugs herself tightly as she treads down a dirt path behind Melanie, following in the fresh boot prints of the Jedi. She gives into a curiosity nagging at her since the summer after graduation.

"Why did you run?"

Melanie turns, arching a brow sharply.

"Why did you?"

Kimber bites her lower lip, "We both ran from the Empire. I guess....that's what we're good at."

"Everyone is good at something but it was probably the smartest move we made."

"This, like...prophecy thing."


"Where did it come from?"

"An ancient Sith Order, perhaps the original inhabitants of Korriban."

"Of course. And it talks about us? Touchstones, drama, betrayal."

"There are references and allusions to events that would lead us to believe it does."

"That's not very convincing."

"You read it. You tell me."

"It was a little much to take in, especially after all that had happened leading up to it."

"That's understandable. What did you think of what you read?"

Kimber tilts her head, "It was about as vague as you are being right now. Well, with the exception of Dementat who it does name cuz like, he's all oooooh, big time Emperor and stuff. Figures. Melanie, do you realize how many people have died because of this? Because of us?"

Melanie stops walking and turns around.

"Every single day."

Kimber faces her as a silence settles over the forest. When Melanie begins walking again, Kimber reluctantly follows.

"Our sophomore year at North Coruscant, when you first saw me with the holocron..."

"I remember."

"The prophecy was in that holocron just like it was when I sent it to you."

"But...we were teenagers then. Why didn't you say anything? That had to be hell for you."

"It was hell. Then it really was. Their deaths were so painful....for everyone."

Kimber is mildly outraged and she instinctively places a hand over her belly as if to protect the unborn child from the inevitable outburst.

"We could have helped you! And this thing with Karen, the totes craziness thing, we could have helped you stop that too. It could have been prevented. I mean, if you knew what would happen if Alexia survived, why not let us help you? We could have stopped her in high school! Our friends might still be alive. Things could have been different."

Melanie reaches a small outcropping of rocks and sits.

"If we had, we still would have lost friends in the process. If we had not lost them then perhaps none of us would have left Coruscant and died in the bombs instead. It's the small choices, Kimber. They all mean something. We end up where we are meant to."

Kimber gasps, "You can't mean that. Valerie's dead! And Karen? She's...she's..."

"She's gone."

"No, she isn't."

Melanie stands and closes the distance between them.

"Yes, she is. She's not who we once knew. Killing Alexia changed her."

"We can change her back!"

"No, we can't."

Tears begin to roll down Kimber's cheeks, "We have to try..."

Melanie shakes her head.

"It's too late for her but there are others we can save."


She nods.

"Including ourselves."

"What are you saying? What are you going to do?"

"I have to kill her, Kimber. I have to kill Karen."

"I can't believe you! Isn't this whole Jedi thing supposed to be about peace and love and light and stuff? What gives you the right to sentence her? Since when was murder part of the code?"

Kimber begins to stalk back down the path.

Melanie calls out.

"If we don't and she finds us, she will kill us instead."

This stops Kimber.

"She wouldn't."

"She would if she thinks it's the only way to survive the prophecy. She and Dementat cannot rule unless the child you carry dies. Those in their way will fall as well."

Kimber turns around, hands balled into fists.

"You don't know that! Not for sure. Something written a million years ago can't know either. There has to be another way."

Melanie frowns.

"I've greatly considered it but you and the galaxy will never be safe from the Empire so long as she lives. I can save you, Kimber. I can make the horrific whirlwind our lives have become stop."

Kimber's mouth drops open.

"By killing your best friend? If you haven't noticed, we are seriously running low on allies. How many more people need to die to make it right?"

The air turns heavy as Melanie's blue eyes shimmer in the beams of light streaming between the trees.

"Just one."

"He's already dead."


"Everything that has happened isn't our fault. Not yours, not mine, not Valerie's, not Karen's. We were set up and I'm tired of suffering for it. The only one truly responsible is Alexander Winton. Our parents may have played a role but it was his work, his doing."

" do you know about Alexander Winton?"

