Author Topic: DATHOMIR  (Read 27191 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2018, 01:45:54 AM »
::As the battle ensued above Dathomir, the Knight Terror adjusted its attitude relative to the horizon and made preparations to carry out the next stage of the assault. Meanwhile, back on the Inferis...::

"Come again, sir?" Lieutenant Vrahs asked.

"Force multiplier," Captain Mraeka said again, looking intently at the debris that was beginning to coalesce. "It's not just about weapons and technology. Among other things, it's also morale, competence, and message."

Four years at the Academy, and yet--in the company of Captain Mraeka--there was always something more to learn.

"That's what Admiral Krell says, anyway. And he's right."

"Pretty sure everyone got the message, sir," Vrahs said. "Including Captain Rogero."

"Indeed. Protocol demands that we rescue the captain and his garrison, if for no other reason than assuaging the other imperial factions. But he must know by now that our primary interest here lies elsewhere."

"I think you've made that clear, sir, yes."

"As for for the others, I expect we have their attention. Open an encrypted channel and contact their flagships."

"And the dreadnaughts?"

"God only knows what the New Republic is doing here, but they're not exactly in the majority in this system. They've been put on notice, and they're aware of it. Let's respect their presence for now. Alert me if their situation changes."

"Channel ready, sir."

Greetings Lord Admiral Hale and Imperator Reptanus. This is Captain Mraeka of the Inferis. Whatever happens here at Dathomir, Lady Kalia is to be delivered to Lord Severus in good health. Failure to deliver her should you reach her first will be considered a hostile act. Beyond this, you may do as you wish. That is all, gentleman.

[not an action post]

[@Hoppus -- last chance to reconsider.]
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 01:48:12 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2018, 04:15:17 PM »

  ..the communication from Captain Mraeka of the Victory Star Destroyer Infernis replayed across the Audacity bridge speaker.

  The Imperator did not react to it and only continued his gaze as fire poured in to the Conquest and the cruiser began to slightly slump.  When fires and secondary explosions began rippling across various portions of it's super structure, he activated a hologram projector which beamed the miniature image of a tall sleak man in Imperial Army grey fatigues and armor,

  "General.. the skies will be clear shortly.. prepare your men for ground assault.  The rebel leader is to be taken alive and returned to the Audacity," he wheezed out.

SWSF 'til Death

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2018, 01:07:01 AM »
Four sudden and simultaneous explosions in low orbit seemed to rock Dathomir to the core. Captain Rogero and his men were knocked flat to the ground, and the unexpected blast had them all clasping their ears in pain. As they lifted their heads to catch a glimpse of the aftermath in the night sky, they caught the unmistakable shadows of five Corellian Corvettes descending in rapid succession to the landing zone at the edge of Nightshade City. Several divisions of soldiers deployed and ran like madmen for the trees. Suddenly, amid the chaos, a chain explosion ripped through four of the corvettes as their hulls finally buckled under the damage they had sustained. The fifth corvette, which was terribly damaged, had landed separately and a bit further off from the others. It shook violently as its sister corvettes turned to ashes and debris, taking a few more cracks in its armor, but remained intact.

The Imperial Star Destroyer Conquest returned fire with an orchestra of turbolaser fire. It was a stinging response, but it was far too late to save its own hull. As the Conquest began to break apart, the green mist that had been permeating the ship started to shoot out between the cracks in the armor in every direction. One explosion followed another until, section by section, the ship was shredded into ten thousand pieces of floating scrap metal. The sight was almost indescribable. After almost twenty minutes of concussion missiles and sustained turbolaser fire from multiple Victory-class Star Destroyers, the ship had finally succumbed to the onslaught, and the show of Imperial might that unfolded was beyond impressive. It marked the definitive end for the Conquest, and the beginning of the invasion. And it was an act Lady Kalia was unlikely to forgive in the hours ahead. Meanwhile, back on Dathomir...

Lady Kalia lifted her eyes menacingly from the runes she had written with her hands in the dirt and slowly looked up towards the night sky. "Welcome to Dathomir. Gentleman. You will surely die here this night."

