Author Topic: System Defense Forces  (Read 9586 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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System Defense Forces
« on: December 18, 2017, 03:22:38 PM »
System Defense Forces

Any faction member may take command of the System Defense Forces when under attack, but once a commander has been chosen, they should remain the commander until the combat has come to an end.

Maximum System Defense Forces

No system may exceed the following number of units on their System Defense Forces. Any units that come via planet rating bonuses count towards this maximum. Players are free to replace the “free” default units/bonus units with units they built themselves but must retire the default/bonus unit when they do so, they may not be transferred to other systems.

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Capital Ships Assigned to System Defense Duty Discount

Any ship built exclusively for the System Defense Force of a world will have 25% of its value deposited back into the faction’s accounts at the time of its assignment. Once assigned to a world, a ship may not be reassigned or removed. It must permanently remain on the System Defense Force of the designated system. The discount does not apply to any of its onboard units or troops.

Example. The Galactic Empire builds a Carrack Cruiser (525 MC) at Kuat. Upon completion, the ship is transferred to the Byss System Defense Force and 131 MC  (25% of cost) is returned to the Galactic Empire’s accounts. The Carrack Cruiser is now permanently assigned to Byss defense.

Bonus Units from World Traits

Any units that are part of the bonuses traits of a world are free. If destroyed, they will rebuild at no cost to the faction in posession of the planet. Unit production times still apply.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 05:18:51 PM by NR Hoppus »