Author Topic: DATHOMIR  (Read 27187 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: June 28, 2018, 05:10:17 PM »
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« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 09:37:47 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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  • "I find your lack of faith disturbing..."
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2018, 05:50:57 PM »
With the game officially launching on July 1st, we will be having our first Campaign Event at Dathomir titled NIGHTFALL. Story details will be coming very soon, but the overall scope of the Campaign is that an Imperial task force sent to quell Dathomir has sent out a distress call, and players are expected to respond. Participants must adhere to the following guidelines:

a. You may exit hyperspace with a fleet of up to 1000 GC and 100 CP. At the end of the Campaign, these units will vanish, so please use this Campaign as a "trial run" for any units you see yourself using in the future.

b. We will be adhering to the Standard Model of posting, which is indefinite turn-based with no waiting between posts. The first player to exit hyperspace is Player 1, the second player to exit hyperspace is Player 2, and so on and so forth. After the last player exits hyperspace, the NPC will take a turn. Control of the NPC elements will be rotated between players to ensure fairness and unpredictability.

c. The Campaign will feature a Space Battle that must be resolved first, before the Ground Battle can begin. The space battle will consist of battling an ISD plus 1 CORV for every player who shows up (just to scale the NPC challenge accordingly).

d. Players will keep track of the units they kill in terms of size (CP value), as these will be the "points" players earn. Everyone will get a "participation trophy" equal to a cash payout of 10 GCs per 1 CP of units killed, their complimentary DARC Trooper squad (provided for the campaign), plus a Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Aluminum level prize!!!

  1 Pick of Facility (Operations Center at Dathomir -or- 1 Golan Platform anywhere) -or- 200 GC Cash
  1 Pick of Legend (Misada or Kalia or Vasha or Priyana) -or- 100 GC Cash
  5 Night Warriors -or- 125 GC Cash
  5 Rancors -or- 150 GC Cash
Total Cash-out Value: 575 GC

  1 Pick of Facility (leftover) -or- 150 GC Cash
  1 Pick of Legend (leftover) -or- 100 GC Cash
  3 Night Warriors  -or- 75 GC Cash
  3 Rancors -or- 100 GC Cash
Total Cash-out Value: 425 GC

  1 Pick of Facility (if available) -or- 100 GC Cash
  1 Pick of Legend (leftover) -or- 100 GC Cash
  1 Night Warrior  -or- 25 GC Cash
  1 Rancor -or- 50 GC Cash
Total Cash-out Value: 275 GC

  125 GC Cash

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« Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 09:15:42 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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  • "I find your lack of faith disturbing..."
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2018, 11:00:16 AM »

Campaign Details
1. The ISD Conquest along with an unknown number of Corellian Corvettes are in orbit around Dathomir. The Conquest and Corvettes are hostile, as they are under the control of Lady Kalia. The player's mission is to destroy the Conquest and send ground forces to the surface to restore peace to Dathomir.

2. When the player sends troops to the ground, they will have three checkpoints ("flags") they will need to reach before the campaign can end.

Checkpoint 1 (Landing Zone) "Dathomir Beach" --> Imperial players may rendezvous with Captain Rogero (portrayed by Mike Colter) and assume command of 1 DARC Trooper regiment plus 1 AT-ST (each).

Checkpoint 2 (Ground C-4) "Nightshade Hill" --> Exterminate the wild Rancors that have become rabid and driven mad by Lady Kalia. Other belligerents may be around Nightshade Hill that are hostile to Imperials.

Checkpoint 3 (Base Zone) "Nightshade City" --> This checkpoint becomes active once Nightshade Hill is clear. The first player to bring their DARC Trooper regiment to Nightshade City can "mediate" the dispute by executing either Princess Misada or Lady Kalia.

3. Once the campaign ends, total score will be tallied and players will exit the event with prizes.

Princess Misada is the last living descendant of Dathomir's oldest clan - the Nightshade Clan. Her politics are populist and isolationist, and she feels that Dathomirian people are suffering because they've intangled themselves in galactic affairs for too long.

Lady Kalia is a powerful witch who has used the strength of her Rancor Clan to plot a takeover of Crimson Dawn and make a name for herself as the ruler of Dathomir. She is obsessed with Sith holocrons and history, and worshiped Darth Maul - despite never being taken on as an apprentice.

Commander Vasha is a former student of Darth Maul and leader of Dathomir's defense forces. Her loyalty lies to the ruling clan and to her fellow sisters, which unfortunately has put her between the two horns of Misada and Kalia.

Sister Priyana is one of the greatest fighters in recent memory. Having witnessed the CIS invasion during the Clone Wars and being scared for life by the tragedy, she vowed never to let her people become victimized again.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 07:19:42 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2018, 01:42:27 PM »
 * Nulli Secundus | Second to None *
Lord Admiral Lucidius Hale


Two Venators - the Magnificent and Excelsior - smashed out of hyperspace some distance away from Dathomir. When responding to a distress call, it was appropriate to exercise a degree of caution. The decision to send in the Magnificent and Excelsior was an easy one to make. The ISD Vanquish was at Bespin for security, the ISD Dauntless was off in the Unknown Regions, and so the pair of Venators that Tempest Squadron owned would be put to good use for this mission before returning to intergalactic patrol duty. There was still an Empire to look after, after all.

"Ops, begin ComScan sequence," ordered Hale. "Launch all fighters. Instruct the Excelsior to do the same."

"Right away, sir," replied the senior operations officer. "Shall we convene the tactical preparations board?"

"Yes. All senior officers to the bridge. We need to be prepared for various contingencies..."

