Author Topic: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II  (Read 24661 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2021, 03:49:55 PM »
My Fleet Build Is..

4 RAFS (1200GC)
8 AWs (360GC)
3 VCX101 (210GC)

Story Background Suggestion:

  Even with the demise of Palpatine and the Fall of the Empire proper, the Galactic Civil War has dragged on for years since the Battle of Endor.  Fatigued by the decade long conflict, New Republic and Imperial Remnant elements now hold a peace summit at the Mocha II system in an effort to smother the fires of destruction that have ravaged them both and left countless worlds laid waste in their bitter struggle.  With both parties occupied and weakened, the Trade Federation has reasserted its dominance in particular corners of the galaxy and now seeks to catch their as yet undeclared enemies off guard and wipe them out paving the way for a New Galactic Order.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 04:12:16 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2021, 03:54:15 PM »
The Trade Federation's fleet drops from hyperspace at the fringes of the Mocha II system...

- All units in grid X.
- PBC Teknocrat beings a ComScan of the system (-1 AP).
- StarViper Squadrons launch to CSP.


Units in X:
PBC Teknocrat
- 14/14 Vulture-II Droid Starfighters

PBC Kryptochain
- 14/14 Vulture-II Droid Starfighters

MCRV Krusader
- 1/1 Starviper Starfighter - CSP - X

MCRV Kollateral
- 1/1 Starviper Starfighter - CSP - X
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 04:06:32 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2021, 10:04:21 PM »
  NR Fleet Opening Status Post

NR Task Force Cointreau

RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  H1/G2    UCR/AP  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Banshee  LOC H1    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red      LOC H1    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC H1    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD H1/G2    UCR/AP  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC H1      UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC H1    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC H1    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD;  H3/G3    UCR/AP;  5/7     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC H3    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue        LOC H3    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC H3    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD;  H3/G3    UCR/AP;  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  AWing Purple  LOC H3    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Violet  LOC H3    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 09:15:09 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2021, 05:07:50 PM »
"There are republic and imperial forces gathering in the system. A... peace conference sire."
"Peace. There is no profit to be had in peace. Let us kick the hornets nest and see how long this peace can last!"

With a pop the 2 ships emerge from hyperspace as vulture droids pour from the hangers and take up a CSP position. Scans of the system begin loading.

Exited HS
Launched fighters to CSP

Status: All ships holding in X facing A-3
Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
6/6 Starvipers (hanger)
4/4 Vultures (csp)

Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
6/6 Starvipers (hanger)
3/3 Vultures (csp)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2021, 10:39:31 AM »

"We will resist, we will vanquish..."

    1. Moved from H-1 to F-1 (-6 AP).
    2. Turned port, new heading E-2 (-2 AP).
    3. Raised shields (-1 AP).
    4. Deployed Skipray Blastboat Bravo-1.
        a. Bravo-1 began CSP (F-1).

    1. Moved from H-2 to F-2 (-6 AP).
    2. Turned port, new heading E-3 (-2 AP).
    3. Raised shields (-1 AP).
    4. Deployed Skipray Blastboat Bravo-2.
        a. Bravo-2 began CSP (F-2).

    1. Moved from H-2 to F-4 (-6 AP).
    2. Turned starboard, new heading E-4 (-2 AP).
    3. Raised shields (-1 AP).
    4. Deployed Skipray Blastboat Bravo-3.
        a. Bravo-3 began CSP (F-4).
    1. Moved from H-3 to F-5 (-6 AP).
    2. Turned starboard, new heading E-5 (-2 AP).
    3. Raised shields (-1 AP).
    4. Deployed Skipray Blastboat Bravo-4.
        a. Bravo-4 began CSP (F-5).

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« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 08:17:07 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2021, 08:42:50 AM »
The Battle Cruisers began their move into the Mocha II system, prepared to face (too many?) Victory Star Destroyers.

