Author Topic: SWA: AFTER JAKKU WARBOOK 1.1  (Read 11464 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: May 29, 2018, 05:46:15 PM »
1. Read the basic rules to get an idea of the timeline and which faction you'd like to represent.

2. Scroll down to the specs and click on "Common Technology" then "Legendary Units" to see which kind of unit you would like to start out with (for free). Legendary Units have the ability to "commandeer" all sorts of units (thus enabling them to enter the battlefield), so depending on your faction some Legendary Units may be more advantageous than others.

3. The galaxy in this game is completely DIY. So, after you pick a home system to start out with, please post it under the boards in all capital letters, for example: MUNTO CODRU. Once you have your home system thread posted, you are at your liberty to add any additional information you would like to enrich the background of that system.

4. The spirit of this game is to encourage as much player-to-player and player-vs-player interaction as possible. You may find that your initial back account is restrictive (1000 GC + 100 CP + 1 Strategic Command Base), but this is simply to raise the stakes and get everybody starting on equal footing. In terms of the timeline, this is to be expected anyway, since the bulk of the galaxy has demilitarized per the Galactic Concordance. The days of massive sector fleets are over. Nonetheless, you are required to write an additional post that maintains a record of your finances and command points. You are not to exceed your command point limit upon purchasing initial units.

5. Once all of the above is completed, your status in the game will be considered ACTIVE.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 01:49:27 PM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2018, 05:46:45 PM »

Our forum has seen many games come and go in the last 2-3 years, due to constraints imposed on us by our own lives. This game is deliberately truncating many aspects of former games that you might have been used to, all for the purpose of streamlining and simplifying down to bare bones. As such, there is really only one two aspects of this game that matter: (1) Combat and (2) Story. Getting down to the brass tacks of combat is easy if we're willing to make some sacrifices, such as doing away with arcs and such. The hope is that if we simplify combat, the players will have a blank canvass to tell their story.

Main Story
The war is over, but it has not been won. Although many are skeptical of the newly minted peace, the Battles of Akiva and Jakku have all but exhausted every last resource of the New Republic and Galactic Empire, forcing both parties to agree to the Galactic Concordance - a formal armistice and resolution to the Galactic Civil War. The bold new task of creating a new galactic order has arrived at the doorstep of many leaders, some of whom still prefer the sword to the olive branch. Most notably, a resurgent Trade Federation has swept up a strong following, as well as the mighty Hutt Syndicate.

Player Characters
In this game, players will become Legendary Units - characters who were triumphant heroes of the Galactic Civil War. Using their position, power, and prestige, these characters have assumed command of a vast array of resources and have amassed a large following based on the strength of their leadership. Having gathered their organization to a single system, these characters will work towards the ideals and agendas set forth by the faction they represent. There are no limits to ambition.

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The Game Itself
In the simplest possible terms, this game is "Capture The Flag." Players will start the game with 1 Legendary Unit and 1 Strategic Command Base (to place at a system of their choosing), and build up their war machine. Both the Legendary Unit and Strategic Command Base provide players with income (in the form of Galactic Credits or GC for short) and logistical support (in the form of Command Points or CP for short); these two elements are both the engine and gasoline of your war machine.

Action Days: Income and Unit Production
Every Saturday is an Action Day -- you may collect income and place orders for new units. All new units big or small will arrive at your command system (from hyperspace) on the NEXT Action Day (infrastructure and related facilities are being assumed for the sake of convenience). The single/biggest caveat when it comes to new unit production is that you must completely fill a capital ship's onboard capacity to 100% either at the time of purchase OR at the time of arrival before you can deploy that capital ship.

Logistics: Command Points and Military Forces
All units have a Command Point value based on their class/size (noted in specs). There basically two types: Capital Ships (CAPs) and Support Units (SUPs), which could be either Starfighters (SF), Auxiliary Craft (AUX), Infantry (INF), or Ground Assault Vehicles (GAV). At initial setup, players will have a total of 1000 GC and 100 CP to use to build out the entirety of their military forces (example below). There are no standing PDFs or freebies. The player must carefully decide to weigh the pros and cons of having a stacked attack fleet versus minimal defenses or take a more balanced approach. Either way, the 100 CP is the maximum limit for everything the player owns.

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Organization: Fleets, Independent SF/AUX, and PDF Armies
The total number of Capital Ships a player may own and operate at any given time is equal to their total CP allowance divided by 7, then rounded down to nearest whole. This isn't merely to prevent spamming, rather its reflective of the realistic nature of maintaining supply lines and support networks for a fleet as it grows bigger and bigger. A hallmark of the Star Wars universe is the role starfighters play in combat. Particularly, the Rebel Alliance was known to rely on starfighters exclusively for a vast majority of their missions. However, these starfighters still had support bases to reload and refuel as needed. Therefore, the total number of independent SF/AUX a player may own and operate (which is to say: all SF and AUX that are NOT onboard any Capital Ship) is equal to their total CP allowance divided by 9, then rounded down to the nearest whole. It is recommended that players use their independent SF/AUX as PDF, though they are free to make them Fleet Escort as well. If so, only Heavy and Elite SF/AUX can do Fleet Escort. Lastly, there are NO limits to how many INF and GAV a player wants to station at a system for PDF purposes.

