Author Topic: NR // Core - Alderaan Graveyard //  (Read 8800 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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NR // Core - Alderaan Graveyard //
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:11:38 PM »

  The Graveyard of Alderaan is restricted space under law of the New Republic.  Surviving Ethnic Alderaanians are exempt.  Despite the mass of resource made readily available when a planet is cracked apart, the "decency of intelligent nature demands it remain untouched" as stated in NR RES 00.00.01.  Some in the galaxy still dispute the popularized version of events that led to such calamity and it's common in Imperial circles to dispute the notion of a machine such as the Death Star to have even been capable of being built with the resources of the Empire at its peak, let alone been the will of the Emperor to use it for such fiendish means.  The claim generally draws widespread condemnation and outrage, and pushes certain lawmakers to put forth legislation criminalizing the propagation of such widely offensive "Alternative Fact", but it's regularly defeated in the Senate and would likely face judicial challenges in hurdling the NR Constitution if it were ever passed.  Some worlds have taken it upon themselves to individually take such measures as it relates to their local laws.


« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 02:31:19 PM by NR Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: NR // Core - Alderaan Graveyard //
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 10:04:05 PM »

A New Alderaan (Prelude Pt I)

  A single Mon Cal star yards 80B battle cruiser slipped from hyperspace at the edge of the planetary system.  It was the flagship of the New Republic's 3rd Fleet, the Appenza- so named after the legendary snow-capped mountain summit in whose silhouette the capital city of Alderaan, Aldera had sat.  In the distance against the back drop of space lay the graveyard of Alderaan, a silent macabre testament in it's most exclamatory form of the evil men do.  The violent swirling mass of dark rocky and molten mineral matter stood in stark contrast to its previous form.  The rings took rough shape almost immediately from the outcast wave of smaller particles in the blast while the larger planetoid size chunks remain closer to the shattered core.  As a result most of the little remaining light organic material was found in the rings.  Studies have even been able to pinpoint human genetic material in some cases.

  Calgan Verose, surviving son of Alderaan, aging Alliance veteran and newly promoted Admiral of the 3rd Fleet sat alone in his darkened quarters at his desk where a lamp illuminated only his work space.  His floor to ceiling wall to wall view port was closed and despite it being apparent when the ship left hyperspace and entered sublight space, a notice from the bridge came through over his personal quarter comm as he'd requested,

  "Admiral, we've arrived at the Alderaan Gra... we've arrived at Alderaan as ordered sir," a young officers voice with a Calamari accent stated with an awkward pause and strained rewording.

  "Thank you Commander, please inform the Brig Officer to have the detainee escorted to my quarters," Calgan acknowledged.

  He returned to his desk work for the next several minutes until his requested audience had arrived, their presence announced by an ornate mechanical whistling bird perched above the entry door to his quarters.  It differed from most private quarters visitor notice systems on the ship in that he'd had it specially installed as opposed to the usual beeping wall panel.

  "Open," he answered to the mechanical birds song.

  The door slid open as the lights brightened, a young man in a stripped down set of SpecForce officers garments and wrists in binders stood outside with armed guards at either side.

  "Please wait outside and send him in guys," Calgan asked.

  The guards stepped off to the side as the young detained officer stepped in and the door slid shut behind him.  As Calgan stood from his desk the young officer straightened his posture.  The Admiral held a piece of paper in one hand in which the young officer took obvious notice.  It bore the hallmark formatting of official military documents.

  Calgan removed the binders with a quick combination of the circular buttons on it and handed the young officer the paper without meeting his gaze before turning to place the restraints on his desk.  The formerly bound guest massaged his wrists briefly in a probable display of dramatics before glancing at the document and referencing the doorbell,

 "Still have that thing huh?," he rhetorically inquired.

  The older Admiral ignored his statement and started the conversation on his own note,

  "It was wrong of me to drag you in to this.. She wouldnt have wanted that.  When we lost her, I lost sight of what was best for you.  The last promise I made to her was that I'd bring you home, it occurred to me some time ago I never fulfilled that promise,"

  With his last word he keyed a small button on the wall and the spanning view port opened, the mass of distressed matter that once was Alderaan filled the entire perspective...

