Author Topic: NR // Inner Rim - Tanaab //  (Read 9146 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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NR // Inner Rim - Tanaab //
« on: December 29, 2017, 07:38:51 PM »

  Tanaab was an Inner Rim world along the Perlemian Route of rolling grassy fields with spanning networks of meandering water-ways and almost no tectonic activity.  The global climate was universally mild and over millennia it developed in to a major agricultural hub.  While ages ago there was no local animal life, the introduction of various fauna by ancient settlers has over the years resulted in wide spread populations of many now entirely native species.  The planets administrative capital was the city of Pandath where a number of galactic AgriCorps maintained important trade outposts.

  Tanaab was historically plagued by an annual season of piracy from the nearby Norulac Pirates.  Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, Alliance operative Lando Calrissian helped lead a defensive action against the pirates that finally neutralized the recurring threat to local peoples and commerce.  As Alliance Forces pushed up the Perlemian Route from Mon Calamari in the wake Endor, Tanaab was left undefended by a reeling Empire and the planets governing body quickly endorsed the Alliance to Restore the Republic and susbsequeny emerging New Republic.


« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 01:57:19 PM by NR Eidolon »
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