Action Summary
1. VEC Magnificent exits hyperspace in X-1 (-3 AP). 10/13
2. VEC Excelsior exists hyperspace X-1 (-3 AP). 7/10
3. VEC Magnificent initiates ComScan (-1 AP). 9/13
4. VEC Magnificent launches all Starfighters to X-1 (-6 AP). 3/13
5. VEC Excelsior launches all Starfighters to X-1 (-6 AP). 1/10
6. VEC Magnificent makes tactical preparations, +1 AP next round (-2 AP). 1/13

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« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 11:42:18 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2018, 04:11:52 AM »
::Four Victory-class Star Destroyers roar out of hyperspace in unison.::

There was no insignia. No unusual characteristic or custom paint on their hulls. But the precision was unmistakable, and it was known at once that the Terrors of the Imperium had arrived.

"Captain Mraeka," he chimed over the small holoprojector.  Admiral Krell was never one to mince words.  "Execute Princess Misada, and extend an invitation on my behalf to the witch. Lord Severus has no interest in Lady Kalia's ambitions, but he would be most pleased if she could tell us what she knows about the cave. Make it quick."

"Yes, Admiral."

"And one more thing, Captain. Intelligence suggests that one or more Imperial warlords are en route. Ignore them if possible, but do not let anyone stand in the way of your objective, are we clear?"

"Clear, Admiral." And with that, the image on the holoprojector had faded.

"Initiate ComScan and launch fighters," Captain Mraeka quipped. "Shields up and prepare to assault." The last six months had seen one campaign after another, with never a moment's rest. Mraeka was beginning to make a name for himself.

Action Summary:

1. VSD Inferis exits hyperspace in X3 (-2 AP). 9/11
2. VSD Death's Edge exists hyperspace in X3 (-2 AP). 6/8
3. VSD Knight Terror exists hyperspace in X3 (-2 AP). 6/8
4. VSD Spitfire exists hyperspace in X3 (-2 AP). 6/8
5. VSD Inferis initiates ComScan (-1 AP). 8/11
6. VSD Inferis launches all starfighters to X3 (-2 AP). 6/11
7. VSD Death's Edge launches all starfighters to X3 (-2 AP). 4/8
8. VSD Knight Terror launches all starfighters to X3 (-2 AP). 4/8
9. VSD Spitifre launches all starfighters to X3 (-2 AP). 4/8
10. 1 TIE Advanced exits hyperspace in X3 (-1 AP). 2/3
11. VSD Inferis makes tactical preparations, +3 AP next round (-6 AP). 0/11
12. VSD Death's Edge makes tactical preparations, +2 AP next round (-4 AP). 0/8
13. VSD Knight Terror makes tactical preparations, +2 AP next round (-4 AP). 0/8
14. VSD Spitifre makes tactical preparations, +2 AP next round (-4 AP). 0/8

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[Note: Action Summary edited to correct AP math. Support Units edited to correct infantry stats. No adjustments were made to the kind or number of units. Action Summary edited to add missing tactical preparations.]
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 11:39:23 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2018, 03:18:18 PM »

  The distress call had come across a broad scope of old emergency Imperial channels.  While still in service, they were hardly secure anymore.  The cries of dying prey were sure to bring predators and scavengers from across the galaxy.  Any one with their ears to the tracks would have heard, which was evident when the small armada emerged from light speed on the edge of the Dathomir system..

  Imperator Reptanus had emerged from Wild Space near Teth in the immediate Aftermath of Jakku with a trio of aged Victory Star Destroyers at his command.  Dispatched there originally at the head of an armada of ten Victory's in the early years of The Galactic Empire under then Admiral Talakuun, the Battlegroup was tasked with charting and exploring the Wilds in the name of the Empire and identifying and neutralizing any potential hostile entities encountered.  When early in the expedition Talakuuns flagship and the Admiral himself were obliterated, Reptanus assumed command and continued the mission in the name of the Empire and Emperor. 

  With most of their time in the Wilds left unspoken, little else is known about Reptanus and his devoted loyalists before they re-emerged in the Known Galaxy.  After negotiating passage through Hutt Space with the Kajidics, the now galactic-state aware Reptanus and self-proclaimed Imperator moved his fleet along the edges of the Outer Rim and Wild Space making his presence known before settling over Scarif as his adoptive base of operation and forging relations with the local Imperial sympathetic populace and government.

  Well over half of the crew of the warships of the fleet were New Order Defense Force members from Scarif, the rest were survivors from the years in Wild Space under Reptanus.  The battle hardened veterans stood out from the new arrivals, with the seasoned taking up most command and oversight positions while the greenhorns rounded out general duty posts and positions at consoles.  The picture of the seasoned members experiences in Wild Space always seemed intentionally vague while at the same time over blown, but still many weighed the facts.. ten victories departed, three returned, the survivors fanatically loyal to their commander.  Beyond the eerie presence and character the Imperator himself exuded, there was something more to this band of enduring Imperials..

  A steady stream of tiny TIE type fighters of various makes seemed to swarm forth from the newly arrived warships as they dispersed in groups and hovered about in their patrol and defensive positions.  Ahead in the distance the reddish brown orb of Dathomir stood against the black shroud and million pin pricks of light of space, somewhere nearby in orbit of the planet or on the surface, the origin of the distress signal that had brought the Armada here along with others..

