Author Topic: Starfighter Specifics  (Read 9540 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Starfighter Specifics
« on: December 18, 2017, 10:52:42 AM »
Starfighter Specifics

Starfighter combat follows the same simple model as all combat in the Galactic Flashpoint universe. You choose a target, you choose which of your weapons to fire at the target, and you total the damage dealt to the target. Like every other unit, it may only fire its weapons once in any 12 hour period (generally in a single combat post). There are only a few specific rules that apply to starfighters beyond this simple core mechanic.


Starfighters are treated as squadrons, and a single squadron is treated as a single unit (in the same way a capital ship is a single unit). Its cumulative shields must be destroyed before its hull is damaged, for example.

Multiple Targets

Starfighter squadrons may only make one attack versus one target in a 12 hour period.

Heavy Weaponry on Capital Ships/Platforms/Support Craft/Structures versus Starfighters

Heavy Weaponry, like that found on most capital ships, is not ideal for targeting maneuverable starfighters. Only 50% of heavy weaponry will hit its intended target. Heavy Weapons include the following:

  - All Turbolaser variants
  - All Ion cannon variants
  - Torpedoes (only 50% fired have a chance of making impact, and can still be intercepted)

Combat Air/Space Patrol

Combat Air Patrol (CAP) or Combat Space Patrol (CSP) is the act of forming a protective screen around a particular unit. Any starfighter without a "Heavy" trait can perform CAP/CSP for any other individual unit. While on CAP/CSP, no other starfighter unit can engage the unit being protected without first engaging or destroying every unit on CAP/CSP. The starfighter squadrons on CAP/CSP can also shoot down incoming warheads targeting the unit being protected, but this will remove them from CAP/CSP duty as they are considered engaged.

Attacking Ground Forces

Starfighters in Space P can fire their weapons on any surface structure, but are unable to target Troops or Vehicles directly unless their specifications list them as having an "atmospheric" trait.

TIE Bonuses

  - TIE Fighters and Interceptors can deploy at twice the regular rate but are recalled at the same standard rate for starfighters.
  - Due to their unique profile and maneuverability, while they are in space any TIE-classes starfighter squadron will avoid 75% of Heavy Weapons from Capital Ships, SupportCraft, Platforms, and Structures instead of the standard 50% rate.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 02:04:17 PM by NR Hoppus »