Author Topic: Common Specifications  (Read 14136 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Common Specifications
« on: December 18, 2017, 04:16:04 PM »
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 08:26:25 PM by NR Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 08:06:28 PM »
Capital Ships

Victory-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits:  1,350 MC
Production Time: 3 Weeks

Length:  900 Meters
Crew:  4,789
Troops:  2,000
Ground Units:
    4 AT-ST Walkers
    1 AT-AT Walker

Shields: 1,800 Points
Hull:  1,350 Points
Power Systems:  900 Points

    40 Turbolasers (6/240)
    40 Turbo-charged Lasers (3/120)
    80 Missile Launchers [3 per] (5/400)
    10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    2 TIE Fighter Squadrons
    4 Lambda-class Shuttles

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  900 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks

Length:  600 Meters
Crew:  9,300
Troops:  3,000
    6 Vehicles

Shields:  1,200 Points
Hull:  900 Points
Power Systems:  600 Points

    10 Turbolaser Batteries (8/80)
    20 Turbolasers (6/120)
    20 Ion Cannons (6/120)
    6 Warhead Launchers [10 Missiles or Torpedoes per] (5/30)

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 Starfighter Squadron
    1 Tramp Shuttle

Carrack-class Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  525 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  350 Meters
Crew:  1,007
Troops:  200
Ground Units:

Shields:  700 Points
Hull:  700 Points
Power Systems:  350 Points

    10 Turbolaser Batteries (8/80)
    20 Ion Cannons (6/120)
    5 Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  None.
Onboard Craft:  None.

Special Notes:  Has more durable armor than standard star ships.

Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  638 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Class:  Support Craft.
Length:  340 Meters
Crew:  250
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  680 Points
Hull:  510 Points
Power Systems:  340 Points

    4 Turbolaser Batteries (8/32)

Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    4 Starfighter Squadrons

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Cost in Credits:  450 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  300 Meters
Crew:  920
Troops:  100

Shields:  600 Points
Hull:  450 Points
Power Systems:  300 Points

    12 Turbolasers (6/72)
    12 Laser Cannons (1/12)
    4 Torpedo Launchers [10 per] (10/40)
    2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 Starfighter Squadron OR 2 TIE-class Fighter Squadrons
    1 Lambda-class Shuttles

Corellian Corvette
Cost in Credits:  225 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  150 Meters
Crew:  165
Troops:  600

Shields:  300 Points
Hull:  225 Points
Power Systems:  150 Points

    8 Turbolasers (6/48)

Special Notes:  Can dock with ships of any size. Atmospheric.

Corellian Gunship
Cost in Credits:  220 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  120 Meters
Crew:  91
Troops:  None.
Ground Units:

Shields:  240 Points
Hull:  180 Points
Power Systems:  120 Points

    16 Turbolasers (6/96)
    24 Laser Cannons (1/24)
    4 Missile Launchers [10 per] (5/20)

Launch Bays:  None.
Onboard Craft:  None.

IPV-1 System Patrol Craft
Cost in Credits:  180 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  120 Meters
Crew:  4
Troops:  None.
Ground Units:

Shields:  240 Points
Hull:  180 Points
Power Systems:  120 Points

    4 Turbolasers (6/24)
    1 Warhead Launcher [10 per] (5/5)

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Can dock with ships of any size. No Hyperdrive.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2017, 08:08:34 PM »

Z-95 HeadHunter Squadron
Cost in Credits:  21 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  12 Meters
Crew:  1

Shields:  72 Points
Hull:  144 Points
Power Systems:  144 Points

    24 Laser Cannons (1/24)
    24 Missile Launchers [96 CM] (5/120)

Special Capabilities/Notes:  Atmospheric.

R41 StarChaser Squadron
Cost in Credits:  21 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  14 Meters
Crew:  1

Shields:  84 Points
Hull:  168 Points
Power Systems:  168 Points

    48 Laser Cannons (1/48)
    24 Light Ion Cannons (4/96)

Special Notes/Capabilities:  No hyperdrive. Heavy Starfighter.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2017, 08:12:28 PM »
Support Craft

Delta-class Boarding Transport
Cost in Credits:  45 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  30 Meters
Crew:  4
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  60 Points
Hull:  45 Points
Power Systems:  30 Points

    4 Laser Cannons (1/4)
    2 Light Ion Cannons (4/8)

Lambda-class Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  30 MC
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  20 Meters
Crew:  2
Troops:  None.