- All units move to C1, heading D1 (12 AP for PBC, 3 AP for Starvipers).
- Starvipers remain on CSP (1 AP)


Units in C1:
PBC Teknocrat
Heading: D1
- 14/14 Vulture-II Droid Starfighters

PBC Kryptochain
Heading: D1
- 14/14 Vulture-II Droid Starfighters

MCRV Krusader
Heading: D1
- 1/1 Starviper Starfighter - CSP - in C1

MCRV Kollateral
Heading: D1
- 1/1 Starviper Starfighter - CSP - in C1
« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 10:13:02 AM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2021, 03:50:34 PM »
Round 2 - Turn #3 - Eidolon

RAF Pegasus and Tempest spend 6AP each to move forward 2 spaces and maintain their Headings. (H1;G2>F3;E4)
RAF Pegasus and Tempest spend 1AP each to Raise Shields
RAF Pegasus spends 1AP to perform ComScan Sweep and Intercepts Enemy Communications
AW Red, Ruby, Green and Forest spend 2AP ea to move forward 2 Spaces and 1AP ea to Maintain CSP of position (F3)
VCX Banshee and Cyclone spend 2AP ea to move forward 2 Spaces and 1AP ea to Maintain CSP of position (F3)

RAF Guardian and Steadfast spend 6AP each to move forward 2 spaces and maintain their Headings. (H3;G3>F3;E3)
RAF Guardian and Steadfast spend 1AP each to Raise Shields
AW Blue, Midnight, Purple and Violet spend 2AP ea to move forward 2 Spaces and 1AP ea to Maintain CSP of position (F3)

VCX Sentry spend 2AP to move forward 2 Spaces and 1AP ea to Maintain CSP of position (F3)

  Aboard the bridge of the Pegasus, two Sullustan officers lean forward over the communications control panel, focused intently on the curious noise blaring across their enemies communications..

  "{'musical' notes and patterns} And I'm Heeerrree!  To remind yooou!!! of the mess you left when you went away-ayay-!!"

  "What is it Boogore?" one of the foldy-faced creatures inquired to the other.

  " must be their theme song?" the other answered with a sloppy chuckle.

NR Task Force Cointreau

RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  F3/E4    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Banshee  LOC F3 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red      LOC F3  CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC F3  CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD F3/E4    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC F3 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD;  F3/E3    UCR/AP;  5/8     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue        LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD;  F3/E3    UCR/AP;  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  AWing Purple  LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Violet  LOC F3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 04:02:44 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2021, 09:51:51 PM »
All craft move to B1


Status: All ships holding in b1 facing c1
Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
6/6 Starvipers (hanger)
4/4 Vultures (csp)

Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
6/6 Starvipers (hanger)
3/3 Vultures (csp)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2021, 11:03:33 AM »

"Moff Caffe, it appears as though the Trade Federation forces have concentrated their fleet in sectors C1 and B1," reported a young bridge officer onboard the VSD Espresso. "What are your orders?"

"We will continue with defense plan 'FRANK PRESS' with modification. The Dopio and Cappucino will advance to here and here. Deploy all fighters," replied Moff Caffe, pointing at a holo display of the tactical situation.

"Yes, my lord. As for us?"

"It is time to break the ice!" replied Moff Caffe. "We will advance to attack position with the Cortado. Let's see if we can't do something about our starfighter deficit..."

As the fleet mobilized, the VSDs Espresso and Cortado moved into weapons range, allowing it to fire upon the Federation StarVipers.

    1. Moved from F-1 to E-2 (-3 AP).
    2. Turned starboard, new heading D-1 (-2 AP).
    3. Fired 4 DTLC at SVSF1 in C-1 (-4 AP).
        a. 64 DMG x UCR (3/7) = 27 DMG
    4. Skipray Bravo-1 moves from F-1 to E-2 (-1 AP) and remains on CSP (-1 AP).
    5. Deployed TIE Indigo-1 and Indigo-2 (-2 AP).
        a. TIE Indigo-1 begins CSP in E-2 (-1 AP).
        b. TIE Indigo-2 begins CSP in E-2 (-1 AP).

    1. Turned starboard, new heading E-2 (-2 AP).   
    2. Moved from F-2 to E-2 (-3 AP), heading D-1.
    3. Fired 4 DTLC at SVSF2 in C-1 (-4 AP).
        a. 64 DMG x UCR (3/7) = 27 DMG
    4. Skipray Bravo-2 moves from F-2 to E-2 (-1 AP) and remains on CSP (-1 AP).
    5. Deployed TIE Indigo-3 and Indigo-4 (-2 AP).
        a. TIE Indigo-3 begins CSP in E-2 (-1 AP).
        b. TIE Indigo-4 begins CSP in E-2 (-1 AP).