Warfare: Conquest, Acquiring New Legends, and Incapacitating Enemy Legends
As previously stated, this is a capture the flag game. All you need to do is destroy enemy Strategic Command (STRATCOM) Bases, and build more of your own. Whenever you destroy an enemy STRATCOM Base, you get to promote a new Legendary Unit from within your ranks (for free). Given how powerful Legendary Units are, this can be the easiest way to expand your faction's influence in the galaxy. Whenever one of your STRATCOM Bases are destroyed, you get to "evacuate" and set up a free Operations Center (OPCENT) at another system of your choice to ease the transition into rebuilding. Legendary Units are capable of augmenting the performance of basic units by embedding themselves. When these basic units are destroyed, the Legend is incapacitated and will report back to your STRATCOM on the next Action Day, but will be unable to provide you any income that week.

The Galaxy: Hyperspace and Systems (DIY)
In this game, we will not be featuring a massive galaxy map with a predetermined list of planets, rather players will decide for themselves which systems they wish to feature in their stories. My recommendation is that you stick with locations that have been featured/mentioned in the movies in order to stick to "canon" as close as we possible can. There is a Wikipedia article with a full list: You are on your own to locate the system you want to use for your story. Lastly, because entering and exiting hyperspace exhausts Action Points, we will not be using any sort of traveling/timing scheme in this game.

Continuity: First Month and Campaigns
On launch day, we will begin with a skirmish battle at a yet-to-be decided system using some freebie units. This will be a dress rehearsal/mock battle for all intents and purposes, just to start with a bang. The first month of the game will be open-ended with no clear goals aside from domination. Each following month, a Campaign will get activated, which will more or less highlight a handful of systems and provide a story concept to give players a reason to focus their efforts.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 11:13:17 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2018, 05:46:57 PM »
ComScan and Exiting Hyperspace
If your units are exiting hyperspace in a system that you do not control, you must do so in the Deep Space Zones UNLESS you have completed a ComScan sweep. Once completed, your units may exit hyperspace in the Green Ring.

Deep Space Zones
These zones are unique in that they represent a vast swath of space beyond the gravitational pull of a planet. As such, units within a Deep Space Zone can shoot at each other, but they cannot shoot at units in the Green Ring or vice versa. When units move into or out of a Deep Space Zone from the Green Ring, they cannot move into or out of it again during that turn. In other words, no "jumping" is allowed. For example, a unit in A1 cannot move into X1 and then move from X1 to D1.

Starting and Ending Battles
Whenever a hostile unit moves into the Green Ring, that system is considered IN CONFLICT. When that happens, the attacker has 24 hours to declare all units he intends to bring into the battle (whether or not they have exited hyperspace yet). The defender has 48 hours to declare all units he intends to bring as well (this is symbolic of "calling for reinforcements"). Third party belligerents, if they so choose to get involved, must also declare units at the 48 hour mark. After unit declarations have been made, the system is CLOSED to outside intervention (i.e. NEW units cannot enter the battle). When all hostile units have left a system, it is no longer in conflict.

Turn Cycles and Posting Limits
When a battle begins, players must agree upon a scheme by which they can take turns and make posts. Once this scheme has been decided, it must be declared in the thread. Here are some recommendations:

STANDARD MODEL For two or three players: Strict turn based, 1-Hour to edit, will wait. In this scheme, players will post as often as they can until the battle is done. They will allow each other 1 hour to make edits to their posts after they are written, but after that hour is up, the next player may post a response, and so on and so forth until the battle is done. Players will wait to take their turn, however long it takes for the opposing player to make it. Attacker goes first, then Defender, then Third Party (if any).

CLASSIC MODEL For two players: 24 Hour turns, 1 hour to edit, 24 hour wait, 24 hour window. If you want that adrenaline rush, use this scheme. The turn clock begins when the system is in conflict. After writing a post, you have 1 hour to make an edit, afterwards the post is final. You cannot write another post until at least 24 hours have gone by. Once the wait period is over, you have a 24 hour window to write another post. If you miss your window, then the opposing player has the option of skipping your turn and posting again (so long as he/she is in their posting window)!

Action Points
APs are the life blood of combat mechanics in this game. They drive everything a player can do with their units. Players can make actions in any order they wish, or in any combination or series of actions they wish (such as move-move-shoot, shoot-move-shoot-move-shoot-move, etc.). Basically, if you have the APs to burn, you're good to do anything you can.

Capital Ship Actions
Large Movement (3 AP)
Heavy Movement (2 AP)
Medium Movement (1 AP)
Light Movement (1 AP)
Fire 1 Weapon (1 AP)
Deploy 1 Support Unit (1 AP)
Engage Tractor Beam (2 AP)
Break Tractor Lock (2 AP) -- Requires tractor beam.
Damage Control (1 AP) -- Repair 1 Armor or Systems point.
Recharge Shields (2 AP) -- Repair 1 Shield point.
Tactical Preparations (2 AP) -- Bank 1 AP for next round.
ComScan (1 AP)

Capital Ship Movement Options
Entering Hyperspace
Exiting Hyperspace
Standard Grid-to-Grid
Planetary Landing
Planetary Takeoff
Attack Position (+1 UCR, limit once per post and towards one target only).

