Author Topic: IR // Imperial Remnant Space - Storylines & Events //  (Read 9099 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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IR // Imperial Remnant Space - Storylines & Events //
« on: January 04, 2018, 10:21:45 AM »
This thread will contain all character storylines and major news pertinent to the Imperial Remnant.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: IR // Imperial Remnant Space - Storylines & Events //
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 01:33:34 PM »


One month ago...


Hale sat calmly with his fingers pressed against themselves as he looked across a large round table where nine of the most powerful men in the Imperial Remnant also sat. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Senators, the time has begun to initiate Phase 2 of our guiding vision. Our borders are secure, our relationship with the Galactic Empire has been mended, and our war machine has already begun production of assets critical to our defensive strategy. We have also expanded our relationships with two new factions, which now seek to work with us to bring about change. Senator Devereaux, would you introduce them please…"

Senator Devereaux pushed a button to lower one of the walls in the room to reveal a hangar where a large crowd was gathered. The Sisterhood of Imperial Sith, along with an assortment of crew and apprentices stood idle, with Darth Hera front and center. “May I present to you the Sisterhood of Imperial Sith, and their leader, Darth Hera.” Devereaux turned his attention towards another crowd, the Mandalorians. “And opposite the Sisterhood is the Mandalorian Death Watch, back from the dead, and led by ‘Chief’ Crixus Lange.” Crixus bowed his head, and then turned his gaze over to the Sisterhood, were he locked eyes with Darth Hera, as though to size her up. She did the same.

Hale continued, “…indeed, new alliances have been forged with both the Sith and the Mandalorians. While they do not bring any ships to our fleets, I believe they bring us an invaluable perspective as to who our true enemies are.”

Darth Hera stepped forward for a word. “Decades ago I was once colleagues with your fallen Emperor. He did not make this secret known to many, but he believed that something powerful and nefarious was heading towards the civilized galaxy, and that it lied deep in the Unknown Regions. Your own Grand Admiral Thrawn was dispatched precisely on a mission to seek and destroy this potential threat, while I traveled the galaxy in search of apprentices to build up an army of Sith warriors. I sought out the Imperial Remnant because I feared the same bureaucracy that crippled Palpatine’s Empire is still present, and also because I believe you are willing to help us. I am in possession of an ancient Sith holocron which contains charts and coordinates for Korriban. It is essential you dispatch us there so that I may explore the Valley of the Dark Lords with my sisters so that we can decipher Palpatine’s prophecy.” Darth Hera then bowed her head and stepped back.

Crixus Lange spoke up next. “The people of Mandalore have grow weary of the chaos that now consumes the galaxy. The leadership has taken a live-and-let-live approach, and their pacifist politics is a betrayal to our history. It is no wonder that they came clamoring to the New Republic after the Battle of Endor. They would rather kowtow to the Republic’s committees simply to maintain the status quo, rather than put up a fight to let the concerns of their own people be met first. Death Watch was formed precisely for this reason. The people are with us in spirit, but they lack the means to liberate themselves from the New Republic. Help us restore Mandalore to its rightful place in the galaxy, and we will fight for you until the bitter end. Thank you.”

All nine senators then stood up and rendered their ovation and applause.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 10:11:33 PM by IR Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: IR // Imperial Remnant Space - Storylines & Events //
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2018, 09:17:08 AM »



Three shuttles slowly entered the docking bay of the Star Destroyer Punisher, which along with the Terminator and Eradicator were preparing for an immediate departure. From one shuttle, the Executive “Alpha Team” disembarked, the Sisterhood of Imperial Sith from another, and Death Watch from the last. For the past month, these three teams had been working closely together, discussing plans to make their first move. This was the so-called “Phase 2” – the beginning of mobilizations outside of Imperial Remnant space. Under the guidance of Hale, it was decided that Korriban was to be the first target, for he believed Thrawn’s mission to the Unknown Regions needed resolution. If there was some dark threat lurking at the edge of the galaxy, Hale wanted to know of it…

As Senator Devereaux proceeded to the bridge to take command, Darth Hera and Crixus Lange approached one another.

