Author Topic: An Overview of the Game  (Read 10619 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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An Overview of the Game
« on: December 17, 2017, 07:22:29 PM »
An Overivew of the Game

Galactic Flashpoint is a simulation set in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Players join one of the factions (Republic, Empire, Smugglers), command starships, starfighters, and troops, engage in battle with their enemies, and write stories about their unique characters. It is this synergy between combat simulation and story world that make it unique.

There is no set objective to the game, other than to remain immersed in the Star Wars reality we create for our characters; however, there are guidelines and rules that govern what a player and their character can and cannot do with the units (starships, troops, and so on) they command within the game.

All gameplay will take place on the SWSF Online messaging forum. All of your “plays” are posts of text onto relevant topics. There are unique topics for each planetary system, for example, on which you would post any action your units made at that particular planetary system - moving, deploying craft, and so on.

You can imagine the game conceptually as any other video game you have played, such as Star Wars: Empire At War, for example, where you command units, move them among the various worlds, and command them to do various things to further your objective. The only difference besides the obvious (this is not a graphics-based game) is that ours is an open-ended game without set objectives defined for you. Instead, you and your fellow players, create your own objectives and stories and carry out the actions necessary to achieve them.

The rules herein will attempt to show you how to participate in the game and go into some detail regarding what is permitted and not permitted.