  VSD Audacity Exits HS X2 (-2AP/9)
  VSD Cerberus Exits HS in X2 (-2AP/6)
  VSD Chevalier Exist HS in X2 (-2AP/6)
  INT Huntsman Exits HS in X2 (-1AP/5)

  VSD Audacity Deploys 1 TS, 1 TA (-2AP/7)
  VSD Cerberus Deploys 1 TS, 1 TA (-2AP/5)
  VSD Chevalier Deploys 1 TS, 1 TA (-2AP/5)
  INT Huntsman Deploys 2 TI (-2AP/3AP)

  VSD Audacity Initiates ComScan (-1AP/6)

  VSD Audacity Tactical Preps Banks 6AP for 3AP Next Round (-6AP/0)
  VSD Cerberus Tactical Preps Banks 4AP for 2AP Next Round (-4AP/1)
  VSD Chevalier Tactical Preps Banks 4AP for 2AP Next Round (-4AP/1)
  INT Huntsman Tactical Preps Banks 2AP for 1AP Next Round (-2AP/1)

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« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 10:23:26 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2018, 11:10:55 AM »

Deep Space

Admiral Tzvin stood amid the well-drilled busyness of his bridge, watching the hypnotic blue of hyperspace through the expansive viewports. In another moment they would arrive at Dathomir, a planet none of them had ever heard of before today, to fight a war that was, if not over, at least paused. Officially speaking.

But it was neither over or paused for this soldier, Tzvin thought. Nor was it over for the many billions of beings still held in bondage, even as the Empire laid waste to itself.

Was that what was happening here? The Hydra eating itself? Or was it a trap?

The Republic had disassembled its intelligence network after the armistice. What still trickled through to their small band on unofficial channels was unreliable noise at best. But Felicia trusted her source, whoever it was.

"It's an opportunity, Oren," she had said.

"Or a trap," he had answered.

"Or a trap."

Well, they were about to find out...

Action Summary
1. DREAD Guardian exits hyperspace in X-4 and initiates ComScan, -3 AP. 8/11
2. DREAD Sentinel exits hyperspace in X-4, -2 AP. 6/8
3. RAF Thunderball exits hyperspace in X-4, -2 AP. 6/8
4. RAF Moonraker exits hyperspace in X-4, -2 AP. 6/8
5. RAF Spectre exits hyperspace in X-4, -2 AP. 6/8
6. DREAD Guardian launches all fighters in X-4, -3 AP. 5/11
7. DREAD Sentinel launches all fighters in X-4, -3 AP. 3/8
8. X/W RED-1 & RED-2 form RED GROUP, -1 AP each. 2/3 | 2,3
9. Y/W GOLD-1 & GOLD-2 form GOLD GROUP, -1 AP each. 1/2 | 1/2
10. B/W BLUE-1 & BLUE-2 form BLUE GROUP, -1 AP each. 2/3 | 2/3
11. All fighters and aux groups take up CSP.
12. DREAD Guardian invests in tactical prep -4 AP. 1/11 { +2 AP next turn }
13. DREAD Sentinel invests in tactical prep -2 AP. 1/8 { +1 AP next turn }
14. RAFs all invest in tracitcal prep -6 AP each. 0/8 each. { +3 AP each next turn }

Location Summary
    DREAD Guardian
    DREAD Sentinel
    RAF Thunderball
    RAF Moonraker
    RAF Spectre

  AP: 8+3 (Admiral Bonus)
  UCR: 4
  SHIELDS: 14/14
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 6/6
    4 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    1 Tractor (RNG 1)
    X-Wing             RED-1     GROUP    3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    Y-Wing             GOLD-1    GROUP    2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    B-Wing             BLUE-1    GROUP    3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10   
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-1   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-2   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-1   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-2   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-1   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-2   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^

  AP: 8
  UCR: 4
  SHIELDS: 14/14
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 6/6
    4 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    1 Tractor (RNG 1)
    X-Wing             RED-2     GROUP    3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    Y-Wing             GOLD-2    GROUP    2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    B-Wing             BLUE-2    GROUP    3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10   
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-3   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-4   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Republic Vangaurd  VANGO-3   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-4   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-3   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-4   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  UCR: 6
  SHIELDS: 6/6
  ARMOR: 6/6
    X-Wing             RED-1      3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    X-Wing             RED-2      3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6

  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 8/8
  ARMOR: 8/8
    Y-Wing             GOLD-1     2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    Y-Wing             GOLD-2     2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*

  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 10/10
  ARMOR: 10/10
    B-Wing             BLUE-1     3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10 
    B-Wing             BLUE-2     3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10 

*Against Capital Ships and Facilities only.
^Double attack optional.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 01:37:08 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2018, 12:00:40 PM »

With the ISD Conquest firmly under the spell of Lady Kalia's magic, the green mist that permeated the ship gave her instinctual control over everyone who hadn't escaped to the surface. The flotilla of Corvettes that Crimson Dawn commanded were more than happy to augment the ISD in defense of Dathomir and to ensure Kalia's will be done. Sensing the inevitability of a terrible crossfire and fleet battle brewing, the crews and senior officers of all the ships conferenced together and began planning for what they knew would be a fight for their lives...

Meanwhile on the surface, Captain Rogero and his DARC Trooper detachment were busy fortifying a base camp. All was quiet so far. They knew if they'd stay put, they'd be safe, but at some point, a move needed to happen.

"Captain, I got some ComScan detections for you..." alerted one of the troopers.

Rogero walked over to look at the display. "Well it's about time. Looks like the whole gotdam Remnant decided to show up too. This planet is about to get lit the hell up. Stay frosty fellas!"

"Sir, we're going to need to send out some recon teams pretty soon if what I think is going to happen is about to happen."

"I gotcha sergeant. But let's hold off on that until we know what's happening up there," said Rogero. "Let's keep the perimeter scouted for now."

"Yes sir," replied the sergeant.

