Author Topic: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER  (Read 26531 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2019, 09:21:42 PM »
Also i dislike the boring luke-vader twist revisited with rey-palpatine. I liked more the idea of her really being nobody and owning that and being a hero anyway. The movies lack courage and dont strike out to tell their own story. They should have let rotj be the end of the skywalker journey as it was, and done something different with the new trilogy with new characters. Oh well.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2019, 10:35:06 PM »

Hop, Dark Empire was one of the early Expanded Universe materials and it included the Clone/Resurrected Emperor.  It didn't feel out of the blue at all for me considering his passed as Darth Sidious and The Plagueis story.  Their entire dragon was immortality through sith ways.  The return of palp is no less not fitting than palp dying by being just thrown over the railing in to an exposed reactor core more or less in the first place?  On a 2nd death star? I mean if we weren't 7ish when we saw that, we'd feel that same about that being a slice of cheese.  I mean really..How dare I scorn Starkiller Base/3rd Death Star or Star Destroyers with Planet Killing Lasers when I eagerly lapped up the 2nd Death star in the second place? ;p

Lando diss- boooo.  What did you want the cthulu planet to be? =P  Lando was hanging out there because Luke was there with him chasing Oochee (?) at some point way back.  Plus with how much more scoundrel he was shown to be in Solo, hanging out with the cthulus is maybe his best shot at anonymity in these times?  He's known as a Rebel Alliance General as they all refer to him, so he'd have to be hiding from the FO.  And him being present on the Cthulu planet lends to why he maybe didn't get the first MAY DAY the Resistance sent out in TLJ at Crait.

Also, anyone notice yet the Falcons Quad turret gunner when it comes back to Exogal?  It's Wedge Antilles
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2019, 06:06:10 AM »
Yeah i spotted wedge! That was rad. I know dark empire, i just felt for this trilogy they did no work to prepare for palpatine return, i agree with hales words on the topic.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2019, 06:21:46 AM »
Also it is fine we had two deathstars before. To just do the same shit AGAIN... the movies just did not take any chances or try to create anything new, its all rehashing the old movies with a little twist, which is disappointing.

I would have preferred for the trilogy to have bee the Thrawn trilogy, with new actors cast for Leia, Luke, Han, etc. That would have been more bad ass.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2019, 03:12:35 PM »
Well all I know is that the kids I talk to seem really jazzed about the new stuff, so maybe we crotchety old Elder Millennials just need to be put out to pasture or chill out.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2019, 05:16:18 PM »
Shes a year late. 82 is the cut off.  I tied my dads flannels around my waist and cried for kurt in elementary school.  Then I drank his Tanqueray and Jack Daniels walking to Wendys in Jr High with my punk band buddies.  You don't get to call me a Millenial damnit!   Did you check out Jenny Slate Stage Fright?  Her psychotic nature is so enchanting!

Bah.  Im just saying, give in to your much cooler more easy going couch cushion fort building selves and love it.  It was a fitting conclusion to the Saga!  If I have to play my trump card, it gave us Pommet Warrick.  Thats right, Lil Wicket.

How does everyone feel about the totality of Ben's Journey now through the 3 movies that its complete?  I thought the Ben/Kylo/Ben process was well done and Driver played it great.  I wasn't necessarily onboard with him in TFA, but come the conclusion in all I like it start to finish.  If he survived, it wouldn't have felt nearly as fitting.

While the Emperor claimed a great deal of Ben/Kylos direction in being Snoke/using many diff voices projected to him, it's also not 100 in that Luke ultimately set Ben on the Kylo journey himself, and that Leia used the last of her essence and power to make a bid for his heart/mind.

Ben/Kylo/Ben path ultimately dictated Han, Luke, Leias demise.  All sacrificing themselves to save him, ultimately his mother being the one strong enough to do so.  As Luke told her she would be back in ROTJ.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 07:18:43 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2019, 09:47:29 PM »
Much like Obi-Wan was the saving grace of the prequels, I think Kylo will save the sequels as the most interesting character.

I think the the prequels benefited from the fact that the overall direction of the plot was a tragedy, and that we as the audience already knew how the story was going to end before it even began. The sequels on the other hand enjoyed no such meta-narrative. I suppose they knew they needed to end the Saga with IX, and so from that point of view it makes since that TLJ was iconoclastic, the creative intent it seemed was to end the Saga by destroying every vital aspect of it. In many respects Kylo embodied the meta-narrative. But overall there were some creative decisions that were simply ill-conceived from the outset that made anything other than Kylo Ren a nuisance to the story.

I think we needed to see the restored Republic on Coruscant, and maybe seen the First Order as a fringe faction perhaps as a role reversal of the Empire vs Rebel Alliance. They could've even portrayed the First Order as "the good guys" by being enforcers who "bring order to the galaxy" at least to some extent to make us question why we are supposed to root for the Republic.

I think we needed to see exactly why Kylo was trying to finish what Vader started. Was it bringing balance to the Force? Was it restoring order to the galaxy? -- I was talking about this with my brother last night and we thought it would've been dope AF had Palpatine projected a Force ghost of Vader whenever Kylo prayed to him. This would've truly made Palpatine into the ultimate puppet-master. "It was I who appeared to Kylo Ren as Darth Vader to make him think he was fulfilling his destiny" or some such line. Not only would this have freaked the fans out (in a good way), "the big JJ Abrams reveal" that it was Palpatine all-along would've been sweeter. Instead, Palps was reduced to a deus ex machina.