    1. Moved from F-4 to E-4 (-3 AP).
    2. Deployed TIE Indigo-5 and Indigo-6 (-2 AP).
        a. TIE Indigo-5 begins CSP in E-4 (-1 AP).
        b. TIE Indigo-6 begins CSP in F-4 (-1 AP).
    3. Skipray Bravo-3 moves from F-4 to E-4 (-1 AP) and remains on CSP (-1 AP).
    1. Moved from F-5 to D-4 (-6 AP).
    2. Turned starboard, new heading D-3 (-2 AP).
    3. Deployed TIE Indigo-7 and Indigo-8 (-2 AP).
        a. TIE Indigo-7 begins CSP in E-4 (-1 AP).
        b. TIE Indigo-8 begins CSP in F-4 (-1 AP).
    4. Skipray Bravo-4 moves from F-5 to D-4 (-2 AP) and remains on CSP (-1 AP).

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« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 11:34:59 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2021, 09:51:28 AM »
... the battle continued, I had no time for a story...

  PBC Teknocrat
    1. Moved to D1 heading E2. (-3 AP)
    2. Fired 2 QTLC @ VSD Cortado. (-2 AP)
      a. 64 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 64 DMG
    3. Fired 8 LC @ VSD Cortado. (-8 AP)
      a. 40 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 40 DMG
    4. Deploy Vulture-II Droids I through XIV. (-0 AP)
    5. Vulture-II Droids I through VIII on CSP in D1. (-1 AP each).
    6. Vulture-II Droids IX through XIV move to E2. (-1 AP each).
    7. Vulture-II Droids IX through XI fire 6 LLC @ Skipray Bravo-1 (-2 AP each).
      a. 24 DMG x 5/6 UCR = 20 DMG
    8. Vulture-II Droids XII through XIV on CSP in E2. (-1 AP each).

  PBC Kryptochain
    1. Moved to D1 heading E2. (-3 AP)
    2. Fired 2 QTLC @ VSD Cortado. (-2 AP)
      a. 64 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 64 DMG
    3. Fired 4 LC @ VSD Cortado. (-8 AP)
      a. 20 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 20 DMG
    4. Fired 1 LC @ Skipray Bravo-1 (-1 AP).
      a. 5 DMG x 3/6 UCR = 3 DMG
    5. Fired 3 LC @ VSD Espresso (-3 AP).
      a. 15 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 15 DMG.
    6. Deployed Vulture-II Droids XV through XXIX. (-0 AP).
    7. Vulture-II Droids XV through XXIX more to E2 (-1 AP each).
    7. Vulture-II Droids XV and XVI fire 4 LLC @ TIE Indigo-1 (-2 AP each).
      a. 16 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 11 DMG
    8. Vulture-II Droids XVII and XVIII fire 4 LLC @ TIE Indigo-2 (-2 AP each). 
      a. 16 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 11 DMG
    9. Vulture-II Droids XIX through XXI fire 6 LLC @ TIE Indigo-3 (-2 AP each).
      a. 24 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 17 DMG
    10. Vulture-II Droids XXII through XXIV fire 6 LLC @ TIE Indigo-4 (-2 AP each).
      a. 24 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 17 DMG
    11. Vulture-II Droids XXV through XXIII fire 8 LLC @ Skipray Bravo-2 (-2 AP each).
      a. 32 DMG x 5/6 UCR = 27 DMG
    12. Vulture-II Droid XXIX fires 1 LLC @ VSD Espresso (-3 AP).
      a. 4 DMG x 5/3 UCR = 4 DMG.

  MCRV Krusader
    1. Moved to D1 heading E2. (-1 AP)
    2. Fired 2 HLC @ VSD Espresso (-2 AP)
      a. 12 DMG x 5/3 UCR = 12 DMG
    3. Fired 1 IC @ TIE Indigo-1 (-1 AP)
      a. 6 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 4 DMG

  MCRV Kollateral
    1. Moved to D1 heading E2. (-1 AP)
    2. Fired 2 HLC @ VSD Espresso (-2 AP)
      a. 12 DMG x 5/3 UCR = 12 DMG
    3. Fired 1 IC @ TIE Indigo-2 (-1 AP)
      a. 6 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 4 DMG

  PBC Teknocrat (D1 > E2)
  Shields   50/50
  Banks     4/4
  Armor     110/110
  Hull      40/40
  Support Units:
    Vulture-II Droids I    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids II   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids III  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids IV   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids V    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids VI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids VII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids VIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP
    Vulture-II Droids IX   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids X    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XIV  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2

