Author Topic: Hyperspace Travel  (Read 10653 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Hyperspace Travel
« on: December 17, 2017, 07:34:02 PM »
Hyperspace Travel

Hyperspace is the means by which starships are able to traverse great distances of space in a small amount of time. Not all vessels are equipped with hyperdrives but those that are may enter hyperspace.

Before entering hyperspace, a player must post the destinations for their units or use the Hyperspace Logger to register the trip and include a link to the registered trip in their post. The logger allows you to hide the destination until the trip is over, but prove you were indeed headed to the location you arrived at after the fact.

Units must travel along the noted hyperspace routes and lanes. There are three types as detailed as follows.

Trade Routes (Green Lines)
Travelling along a Trade Route adds 72-hours to your travel time plus an additional 24-hours for every regional border that your cross (dashed Dark Blue lines), for example moving from the Colonies to the Core along a Trade Route would be a (72 + 24-hours =) 96-hour journey. The number of systems you pass by is not important to calculating the final travel time.

Hyperspace Lanes (Yellow Lines)
Travelling along any Hyperspace Lane segment adds 48-hours to your journey time.

Hidden/Treacherous Lanes (Red Lines)
Travelling along any Hidden/Treacherous Lane segment adds 72-hours to your journey time. Additionally, these paths are known only by the factions controlling the worlds the Red Lines terminate in. For other players to travel them, they must first invest in writing a story explaining their discovery of the route and the Game Master must approve of their “discovery”.

Starfighters and Support Craft Limitations

Starfighter and Support Craft must exit hyperspace and refuel after traveling:
  - Within a region while traveling along a Trade Route
  - A single segment of a Hyperspace Lane
  - May not travel along Hidden/Treacherous Lanes.

Capital ships have no limitations to the distances they may travel without rest or refueling.

To refuel, a unit must either travel to the (P) space on the sublight grid at a member world or be recalled by a capital ship or platform and redeploy again no sooner than 12 hours later.

Keeping Your Destination Secret

Players may keep their destination secret, but upon exiting hyperspace the location is common knowledge.

If keeping your destination secret, a player should register the trip using the Hyperspace Logger Application. Simply type in the origin, destination and travel time, as well as all units in making the trip. After saving, you will be given a link to reference your journey. Include this link in your post entering hyperspace.

The information you entered will be kept secret until the time of the trip has expired, at which point the information is made visible to anyone visiting the link. This is to prevent players from entering hyperspace and waiting to pick a destination at random that suits them.

The Galaxy Map with Routes Plotted

« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 10:08:13 AM by NR Hoppus »