Author Topic: KORRIBAN  (Read 11427 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« on: July 10, 2018, 10:50:23 PM »
Planet: Korriban
System: Horuset
Sector: Esstran

Description: Located in the Sith Worlds region of the Esstran sector, Korriban has been venerated for ages as the most sacred of planets for Sith and Dark Jedi alike. The surface is decorated with the tombs of Sith Lords as well as the ruins of more than a few Sith temples of varying sizes and designs. It is the home of the Great Temple and the ancient Sith Academy.

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« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 10:58:14 PM by SWSF Hale »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2018, 12:05:59 AM »
::On the surface of Korriban. Hallowed ground of the Dark Side, and final resting place of the great Dark Lords of the Sith, Marka Ragnos and Lord Simus. Breathing in the air here meant breathing in more than four thousand years of history, and the countless masters of Sith magic and alchemy who have poured their very souls into the dust that kicks up in the planet's atmosphere.::

A storm raged in the distance, just this side of the mountains. Black curls of wind and cloud flooded the slopes and seeped out into the open plain and the valleys like the bony fingers of a hand, shrouded in thick smoke. Unlike ordinary storms, it was evident that this one--which was growing more massive by the minute--was feeding off of some unknown force. Being shaped by it, in fact.

Inside the unmarked ruins of a temple, a main hallway and several offshoots still stood, with some in better condition than others. One of the smaller corridors that splintered off from the far end led to an empty room. No inscriptions, nothing lining the walls. Nothing but Sith Lords and their apprentices had ever entered the room in all these long years.

And now, in the center of the room, was the Dark Lord himself.

Lord Severus knelt quietly in meditation despite the intense whirling that could be heard from the main hall. A month of meditation and fasting, feeding on nothing but the Force, and Lord Severus remained still and expressionless.

Suddenly he found himself fastening to a single thought... a memory. And then an idea. For the first time in weeks, he lifted his head, his eyes still shut.

Summon a Council first. And the rest will follow.

Then, in an instant, the thought was gone, and the whirling in the main hall transformed into a howling tempest. Lord Severus opened his eyes. He knew who he had to see next. But there was something he needed here first...

The time was coming.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 12:12:44 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 03:40:27 PM »
::The storm grew even fiercer as it engulfed the temple. As dark clouds closed in above, the howling of the winds began cackling like wild dogs. And amidst their shrill cries were faceless whisperers that were becoming more and more animated by the second. This continued for several minutes until finally the Dark Lord emerged from the temple entrance. In that instant, the storm became so wild and loud that ordinary beings would have feared for their lives.::

Lord Severus looked around as he stepped forth. He could sense what was behind this.

Long ago, in the age of Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, and Aleema Keto, the spirit of Marka Ragnos declared yet another Sith Master fit to be called Lord of the Sith. His name was Ywi'ka Er-Ilsen. Master Er-Ilsen had trained for many years under the spirit of another Sith Lord--Lord Septimius Kah'rae, though he didn't know his name. Kah'rae was a contemporary and bitter rival of Marka Ragnos, who had clashed with Lord Kah'rae on multiple occasions. Ultimately, Marka Ragnos defeated Kah'rae in a duel, and Kah'rae's legs were cut from under him. Standing over him, Marka Ragnos thrust his lightsaber in Kah'rae's chest, which he left there--humming and blazing brightly--for several days and nights before retrieving and deactivating it.

Ragnos couldn't strip Kah'rae of his title of Sith Lord, but he convinced the spirits of the other Sith Lords to break with tradition and refuse to allow Kah'rae's ashes to be buried on Korriban. Lord Kah'rae's ashes were instead buried in a temple on Athiss, which he had built with his disciples, and from which he and his disciples had governed Athiss and a handful of other systems in the Outer Rim for many years.

More than a thousand years later, when Marka Ragnos discovered that Master Ywi'ka Er-Ilsen had trained under Lord Kah'rae, he revoked the title of Sith Lord he had bestowed on Er-Ilsen, who then received the title a second time from the spirit of Lord Kah'rae in act of defiance. Enraged, Marka Ragnos destroyed Master Er-Ilsen and tried to have his ashes removed from Korriban as well, but the other Sith Lords refused.

And now, several thousand years after the destruction of Master Er-Ilsen, the rage of Marka Ragnos had been reignited.

The ruins of the Er-Ilsen's temple on Korriban were weathered, but like all structures on this planet, the ingenuity of the architecture combined with the sorcery in the walls meant that even the temple's entrance, which had been hit hardest by the storm, could not be so easily torn apart.

Lord Severus clasped the red Sith amulet resting below his neck as he emerged. He had received from Master Er-Ilsen what he came for. And he would soon realize Master Er-Ilsen and Lord Kah'rae's vision of a new Sith Council--one that would unite Korriban and Athiss for good.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 05:01:34 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2019, 09:00:20 PM »
CLASS:  Ground Facility
AP:      10
UCR:    10
ARMOR:  100
  10 Blaster Cannons (RNG 2/DMG 3)
  1 Defender Cannon (RNG 1*/DMG 5)
NOTES: The Defender Cannon can be fired up to two times for 5 AP each, and it may target any Large or Heavy CAP in the HALO zone! Ignore UCR calculations for the Defender Canon - it just does 5 DMG straight up.

COST:    200 GC
CLASS:  Ground Facility
POWER:  +10 CP
AP:      10
UCR:    10
ARMOR:  50
  5 Blaster Cannons (RNG 2/DMG 3)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 10:42:54 PM by LordSeverus »