  PBC Kryptochain (D1 > E2)
  Shields   50/50
  Banks     4/4
  Armor     110/110
  Hull      40/40
  Support Units:
    Vulture-II Droids XV    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XVI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XVII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XVIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XIX   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XX    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXIV  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXV   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXVI  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXVII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2
    Vulture-II Droids XXVIII- 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - E2

  MCRV Krusader (D1 > E2)
  Shields   20/20
  Banks     3/3
  Armor     20/20
  Hull      10/10
  Support Units:
    Starviper Squadron - 0/24 DUR - DESTOYED

  MCRV Kollateral (D1 > E2)
  Shields   20/20
  Banks     3/3
  Armor     20/20
  Hull      10/10
  Support Units:
    Starviper Squadron - 0/24 DUR - DESTOYED

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2021, 02:19:06 PM »
Round 3 - Turn #3 - Eidolon

  Adverb verb pronoun adjective article noun, repeat

RAF Guardian & RAF Steadfast spend 3AP ea to move to E3, they keep their heading Facing D2
RAF Pegasus & Tempest spend 3AP ea to move to E4, they spend 2AP ea to turn to Face D3, they spend 3AP ea to move to D3 and keep their heading Facing C3

AWing Red, Ruby, Green & Forest spend 2AP ea to move to D3. They spend 1AP ea to enact CSP of that location
VCX Cyclone & Banshee spend 2AP ea to move to D3.  They spend 1 AP ea to enacy CSP of that location

AWing Blue, Midnight, Purple & Violet spend 2AP ea to move to E3. They spend 2AP ea to fire 8 total CMs, 3 @ VultureII V & VI and 2 @ VII who are attacking friendlies in E2.  UCRs 8vs5 = 1.0 multipler.  3CMs (9pts) @ ea target V & VI, 2CMs (6pts) @ VII

VCX Sentry spends 2AP to move to E3.  It spends 1AP to enact CSP of that location.

RAF Guardian & Steadfast spend 2AP each to fire 2 Quad Turbos each, 1 @ VultureII I, II, III & IV respectively on CSP in D1.
UCR 5vs5 = 1.00 dmg multiplier.  1 QTLC = 32pts dmg x 1.0 = 32pts potential damage to each VII  I, II, III & IV

Damage Summary:
  32pts potential DMG to VultureII Droids I, II, III & IV in D1 from RAF Guardian & Steadfast
  9pts potential DMG to VultureII Droids V & VI from AWings Blue, Midnight, Purple
  6pts potential DMG to VUltureII Droids VII from Awings Violet

NR Task Force Cointreau
RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  D3/C3    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Banshee  LOC D3 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red      LOC D3  CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC D3  CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD D3/C3    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC D3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC D3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC D3 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD;  E3/D2    UCR/AP;  5/8     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue        LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD;  E3/D2    UCR/AP;  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  AWing Purple  LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Violet  LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 04:47:18 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2021, 07:05:12 PM »
"Sire, the enemy vessels have moved into a defensive formation and begun assaulting the Teknocrat and Kryptochain. They appear to be holding their own with a VSD in flames and another with its CSP screens taken out. Light damage."
"Move us to sector d2 and begin assault on all craft in range. Let us show these pups how real alpha predators take their prey!"

Recalled all vulture droids -0ap
Turned to face b2 -2ap
Moved to d2 -6ap
Recalled all vulture droids -0ap
Deployed Starvipers -3ap

Attack Summary:
PBC One, Two vs RAF Pegasus
4QTLs * 32 = 128 * .6 (UCR 3 vs 5) = 77pts

1 Starviper vs VSD Cortado
2 DLLCs * 8 = 16 * 1 (UCR 7 vs 3) = 16pts
2 PTs * 4 = 8 * 1 = 8pts

5 Starvipers vs VSD Espresso
10 DLLCs * 8 = 80 * 1 (UCR 7 vs 3) = 80pts
10 PTs * 4 = 40 * 1 = 40pts
5 BDs * 1 = 5 * 1 = 5pts

Total damage RAF Pegasus: 77pts
Total damage VSD Cortado: 24pts
Total damage VSD Espresso: 125pts

AP use:
PBCs turn 60 degrees (-2), move 2 grids (-6), deploy 3 starvipers (-3), fire 2 weapons (-2). Total ap use 13/13.
Starvipers move 1 grid (-1), fire 5 weapons (-5). Total ap use 6/6.