Action Summary:

1. ISD Conquest (D3) moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 15/10 AP, now 12/10
2. ISD Conquest fires 6 turbolasers and 6 ion cannons at VSD Audacity (30 DMG to VSD Audacity?). was 12/10, now 0/10
3. CORV Ruby Dawn (C3) recharges 1 shield point before sustaining shield and armor damage
from the 10.83 DMG attack inflicted by VEC Magnificent and VEC Excelsior. Avoids total destruction. AP was 6/4, now 4/4
4. CORV Ruby Dawn moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 4/4, now 3/4
5. CORV Ruby Dawn fires 2 turbolasers at VSD Audacity (9.6 DMG to VSD Audacity? lethal?). was 5/4, now 3/4
6. CORV Ruby Dawn makes tactical preparations (+1 AP next round). 1/4
7. CORV Ruby Dawn moves one grid space to the landing zone in Nightshade City. 0/4
6. CORV Coral Dawn (C4) moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 6/4, now 5/4
7. CORV Coral Dawn fires two turbolasers at VSD Knight Terror (E4). was 5/4, now 3/4
8. CORV Coral Dawn moves one grid space to the landing zone in Nightshade City. 2/4
9. CORV Corawl Dawn (landing zone) deploys 1 INF and 1 GAV in the landing zone before exploding. 0/4
10. CORV Garnetian Dawn (E3) moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 6/4, now 5/4
11. CORV Garnetian Dawn fires two turbolasers at VSD Knight Terror (E4). was 5/4, now 3/4
12. CORV Garnetian Dawn moves one grid space to the landing zone. 2/4
13. CORV Garnetian Dawn (landing zone) deploys 1 INF and 1 GAV in the landing zone before exploding. 0/4
14. CORV Burgundy Dawn (E4) moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 6/4, now 5/4
15. CORV Burgundy Dawn fires two turbolasers at VSD Knight Terror (E4). was 5/4, now 3/4
16. CORV Burgundy Dawn moves one grid space to the landing zone. 2/4
17. CORV Burgundy Dawn (landing zone) deploys 1 INF and 1 GAV in the landing zone before exploding. 0/4
18. CORV Maroon Dawn (D4) moves into Attack Position (+1 UCR). was 6/4, now 5/4
19. CORV Maroon Dawn fires two turbolasers at VSD Knight Terror (E4). (? DMG to VSD Knight Terror? lethal?) was 5/4, now 3/4
20. CORV Maroon Dawn moves one grid space to the landing zone. 2/4
21. CORV Maroon Dawn deploys 1 INF and 1 GAV in the landing zone before exploding. 04/

Damage Summary:
1. ISD Conquest destroyed by Imperator Reptanus after 6 DMG from VEC Excelsior and 68.75 DMG from VSD Audacity, VSD Cerberus, VSD Chevalier and ISD Huntsman
2. CORV Coral Dawn destroyed.
3. CORV Maroon Dawn destroyed.
4. CORV Garnetian Dawn destroyed.
5. CORV Burgundy Dawn destroyed.
6. CORV Ruby Dawn survives the attack from Lord Admiral Hale with 0.83 armor remaining.

Location Summary:
1. Debris of ISD Conquest (D3)
2. Debris of CORV Coral Dawn (C4 and landing zone)
3. Debris of CORV Garnetian Dawn (E3 and landing zone)
4. Debris of CORV Burgundy Dawn (E4 and landing zone)
5. Debris of CORV Maroon Dawn (D4 and landing zone)
6. CORV Ruby Dawn (Dathomir\Landing Zone)
7. Deployed ground forces (Landing Zone)

Unit Summary
  AP: 4 + 1 next round due to tactical preparations
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 0/5
  ARMOR: 0.83/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

SCARLET DAWN (deployed army)
    3 INF Regiments
    3 GAV Division
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 08:16:41 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2018, 08:08:05 AM »
Round 2 Update

SCOREBOARD                 CPs Destroyed so far
Tempest Squadron           0
Terrors of the Imperium    12
The New Order                19
Wraith Squadron              10* (Pending)

1. Upon further review of Sev's NPC post for Dathomir, I'm going to let the CORVs taking lethal damage and landing then blowing up slide for now, but going forward the rules will be amended to restrict movement in that capacity.

2. Slight error with the number of onboard units deployed from the CORVs, counting the Ruby Dawn, Carl Dawn, Garnetian Dawn, Ron Burgundy Dawn, and the Maroon Dawn, that is a total of 10 INF + 5 GAV.

3. I had considered GM-deploying the ISD's full contingent of SF/AUX just to keep them alive, but technically, since they were onboard when the ISD was killed, the SF/AUX get killed with it.

4. Nightshade Hill (C-4) is immune to Orbital Bombardment/Barrage due to a protective magical field, all other grids are open season.

1. HOSTILE LANDING ZONE WARNING! The campaign is set up so players landing in the Landing Zone group up with Captain Rogero's forces, and given that Crimson Dawn landed troops, players will now be expected to "fight their way out" of the landing zone or "tactical retreat" - so in gaming terms, you can engage the Crimson Dawn troops or not, it won't matter (but on the same token, you won't score any points if you don't fight them).