Action Summary
1. ISD Conquest made tactical preparations, +5 AP next round. 0/10
2. CORV Ruby Dawn made tactical preparations, +2 AP next round. 0/4
3. CORV Coral Dawn made tactical preparations, +2 AP next round. 0/4
4. CORV Garnetian Dawn made tactical preparations, +2 AP next round. 0/4
5. CORV Burgundy Dawn made tactical preparations, +2 AP next round. 0/4
6. CORV Maroon Dawn made tactical preparations, +2 AP next round. 0/4

Location Summary
ISD Conquest {D-3)
CORV Ruby Dawn {C-3}
CORV Coral Dawn {C-4}
CORV Garnetian Dawn {E-3}
CORV Burgundy Dawn {E-4}
CORV Maroon Dawn {D-4}

Unit Summary
  AP: 10
  UCR: 4
  SHIELDS: 34/34
  ARMOR: 28/28
  SYSTEMS: 16/16
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    6 IC (RNG 1/DMG 2)
    TIE Interceptor    SKULL-1   Hangar   3/8          3/3   4
    TIE Interceptor    SKULL-2   Hangar   3/8          3/3   4
    TIE Interceptor    SKULL-3   Hangar   3/8          3/3   4
    TIE Bomber         SKULL-4   Hangar   2/5          3/3   8*
    TIE Bomber         SKULL-5   Hangar   2/5          3/3   8*
    TIE Avenger        SKULL-6   Hangar   2/6          2/2   2
    Skipray Blastboat  BONES-1   Hangar   2/5    3/3   3/3   8
    Skipray Blastboat  BONES-2   Hangar   2/5    3/3   3/3   8
    Lambda Shuttle     TOOTH-1   Hangar   2/4    1/1   2/2   2
    Lambda Shuttle     TOOTH-2   Hangar   2/4    1/1   2/2   2

  AP: 4
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 5/5
  ARMOR: 5/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

  AP: 4
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 5/5
  ARMOR: 5/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

  AP: 4
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 5/5
  ARMOR: 5/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

  AP: 4
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 5/5
  ARMOR: 5/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

  AP: 4
  UCR: 7
  SHIELDS: 5/5
  ARMOR: 5/5
  SYSTEMS: 2/2
    2 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    2 INF Regiments
    1 GAV Division

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2018, 09:52:32 AM »

As a reminder, turn order is as follows:
1. Hale
2. Severus
3. Eidolon
4. Hoppus
5. Dathomir

In round 2, control of NPC forces will shift to Severus next. Thank you for playing.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2018, 10:15:56 AM »
 * Nulli Secundus | Second to None *
Lord Admiral Lucidius Hale


"Sir, ComScan reports multiple hyperspace entries into the system..."

Hale walked over to the display to take a look for himself. He partly expected the multiple Victory Star Destroyers, but the Dreadnaughts? What were they doing here? "Open a channel to the Fleet," asked Hale. The ComScan officer nodded. < Attention, this is Lord Admiral Hale of Tempest Squadron. We are responding to Captain Rogero's distress call in good faith. If you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. > Hale motioned with his hand to cut the line, and the ComScan officer responded. "Good, now let's show everyone we mean business. Move to 330 mark 057, Sector B-2. Have the fighters form up and begin combat space patrol. It's time we light one of those Corvettes up."

"Yes sir!"

As soon as Hale's orders left his mouth, the crews onboard the Magnificent and Excelsior came to life, and the war machine began churning.

"We're in firing position now sir..."

"Unleash hell..." The silence of space was broken with the forward turbolaser bank of the Magnificent roaring. The thunderous whoosh of the green and blue bolts of energy spewing from Tempest Squadron, alongside missiles, were at the moment focused on a single corvette, the Ruby Dawn. "Have the Excelsior take a couple shots at the Conquest, as well. I regret having to shoot at a perfectly functional Star Destroyer, but it is Captain Rogero's call. His crew is lost..."

Post Actions
1. VEC Magnificent activates tactical preparations bonus, +1 AP. 14/13
2. VEC Magnificent moves two grid spaces (-6 AP). 8/13
3. VEC Magnificent fires 8 weapons at CORV Ruby Dawn in C-3 (-8 AP). 0/13
4. VEC Excelsior moves two grid spaces (-6 AP). 7/13
5. VEC Excelsior fires 5 weapons at CORV Ruby Dawn in C-3 (-5 AP). 2/13
6. VEC Excelsior fires 2 weapons at ISD Conquest in D-3 (-2 AP). 0/13
7. TIE Bombers and TIE Fighters move two grid spaces (-2 AP). 0/2
8. TIE Interceptors move two grid spaces (-2 AP). 1/3
9. TIE Interceptors form up (-1 AP). 0/3

Location/CSP Overview
1. All units are in B-2.
2. 12 TIE Starfighters on CSP/B-2

Combat Calculations
1. VEC Magnificent (UCR 4) vs CORV Ruby Dawn (UCR 7) = 0.57
    2 TL (DMG 3) + 2 IC (DMG 1) + 4 CM (DMG 1) = 14 DMG
      14 DMG x UCR 0.57 = 7.98 Total DMG (1.14 Ion)

2. VEC Excelsior (UCR 4) vs CORV Ruby Dawn (UCR 7) = 0.57
    2 IC (DMG 1) + 3 CM (DMG 1) = 5 DMG
      5 DMG x UCR 0.57 = 2.85 Total DMG (1.14 Ion)

3. VEC Excelsior (UCR 4) vs ISD Conquest (UCR 4) = 1.0
    2 TL (DMG 3) = 6 DMG
      6 DMG x UCR 1.0 = 6 Total DMG

Damage Summary
1. CORV Ruby Dawn = 10.83 DMG LETHAL
2. ISD Conquest = 6 DMG

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« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 10:19:48 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2018, 12:05:03 PM »
::Captain Mraeka stood silently less than a meter before his largest viewport, in the center of the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Inferis. When it came to war, he was as patient and unforgiving as the Admiral and the Dark Lord himself. In the distance were what looked like just a few more stars against the darkness of space that enveloped Dathomir. Additional ships had arrived, but they were of no concern for the time being. For several hours, everything was calm and placid. Then at last there was a spectacular display of weapons fire on the far side of the planet.::

"Move on Dathomir," he said at once. "Engage the four corvettes closest to us. Order the Death's Head to stay with us and have the Spitfire accompany the Knight Terror to sector E-4."