There are some other things I would've liked to have seen, but overall I think IX was a sufficient ending to the Saga. Over time as I age with these films I may come to understand them differently and try to unpack the deeper story they were attempting to tell, but I doubt any of these new films will achieve the meme/gif pop culture status that Episode III has achieved.

As a closing note, has anyone felt that the score was particularly memorable? Like as soon as Duel of the Fates hit in Episode I, that song just stuck. As for the original films, the Imperial March is practically a cultural icon unto itself. Will any of the music from these sequels do the Saga proud?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2019, 11:50:26 PM »

How many back from deads and planet killing lasers does it take to get a two thumbs up from you man?!

I was fine without Coruscant or more of the geopolitical.  The prequels did Coruscant in every movie after having never seen or known what it was called from watching the OT alone.  I didn't think we needed to see any more of it than we already saw.  Granted, I think the Hosnian Prime shift felt weird at first in the immediate introduction to destruction process of it.  3-5 minutes of screen time for some Senate shit or New Republic life certainly would have helped make that area feel much better.

The specifics of Kylo/Palp.  I was cool with it all.  Between all the Force Ghosting and telepathic connections it would have felt a bit heavy to add in even more of that.  I mean, apart from building planet killing laser star destroyers underground by the hundreds somehow but not having people to crew them, you've got to limit Ole Palps somewhere along the line! ;p

He should have just found happiness at the end of a giant robot arm.  Life's allllll a matter of perspective!

Re: Score. John Williams did it all so you could say same artistic brain, but nah, Duel of Fates is pretty epic.  You also just don't have the moments like that.  It was possibly the best lightsaber battle of all films the more I dwell on it..
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2019, 11:02:49 AM »
Duel of fates is great. I am going to try to go see trs again in the next week or two and see how i feel.

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2019, 01:30:26 PM »
Also it is fine we had two deathstars before. To just do the same shit AGAIN... the movies just did not take any chances or try to create anything new, its all rehashing the old movies with a little twist, which is disappointing.

I would have preferred for the trilogy to have bee the Thrawn trilogy, with new actors cast for Leia, Luke, Han, etc. That would have been more bad ass.
Actually, they could do it now - not the way it was originally written, but with the new protagonists.  The next movie (Episode X) could have Rey as the new jedi, trying to rebuild and learn, and encounter all of the things that Luke faced in HtoE.  You could even have her encounter a hand to Emperor Palpatine, someone who was working with Palpatine behind the scenes.  She could be the one who ends up impressing the noghiri, since she is a force user who is the child of a palpatine (like Leia was to Vader).

  Thrawn could be the amazing tactician he was, either having survived the battle of Exogal (taking command of the forces before they were destroyed), or one of the many ships of the First Order not present (since most of the First Order ships were not commanded by Palpatine).

Poe led the Resistance after Leia died, but now all of a sudden, he has to deal with the bureaucracy of the New Republic.  Imagine that tension between the hero and the politician?

We know Finn is force sensitive - maybe there is more to him, and he could have the twins, Jaina and Jacen (or other names).  They could have the Dark Force fleet, everything really with just a few tweaks, and they can use the NEW cast, because they are the right age for the storyline.
If only someone at Disney-LucasFilm thought of it.  The next Star Wars movie is supposedly coming out in 2022, followed by '24 and '26.  Let those three movies be the Thrawn trilogy!
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2019, 03:16:08 PM »
I would watch it!

We should use that as a loose framework for a collaborative SL! Only use our own characters in all the new roles.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2019, 10:41:33 PM »

Thrawns in New Canon via Star Wars Rebels animated series so his inclusion in a movie or live action series is almost a certain eventuality.  I'd love to see Favreau get the nod to do him in a series but as far as films go, Rian Johnson is still in charge of the new trilogy last I read.  Rian gave us the canon notion that the Force is wide spread out there genetically and will never be entirely smited out, in the form of the stable boy on Canto Bight in TLJ who force-calls his broom to his hand when he runs out of the quarters.  He's also stated that it's going to explore entirely new characters and it's been called a reset as well so, chances are its going to explore an entirely new family branch of forcies in an unknown time, either far after ROS or far before TPM I guess..

It'd be kind of cool if he went back so that the only known Jedi Council character was Yoda at like 500 or something.  But also far forward from ROS where maybe the Jedi Academy is on Tatooine and Rey and Finn have large statues inside or some shit.  Force Sensitive Pilgrims had sensed their way toward Rey, leading to the eventual foundation of the New Jedi Order based there.  Maybe they have a lunch room called the Skywalker Cafe inside at this point, they brew their own blue milk ;p
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2019, 08:13:05 AM »
I want the new series to explore more of the force than more death stars. Not abusively, not constant saber duels, etc. Something weightier and more exciting. Post empire.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2019, 03:39:25 PM »

A Force-centric movie would be cool.  Pre TPM or Post ROS.  Either way, it'd be cool to take that whole Harry Potter School thing (never seen one lol) and make it Jedi.  So you've got a Jedi Temple and there's this conflict over taboo studies and spirals in to Fallen Jedi and confrontation between Light and Dark.  Thatd make an amazing stand alone flick or trilogy.

I will even let them use the name Ghosts of Pandemonium for the first episode.  All I want is credit. ;p
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2019, 11:25:12 PM »
Guys didn't you hear? Keanu Reeves is going to play Darth Revan in the KOTOR trilogy.