Author Topic: Book of Boba Fett  (Read 24202 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Book of Boba Fett
« on: January 01, 2022, 08:23:43 PM »

   I enjoyed Ep1.  My sole minor complaint is the 6-ped sand lizards body style.  Made me feel like he should be fighting gojira.

   But the Sand Folks are portrayed awesome and the Gamorreans are super sweet- probably my favorite supporting cast so far.
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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2022, 03:57:28 PM »
Ditto on the enjoyment. Super sweet is exactly how I would describe those Gamorreans. I still have the original figure my parents got me as a kid. They were like, the pig man? Really? Uh, ok. That and (they also had a slightly exasperated, skeptical tone) Bib Fortuna

My only ish with any SW media is that they tend to focus on dusty, rag-tag groups not anyone from a posh Core world whose life gets thrown into turmoil by the galactic happenings. It's the grizzled and world-weary anti-heroes that are like yup, Republic's/Empire's laws/tyranny are no good out here. I like oblivious, entitled randos being swept up into vast conspiracies. Obviously. I want to see SW glamour as a dichotomy to the injustices that permeate the mid and out-Rim. Now, I have not watched everything related - Rebels, Clone Wars, etc. - so maybe they cover it but it would be nice to have a fabulous yet casually indifferent blonde as a central character constantly muttering "seriously, wtf?" as these galactic factions and various syndicates duke it out around them. Hilarious!


Offline Medivh

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2022, 09:28:34 AM »
Ditto on the enjoyment. Super sweet is exactly how I would describe those Gamorreans. I still have the original figure my parents got me as a kid. They were like, the pig man? Really? Uh, ok. That and (they also had a slightly exasperated, skeptical tone) Bib Fortuna?

My only ish with any SW media is that they tend to focus on dusty, rag-tag groups not anyone from a posh Core world whose life gets thrown into turmoil by the galactic happenings. It's the grizzled and world-weary anti-heroes that are like yup, Republic's/Empire's laws/tyranny are no good out here. I like oblivious, entitled randos being swept up into vast conspiracies. Obviously. I want to see SW glamour as a dichotomy to the injustices that permeate the mid and out-Rim. Now, I have not watched everything related - Rebels, Clone Wars, etc. - so maybe they cover it but it would be nice to have a fabulous yet casually indifferent blonde as a central character constantly muttering "seriously, wtf?" as these galactic factions and various syndicates duke it out around them. Hilarious!
I think that was supposed to be the vibe of SW Episode I: Naboo was a rich world with insane wardrobe, and vessels with very sleek lines, getting thrown into turmoil. Coruscant was all politics and glamour no substance as well.
The galactic civil war uprooted all of that.
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Offline Syren

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2022, 02:38:15 PM »
Fair enough - maybe that is why I liked Ep 1 when others did not. The outfits and political intrigue. 

BoBF takes place on Tatooine....again. Like between that and Jakku they are set in the most barren planets. You've seen the SW galactic map - there is no shortage of cool and interesting worlds to explore but they seem to go with what they know/what is familiar. The Mandalorian at least hops around a bit. 

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2022, 07:50:50 PM »

  Agreed regarding planet diversity, but at the same time in the past treatment of a given planet at times also felt like gloss overs.  I enjoy diversity but I appreciate the deep dives as well.

  I can't imagine they don't stray from Tatooine in BoBF and Kenobi with at least flashbacks and such because otherwise both 2022 series centered there it might get a little dry.   :D

  Jabba's enterprise had to expand beyond Tatooine itself and if Boba means to reign in all of it he'll need to go there.  I'm holding out a burning hope that they touch Nar Shaddaa.  Next 'sode is tomorrow I think!

  S3 of Mando I believe is going to heavily lean on Mandalore, with as much as it's been shown in the animated series, it will be very awesome to see it in Live Action portrayal.
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2022, 08:36:27 AM »
I'm excited for both series and seeing where they lead me.

Tatooine I think holds a special place in Star Wars lore - the home of Luke Skywalker/Anakin Skywalker, and the most wretched hive of scum and villainy.

BoBF should expand to the rest of the Hutt controlled territories, but at least in episode 1, it looked like he was trying to gain control of just the one planet.  The Hutts had more in the books, but on screen, they've never really left Tatooine, except for a few minor appearances in Clone Wars/Bad Batch.

I've often thought about the lack of bio-diversity in the Star Wars universe, not between planets, but on specific planets.  Tatooine is ALL desert, Hoth is ALL ice, Coruscant is ALL city, Endor and Yavin are ALL jungle, Daogbah is ALL swamp.  It makes it easy to distinguish worlds, but we know most planets have multiple bio-spheres.

Naboo is again an exception, given it has grasslands, cities, swamps, and a massive underwater eco-system.  
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Offline Ramano

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2022, 01:20:40 AM »
About the biosphere diversity, i think we are missing a point. These are very specific planets, out of billions upon billions that would exist in that galexy. Perhaps they were chosen precisely because they are what they were. More habitable biospheres would have already been developed. Yoda picked Dagobah because it was ALL swamp and no reason for anyone to go there. Tatooine was destroyed 10s of thousands of years ago by the builders. All in all it kind of makes sense.

Even in real life. Sure earth has many biomes, but Mars is ALL desert. Neptune is ALL ocean. Io is ALL ice. You can kind of classify Venus as ALL swamp... depending on how loosly you use the term "swamp".