Support Unit Actions
Movement (1 AP)
Fire All/Some Weapons (1 AP)
Form Up (1 AP) -- Combine SFs into a Battle Group.
Break Off (1 AP) -- Split up Battle Group, take damage.
Intercept (1 AP) -- SF gets +1 UCR vs other SF/AUX.
Attack Run (1 AP) -- SF gets +1 UCR vs CAPs.

Support Unit Movement Options
Enter Hyperspace (Heavy and Elite SF/AUX only)
Exit Hyperspace
Standard Grid-to-Grid

Weapon Arcs and Ranges
There are NO arcs in this game. You just need to make sure your target is within RANGE before you shoot, 0 is same grid, 1 is adjacent grid, and 2 is the next adjacent grid.

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Battle Groups!
Support Units will have the ability to group together in combat based on their size and classification. You can form as many Battle Groups as you can. The maximum size of a Battle Group is limited by command points (see chart below). Units in a Battle Group combine Durability (Shields/Armor/Health) as to effectively "take hits" for each other. However, they must move together (each unit is yoked to the other per se). When a Battle Group splits up, the damage must be redistributed proportionally in increments of 1 point (until fractions remain).

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TIP: Independent SF/AUX Battle Groups
A great way to utilize independent SF/AUX is to have them form their own Battle Group!

Combat Space Patrol
SF/AUX on Combat Space Patrol must be assigned to a single GRID to protect. Any hostile SF/AUX that wishes to attack any units in that grid MUST be engaged on a 1:1 basis before any Capital Ships in that grid can be attacked. Battle Groups count as the number of SF/AUX in that group (such that: if 3 TIE Fighters are in 1 Battle Group on CSP, you CANNOT simply engage that Battle Group with 1 X-Wing, rather, you must do so with 3 total units).

Ion Damage & Disabled Units
Ion Cannons hit a unit's shields first, and once that unit's shields are depleted, the damage is applied to Systems. Once a ship's Systems are depleted, it becomes DISABLED. Once a ship is disabled, it must fully repair its Systems before it can Move or Fire Weapons. Disabled units may still launch/recover support units.

Tractor Beams
Tractor Beams are powerful tools that can be used to tow a disabled capital ship. Once a tractor beam is engaged (for 2 AP) by the home ship, tractor lock must be maintained continuously each post (for a recurring 2 AP). While tractor lock is maintained a disabled capital ship is brought into the same grid as the ship engaging the tractor beam. From that point forward, any movement (sublight or hyperspace) the home ship does, the disabled ship goes with it. A disabled ship that completes repairs of its systems can break tractor lock only if it has a tractor beam of its own (to reverse polarity).

Warheads are not interceptible. Instead, their damage has been relativized in order to be calculated through the UCR System.

Taking Lethal Damage & Returning Fire
If a unit takes lethal damage (enough to reduce its Armor to 0), then it may not move, BUT it may return fire and make one last attack before presumably blowing up.

Universal Combat Rating (UCR) System
The UCR system is a classic feature we've used in previous games on this forum. Every unit is given a number 1~10 which represents the aspects of that unit which are not captured by its durability, weapons, or support units. UCR is fundamentally a relativistic system, because it means even the smallest starfighter can make a difference when going up against the biggest capital ships - just like we see in the movies.

Calculating Damage with UCR
1. UCR Ratio = Attacker's UCR # / Defender's UCR # (Min 0.33 ~ Max 3.0 -- see chart below for details.)
2. Weapon DMG x UCR Ratio = Battle DMG
3. Round up Battle DMG to nearest hundredth (X.XX).

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Orbital Bombardment
Massive, Large, and Heavy Capital Ships with Turbolasers or Concussion Missile Tubes (configured for Assault) can do orbital bombardment against Ground Facilities while in the HALO Zone. Damage is calculated normally using the UCR formula.

Orbital Barrage
Massive, Large, and Heavy Capital Ships with Concussion Missile Tubes (configured for Assault) can do orbital barrage attacks aimed at specific grids on the Ground while in the HALO Zone. Damage is NOT calculated with UCR, rather, the total amount of raw damage from the weapons is divided equally amongst all units in the targeted grid.

Bombing Runs
Starfighters and Auxiliary Craft with Lasers and warheads can do bombing runs aimed at specific grids on the Ground while in the HALO Zone. Damage is NOT calculated with UCR, rather, the total amount of raw damage from the weapons is divided equally amongst all units in the targeted grid.

Planetary Landing
Heavy, Medium, and Light Capital Ships can move to the Ground and perform a planetary landing. Once landed, Capital Ships cannot raise shields or fire weapons, and are vulnerable to Orbital Bombardment.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 10:46:08 PM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2018, 05:52:14 PM »
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« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 09:42:38 AM by IR Hale »

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« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2018, 04:31:11 PM »
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« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 08:36:12 PM by SWSF Hale »