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

  The young man had already been confounded by the elders words, as though he'd never heard him speak before or at least not speak in such form, but the opening viewport and its revelation pulled him both deeper in to and further away from the moment at the same time.  He slowly stepped forward as the words and nature of the document he'd been handed had already passed his immediate interests and stopped just short of pressing his face against the transparisteel, the shock of seeing it all for the first time in person was numbing, nearly forgetting the words just to spoken to him he managed to answer,

  " this you making up for a life time lacking emotion and communication or listening skills?" he dryly and sarcastically spoke but meaning full honesty.

  "..this is me acknowledging that I made mistakes.  That you have your own mistakes to make, not mine to repeat" Calgan responded.

  The two had still yet to really meet each others eyes or look directly at one another.  As the younger officer took in the breathtaking or more closely suffocating sight before them, the elder had managed to procure two spirited drinks in dark amber color on ice.  He stepped up to the view port next to the younger and handed him one of the glasses.  The other received it but was still consumed with the literal manifestation of grotesqueness before them.

  "To your Mother, and your future beyond this war," Calgan offered as he raised his glass beckoning the younger man to join him in the toast.

  The other broke his gaze from the wreckage of Alderaan for the first time since he'd laid eyes on it.  Briefly assessing the drink in his one hand and what were his signed discharge papers in the other, he seemed to barely give them much consideration as he sat the latter down on the Admirals desk and the former on top of it.  Picking up his binders as he departed, without looking back the young officer spoke,

  "I've got twelve days left on my mandatory Admiral," he stated before stopping outside the door and turning to look directly at the elder for the first time in the encounter between them,

  "and intoxicants are forbidden for sanctioned officers."

  The door slid back shut and the graveyard of Alderaan spun a somber dance behind him.  Calgan smiled a momentary genuine smile for the first time he could recall in some time.

  He finished his drink in a single gulp and picking up the other turned to observe what remained of his homeworld for the first time since their arrival for himself.  He'd seen it in person before, but it's never something one grows accustomed to.

  Pulling his desk chair over to the viewport, his knees began to wabble slowly before buckling as he fell in to it overwhelmed, a slight consistent shudder or shiver running through his body.  There were no tears left to give from this soul, but elsewhere aboard the Appenza, the ships brief unscheduled stop reverberated throughout from bow to stern..


« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 03:53:18 PM by NR Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: NR // Core - Alderaan Graveyard //
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2018, 04:29:28 PM »

A New Alderaan (Prelude Pt II.I)

  A young brown haired human woman darted down the wide service corridor dodging and weaving between otherwise busy shipmates and droids going about their business.  As she caught up to a casually strolling Twi'lek squad commander in full flight gear, she slowed to his pace in an unbalanced skid and proceeded to attempt at the small talk,

  "So aahhh, Noresh!," she began before being quickly corrected,

  "Noreesh," he countered and continued his casual stroll while nonchalantly chomping at a piece of red skinned fibrous fruit in one hand and clutching his flight helmet under the other arm.

  They were quickly approaching one of the Appenza's hangar bays from which patrol flights frequently launched.  The routine bustle of a warships hangar service tunnel carried on around them.

  "Right! Noreesh!  Sorry.. hey.. uuhh, look.." she attempted to recover before the veteran pilot expressly carried the conversation to its point for her,

  "Salla right?" he asked rhetorically, knowing full well who she was.  "You're a shuttle pilot though," he answered her, sparing the intricacies of what they both already knew was going on.

  "Right!  No..  I am now, but I'm working my way up!" she exclaimed.  "I know the snub fighters in and out!"

  The pale skinned Twi'lek shot her a hairless arched brow at her last statement while gently tossing the core of the now stripped fruit piece in to the headless empty shell of an astromech they passed,

  "Ok," he answered with little emotion or acknowledgement.

  "Please, I... wait..   Ok?!," Salla began to argue before proclaiming in surprise and delight tugging at his flight suit as she nearly bounced in stride.