"Who do you think I gave the Hapan's to lift the price on my head? He showed up late in the second act. I was kidnapped again! Valere was pissed. Karen was not amused. She let me take him as punishment. We had a little chat in his holding cell where he told me that he pushed us all in the right directions so regardless of what the prophecy says, regardless of how much they all knew, we were led to where we are now. Why don't you know this? Right, because you weren't there. You don't know what happened to us after you left, what we went through, what we did...."

Her voice cracks, trailing off.

Melanie can feel Kimber's pain and it weakens her. The Queen had whispered about the elder Winton's involvement ? but she did not have context or a clear view. After they died on Bakura, there had been relief awash within the sympathy she had for Karen losing her parents. Now it seems Alexander had survived all along and revealed himself as the perpetrator. Melanie suspects that while the Queen may have known about her husband, it is something her parents did not discover until it was too late.

"We do what we must to survive."

"That's what this is, hiding out on a planet in the middle of nowhere? Surviving?"

"It is and we will."

Kimber is choking back sobs.

"You have to trust me, Kimber."

"Trust," she laughs, wiping away tears. "You say that like the word has meaning."

"It does if you let it."

"I don't want her to die."

Melanie touches her arm.

"Do you want to live?"


"Then it is the only way."

« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 07:27:30 PM by Syren »

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2011, 07:53:33 PM »

Surface: Haven Base

In a small conference room surrounding a polished rectangular table, a group meets to discuss the next move. Melanie stands at the head of the table, gazing out at Kimber, Rydan, Agent Trace Denton, Agent Seneca Cirque and Counselor Circe Prescott.

The holoprojector in the center of table whirs to life and displays the same set of faces linked to their sordid past. The darkened squares indicate those who have perished. Three remain lit.

Two male. One female.

"These are the individuals outside The Four linked in some way to the prophecy," Melanie says softly. "We believe they are in danger."

Kimber narrows her eyes at one square in particular, "He's not."


"That's Marius Guile, the Imperial agent responsible for killing most of the Quandary ground team on Hesperidium. He's not in danger. We're in danger from him."

Melanie's expression remains neutral.

Rydan confirms this, "She's right. He was imbedded in the team, presumably to get close to the targets and gather information."

He points to several darkened squares.

"He murdered Agent Violet Wyndam, Doctor Ariq Osiris and Agent Mod Navris."

Kimber cringes, folding both hands over her stomach. The memory of her baby's father is like taking lashes against her soul. She misses him dearly.

"He left only one alive."

Melanie points to the female in one of the lit squares, "Doctor Felicia Kensington."

"Yes, she was found wounded but alive in the Bolerathon Tower."

Agent Denton clears his throat, "This would make her the prime target for Guile, would it not? The one that survived?"

"True," Rydan says. "But as far as we know, she's with Karen Winton on the Corporeal Quandary."

"Currently stationed above Byss, correct?" Agent Cirque says.

Melanie glances down her the screen in front of her, "That's what our intelligence confirms. That doesn't mean she's not in danger. If Guile is tying up the loose ends, she and Carlson would be first on the list before trying to find us."

Kimber scoffs, "Kent Carlson? He's dreadfully slanderous."

"But worth saving, if we can."

The Counselor interjects, "Where is Agent Guile now?"

Rydan shrugs, "We were told he made a second attempt at abducting Kensington on Hesperidium but failed. Karen stopped him and he disappeared. That's the last we heard before we left for Hapes."

"He could be anywhere," Kimber says, shuttering.

"Which is why we have to warn and protect Kensington and Carlson. It appears that Guile is operating on orders outside that of standard Imperial protocol. If the Imperial Director had been pulling strings in the background for years, as Kimber has confirmed, we can assume this is where his orders came from."

"Which means what exactly?"

Melanie frowns, "If he gets to them before we do, they will be one step closer to stopping what is written. We cannot allow this to happen."

Rydan glances quickly at Kimber before looking at Melanie.

"If Guile kills Kensington and Carlson, all that remains is The Four."