10 Si'Klaata Thugs
   Split into two battle groups of 5 each: THUG RIDERS + THUG ROLLERS
5 Ubrikkian Battle Skiffs
   Formed into Battle Group RED SKULLS.

3. NIGHTSHADE HILL (Starting Location: C-4)
20 Night Warriors
   Split into five battle groups of 4 each: MIDNIGHT ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, and FIVE (respectively).
10 Rancors
   Cannot form battle groups due to being monstrous. Must be handled individually.

4. IMPERIAL FORCES (For each Imperial player, activated upon landing)
2 DARC Troopers

Posting Order Upcoming
1. Hale
2. Severus
3. Eidolon
4. Hoppus
5. Dathomir NPC (Eidolon)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 05:57:50 PM by SWSF Hale »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2018, 10:39:54 PM »
I actually agree with disallowing the corvs' movement to the planet. I just wanted to exploit the previous ruling on allowing max AP usage before getting destroyed instead of just max weapons and throw in a little surprise. I'm happy to adjust the post and have them blow up where they were. Let me know.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2018, 10:44:13 PM »
No, it's fine. It'll shake things up on the ground. =)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2018, 10:01:38 AM »
 * Nulli Secundus | Second to None *
Lord Admiral Lucidius Hale


Hale was astonished at the Crimson Dawn's ability to coordinate impressive maneuvers while under fire. Not bad for a bunch of mercs. But the time to be impressed was over, it was time to kill. "Move the Fleet to low-orbit and begin phase two of our operation! Colonel Rasche, begin the ground assault!" The good colonel nodded and walked away. He soon rallied the ground forces in the hangar bay and began loading up. The Venator-class wasn't the most ideal ship to launch an assault, but the few troops Tempest Squadron was able to bring to the fight would be more than enough to handle what was ahead.

Hale opened a channel to the Fleet. < Attention, Imperial Remnant forces. Be advised. Tempest Squadron will be conducting assault operations on the planet surface, and clearing the Landing Zone. Our intention is to apprehend Lady Kalia and end her madness. Stay out of our way! >

As the Zeta Shuttles departed the hangars of the Magnificent and Excelsior, a single concussion missile from the Magnificent was fired to clear the Landing Zone. The corvette that had aluded Hale's grasp before would not make it through the night. As the missile touched down, it exploded on impact, sending a concussive force through the L/Z that shook everyone. Captain Rogero and his men cheered, as the visage of four Zeta Shuttles could be seen through the smoke and fire of the Ruby Dawn's exploded carcass. As the shuttles touched down, Stormtroopers and Recon Transports began rushing out in concert, firing their blasters at the nefarious Crimson Dawn criminals that awaited them. Captain Rogero send in a contingent of his forces to join the fray as well. The unmistakable firing pattern of the DARC trooper's machine blaster echoed through the forests of the landing zone. It was time to clear house and move out!

1. All units move to C-3.
    VEC Magnificent (-3 AP). 10/13
    VEC Excelsior (-3 AP). 7/10
    TIE Interceptors (-1 AP each). 2/3
    TIE Fighters (-1 AP each). 1/2
    TIE Bombers (-1 AP each). 1/2
2. TIE Fighters form battle group (-1 AP each). 0/2
3. TIE Bombers form battle group (-1 AP each). 0/2
4. All 12 starfighters remain on Combat Space Patrol in C-3.
5. Fleet launches Zeta Shuttles.
    VEC Magnificent (-2 AP). 8/13
    VEC Excelsior (-2 AP). 5/10
6. Flagship commences orbital bombardment against CORV Ruby Dawn.
    VEC Magnificent fires 1 Assault CM (-1 AP). 7/13
     -> 5 DMG x UCR (4/7) 0.57 = 2.85 DMG (LETHAL)
7. Fleet begins tactical preparations.
    VEC Mangificent (-6 AP), +3 AP next round. 1/13
    VEC Excelsior (-4 AP), +2 AP next round. 1/10
8. Zeta Shuttles commence drop to Landing Zone (-1 AP each). 0/1
9. Ground Forces disembark from shuttles.
    Stormtroopers (-1 AP each). 4/5
    AT-RTs (-1 AP each). 3/4
10. Rendezvous with Captain Rogero.
    +2 DARC Troopers
    +1 AT-ST
11. Ground Forces form various battle groups.
    2 DARC Troopers form UPSILON SQUAD (-1 AP each). 5/6
    4 Stormtroopers form TIGER ALPHA (-1 AP each). 3/5
    4 Stormtroopers form TIGER BRAVO (-1 AP each). 3/5
    3 AT-RTs form RECON ALPHA (-1 AP each). 2/4
    1 AT-RT Recon-4 remains alone due to BGCP limits. =( womp womp
12. Ground Forces attack Crimson Dawn.
     UPSILON SQUAD attacks THUG RIDERS five times (-5 AP). 0/6
      -> 20 DMG x UCR (7/5) 1.4 = 28 DMG
     AT-RT Recon-4 attacks THUG RIDERS twice (-2 AP). 0/4
      -> 6 DMG x UCR (7/5) 1.4 = 8.4 DMG
     TIGER ALPHA attacks THUG ROLLERS twice (-2 AP). 1/5
      -> 16 DMG x UCR (6/5) 1.2 = 19.2 DMG
     TIGER BRAVO attacks THUG ROLLERS twice (-2 AP). 1/5
      -> 16 DMG x UCR (6/5) 1.2 = 19.2 DMG
     RECON ALPHA attacks RED SKULLS twice (-2 AP). 0/4
      -> 18 DMG x UCR (7/4) 1.4 = 25.2 DMG
     AT-ST Recon-5 attacks RED SKULLS twice (-2 AP).
      -> 6 DMG x UCR (6/4) 1.5 = 9 DMG