Shields:  40 Points
Hull:  30 Points
Power Systems:  20 Points

    10 Laser Cannons (1/10)
    6 Medium Blaster Cannons (3/18) -- Only used versus structures, vehicles, and troops

Special notes:  Atmospheric. 

Tramp Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  38 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  3

Shields:  50 Points
Hull:  38 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points

    2 Laser Cannons (1/2)
    1 Small Starfighter Class Tractor Beam

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. Converted shuttle used by prospectors for grappling and mining asteroids.  Can be used to tow disabled starfighters.  This tech is common to all sims.

Echo-class Boarding Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  38 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  3
Troops:  100

Shields:  50 Points
Hull:  38 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points

    2 Light Turbolasers (5/10)
    3 Heavy Laser Cannons (2/6)

Skipray Blastboat
Cost in Credits:  38 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  2

Shields:  50 Points
Hull:  38 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points

    2 Laser Cannons (1/2)
    3 Ion Cannons (6/18)
    1 Proton Torpedo Launcher [6 PT] (10/10)
    1 Missile Launcher [8 CM] (5/5)

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. No hyperdrive.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2017, 08:14:58 PM »

Repuslor Sled
Cost in Credits:  0.5 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  4.1 Meters
Crew:  1

Hull:  5 Points
Power Systems:  12 Points

    1 Light Blaster Cannon (1/1)

Notes:  Can only be swapped for Speederbike, not any other vehicle, when altering compliment.

Cost in Credits:  0.5 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  5.8 Meters
Crew:  1

Hull:  3 Points
Power Systems:  5 Points

    2 Blaster Cannons (3/6)

Notes:  Can only be swapped for Speederbike, not any other vehicle, when altering compliment.

AT-PT Walker
Cost in Credits:  4 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  2.6 Meters
Height:  3 Meters
Crew:  1

Hull:  15 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points

    2 Blaster Cannons <Fire-Linked> (3/6)
    1 Concussion Grenade Launcher [4 Grenades] (3/3)

« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 09:19:37 AM by NR Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2017, 08:18:41 PM »

Standard Infantry Company
Cost in Credits:  1.5 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Days

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  400 Points

Skirmish Rating:  1
Artillery Rating:  0

Standard Heavy Infantry Company
Cost in Credits:  2.5 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Day

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  600 Points

Skirmish Rating:  3
Artillery Rating:  0

Cost in Credits:  3.5 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Days

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  600 Points

Skirimsh Rating:  3
Artillery Rating:  1

Special Capabilities/Notes:  Must be recruited from world with Black Market trait. You must either own the system or the system must be independent.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 08:20:56 PM by NR Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2017, 08:22:54 PM »

Golan I Space Defense Platform
Cost in Credits:  1,230 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks

Length:  1,230 Meters
Crew:  325
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  1,230 Points
Hull:  2,460 Points
Power Systems:  1,230 Points

    28 Turbolaser Batteries (8/224)
    5 Torpedo Launchers (10/50)
    6 Starfighter Class Tractor Beam Projectors

Golan II Space Defense Platform
Cost in Credits:  2,160 MC
Production Time:  6 Weeks

Length:  2,160 Meters
Crew:  700
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  2,160 Points
Hull:  4,320 Points
Power Systems:  2,160 Points

    35 Turbolaser Batteries (8/280)
    10 Torpedo Launchers (10/100)
    8 Starfighter Class Tractor Beam Projectors
    2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Golan III Space Defense Platform
Cost in Credits:  2,600 MC
Production Time:  7 Weeks

Length:  2,600 Meters
Crew:  880
Troops:  200
Ground Units:

Shields:  2,600 Points
Hull:  5,200 Points
Power Systems:  2,600 Points

    50 Turbolaser Batteries (8/400)
    24 Torpedo Launchers (10/240)
    15 Starfighter Class Tractor Beam Projectors
    4 Tractor Beam Projectors