"Well," Melanie says, faltering. "Three of The Four. We believe Phage was linked to Valerie Gellar's role in the prophecy. Alexia Winton was linked to Karen. That leaves myself and Kimber."

"Forgive me if I'm hardly comforted by that."

"This is why we must protect the others. The only way Karen and Dementat can ensure their rule is to eliminate everyone else from the equation. I'm sorry, sweetie, but that means you Kimber. You alone are the key. Everyone else is just an obstacle. The more loose ends unaccounted for, the greater our chances. If we can reason with the doctor and reporter they may be able to help us thwart the prophecy and stop the Empire once and for all."

Agent Cirque tilts his head, "What do you suggest?"

"I will go to Corellia to find Kent Carlson. Doctor Kensington, I'm afraid, will prove much more difficult since she is stationed in the Imperial capital. I need you to find a way in. That is all for now."

The Agent's and Counselor nod and exit the room.

Kimber leans on the table, "You are going to Corellia? Can I come with you?"

"That would be much too dangerous considering the change in leadership since Valerie was killed. They believe you are an Imperial liaison currently on the run. Using you might give them leverage against the Empire. It would be best if you stayed here with Rydan. It will be much safer."

"Agreed," Rydan says sternly.

"And what about you? Traipsing into Corellia by yourself? What if something happens?"

"I am certain I can reason with the High Commander under the pretense of paying respects to our fallen friend. Bringing along muscle will only arouse their suspicion which why I must go alone."

Kimber stands quickly, voice rising, "I can't lose you too!"

"You won't. I promise."

"So did Valerie."

Rydan moves to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Valerie did what she had to do to protect you. So will Melanie. So will I."

Kimber fights back tears, leaning into him.

"I feel like we were given everything only to suffer for it. Are we so undeserving of justice or mercy?"

Melanie rounds the table to join them, taking Kimber's hands in her own.

"Of course not. We will win this fight. You will see."

"Please, Melanie, be careful."

"I will."

She nods to Rydan and strides from the room.

Rydan pulls Kimber into a hug, "You hear that? Everything is going to be okay."

Her laugh is hollow, distant.

"That's what they always say."


In one of the hangar bays, Melanie Masterton boards a shuttle. She meditates as it idles before easing out into the stark blue sky. Once Arbra is safely behind her, she pulls on the controls and the shuttle flares into hyperspace en route for Corellia.


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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2011, 12:56:33 PM »


Kimber Patten finds beauty in everything. She has always had a fondness for nature and enjoys the time spent in the dense forests and sprawling meadows. She sits on a blanket, picking wild flowers and twirling them between her fingers. Rydan Stratford keeps watch not far away. This place reminds her of the Patten Ranch, her family home outside the bustling noise of Coronet City. Major Patten would take her and Valerie there on weekends where they would spend hours playing hide and seek in the sunken gardens. Valerie was always much better at hiding than Kimber.

Kimber giggles, running a bright yellow flower over her expanding belly. She wishes Mod were here to see this. They had only just begun. She reflects on the first time she saw him, poised and ready in the Winton Penthouse of the Bolerathon Tower. Karen had not returned their calls and Valerie was worried. Naturally, they fled Corellia for Hesperidium and found the Abyss team camped out in Karen's living room. Mod Navris was silent and strong, a good agent with a soft heart. He was so unlike any of the other Imperial's she had met. His feelings for her put him in conflict with his duty and there was a time when she thought he would report her for having a conscience. Over time, his protective nature unfolded to reveal romantic feelings, feelings she shared but was hesitant to admit. The last Imperial operative she fell for met a grisly end but she could not deny what her heart told her.

Unfortunately, history repeated itself. Mod's end was horrifying and heartbreaking.

The baby growing inside her was the parting gift from their one night together. It is a gift she was uncertain she would be able to handle. So much responsibility. Doesn't a baby need a father?

She gasps, doubling over.

Rydan rushes to her side, "Kimber? Kimber, what is it? Are you alright?"

She sits up, breathing deeply as she burst into laughter.

"It kicked me. That sucker just like, totally kicked me."

"It did?"

"Yeah, like hard! Here, feel."