1. CORV Ruby Dawn 2.85 DMG LETHAL
2. Crimson Dawn THUG RIDERS 36.4 LETHAL
3. Crimson Dawn THUG ROLLERS 38.4 LETHAL
4. Crimson Dawn RED SKULLS 34.2 LETHAL

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Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2018, 11:50:35 AM »
"You have your orders, Lieutenant Vrahs. Target those Dreadnaughts and let's get out of here."

::Captain Mraeka wasted no time in the thick of battle. As the incoming fire smacked the Inferis' hull with one explosion after another, the four Victory-class Star Destroyers hammered the Republic's Dreadnaughts with everything they had, and a lone Lambda-class Shuttle exited the Inferis' hangar and prepared to make the jump to lightspeed. The shuttle was soon followed by the VSD's Knight Terror and Spitfire. Not long after, Captain Mraeka's flagship, the Inferis, went up in flames and let out an eerie howl as it became engulfed in fire and its frame became ever more acquainted with the heat. But it was the quiet explosions of the final shots to the hull beneath the flame that did it in. There was no mistaking it--the Inferis had been destroyed. It was such a sight that one almost didn't even notice that its escort, the Death's Edge, had likewise met its end.::

Aboard the Lambda-class Shuttle ICE-1...

Lord Severus will be most pleased, Mraeka thought to himself. Now about that witch...

Movement and Combat Summary:

1. VSD Inferis redeems tactical preparations (+1 AP). 12/12 (8 AP + 3 AP from Legendary Admiral + 1 from tactical prep.)
2. VSD Inferis moves one grid space from D4 to D5 (-2 AP). 10/12
3. VSD Inferis in D5 fires 4 turbolasers and 6 concussion missiles at the DREAD Guardian in D6 (-10 AP). 0/12
UCR = 5/4 = 1.25
((4 TL's x 3 DMG) + (6 missiles x 1 DMG)) x UCR 1.5 = 27 DMG to DREAD Guardian
4. VSD Inferis sustains 43.2 DMG from Rogue Squadron and is destroyed.

5. VSD Death's Edge moves one grid space from D4 to D5 (-2 AP). 6/8
6. VSD Death's Edge in D5 fires 4 turbolasers and 2 concussion missiles at the DREAD Sentinel (-6 AP) in D6. 0/8
UCR = 5/4 = 1.25
((4 TL's x 3 DMG) + (2 missiles x 1 DMG)) x UCR 1.5 = 17.5 DMG to DREAD Sentinel
7. VSD Death's Edge sustains 45.6 DMG from Rogue Squadron and is destroyed.