Omega-class Space Platform/Outpost
Cost in Credits:  900 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks

Diameter:  600 Meters
Crew:  698
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  600 Points
Hull:  1,200 Points
Power Systems:  600 Points

    12 Turbolaser Cannons (6/72)
    16 Laser Cannons (1/16)
    2 Starfighter Class Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 Starfighter Squadrons
    4 Tramp Shuttles

Sigma-class Space Platform/Outpost
Cost in Credits:  1,050 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks

Diameter:  700 Meters
Crew:  843
Troops:  200
Ground Units:

Shields:  700 Points
Hull:  1,400 Points
Power Systems:  700 Points

    16 Turbolasers (6/96)
    20 Laser Cannons (1/20)
    2 Starfighter Class Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    3 Starfighter Squadrons
    6 Tramp Shuttles

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Common Specifications
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2017, 08:25:55 PM »

Light Neutral Underground Hangar
Cost:  800 MC
Build Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  400 Meter Diameter
Crew:  6,700
Troops:  2,100
Ground Units:
    20 AT/PT Walkers
    24 Speeder Bikes
    12 Repulsor Sleds

Shields:  2,400 Points
Hull:  2,400 Points
Power Systems:  2,400 Points

    15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (7/105)

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    2 Z95 HeadHunter Fighter Squadrons
    6 Tramp Shuttles

Heavy Neutral Underground Hangar
Cost:  1,400 MC
Build Time:  3 Weeks

Length: 700 MeterDiamter
Crew: 12,000
Troop Capacity: 4,200
Ground Units:
    48 Speederbikes
    12 Repulsor Sleds
    20 AT/PT Walkers
    20 Speeder Bikes

Shields:  4,200 Points
Armor:  4,200 Points
Power Systems:  4,200 Points

    15 Turbolaser Batteries (6/90)
    25 Concussion Missile Launchers (5/125)

Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    2 Z95 HeadHunter Fighter Squadrons

Anti-Vehicle Laser
Cost in Credits:  15 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Crew:  4

Hull:  56 Points

    Laser Cannon (4/4)

Anti-Infanty Battery
Cost in Credits:  20 MC
Production Time:  5 Days

Crew:  3

Hull:  58 Points

    Four Repeating Blasters (2/8)

Field Missile Launcher
Cost in Credits:  40 MC
Production Time:  8 Days

Crew:  6

Hull:  65 Points

    2 Concussion Missile Launchers (5/10)

Special Notes:  Can fire at land or air based targets.  Sits on a tracked Chassis which allows the launcher to move.

Heavy Anti-Vehicle Gun
Cost in Credits:  45 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Crew:  8

Hull:  45 Points

    Light Turbolaser (5/5)

Special Notes:  Sits on a tracked Chassis, which allows the battery to move. 

Planetary Ion Cannon
Cost in Credits:  600 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  50 Meters
Crew:  50

Shield: 100 Points
Hull:  450 Points

    1 Anti-Orbital Ion Cannon

Special Notes:  Located on planetary surfaces, may fire at Capital Ships in the (P) Grid space.  Deals 2,000 points of system damage and bypasses all shielding and hull.  May only fire once every 24 hrs.  Due to the enormous power usage of this equipment, only 2 may be placed on any one system.

Anti-Orbital Turbolaser Cannon
Cost in Credits:  300 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  40 Meters
Crew:  15

    1 Planetary Scale Turbolaser Cannon

Hull:  230 Points

Special Notes:  Located on planetary surfaces, may fire at Capital Ships in orbit of the planet.  Deals 200 points of shield then hull damage.  May only fire once every 24hrs. Due to the power usage of this weapon, only 5 may be located on any one planet.

Planetary Shield Generator
Cost in Credits:  850 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks

Length:  100 Meters
Crew:  325

Shield:  3,000 Points <See Special Notes>

Hull:  680 Points

Special Notes:  Located on planetary surfaces, the shield covers the planetary surface. Multiple generators can link together to provide more robust coverage. No more than four may be built on a planet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 06:30:42 PM by NR Hoppus »