"Yes, sir," someone replied from down below.

"When we're in position, you may fire when ready. Make a show of it, understand? I want to send a message. To everyone."

"Copy that, sir."

Captain Mraeka paused to digest what was about to happen. War was a game of holochess, he thought to himself. Thinking ahead is everything.

It wasn't long before the four Victory-class Star Destroyers and their accompanying TIE squadrons were ready to fire. When the moment came, the order rang out, and a flurry of turbolasers and missiles raged across the emptiness of space. For a moment longer, everything was quiet. And then, in an instant, Dathomir became witness to the largest display of Imperial firepower the Outer Rim had seen since Endor. The four corvettes were lit up in concert, and the explosions that followed were absolutely defeaning to those on the planet's surface.

Lord Severus's fleet had earned the name Terrors of the Imperium for a reason, and it was on display today. And now the galaxy would have to come to terms with what happens when a few of the Dark Lord's star captains are let off the chain...

Movement Summary:

1. VSD Inferis moves three grid spaces from X3 to D4 (-6 AP). 8/14 (8 + 3 from Legendary Admiral + 3 from tactical prep.)
2. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 moves two grid spaces from X3 to D5 (-2 AP). 1/3
3. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 moves two grid spaces from X3 to D5 (-3). 1/3
4. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-2). 1/3
5. VSD Death's Edge moves from X3 to D4 (-6 AP). 4/10 (8 + 2 from tactical prep.)
6. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 moves two grid spaces from X3 to D5 (-2). 0/2
7. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-3). 1/3
8. VSD Knight Terror moves from X3 to E4 (-6 AP). 4/10 (8 + 2 from tactical prep.)
9. TIE Fighter ELITE-5 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-2). 0/2
10. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-2). 1/3
11. VSD Spitfire moves from X3 to E4 (-6 AP). 4/10 (8 + 2 from tactical prep.)
12. TIE Fighter ELITE-7 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-2). 0/2
13. TIE Fighter ELITE-8 moves two grid spaces from X3 to E5 (-2). 0/2

Combat Summary:
14. VSD Inferis fires 3 turbolasers and three concussion missiles at CORV Coral Dawn located one grid space away in C4 (-6 AP). 2/14
15. VSD Inferis makes tactical preparations, +1 AP next round (-2 AP). 0/14
16. VSD Death's Edge fires 1 turbolaser at CORV Coral Dawn located one grid space away in C4 (-1 AP). 3/10
17. VSD Death's Edge fires 3 turbolasers at CORV Maroon Dawn located in the same grid space D4 (-3 AP). 0/10
18. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in D4 (-1 AP). 0/3
19. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in D4 (-1). 0/3
20. VSD Knight Terror fires four turbolasers at CORV Garnetian Dawn located one grid space away in E3 (-4 AP). 0/10
21. VSD Spitfire fires one turbolaser at CORV Garnetian Dawn located one grid space away in E3 (-1 AP). 3/10
22. VSD Spitfire fires three turbolasers at CORV Burgundy Dawn located in the same grid space E4 (-3 AP). 0/10
23. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 fires two concussion missiles at CORV Burgundy Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1 AP). 0/3
24. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 fires two concussion missiles at CORV Burgundy Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1 AP). 0/3
25. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1). 0/3. 0/3

(The Corellian Corvettes Coral Dawn, Maroon Dawn, Garnetian Dawn and Burgundy Dawn should be destroyed.)

Location/CSP Overview
1. VSD's Inferis and Death's Edge are in D4.
2. VSD's Knight Terror and Spitfire are in E4.
3. TIE Advanced ELITE-1, TIE Avenger ELITE-2, and TIE Fighter ELITE-3 are in D5.
4. TIE Advanced ELITE-4, ELITE-6 and ELITE-9, and TIE Fighter ELITE-5, ELITE-7 and ELITE-8 are in E5.
5. No fighters on CSP at this time.

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[Note: May make some edits to save AP and make additional tactical preparations after I understand this +4 DMG for missiles in assault mode. Edit: Nevermind. +4 DMG for assault mode is for orbital assault only. No changes were made.]
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 07:16:50 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2018, 11:35:12 PM »
[GM called for a math check on those four destroyed corvettes, which I understand. Math will be posted shortly.]