“Your lightsaber – I take it you took it from the Jedi you killed?” asked Hera.

Crixus nodded. “He was a Jedi Temple Guardian on the run, and my team cornered him. He knew of Mandalorian Law and challenged me to a no-weapons duel with the hopes of fighting for his freedom… the funny thing is, he actually beat me - but wound up surrendering in the end.”

“Fool,” mocked Darth Hera.

“Not this one. He knew the stakes. He knew the Jedi were being hunted down. My people have never enjoyed a peaceful relationship with the Jedi, but this one fought with honor, and so I made my peace with him. As I placed my blaster pistol to his forehead, he knelt and spoke the Jedi Code. I remember it like it just happened. Surely you know the end of the Code – there is no death, only the Force – that’s when I pulled the trigger…”

“An honorable death. The Code served him well.”

“I do not know much of the Jedi or the Sith, but I believe in the will of the Force, unlike many Mandalorians,” replied Crixus.

“This is why we must travel to Korriban. I must consult with the ancient Dark Lords and learn what the Force wills.”

Crixus nodded, “these are uncertain times, indeed.”

With that, the Sisterhood and Death Watch went their separate ways to get to their respective quarters.


Senator Devereaux walked swiftly down the catwalk of the bridge and shook the Captain’s hand. “Are we ready, Captain?”

“Yes, m’lord. If the coordinates Darth Hera provided are correct, that is.”

“She assures the Senate that they are. This could be a momentous occasion for the Empire. Charts of this system have been lost to the ages.”

"Very well, m'lord" he then turned to the crew pit, "alert the task force. Set course for Korriban," the Captain waved a hand and within moments the three Star Destroyers vanished into the depths of space.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: IR // Imperial Remnant Space - Storylines & Events //
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 04:54:16 PM »


Three Lambda shuttles touched down on the landing pad of the newly erected Imperial garrison. The structure had just come online recently, and so now it was time to begin the real mission to Korriban - the excavation of the Valley of the Dark Lords.

ISB Detachment Kilo Sierra 7 was the first to walk down the ramp, and they quickly began checking comms and establishing an uplink with their shuttle's systems and the garrison base to ensure Immortal Squadron was appraised of their status. Shortly thereafter, Senator Devereaux, Captain Harris, and Tuvee (K-2V3) exited the shuttle, and they were greeted by a lone Imperial officer.

"Senator, welcome to Korriban. I wish I could have mustered a few more hands to smooth over your arrival, but we're still performing post-op system checks."

"Quite alright, Commander. All we need at this point are some speeders, and we'll be on our way," replied the Senator.

"All we have available right now are the bikes, is that alright Senator?" asked the commander.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I haven't ridden a bike in months..." the Senator then turned to Captain Harris, "Captain, have Alpha Team secure the landing pad. You and Tuvee are coming with me..." he then turned back to the commander, "we'll need 13 total by my count."

"Very good, Senator, I'll meet you in the hangar bay on the surface level," replied the commander.

Captain Harris nodded, "I'm looking forward to this."


The Senator, Death Watch, and the Sisterhood rallied around Darth Hera, who opened up a Holocron, which projected a geographic map of Korriban.

"We're right here, Pesegam City. The Valley of the Dark Lords is not far, roughly 50km to the south. We'll ralley here, at the mouth of the Valley. Once we're there, Senator, it'll probably be best for you to hang back until we give the all clear. There haven't been any reports of activity in the Valley, but foul beasts are known to roam there, among stranger things..."

The Senator nodded. "No worries, Darth Hera. I'm here as a supervisor only, so that I may report back our findings to the Senate. You run the op how you want."

"Thank you, Senator," she then turned to Crixus, "any ideas?"

"I'll be running point alongside your team, Hera. Fractal and Raven will provide rear guard, and Dingo and Hilde will act as overwatch or evac support as needed."

Senator Devereaux nodded with approval, impressed. "Let's go."