PBC One (D2 facing E3)
Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
3/3 Starvipers (E2 attacking)
3/3 Starvipers (hanger)
4/4 Vultures (hanger)

PBC Two (D2 facing E3)
Shields: 50/50 (4/4)
Armor: 110/110
Hull: 40/40
Systems: 50/50
3/3 Starvipers (E2 attacking)
3/3 Starvipers (hanger)
3/3 Vultures (hanger)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 07:17:36 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2021, 01:33:52 PM »

"Moff Kaffe, the Trade Federation has rallied its fleet, we hit the hornet's nest!"

Elsewhere, the bridge of the Cortado rocked as multiple vollies of turbolaser blasts impacted the ship.

"Dammit, more shields!" shouted the captain.

"It's too late, sir! Systems are critical. We have an antimatter containment breech!"

The Cortado's captain stepped onto a holopad to send a final message to the task force. "Don't forget to tip your bar----" and then there was silence. Suddenly, the VSD Cortado exploded, as it was unable to repel the overwhelming firepower of the Federation. The handful of TIEs and Skiprays also fell to enemy fire.

Back onboard the Espresso, Moff Kaffe stepped away from the viewport and back to a tactical display. Grinning, he spoke to his protege, "Captain Draven, remember that there are advantages and disadvantages in a tight fleet formation. Although you can leverage firepower in some sectors, your whole fleet can become exposed to overlapping fields of fire if your adversary spreads out. The Federation is about to get an object lesson in this..." Moff Kaffe then touched the tactical display to create a temporary waypoint. "Between us and the rebels-- excuse me, the Republic forces -- this sector has maximum exposure."

Draven nodded, "... and that's exactly where PBC One and Two are."

"Bingo," the Moff replied. "This will probably be our last shot, so make the order."

"Yes, m'lord. Thank you."

Captain Draven stepped over to the comm center and delivered orders to the task force. As the good captain was doing his duty, Moff Kaffe quietly exited the bridge and made his way to a stealth escape pod, abandoning the fight.

    1. Raised shields (-1 AP). Bank II online.
    2. Fired 4 DLTCs @ PBC One in D-2 (-4 AP).
       64 x UCR (3/3) = 64 DMG
    3. Fired 6 CMs @ PBC One in D-2 (-6 AP).
       18 x UCR (3/3) = 18 DMG

    1. Fired 4 DLTCs @ PBC One in D-2 (-4 AP).
       64 x UCR (3/3) = 64 DMG

    1. Fired 4 DLTCs @ PBC Two in D-2 (-4 AP).
       64 x UCR (3/3) = 64 DMG

    1. Skipray Bravo-3 & 4 moved to D-3 (-1 AP each).
    2. Skipray Bravo-3 & 4 fired 2 LTLC + 2 IC + 2 CM @ PBC One in D-2 (-3 AP each).
       30 x UCR (6/3) = 18 DMG + 12 Ion DMG
    3. TIE Indigo-5,6,7,8 moved to D-2 (-2 AP each).
    4. TIE Indigo-5,6,7,8 fired 12 LLCs @ PBC One in D-2 (-3 AP each).
       48 x UCR (7/3) = 48 DMG

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[spoiler=Task Force Quattro]
  Shields  60/60 RAISED (Banks 1/2)
  Armor    00/90
  Systems  45/45
  Hull     27/45
Support Units:
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-1    Destroyed
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-2    Destroyed
  Skipray Blastboat  Bravo-1     Destroyed

  Shields  60/60 RAISED (Banks 2/2)
  Armor    90/90
  Systems  45/45
  Hull     45/45
Support Units:
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-3    Destroyed
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-4    Destroyed
  Skipray Blastboat  Bravo-2     Destroyed

  Shields  60/60 RAISED (Banks 2/2)
  Armor    90/90
  Systems  45/45
  Hull     45/45
Support Units:
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-5    DUR 12/12    LOC D-2
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-6    DUR 12/12    LOC D-2
  Skipray Blastboat  Bravo-3     DUR 21/21    LOC D-3

  Shields  60/60 RAISED (Banks 2/2)
  Armor    90/90
  Systems  45/45
  Hull     45/45
Support Units:
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-7    DUR 12/12    LOC D-2
  TIE Interceptor    Indigo-8    DUR 12/12    LOC D-2
  Skipray Blastboat  Bravo-4     DUR 21/21    LOC D-3
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 01:36:18 PM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2021, 09:20:50 PM »

  PBC Teknocrat
    1. Boom!