The following is a copy of the Combat Summary broken up by corvette, with the math in comments:

Combat Summary:
14. VSD Inferis fires 3 turbolasers and three concussion missiles at CORV Coral Dawn located one grid space away in C4 (-6 AP). 2/14
15. VSD Inferis makes tactical preparations, +1 AP next round (-2 AP). 0/14
16. VSD Death's Edge fires 1 turbolaser at CORV Coral Dawn located one grid space away in C4 (-1 AP). 3/10

VSD's with UCR 5 vs. CORV with UCR 7 and shields 5/armor 5 (total HP is 10)

Calculating damage with UCR
1. UCR Ratio = 5/7 = 0.7142857142857143 (Min 0.33 ~ Max 3.0 -- see chart below for details.)
2. Battle DMG = DMG x UCR = ((4 turbolasers x 3 DMG) + (3 missiles x 1 DMG)) x UCR = 15 x UCR = 10.71428571428571
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 10.71. Corvette destroyed

17. VSD Death's Edge fires 3 turbolasers at CORV Maroon Dawn located in the same grid space D4 (-3 AP). 0/10
18. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in D4 (-1 AP). 0/3
19. TIE Avenger ELITE-2 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in D4 (-1). 0/3

VSD with UCR 5 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of VSD = 0.7142857142857143 same as above
2. Battle DMG = (3 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR = 9 x UCR = 6.428571428571429
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 6.43

TIE Advanced with UCR 6 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of TIE Advanced = 6/7 = 0.8571428571428571
2. Battle DMG = (2 missiles x 1 DMG) x UCR = 1.714285714285714
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 1.71 (or 1.72 if we're rounding up? doesn't matter in this case)

TIE Avenger with UCR 7 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of TIE Avenger = 7/7 = 1
2. Battle DMG = (2 missiles x 1 DMG) x UCR = 2
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 2

Total Battle DMG = 6.43 + 1.71 + 2 = 10.14. Corvette destroyed.

20. VSD Knight Terror fires four turbolasers at CORV Garnetian Dawn located one grid space away in E3 (-4 AP). 0/10
21. VSD Spitfire fires one turbolaser at CORV Garnetian Dawn located one grid space away in E3 (-1 AP). 3/10

VSD's with UCR 5 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of VSD's = 0.7142857142857143 same as above
2. Battle DMG = (5 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR = 15 x UCR = 10.71428571428571
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 10.71 (or 10.72 if we're rounding up? doesn't matter in this case). Corvette destroyed

22. VSD Spitfire fires three turbolasers at CORV Burgundy Dawn located in the same grid space E4 (-3 AP). 0/10
23. TIE Advanced ELITE-9 fires two concussion missiles at CORV Burgundy Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1 AP). 0/3
24. TIE Advanced ELITE-6 fires two concussion missiles at CORV Burgundy Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1 AP). 0/3
25. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 fires 2 concussion missiles at CORV Maroon Dawn located one grid space away in E4 (-1). 0/3. 0/3 *

VSD with UCR 5 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of VSD = 0.7142857142857143 same as above
2. Battle DMG = (3 turbolasers x 3 DMG) x UCR = 9 x UCR = 6.428571428571429
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 6.43

Three TIE Advanced with UCR 6 vs. CORV with UCR 7

1. UCR Ratio of TIE Advanced = 6/7 = 0.8571428571428571 same as above
2. Battle DMG = (6 missiles x 1 DMG) x UCR = 6 x UCR = 5.142857142857143
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX). Battle DMG = 5.14 (or 5.15 if we're rounding up? doesn't matter in this case)

Total Battle DMG = 6.43 + 5.14 = 11.57. Corvette destroyed. Followed by additional explosions for good measure.

* Represents a correction to the original math. The original post has been adjusted to reflect this.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 12:56:25 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2018, 05:38:38 PM »


  As was always the case, the Imperator's cruiser was the first to act and ahead of the pack, as though some unknown boost quality was in effect across the numerous decks and compartments making thousands of brains operate in sync like an unthinking unflinching machine.  The other two remaining Star Destroyers of the once grand armada followed as though timid squires following their lord onto the field of battle.

  Ahead lay the grandest prize of the day, the Imperial Star Destroyer Conquest.  It's posture was aggressive while it held its position in clear challenge.  As the New Order Armada approached nearer the planet, the faint streaking of red and green energy bolts in the distance highlighted active areas of combat where the various other elements responding to the call had appeared and ventured inward.

  Approaching the Conquest, the Audacity first unleashed it's full fury of Turbolaser and concussion missile fire.  As they slid in to effective range, the two companion Star Destroyers Cerberus and Chevalier joined the assault.

  Aboard the Audacity, a deafening calm pervaded the bridge, so much so that the rumble of turbolaser impacts against shielding and armor in the distance was audible even at this long to medium range.  The officers and panel-minders corresponding with each other in quiet matter of fact tones.  The middle-aged female communications officer spoke out to the Audacity and Armada's commander, Imperator Reptanus who sat in his command chair like an unmovable thinking stone, one fist holding up his chin and the other clenched on his armrest.  His eyes were deep and set on the much larger and formidable starship ahead, his forces had the strength of numbers on their side though and there'd be no help for the Conquest while the other responding belligerents in system handled the flies..

  "Imperator, a communication from the Imperial elements in the X4 Quarter of the planetary grid.  Patching it through.." she said while keying a bridge-wide audible repeat of the transmission..