She takes his large hand and places it against her stomach. At first he doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing but then he feels it. A kick. Rydan and Kimber lock eyes, sharing in this special moment.

He smiles, "Feels like you got a fighter in there."

"Four months old and already starting fights. Wonderful."

"I hear they move their arms and legs as soon as they form but you wouldn't feel it until a little further along."

Kimber giggles again, "Well, look who's been paying attention in my doctor's appointments."

"You have one this afternoon, by the way."

"I know but it's so beautiful out here."

"Come on, mommy dearest. We're going to be late."

She sighs, taking his hands as he helps her up.

"Oh, alright. Let's go."


Inside one of the Haven Base's sterile medical labs, Kimber lies on a plush exam table with her stomach exposed. She marvels at it as the tech squeezes cold goo on flesh stretched so tight its astounding.

"It's so...big."

"It gets bigger."

"Don't say it like that. Don't mock the fat girl."

"It's true."

"Still, I like to pretend I'll once again have an enviable waistline."

Rydan groans as the tech places the instrument against her stomach and smears the goo around.

"Are we ready?"

Kimber smirks, "For another guided tour of my uterus? Sure thing."

The monitor displays a circular black and white view of the womb. The baby looks more like an actual person now but it never fails to amuse or disturb Kimber. She gazes at it curiously, like it's all a dream and she's really still a slender model spending credits shopping and socializing up a storm.

That's not your life anymore.

"Is its head supposed to be like, freakishly large?"

The tech smiles, "For now, yes but it's normal."

"So it's like, okay? Everything looks good? You know, it's supposed to be all Forcey."

Rydan snickers.

The tech nods, "Your baby looks perfectly healthy. I know you expressed uncertainty in knowing the baby's sex but have you changed your mind?"



"Ry, it's supposed to be a surprise."

"You don't even like surprises."

"This could be a fun one. We can take bets, make a lot of Republic agents very wealthy. Maybe we'll start a college fund."

He frowns, head tilted sideways as he stares at the monitor.

"You could buy a college. Besides, it might be nice to know. Think of all the outfits you can plan."

Kimber gasps, clutching his arm.

"Maker have mercy, you are so right! Okay, hit me with it."

The tech arches a brow, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, quick before I change my mind."

The tech moves the instrument and points at the screen, "You see here?"

Rydan is confused, searching for it.


Kimber squints, "Sort of. It's like, smudgy. What is it?"

"It's a boy."


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2011, 10:23:08 PM »
Byss: Imperial Capital

Orbit: ISD-II Corporeal Quandary

The med-lab is silent, peaceful. Most of the warship is empty with everyone on the surface for mandatory training exercises. Doctor Felicia Kensington enjoys the solitude but was growing bored. She is supposed to be browsing charts looking for any potential dark clouds on the horizon but her mind wanders back to the inconclusive search. Karen had trusted her with this and she's come up with nothing. No one she's contacted has seen or heard anything.

Felicia is looking for a ghost, not an agent.

The screen blinks, message from Commander Price. The crew would be returning shortly and they were to move out come morning. Finally, something to do. A change of scenery. It feels like they have been docked in the capital forever.

There is something else getting her all hot and bothered.

That Mara woman is smokin hot but not exactly easy to read. Could she look more like Gellar? Hero worship much? There are plenty of better people she could fashion herself after. Felicia thought Valerie was a real bitch. She didn't know, at the time, there could be a bigger headache than Karen Winton. Then she laid eyes on Valerie Gellar and Kimber Patten. Patten was naive and irritatingly sweet where as Gellar was mouthy, aggressive and insufferable. She did more damage than Felicia ever thought possible and was justly rewarded for it. Now Karen is cavorting around with a facsimile.


Felicia glances up from the screen and stretches when movement catches her eye. Someone is reclining on the darkened exam table across the room.

Agent Marius Guile flashes a sinister smile.

"I hear you've been looking for me."

Felicia recoils against the chair then stands suddenly, shoulders arched.

"Son of a bitch."

"I've been called worse."

"I'll bet. What the hell are you doing here?"