8. VSD Knight Terror sustains 34.8 DMG but remains intact.

DMG summary from CORV Coral Dawn:
UCR (7 + 1 from Attack Position)/5 = 8/5 = 1.6
(2 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR 1.6 = 9.6 DMG

DMG summary from CORV's Garnetian Dawn, Burgundy Dawn, and Maroon Dawn:
UCR 7/5 = 1.4
(6 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR 1.4 = 25.2

Total DMG to the VSD Knight Terror: 9.6 + 25.2 = 34.8 DMG

Shields: 0/20
Armor: 2.2/17

9. VSD Knight Terror moves two grid spaces from E4 to E6 (-4 AP). 4/8
10. VSD Knight Terror from E6 fires 2 turbolasers at DREAD Guardian in D6 (-2 AP). 2/8
UCR = 5/4 = 1.25
(2 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR 1.25 = 7.5 DMG to DREAD Guardian
11. VSD Knight Terror enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring (-2 AP). 0/8

12. VSD Spitfire moves two grid spaces from E4 to E6 (-4 AP). 4/8
13. VSD Spitfire from E6 fires 2 turbolasers at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-2 AP). 2/8
UCR = 5/4 = 1.25
(2 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR 1.25 = 7.5 DMG to DREAD Sentinel
14. VSD Spitfire enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring (-2 AP). 0/8

15. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 moves one grid space from D5 to E6 (-1 AP). 2/3
16. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 fires one concussion missile at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-1 AP). 1/3
UCR = 6/4 = 1.5
(1 missile x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.5 = 1.5 DMG to DREAD Sentinel
17. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring.

18. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 moves one grid space from D5 to E6 (-1 AP). 2/3
19. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 fires one concussion missile at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-1 AP). 1/3
UCR = 7/4 = 1.75
(1 missile x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.75 = 1.75 DMG to Dread Sentinel
20. TIE Avenger ELITE-2  enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring.

21. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 moves one grid space from E5 to E6 (-1 AP). 2/3
22. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 fires one concussion missile at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-1 AP). 1/3
UCR = 6/4 = 1.5
(1 missile x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.5 = 1.5 DMG to DREAD Sentinel
23. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring.

24. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 moves one grid space from D5 to D6 (-1 AP). 1/2
25. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 fires 1 laser cannon from D6 to D6 (-2 AP). 0/2
UCR = 6/4 = 1.5
(1 laser cannons x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.5 = 1.5 DMG to DREAD Sentinel

26. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 moves one grid space from E5 to E6 (-1 AP). 2/3
27. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 fires one concussion missile at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-1 AP). 1/3
UCR = 6/4 = 1.5
(1 missile x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.5 = 1.5 DMG to DREAD SentGinel
28. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring.

29. TIE Fighter ELITE-5 moves two grid spaces from from E5 to E3 (-2 AP). 2/2

31. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 moves one grid space from E5 to E6 (-1 AP). 2/3
32. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 fires one concussion missile at DREAD Sentinel in D6 (-1 AP). 1/3
UCR = 6/4 = 1.5
(1 missile x 1 DMG) x UCR 1.5 = 1.5 DMG to DREAD SentGinel
33. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 enters hyperspace from E6 in the green ring.

29. TIE Fighter ELITE-7 moves two grid spaces from from E5 to E3 (-2 AP). 2/2

30. TIE Fighter ELITE-8 moves two grid spaces from from E5 to E3 (-2 AP). 2/2

31. Captain Mraeka's personal Lambda-class Shuttle ICE-1 (NPC) enters hyperspace

Damage Summary:

Total DMG to DREAD Guardian is 27 + 7.5 = 34.5 (expected to be destroyed)
Total DMG to DREAD Sentinel is 17.5 + 7.5 + 1.5 + 1.75 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 34.25 (expected to be destroyed)

Location Summary:
1. Debris of the VSD Inferis in D5
2. Debris of the VSD Death's Edge in D5
3. VSD Knight Terror now in hyperspace
4. VSD Spitfire now in hyperspace
5. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 now in hyperspace
6. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 now in hyperspace
7. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 now in hyperspace
8. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 was left in D6
9. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 now in hyperspace
10. TIE Fighter ELITE-5 was left in E3
11. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 now in hyperspace
12. TIE Fighter ELITE-7 was left in E3
13. TIE Fighter ELITE-8 was left in E3
14. Lambda-class Shuttle ICE-1 (NPC) now in hyperspace
No fighters on CSP at this time

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[OOC note: I'll double-check the numbers when I get a chance tomorrow.]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 04:38:50 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2018, 11:57:19 PM »

   The New Order Armada's flagship Audacity was badly damaged in the return fire of the Imperial Star Destroyer Conquest.  Though the opposing and heavier ship was crippled and rendered waste in the blitz assault, the hasty tactics left the Armada weakened in it's push toward the planet, but the assault continued none the less as the Audacity retreated to the hopeful safety of distance from the action to lick her wounds.  The Interdictor Huntsman fired up it's Gravity Field Generators to prevent any easy escape for those on the surface hoping to flee the looming reckoning while the remaining two pressing Victory Destroyers Cerberus and Chevalier launched their ground forces while keeping close stock on the New Republic fleet on the far side of the planet exchanging blows with one of the responding Imperial Warlords.  The New Order had no official allies or enemies at the moment, the weaker everyone else became fighting each other, the stronger it made the TNO.  Now the pitiful naive upstars planet-side would be brought to heel, and anything or anyone useful reaped for the New Order's Progress.