  "Settle.  You not so happy when see for self," the Twi'lek ace responded to her.

  "Are you kidding!?," Salla retorted.  "I'm from Alderaan!" she offered in elation while running off in the other direction to grab her flight gear.

  The Twi'lek stopped for a moment to comment in vain to a passing pair of Sullustans,

  "..that what Im meaning," he frankly offered to himself and the unassuming shipmates.. (TBC)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 04:41:40 PM by NR Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: NR // Core - Alderaan Graveyard //
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2018, 11:35:05 AM »

A New Alderaan (Prelude Pt II.II)

  The hangar floor was clear of personnel as a trio of T-65s roared to life, their astromechs swiveling in place and beeping and chirping away at one another.  The pale skinned Twi'lek, Commander Noreesh Sa'frosaro sat in one.  He had been the Appenza's Wing Commander since it's commission and had a history of service under now Admiral Calgan Verose that dated back to the earliest days of the Galactic Civil War.  In the second X-wing sat a blue skinned Wroonian woman, her face adorned in the typical yellow tattoos and with numerous jewel and jewelry accents all apparent even beneath her flight helmet.  She glared heavily at the third ship in the yet-to-launch flight and it's occupant, a seemingly eager young human female who was clearly smitten and potentially overwhelmed with her surroundings, before switching to a private com channel between herself and Noreesh,

  "You clear this with the Ole Man? That's his baby you know," she inquired plainly, already certain of the impending reply.

  "..No," the Twi'lek answered with an oozing ambivalence as he throttled his engines as if to check them.

  "You don't think we should??, he brought her here to keep on eye on her when he ranked up" she implicitly insisted and advised.

  "No, he busy with other one, we keep eye on this one" he retorted purposefully placing a shared burden on the inquiring subordinates shoulders.

  A third voice chimmed in, vibrant and youthful,

  "Don'y worry Leesa!  I'm not at all the trouble maker my brother can be!" Lieutenant Salla Verose said.

  "Not a trouble maker, just a com-link hacker?" the Wroonian inquired with surprise and annoyance.

  "Oh!  No, it wasn't me!  R5 back there told me you guys were talking and I asked him to patch me in!," she answered with a reverse thumb point to her droid co-pilot.

  The blue and silver headed astromech blooped and chirped in it's defense to the higher ranking pilot,


  "Uh huh, Don't come looking to me for a gear lube for awhile buddy!" the Wroonian replied to the droid.

  "Leesa, I know everyone thinks I'm just a tramp pilot and a kid only here so my dad can keep an eye on me, but everyone forgets I flew med-evac on Ardos One before I got here!" Salla proudly reported.

  "You flew literal med-evac for the plague infected because humans are immune, and the last flight left Ardos BEFORE the Star Destroyers popped up in orbit..  it's nothing personal kid, I just.." Leesa Garapos expanded on the truth before being cut off,

  "You want and stay here for chat, ten other pilots ask me before this one, if not, lets go. Standard channels," Noreesh now ordered the two women before interacting with the hangar control room for final clearance.

   The three X-wings hovered from the steel plated floor and slowly glided clear of the ships interior before their engines roared up and they flew off under their mothership for standard patrol, s-foils still clamped together.

   "This Commander Sa'frosaro, Phoenix Flight at standard patrol.  Wings folded until ordered spread.  Loose V formation," the Twi'lek spoke through his com to the mother ship monitors and his wingmen.

   As the three snub fighters glided through space at a slight distance but following the contour of their home ships underbelly, the local mass of dead planet was yet visible to them.  A few moments of silence pervaded which Commander Sa'Frosaro began to take comfort in before the younger human womans voice pipped back in,

   "Thanks for backing me up Noreesh!" she happily declared.

   The Twi'lek groaned to himself before the others reaction even began,

   "WHAT?!" Leesa's voice snapped back over the channel.

   "Both you. Vacuum Seal It!  No banter. This flight by book from now," Noreesh finally had enough and hissed at them both.

   The tiny ships continued their smooth glide now approaching the tip of the Appenza's under side... (TBC)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 04:00:37 PM by NR Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death