Marius' glare is menacing.

"Like I said, you've been looking so here I am. Tell me, doctor, what's your plan?"

Her eyes dart through the room, mapping an escape route.

"For starters? Calling security. The crew is will be here soon."
His voice is crisp and certain.
"They'll never make it in time."

Dread washes over her.

"Dementat and Karen will never stand for this."

He laughs, shaking his head.

"Dementat will be far too busy with a new and unexpected enemy. And Karen? Well, she's running in circles with the half-breed."

"The what?"
"Mara Gellar."
"Half-breed? she?"

"The mechanics of Phage, the biology of Valerie. It would blow your mind."
"That's impossible."

"So complicated, I know but you're a scientist. You tell me how something can be impossible if it's already happened and will happen again."

Felicia gasps, "What are you talking about?"
"The second coming. It's going to be epic. Too bad you won't be around to see it."

She sprints for the door as he springs off the exam table. She flees down the hall. Her heels against the polished floors, the heart pounding in her chest, these are the things that excite him the most. She makes it to the lifts, tapping the controls frantically while looking back.

Marius advances casually, taking his sweet time. The blade he clutches glints in the overhead lighting. He knows she can see it because she whimpers softly, pressed against the lift doors, willing them to open.

Nothing happens.

The light on the lift controls winks out.

He smiles.

Felicia pushes off the wall and crashes into the stairwell, descending several floors to enter the first door that opens. A new corridor awaits, empty and silent, that leads to a wider archway and a larger space beyond. She dashes down the hall and finds herself in a storage hangar. Stacked crates and silver cases provide perfect cover. Felicia creeps inside, weaving through the containers until she hears thumping footsteps out in the hall.

She freezes, ducking behind a crate.
"You lied for me, you know."

His voice booms in the open space.

"Covering up what I did on Hesperidium took guts. Phage was an excellent scapegoat, wasn't he? Patten was a likely target and after the droid attack there was every indication he would come after her. Except the droid wasn't from Phage. It was from us. Patten plays a much larger role but it was Gellar that Phage was really after. Her death was pure poetry."

Felicia slips off her heels and creeps forward, keeping low.
"The attack on Bolerathon Tower served another purpose. We needed building materials, so to speak. Blood samples. Imagine The Four living on forever. Scary, isn't it?"
She darts from stack to stack as he stalks her slowly.

"Only the righteous are granted the gift of eternal life. They are hardly worthy."

Her com-link vibrates in her lab coat. She fumbles to get it out of the pocket with shaking hands. As she tries to answer it, he appears. She screams as he grabs her arm and brings the blade down. She struggles, jerking to the side as the weapon slams into a crate. He yanks it out and she shoves him away. Marius careens backwards. The com clatters to the floor as she turns and runs. Felicia is halfway across the hangar when the blade slams through her right shoulder, throwing her off balance. She stumbles, falling. On the cool floor, she winces in pain. This is what she gets for keeping Karen's secrets. She tries to push herself up but he steps on the handle of the blade, shoving it deeper and pinning her to the floor.

Felicia screams.

Marius towers over her.

"What's the rush? The game has just begun."
"Fuck you and your games."

"You are so right," he says, pulling the blade from her shoulder roughly. "You were never really a contender anyway."

Woozy, Felicia laughs.

"Go to hell you glorified flunky. Karen will make you pay."
"She'll never get the chance."
"That's what you think."

Marius pulls her upright by her collar.

"You know what I think? This Empire was never theirs to rule. They are and always will be just the pretty faces of a larger agenda. Those who sided with them have suffered your fate. This wild ride is coming to its end. Sorry, doctor, but this is where you get off."

She thrashes out, screaming but he clamps a hand over her mouth to wrench her head back as he slashes her throat. Felicia's eyes bulge, breath hissing between his fingers as blood pours from her neck down her chest to stain the white coat a deep crimson. He leans close to her ear and whispers.

"One more casualty in their parade of victims. One step closer to victory."

Marius releases her. She drops to her knees, vision clouded, spinning away, before she slumps forward and hits the floor with a wet slap. He watches the blood steadily pool around her, spreading outward like a shockwave.