   As New Order forces reached planet side and their landing transports touched down, on the far end of the landing zone canyon a modest scuffle was taking place between the earlier arrived Imperial forces of Warlord Hale and between the mind warped defenders who survived the Corvettes crash landings.  They were enough to keep each other busy while General Ivo Shandor maneuvered his forces at the behest of Imperator Reptanus and his goals.  As Shandor's men and light walkers carefully maneuvered closer to the stronghold of Nightshade City, in the distance a towering summit of raised earth offered a commanding defensive position.  It was no wonder then that what seemed from a momentary safe distance to be ornately adorned warriors with massive Rancor beasts at their command.  The troopers took up defensive positions but could not offer and support fire at this range, though the Chicken Walkers chin mounted blaster cannons erupted with screaching red blasts sent off in the direction of the adversaries.  As the Light Walkers poured fire in to the Hill in the distance, the DARC Troopers began carefully advancing under the cover the the heavy fire to within attack range themselves..


Fleet Actions
VSD Audacity Has 39.6 Pending Damage.  This is an excess of 2.6pts to deal 37pts Kill Dmg to it.  VSD Audacity spends -8 AP on Damage Control, +8 ARM. Survives at 5.4ARM. Deploys Zeta -1AP.  Moves to E1 -2AP. 0/11 AP
VSD Cerberus Spends -2AP to move to D3. Deploys ZETA -1AP. 5/8AP
VSD Chevalier Spends -2AP to move to D3. Deploys ZETA -1AP. 5/8AP
INT Huntsman Spends -2AP to move to D3. Activates Grav Field Generator -2AP.  SYSTEM WIDE EFFECT : HYPERSPACE MOVEMENT RESTRICTED TO/FROM Xs!!! 2/6AP

TIE/A ALPHA Spends 1AP to move to E1 and assume CSP. 2/3AP
TIE/S ALPHA Spends 1AP to move to E1 and assume CSP.  1/2AP
TIE/A BETA Spends 1AP to move to D3 and assume CSP. 2/3AP
TIE/S BETA Spends 1AP to move to D3 and assume CSP. 2/3AP
TIE/A DELTA SPends 1AP to move to D3 and assume CSP. 2/3AP
TIE/S DELTA Spends 1AP to move to D3 and assume CSP. 2/3AP
TIE/I ALPHA Stays in E1 and continues CSP. 3/3AP
TIE/I BETA Stays in E1 and continues CSP. 3/3AP

Space Attack Summary

Landing Actions
  Cerberus & Chevalier ZETAs Drop to Landing Zone Spending -1AP ea.  0/1AP each
  Audacity ZETA Spends -1AP to move from D2 to D3. 0/1AP
  4 DARC Regiments Deploy from ZETAs in LZ Spending -1AP ea.  5/6AP ea
  2 ATST Squads Deploy from ZETAs in LZ Spending -1AP ea.
  *Ground Forces Rendezvous w/ Captain Rogero  +2 DARCs, +1 ATST

Ground Attacks/Actions
  2 ATSTs in LZ form BG ATST ALPHA for -1AP ea.  3/4AP ea
  3 ATSTs in LZ move from LZ to A4 for -1AP ea.  2/4AP ea
  3 ATSTs in A4 Begin Pounding Nightshade Hill [Rancors 1 and Up] (C4) From Maximum Range...  UCR 6/7 = 0.9dmg.  2BCs*3DMG*3ATSTs*0.9= 16.2pts (maybe 1 Rancor Dead?  Yikes. Scary!)  0/4AP ea

  6 DARC Regiments Move from LZ to A4 for -1AP ea. 5/6AP ea 
  3 DARC Regiments in A4 form BG DARC ALPHA for -1AP ea. 4/6AP ea
  3 DARC Regiments in A4 form BG DARC BETA for -1AP ea. 4/6AP ea
  6 DARC Regiments Move from A4 to B4 for -1AP ea. 3/6AP ea
  6 DARC Regiments Fire Machine Blasters at Nightwarrior BG MIDNIGHT ONEin C4...  UCR 7/6 = 1.2dmg.  1MB*2DMG*6DARCs*3ATKS*1.2= 43.2pts (5.4 Nightwarriors Dead maybe?) 0/6AP ea

Ship/Forces Status
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« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 10:05:25 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2018, 08:33:48 AM »
GM Magic Wand
DREAD Guardian and DREAD Sentinel explode simultaneously, sending shockwave of electromagnetic energy and debris across Dathomirian space. With the "force recon" mission of Wraith Squadron complete, the remaining forces make a quick dash to deep space before entering hyperspace.