Action Summary
VSD Audacity Spends 4AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2 = 14AP - 4AP = 10AP
VSD Cerberus Spends 4AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2 = 10AP - 4AP = 6AP
VSD Chevalier Spends 4AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2 = 10AP - 4AP = 6AP
INT Huntsman Spends 1AP to move 1GS from X2 to E1 = 7AP - 1AP = 6AP

TIE/A ALPHA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2 = 3AP - 2AP = 1AP
TIE/A BETA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2 = 3AP - 2AP = 1AP
TIE/A DELTA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2, = 3AP - 2AP = 1AP
TIE/I ALPHA Spends 1AP to move 1GS from X2 to E1, = 3AP - 1AP = 2AP
TIE/I BETA Spends 1AP to move 1GS from X2 to E1, = 3AP - 1AP = 2AP

TIE/S ALPHA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2, continues CSP, = 2AP - 2AP = 0AP
TIE/S BETA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2, continues CSP, = 2AP - 2AP = 0AP
TIE/S DELTA Spends 2AP to move 2GS from X2 to D2, continues CSP, = 2AP - 2AP = 0AP

INT Huntsman Targets GS E2 with 1 Gravity Well Generator = E2 Grid Space Now Under Gravity Well Movement Regulation!!!, = 6AP - 1AP = 5AP

Attack Summary
VSD Audacity Fires 4TLs @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x3x4 = 15pts dmg, 10AP - 4AP = 6AP
VSD Cerberus Fires 4TLs @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x3x4 = 15pts dmg, 6AP - 4AP = 2AP
VSD Chevalier Fires 4TLs @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x3x4 =15pts dmg, 6AP - 4AP = 2AP
INT Huntsman Fires 2 TLs @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 4/4 = 1.0x dmg, 1.0x3x2 = 6pts dmg, 5AP - 2AP = 3AP
TOTAL TL dmg to ISD Conquest = 51pts

VSD Audacity Fires 6 CM Tubes @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x1x6 = 7.5pts dmg, 6AP - 6AP = 0AP
VSD Cerberus Fires 2 CM Tubes @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x1x2 = 2.5pts dmg, 2AP - 2AP = 0AP
VSD Chevalier Fires 2 CM Tubes @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 5/4 = 1.25x dmg, 1.25x1x2 = 2.5pts dmg, 2AP - 2AP = 0AP
TIE/A ALPHA Fires 1 CM @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 7/4 = 1.75x dmg, 1.75x1x1 = 1.75pts dmg, 1AP - 1AP = 0AP
TIE/A BETA Fires 1 CM @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 7/4 = 1.75x dmg, 1.75x1x1 = 1.75pts dmg, 1AP - 1AP = 0AP
TIE/A DELTA Fires 1 CM @ ISD Conquest in D3, UCR 7/4 = 1.75x dmg, 1.75x1x1 = 1.75pts dmg, 1AP - 1AP = 0AP
TOTAL CM dmg to ISD Conquest = 17.75pts

TOTAL DMG TO ISD CONQUEST = 68.75pts (+ -6Dmg from Hales post = 74.75pts dmg, it has 62 total DUR, 15AP [10 +5 per TacPrep Hales NPC turn], Hypothetial max Dmg of 77pts in one turn then to destroy, can do max 15 Arm repair here without return fire, but would be a stretch for pure survival in exchange for kill deny one player cycle without return fire or support unit deployment, suggest/prolly/hopefully Destroyed)

Closing Actions
INT Huntsman Spends 2AP to Tactical Prep 1AP for Next Turn Cycle = 3AP - 2AP = 1AP, +1AP Next Turn

Ship Stats
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« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 10:53:09 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2018, 07:09:29 PM »


"VicStars on the move."

"Course?" Admiral Tzvin said, crossing to the tactical officer's terminal.

"Planet-ward, sir. Their moving to engage."

Admiral Tzvin watched the tactical repeater display as the Victory Star Destroyers' batteries came to life, pummeling the smaller ships in orbit of Dathomir with their banks of turbolasers and missiles tubes.

"How's our escape vector if we move into engage?"

"Good, sir."

"Very well. All ships move to engage the nearest of the star destroyers with everything we have. Let's see if we can't confuse matters here."

The fleet of Dreadnaughts and their modified brethren, the Assault Frigates, moved forward and let loose with their turbolasers as soon as they were at maximum range...

Action Summary
  DREAD Guardian:
    • moves to D6, -2 AP. 11/13
    • fires 11 TL @ VSD Deaths Edge, -11 AP. 0/13
        -> [0.80 UCR] * 3 DMG * 11 TLs = 26.40
  DREAD Sentinel:
    • moves to D6, -2 AP. 7/9
    • fires 7 TL @ VSD Deaths Edge, -7 AP. 0/9
        -> [0.80 UCR] * 3 DMG * 7 TLs = 16.80
  RAF Thunderball:
    • moves to D6, -2 AP. 9/11
    • fires 1 TL @ VSD Deaths Edge, -1 AP. 8/11
        -> [1.0 UCR] * 3 DMG * 1 TL = 3.00
    • attack position @ TIE Avenger ELITE-2, -1 AP, 7/11
    • fires 2 TL @ TIE Avenger ELITE-2, -2 AP. 5/11
        -> [1.0 UCR w/ +1 Attack Position UCR] * 3 DMG * 2 TL = 6.00
    • fires 5 TL @ VSD Inferis, -5 AP, 0/11
        -> [1.0 UCR] * 3 DMG * 5 TLs = 15.00 DMG
  RAF Moonraker
    • moves to D6, -2 AP. 9/11
    • fires 9 TL @ VSD Inferis, -9 AP. 0/11
       -> [1.0 UCR] * 3 DMG * 9 TLs = 27.00 DMG
  RAF Spectre
    • moves to D5, -4 AP. 7/11
    • fires 7 TL @ VSD Knight Terror, -7 AP. 0/11
       -> [1.0 UCR] * 3 DMG * 7 TLs = 21.00 DMG
    • moves to D5, -2 AP. 2/6
    • fires weapons @ TIE Fighter ELITE 3, -1 AP. 1/6
       -> [1.0 UCR] * 1 DMG * 2 LC = 2.00 DMG
    • fires weapons @ TIE Fighter ELITE 5, -1 AP. 0/6
       -> [1.0 UCR] * 2 DMG * 4 PT = 8.00 DMG
    • moves to D5, -4 AP. 2/6
    • fires 4 PT @ VSD Inferis, -1 AP. 0/6
       -> [1.0 UCR] * 2 DMG * 4 PTs = 8.00 DMG
    • moves to D5, -4 AP. 0/4
    • take up CSP.