Not saying you are wrong or anything, just pointing out there are some variables i feel you are overlooking in the equation that make it a plausibility.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 01:25:17 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2022, 10:41:13 PM »
Comics are nuts.  Single issues of Marvel Star Wars series where Black Krnnsatan (the Wookiee) originates are going for like $100+ on ebay now after he popped up for seconds in BoBF.

He looked somewhat CGI though, haven't looked deeper in to if it was or if was real and just looked that way.
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Offline Syren

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2022, 02:58:32 PM »
That's not uncommon in the world of comics. Any first appearances tend to fetch more, especially if they debut in live-action to renew interest. 

Second ep was solid. Hutts are super gross. Really want to know what Tusken's look like under those masks in a cannon capacity. 

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2022, 03:57:25 PM »
3rd episode felt ... off?  maybe it was too slow.  Or something.


Maybe it's how the mystique of Boba Fett wears off because he is always taking off the helmet, which is what made him cool in the first place.

The fight scenes were ... eh
The new street gang that joins him I feel like could be fleshed out.  They are instantly loyal to him, but there could be more depth there. A lot more depth.
The hutts were involved for all of an episode, now gone?

The tusken raiders are now gone, so the build up with them meant - what?

I just feel like they keep promising, but then let us down.

He's Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy and now he's just a guy who is trying to control a dusty planet - wait, not planet, PART of a dusty planet.

It's starting to feel like a let down.

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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2022, 09:38:56 PM »
Those are all legit critiques of this latest episode.  The townie gang was kinda lame.  The whole lack of any reverence for the helmet lore is odd.

Regarding the expectations of whole mystique of BF though as we knew from ESB/ROTJ, that was unraveled back in EpII when we found out he's basically an altered Kaminoan Clone of whom there are hundreds of thousands or millions of basic genetic copies.

I don't have a ton of complaint about the scale of his ambition or conquest at this point.  I mean he doesn't have a ship yet tmk?

Overall, Boba himself doesn't really grab me as a character in this yet.  But the rest of it has all been pretty cool,  Seeing a bustling desert urban enclave and all kinds of sweet aliens and personalities.  Hutts, Rancors, a new look on Gamorreans, Black Krrnsantan.  Thats all been good
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 09:40:52 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2022, 11:54:09 PM »
Overall, Boba himself doesn't really grab me as a character in this yet.  But the rest of it has all been pretty cool,  Seeing a bustling desert urban enclave and all kinds of sweet aliens and personalities.  Hutts, Rancors, a new look on Gamorreans, Black Krrnsantan.  Thats all been good
Maybe that's what it is.  That Boba is the least interesting character in the show.  I'm a huge fan of Fennec Shan (and Ming-Na-Wen, who is the only Disney-hat-trick member that I know of, having played Disney 'princess' Mulan, Melinda May in Marvel, and Star Wars Fennec Shan, but I digress), but I keep thinking "why on earth is she working for him?  She repeatedly shows more skill both in fighting and politics than Boba does!
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2022, 09:58:12 AM »
but I keep thinking "why on earth is she working for him?  She repeatedly shows more skill both in fighting and politics than Boba does!

could she be the female tusken raider that teaches Boba the way of the gaffi stick?

although she appears in Bad Batch as Fennec Shand and is hunting 'Omega', female child clone who is with the Bad Batch, so timing wise she would be out and about in the galaxy back in the Order 66 days, then at this point Post Endor, have gone back to tatooine with her 'people' to be that sand person teaching Boba

there are fight scenes of her as Fennec in Bad Batch, I wonder if theres any percieveable similiarity between how she fights there and how the 'female' tusken fights in BoBF..

given Jon Favreau's history in MCU with all the tie-ins, would not least bit surprise me
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Offline Ramano

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2022, 03:03:32 PM »
Yes, Boba Fett was never very interesting. He was just a bounty hunter. The only real "interesting" thing about him was his ship was called Slave 1. People thought it was cool. In the middle of the cooling off period after the civil rights push someone said the word Slave. OMG! 

So i agree, and add that there is the real possibility that Boba ends up being the least interesting least developed character in the show. 

Full disclosure, i havnt been a big fan of SW since Disney took over. I think the new movies sucked, the only one ive actually liked was Rogue One. Seriously they arent even trying. Episode 7 might as well been a rewrite of A New Hope. Dont even get me started at the entire armada chasing the lone MC100 across the galaxy. For christs sake microjump half the battlegroup in front of them and slaughter them in the crossfire, how dumb could those commanders be?! 

Love him or hate him, it is demonstrated time and again, you cant do StarWars without Lucas... No one else has the mindset to pull it off. No one in Hollywood anyway.

Offline Syren

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Re: Book of Boba Fett
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2022, 06:04:16 PM »
Mystery made Boba Fett cooler. His backstory was tragic, yes, and it shaped him into what he became. 

Cannot believe I am going to say this - but I agree with Ramano about SW post-Lucas, for the most part. Rogue One, by far, had the most emotional gravity and came the closest to what I felt as a child watching the original trilogy. The others lack something without him, although Mandalorian lands nearest in proximity to what they were designed to be - space westerns. The visuals, music, characters, etc. BoBF has similar elements but he is far from a compelling character. 

Also, Ming Na Wen all the way. Agenda of Shield was my jam and Disney did those folks dirty on disavowing them as canon. FitzSimmons forever. 

Holdo Maneuver was the absolute pinnacle of fabulous. Kamikaze in a designer gown? Now that's class and a lady always knows when to leave. 

I will die on this hill. :-*