Dathomir (Eidolon)

1. Hale
2. Severus
3. Eidolon
4. Dathomir (Hale)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2018, 11:25:13 AM »

   The Nightsisters held their positions on the Hill as the strongest amongst them clenched hands in a circle of several individuals.  White and blue ripples of force based energy interlaced through their entire form as a channel of Lady Kalia's power draws to on their own strength, casting a protective shield barrier above the hill and preventing the powerful starships assembling in orbit from obliterating them all without a chance for a fair fight.  The force-magick barrier projected high above did little to protect them from the looming attack of approaching Imperial Remnant forces.

   The earth of the hill was thrown aside in speeder sized strewn lumps as the blaster bolts came in from the distance with very little initial accuracy before beginning to find their targets and send the Nightsisters and their biological assault vehicles the Rancors scrambling.  Reassembled, the Nightsisters took stock of their lost and mounted their counter-attack.  In what seemed to be only a few leaps a piece, the majority of the Rancors bolted forward right passed the repeated machine blaster fire of the DARC troopers and pounced mercilessly upon the miscalculating scout walkers.  Meanwhile, the Sisters held their positions and sought cover from the incoming infantry fire and returned it..

Crimson Dawn Elements in LZ

  LZ and Crimson Dawn CLEARED!

Nightsisters - Nightshade Hill (C4)
  Midnight One  DESTROYED by TNO DARCs
  Midnight Two  Unscathed, Returns Fire @ TNO DARC 1 w Bowcasters  -1AP  UCR 6/7 = 0.9  Base 2Dmg = 1.8 dmg
  Midnight Three  Unscathed, Returns Fire @ TNO DARC 1 w Bowcasters  -1AP  UCR 6/7 = 0.9  Base 2Dmg = 1.8 dmg
  Midnight Four   Unscathed, Returns Fire @ TNO DARC 1 w Bowcasters w Bowcasters  -1AP  UCR 6/7 = 0.9  Base 2Dmg = 1.8 dmg
  Midnight Five   Unscathed, Returns Fire @ TNO DARC 1 w Bowcasters  -1AP  UCR 6/7 = 0.9  Base 2Dmg = 1.8 dmg

Total DMG to TNO DARC1 = 7.2pts NON LETHAL

  Rancor 1   DESTROYED by TNO ATSTs
  Rancor 2   TAKES 5.2 DMG, 5.8 DUR REMAINS, HOLDS in C4
  Rancor 3   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 1  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 4   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 1  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 5   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 2  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 6   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 2  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 7   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 3  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 8   Bum Rushes ATST TNO 3  -2AP  Attacks with Jaws -1AP  Base 5Dmg   7/6 UCR = 1.2  = 6Dmg
  Rancor 9   Holds in C4
  Rancor 10 Holds in C4

Total DMG to TNO ATST 1-3 = !!ALL DEAD!!  Their heads were crushed in the jaws of two rancors a piece.

End Locations
   All Nightsister Battlegroups Still in C4 under shield protection  FULL STRENGTH
   Rancors 2, 9 & 10 still in C4 under shield protection   9 & 10 @ FULL STRENGTH, #2 @ 5.8 STRENGTH
   Rancors 3-8 are mauling my ATSTs to pieces in A4 =(

« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 01:17:48 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2018, 09:02:53 AM »
GM Update
As previously stated, the next round (Round 4, starting with me) will be our last round, it will finish with the NPC post (which it's now my turn to do). Thank you to everyone who has participated and made this an enjoyable experience. Let's try and wrap this up before the 11th!

    R1  R2  R3  R4   TOTAL SO FAR
TS  0   0   18       18
TI  0   12  10       22
NO  0   19  4        23
WS  0   10  0   --   10 (our de facto Aluminium Trophy winner!)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2018, 02:38:27 PM »

   Can I get some points for the TNO ATSTs I killed with the Rancors? ;D
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2018, 01:49:58 PM »
 * Nulli Secundus | Second to None *
Lord Admiral Lucidius Hale


"Colonel, do you see that?" remarked a stormtrooper, pointing up to the sky. The New Order's forces had arrived on the ground, and not before long they made a quick advance toward the central position of the battlefield - Nightshade Hill. With the Crimson Dawn's elements cleared, it was time to make a move for the prize itself: Nightshade City.