  PBC Kryptochain
    1. Fires 1 QTLC @ VSD Esperesso (-1 AP)
      a. 32 DMG x 3/3 UCR = 32 DMG.
    2. Moves to F2 (-6 AP).
    3. Turns to F3 Heading (-3 AP).
    4. Fires 1 QTLC & 1 LC @ VCX Sentry (-2 AP).
      a. 32 DMG x 3/6 UCR = 16 DMG.
      b. 5 DMG x 3+1/6 UCR = 3 DMG
    5. Raise shield bank (-1 AP)
    5. Vulture-II Droids I-VI go Boom!
    6. Vulture-II Droids VII through XIV move to D2 (-1 AP).
    7. Vulture-II Droids VII through XVI fire 20 LLC @ TI Indigo-5 through 8 (-2 AP Each)
      a. 5 LLC @ Indigo-5: 20 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 14 DMG.
      b. 5 LLC @ Indigo-6: 20 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 14 DMG.
      c. 5 LLC @ Indigo-7: 20 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 14 DMG.
      d. 5 LLC @ Indigo-8: 20 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 14 DMG.
    8. Vulture-II Droids VII through XVI go on CSP in D2 (-1 AP each).
    10. Vulture-II Droids XVII through XXIII fire 14 LLC @ VSD Espresso (-2 AP each).
      56 DMG x 5/3 UCR = 14 DMG
    11. Vulture-II Droids XVII through XXIII move to F2. (-1 AP each).
    12. Vulture-II Droids XVII through XXIII go on CSP (-1 AP each).
    13. Vulture-II Droids XXIV through XXVIII move to E3 (-1 AP each).
    14. Vulture-II Droids XXIV  through XXVIII attack fighters in E3
      a. XXIV fires 2 LLC @ AW Blue: 9 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 6 DMG
      b. XXV fires 2 LLC @ AW Midnight: 8 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 6 DMG
      c. XXVI fires 2 LLC @ AW Purple: 8 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 6 DMG
      a. XXVII fires 2 LLC @ AW Violet: 8 DMG x 5/7 UCR = 6 DMG
      a. XXVIII fires 2 LLC @ VCX Sentry: 8 DMG x 5/6 UCR = 7 DMG
    15. Vulture-II Droids XXIV through XVIII go on CSP (-1 AP)

  MCRV Krusader
    1. Moved to F2 heading G2. (-2 AP)
    2. Fired 1 HLC @ AW Midnight (-1 AP)
      a. 6 DMG x 5+1/7 UCR = 5 DMG
    3. Fired 2 HLC @ AW Blue (-1 AP)
      a. 6 DMG x 5+1/7 UCR = 5 DMG

  MCRV Kollateral
    1. Moved to F2 heading G2. (-2 AP)
    2. Fired 1 HLC @ AW Blue (-2 AP)
      a. 12 DMG x 5+1/7 UCR = 5 DMG
    2. Fired 1 HLC @ AW Midnight (-2 AP)
      a. 12 DMG x 5+1/7 UCR = 5 DMG

  VSD Espresso (32 hard)
  TI Indigo 5 through  8 = 14 hard to each
  VCX Sentry (26 hard)
  AW Blue (15 hard)
  AW Midnight (16 hard)
  AW Purple (6 hard)
  AW Violet (6 hard)

  PBC Teknocrat (DESTROYED)
  Shields   0/50
  Banks     0/4
  Armor     0/110
  Hull      0/40
  Support Units:
    Vulture-II Droids I    - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids II   - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids III  - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids IV   - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids V    - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids VI   - 0/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - DESTROYED
    Vulture-II Droids VII  - 2/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids VIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids IX   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids X    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XIV  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2

  PBC Kryptochain (F2 > F3)
  Shields   50/50
  Banks     3/4
  Armor     106/110
  Hull      40/40
  Support Units:
    Vulture-II Droids XV    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XVI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP D2
    Vulture-II Droids XVII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XVIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XIX   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XX    - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XXI   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XXII  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XXIII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP F2
    Vulture-II Droids XXIV  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP E3
    Vulture-II Droids XXV   - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP E3
    Vulture-II Droids XXVI  - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP E3
    Vulture-II Droids XXVII - 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP E3
    Vulture-II Droids XXVIII- 8/8 DUR - 2/2 BD - 5/5 UCR - CSP E3

  MCRV Krusader (F2 > G2)
  Shields   20/20
  Banks     3/3
  Armor     20/20
  Hull      10/10
  Support Units:
    Starviper Squadron - 0/24 DUR - DESTOYED