Offline Syren

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Re: Vogue Empire
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2011, 10:45:29 PM »
Byss: Imperial Capital

Orbit: ISD-II Corporeal Quandary

Commander Landon Price returns from the surface feeling confident. The training had been beneficial and he was thankful they were moving out. The requested materials would be arriving in a hangar shortly. He does not allow his mind to wander, that is not his job. He serves his Emperor and future Empress faithfully despite any mysterious circumstances that seem to surround them.

Truthfully, he had been apprehensive when taking his post on Darth Kyja's personal command ship. He shares a deeper connection to the princess and wondered if that is what somehow brought them together. Landon's sister, Tenley, had attended North Coruscant as he had many years before. She was a class above Kyja and her famous friends. They traveled in the same circles and attended the same parties. Tenley went missing several months after her best friend, Carli Cole, was brutally murdered and put on display on the steps of the Senate Hall. Their family feared the worst and despite the best investigative efforts of Agent Nikoli Venko and his team, his sister was never found.

Landon had never blamed The Four. There was never anything directly or officially tying them to anything that happened before The Event at 500 Republica which, in its own right, was a horrific tragedy. Coruscant could be a dangerous place and the young and beautiful creatures attending the elite prep school seemed to make fabulous targets.

Since then, he had moved on as best he could. His career came first and along with it the prestige of commanding such a spectacular vessel. The position had gained him a certain notoriety and the media posed their own speculations. They had dug up Tenley's connection to Karen and theorized this promotion was some sort of consolation prize. He never believed it and the princess had given no indication his post was in any way related to the past. He had earned his place here. Operations ran smoothly on his watch and it was something he is extremely proud of.

The Quandary is beginning to liven up as the crew returns. They busy themselves in the command center, prepping the Star Destroyer for launch. He heads to the med-lab to review the personnel files he had given Doctor Felicia Kensington. There were mild concerns over the emotional stability of a few crew members but he hoped it was nothing to worry about. They have a strong team, led by him and Captain Walt Voltaire.

Landon finds the lab in a state of disarray. A crash cart is lying on its side, instruments strewn across the floor. He steps over them and walks to the desk. The monitor is on with datacards scattered across the work space.

"Doctor Kensington?"


He frowns, disappointed she would leave her post in such a state when his com-link vibrates on his belt. Unclipping it, he raises the device to his mouth.

"Price here."

"We need you on level three. Storage hangar."

"The cargo? Is there a problem?"

"Not with that, sir. Something...else. You need to see this."

"I'm on my way."


The storage hangar is bustling as they unload the cargo Darth Kyja instructed them to bring. It is sealed and marked confidential. Only Commander Price knows what lies within the cases and he does not need to know what they are for. The orders were very specific; a broad range of explosives and a virtual armory worth of weapons. Two of his men are standing around a darkened puddle as he approaches.


They step aside, standing at attention.

He kneels, dipping his finger into the liquid before bringing it up in front of his face. The texture and color are unmistakable.

The lack of coagulation means it had not been here long.

"What happened here?"

The first agent speaks, "Unclear, sir. We thought it best to alert you first."

"We also found these," says the second agent.

A pair of black heels and a com-link.

Landon swallows hard, glancing around the cavernous hangar. A trashed med-lab, a pair of shoes, a com device, a puddle of blood and a missing doctor - one who happens to be close with the princess. These are signs he has seen before, random evidence before a shocking discovery.

"Bag the shoes and the com. Take samples of the blood and send them all to the lab before you clean it up."


"Just do it. Darth Kyja will be waiting for us."

They nod and get to work.

The Commander sweeps out of the room feeling queasy, dreading the report full of unanswered questions he would have to give if they did not initiate an investigation. He patches himself through to the command center.

"Captain Voltaire, set course for Hesperidium and have the crew search this entire ship."

"Problem, Commander?

Landon steps into the lifts and sighs.

"Doctor Kensington is missing."


The Quandary, silent and sleek, begins to move out of the system.