Damage Totals
  46.20  to VSD Deaths Edge
  50.00  to VSD Inferis
  21.00  to VSD Knight Terror
   6.00  to TIE Avenger ELITE-2
   2.00  to TIE Fighter ELITE-3
   8.00  to TIE Fighter ELITE-5

Location Summary
    DREAD Guardian
    DREAD Sentinel
    RAF Thunderball
    RAF Moonraker
    RAF Spectre

Tactical Prep Bonuses (expire this turn)
  DREAD Guardian +2
  DREAD Sentinel +1
  RAF Thunderball +3
  RAF Moonraker +3
  RAF Spectre +3

  AP: 8+3 (Admiral Bonus)
  UCR: 4
  SHIELDS: 14/14
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 6/6
    4 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    1 Tractor (RNG 1)
    X-Wing             RED-1     GROUP    3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    Y-Wing             GOLD-1    GROUP    2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    B-Wing             BLUE-1    GROUP    3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10   
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-1   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-2   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-1   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-2   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-1   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-2   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^

  AP: 8
  UCR: 4
  SHIELDS: 14/14
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 6/6
    4 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)
    1 Tractor (RNG 1)
    X-Wing             RED-2     GROUP    3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    Y-Wing             GOLD-2    GROUP    2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    B-Wing             BLUE-2    GROUP    3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10   
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-3   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Fleet Trooper      TROOP-4   Hangar   4/5             6.0/6   1
    Republic Vangaurd  VANGO-3   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Republic Vanguard  VANGO-4   Hangar   5/6             7.0/7   4^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-3   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^
    Juggernaut         JUGGY-4   Hangar   4/5             8.0/8   8^

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  AP: 8
  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 15/15
  ARMOR: 12/12
  SYSTEMS: 7/7
    6 TL (RNG 2/DMG 3)

  UCR: 6
  SHIELDS: 6/6
  ARMOR: 6/6
    X-Wing             RED-1      3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6
    X-Wing             RED-2      3/6    3.0/3    3.0/3   6

  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 8/8
  ARMOR: 8/8
    Y-Wing             GOLD-1     2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*
    Y-Wing             GOLD-2     2/5    4.0/4    4.0/4   10*

  UCR: 5
  SHIELDS: 10/10
  ARMOR: 10/10
    B-Wing             BLUE-1     3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10 
    B-Wing             BLUE-2     3/5    5.0/5    5.0/5   10 

*Against Capital Ships and Facilities only.
^Double attack optional.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 07:28:11 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

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« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2018, 11:57:48 PM »

Hoppus is busy and so he asked me to scrub his post for errors. So, I'm gonna wave the GM magic wand and make the following corrections in order to make the post work as originally intended. Consider this post to be an official redaction of his previous actions. Thanks. =)

Future Reference -->
You cannot fire weapons more than once.
Please check the rules "Weapon Arcs and Ranges" for a visualization of RNG 1 & RNG 2.

DREAD Guardian
1. Redeems tactical prep (+2 AP). 15/13
2. Moves to D6 (-2 AP). 13/13
3. Gets into Attack Position, +1 UCR (-2 AP). 9/13
4. Tactical Preparations (-4 AP), +2 AP next round. 5/13
5. Fires 4 TL @ VSD Death's Edge (-4 AP). 1/13
  (4 TL x 3 DMG) x (UCR 4+1/UCR 5) = 12 DMG

DREAD Sentinel
1. Redeems tactical prep (+1 AP). 11/10
2. Moves to D6 (-2 AP). 9/10
3. Gets into Attack Position, +1 UCR (-2 AP). 7/10
4. Tactical Preparations (-2 AP), +1 AP next round. 5/10
5. Fires 4 TL @ VSD Death's Edge (-4 AP). 1/10
  (4 TL x 3 DMG) x (UCR 4+1/UCR 5) = 12 DMG

RAF Thunderball
1. Redeems tactical prep (+3 AP). 11/8
2. Moves to D6 (-2 AP). 9/8
3. Gets into Attack Position, +1 UCR (-2 AP). 7/8
4. Fires 6 TL @ VSD Death's Edge (-6 AP). 1/8
  (6 TL x 3 DMG) x (UCR 5+1/UCR 5) = 21.6 DMG

RAF Moonraker
1. Redeems tactical prep (+3 AP). 11/8
2. Moves to D6 (-2 AP). 9/8
3. Gets into Attack Position, +1 UCR (-2 AP). 7/8
4. Fires 6 TL @ VSD Inferis (-6 AP). 1/8
  (6 TL x 3 DMG) x (UCR 5+1/UCR 5) = 21.6 DMG

RAF Spectre
1. Redeems tactical prep (+3 AP). 11/8
2. Moves to D6 (-2 AP). 9/8
3. Gets into Attack Position, +1 UCR (-2 AP). 7/8
4. Fires 6 TL @ VSD Inferis (-6 AP). 1/8
  (6 TL x 3 DMG) x (UCR 5+1/UCR 5) = 21.6 DMG

   2 X-Wings
1. Moves to D6 (-1 AP). 2/3
2. Continues CSP.

   2 Y-Wings
1. Moves to D6 (-1 AP). 1/2
2. Continues CSP.

   2 B-Wings
1. Moves to D6 (-1 AP). 2/3
2. Continues CSP.

 45.6  to  VSD Death's Edge
 43.2  to  VSD Inferis