A low-altitude recon droid was launched straight into the air from Tempest Squadron's position, providing a quick snapshot of the battlefield, displayed via holographic projection, on a portable command tablet below. Colonel Rasche pointed at areas east of the L/Z, "Here. Do you see that?" asked the colonel, posing the question to his aide-de-camp, Sergeant Kovalski.

"Yes sir, it seems they've broken out. How do we proceed?"

"We don't" replied Rasche. "I'm calling down the thunder. Patch me a line to the Admiral."

"Roger that, sir...." pushing a few buttons. "You're on, sir."

< Admiral Hale, requesting an overhead strike, sir. >

< Permission granted. Send us your strike plan. >

< I need everything you got thrown at Vector Alpha Five, Bearing 050 mark 030, approximately 1 kilometer away from our position. >

< Heard you loud and clear, Colonel. Over and out. Fury inbound. >

Within moments, the missle bays along the undersides of the Magnificent and Excelsior opened up (completing the Assault configuration procedures), and missiles came striking out, alongside green bolts of energy. Not to be outdone by the ships in space, the TIE Bombers which made up Striker Group also decided to party, pummeling the zone that Rasche called out. Colonel Rasche could see and hear the action from a distance. The booms and whooms of warheads and energy weapons became the background to the shrieks and squeals of the Rancors. In the resulting pillar of smoke and fire that consumed the area, the smell of cooked rancor flesh also filled the air.

As the men cheered, Colonel Rasche gave the order to charge. It was time to advance on the enemy's position once and for all. The battle was drawing to a close, and it wouldn't be long before Imperial forces marched into Nightshade City........

1. Fleet redeems tactical preparations.
    VEC Magnificent (+3 AP) 16/13
    VEC Excelsior (+2 AP) 12/10
2. Orbital Barrage & Bombing Run
    VEC Magnificent fires 2 TLs + 4 CMs at A-4, for 26 DMG. (-6 AP) 10/13
    VEC Excelsior fires 2 TLs + 4 CMs at A-4, for 26 DMG. (-6 AP) 6/10
    TIE Bombers (Striker Group) attack A-4, for 32 DMG. (-1 AP each) 1/2
3. All space units remain in C-3.
4. All grounds units move to B-3 (-2 AP each).
5. Stormtroopers TIGER ALPHA attack Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT TWO in C-4. (-2 AP each) 1/5
    4 BR x 2 DMG x UCR (6/6) x 2 Attacks = 16 DMG
6. Stormtroopers TIGER BRAVO attack Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT TWO in C-4. (-2 AP each) 1/5
    4 BR x 2 DMG x UCR (6/6) x 2 Attacks = 16 DMG
7. Walkers RECON ALPHA attack Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT THREE in C-4 (-2 AP each). 0/4 & 1/5
    AT-RTs: 4 BC x 3 DMG x UCR (7/6) x 2 Attacks = 28 DMG
    AT-ST: 2 BC x 3 DMG x UCR (6/6) x 2 Attacks = 12 DMG
8. DARC Troopers UPSILON SQUAD attack RANCOR 9 in C-4 (-4 AP each). 0/6
    2 MB x 2 DMG x UCR (7/7) x 4 Attacks = 16 DMG

1. Orbital Barrage A-4 = 52 DMG (52/6 Rancors = 8.7 DMG per Rancor)
2. Bombing Run A-4 = 32 DMG (32/6 Rancors = 5.4 DMG per Rancor) LETHAL
3. Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT TWO = 32 DMG LETHAL
4. Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT THREE = 40 DMG LETHAL

1. Nightwarriors MIDNIGHT FOUR and FIVE were not engaged.
2. Rancors 2 and 10 were not engaged.

See prior post for precise unit status.
Health/Locations are both unchanged.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 01:52:28 PM by SWSF Hale »

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« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2018, 02:10:58 PM »
GM Update
-Given that the TI (Severus) has exited the battle, the next post falls to the NO (Eidolon).
-Eidolon, given that you will be the last player to post, you will be able to reach Checkpoint 3 by default and thus the choice of killing either Princess Misada or Lady Kalia will fall to you, regardless of whoever winds in first place (by point count).
-Campaign posting deadline is High Noon, August 11th (this Saturday).
-Campaign Finale (NPC) post and awards will happen Saturday afternoon.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 02:21:04 PM by SWSF Hale »