Author Topic: Has it been that long...?  (Read 9590 times)

Offline Valak

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Has it been that long...?
« on: October 26, 2020, 07:04:04 PM »
It seems like yesterday when the IGE was in full swing over on AOL. For its time, AOL was magical. The IGE and Star Wars simming as a whole made it so much better.

Even now, nearly 20 years later, I can sit with my young children, playing various Star Wars games or with Star Wars toys, and I think back fondly to those great characters and stories we all built so very long ago. Emperor Bane, Warlord Ariakas, High General Baker, General Veers and so many other characters that will never be canon... but to me, those fond memories will be post-ROTJ canon to me.

I also think back, trying desperately to remember the screen names of old online friends, but I can only remember first names. Matthias, Elaine, Chris... and so many others. 

For those that may read this... and for those that never will... I am thankful for the portion of my life I was privileged to share with you back in the mid 1990s. 

I hope you are all doing well during this pandemic and have found peace and happiness in your lives. 


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Has it been that long...?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2020, 12:24:53 PM »

A long time ago on an IP far, far away. . . .
SWSF 'til Death

Offline insight

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Re: Has it been that long...?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2020, 01:19:10 PM »
Still kicking, at least. Coronavirus probably locking us all back down soon but making the best of it.

Think it's all downhill from the 90s really.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Has it been that long...?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2020, 06:34:28 PM »
I've been having a good fit of nostalgia lately for the old AOL days! So doing what I usually do, designing a nostalgic-tinged game rearchitected for low player participation! It's fun and therapeutic. Maybe I'll actually share what I make eventually.

Offline STrommashere

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Re: Has it been that long...?
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2020, 09:27:35 PM »
I haven't heard IGE in...well...forever. Something made me look up AOTR, IGE, and AOL based SW-RPG for some reason tonight...

I was LizyLin and SkylarAngel15.

Hope all of those friends years ago now...are doing well. Would love to catch up with anyone from the old days. <3