Building New Units
All new builds come only with their full crews. They do not come with any onboard units (starfighters, support craft, vehicles, troops, garrison bases). All of the onboard units must be built separately and placed onboard by the faction.
Building Ships
Only worlds with a Shipyard World rating can build capital ships. Class 1 Shipyard Worlds can build any number of ships up to 2,000 Meters in length. Class 2 Shipyard Worlds can build ships of any length.
Building Starfighters, Support Craft, and Vehicles
Only worlds with an Industrial Powerhouse rating can build these units. They can manufacture any number of units simultaneously.
Building Troops
Troops can be built on any world.
Sourcing Common Tech
All Common technology can be “sourced” instantly from third-party dealers at 125% of their original cost. Sourcing is literally instant - you pay, and the ship is handed over to you ready to be filled with its complement of onboard craft.