  MCRV Kollateral (F2 > G2)
  Shields   20/20
  Banks     3/3
  Armor     20/20
  Hull      10/10
  Support Units:
    Starviper Squadron - 0/24 DUR - DESTOYED

« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 09:25:40 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Mock | The Battle of Mocha II
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2021, 06:33:08 PM »
Round#4 - Turn 3 - Eidolon

RAF Pegasus & Tempest both spend 2AP to fire 2QTLCs ea @ PBC Two (Rams)
  UCR 5/3 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  4 QTLCS x 32pts Dmg x 1.0 = 128pts Dmg

RAF Tempest spends 2AP to fire 2 QLCs @ PBC Two (Rams)
  UCR 5/3 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  2 QLCs x 20pts Dmg x 1.0 = 40pts Dmg

RAF Pegasus spends 5AP to Repair 5pts of Armor (was 23 Armor from Rams attack, now 28 Armor)
RAF Pegasus spends 1AP to Raise A New Shield Bank (2 of 3)

RAF Tempest spends 4AP to Turn 2 Headings and now Face E3

RAFs Guardian & Steadfast both spend 4AP to Turn 2 Headings and now Face F2
RAFs Guardian & Steadfast both spend 2AP to 2 QTLCs @ PBC Kryptochain
  UCR 5/3 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  4 QTLCS x 32pts Dmg x 1.0 = 128pts Dmg

RAFs Guardian & Steadfast both spend 2AP to fire 1 QLCs @ each of the following.. VultureII XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII
  UCR 5/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  1 QLC x 20pts DMG x 1.0 = 20pts Dmg each

AW Green spends 1AP to move to E3.  There it spends 2AP to engage VultureII XXVIII with 2 LLCs
  UCR 8/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  2 LLC x 4pts DMG x 1.0 = 8pts Dmg

AW Forest spend 2AP to move from D3 to F2, 2AP to Fire 2 LLC @ VultureII XXIII
  UCR 8/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  2 LLC x 4pts DMG x 1.0 = 8pts Dmg

AW Red & Ruby spend 2AP to move from D3 to F2, 2AP ea to Fire 2 LLC ea @ VultureII XXII & XXI respectively
  UCR 8/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  2 LLC x 4pts DMG x 1.0 = 8pts Dmg

VCX Banshee & Cyclone spend 2AP to move from D3 to F2, 2AP ea to fire 2 LLC ea @ Vulture XX & XIX respectively
  UCR 6/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier. 2 LLC x 4pts DMG x 1.0 = 8pts Dmg

  they then spend 2AP ea to fire 2 LCs ea @ Marauder Corvette Krusader
  UCR 6/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier. 4 LC x 5pts DMG x 1.0 = 20pts Dmg

AW Purple & Violet spend 1AP ea to move to F2, they spend 4AP ea to fire 2LCs & 2CMs ea @ Marauder Corvette Krusader
  UCR 8/5 = 1.0 dmg multiplier.  4LLCx4=16, 4CMx3=12 x 1.0 = 28pts Dmg

Damage Taken
  77pts to RAF Pegasus, took down shields, hurt armor pretty hard, did some armor repair to mitigate
  26pts to VCX Sentry, BOOM!
  15pts to AW Blue, BOOM!
  16pts to AW Midnight, BOOM!
  6pts to AW Purple
  6pts to AW Violet
Damage Dealt
  168pts to PBC Two, BOOM?
  128pts to PBC Kryptochain
  48pts to M/CRV Krusader
  20pts to VultureII 24, 25, 26 & 27 (fuck your numerals as unit type and individual identifiers!), BOOM?
  8pts to VultureII #28, BOOM?
  8pts to VultureII #19, 20, 21, 22, 23

NR Task Force Cointreau
RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  D3/C3    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(2)/28/30/10
  VCX Banshee  LOC F2 Attacking  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red      LOC F2  Attacking  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC F2  Attacking  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD D3/E3    UCR/AP  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC F2 Attacking    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC E3 Attacking    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC F2 Attacking  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD;  E3/F2    UCR/AP;  5/8     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue        LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC E3 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD;  E3/F2    UCR/AP;  5/8    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL;  40(3)/60/30/10
  AWing Purple  LOC F2 Attacking    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/8
  AWing Violet  LOC F2 Attacking    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/8
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 11:18:48 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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