Author Topic: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT  (Read 33098 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2017, 03:14:05 PM »
Saw 2nd time this morning.  Able to digest so much more, making it of course all the more incredible overall.

Lt Connix/Billie Lourd has a lot more inclusive of a role than I had initially retained.  I hope she ends up being featured heavily again in Ep IX with grown importance as Resistance officer, perhaps leadership.  She portrays a focused strong and capable character here from evacuation of DQar in opening to partaking in Poes mutiny to surviving on Crait and leaving with the Resistance Remnants on the Falcon.  You also see her being directly engaged by General Organa at a couple points, giving their characters that familiar link to maybe to help later expand Connix's importance and role through her close link to General Organa.

Some time relative notices..

  When Rey is just telling Luke the whole story of whats happening early on, she says the First Order will have taken over the major systems within Weeks.

  When the Shuttle with Finn and Rose leaves the flagship for Canto Bight Casino, Flagship has 18hrs of fuel left.

Other notices...

   Snoke actively linked Kylo and Reys minds with the force to enable them to see one another like they were.  Snoke got killed.  At the very end when shes boarding Falcon to leave salt mine planet Crait and Kylo is in the Resistance base picking up the gold dice that fade away, they see each other again.  So the bridge Snoke created remains in tact.  Their relationship then and epxerience/knowledge of one another has the cause to consistently deepen from now to opening starcrawl of Ep IX even being away from one another.  The vibe in the one scene where they were seeing each other and she reacted uncomfortably to Ben/Kylo being shirtless was odd.

   When Luke projects himself on to Crait, he has his old blue saber (anakins).  In the flashback visions of pre-kylo, he has the green saber.  Presumably, he destroyed the green saber when he exiled himself.  Rey brings the Blue saber back to him.  Rey and Kylo/Ben break the blue saber.  Luke projects himself on to Crait and uses the blue saber.  Luke lost the Blue saber when his hand gets cut off on Bespin.  Maz ends up with it.   Anyone know how?  Kylo/Ben did not pick up note diff color saber even though he just helped break it in the throne room.  The last time he saw luke would have been with the green blade standing over him.  Maybe I making too much of it but rubs me as strange as well.

  The books on the jedi teachings from lukes island inside the tree that yoda set aflame.  When on the Falcon at very end Finn pulls out a blanket from a drawer on the ship and covers Rose in it.  I think those books are in that drawer for a quick glimpse.


Luke winks at 3PO again in the base on Crait when he sees him.  Pretty sure he winks at him in every movie they see one another?

Luke tells Ben, "See you around kid," a la Han to a much younger Luke.


Honestly, I liked her less.  Maybe you prejudiced me Karen ;p  But Dern's performance of her all together left me wanting this time.  It wasn't even about the drapery she had on.  If she lived her and Poe would have had some serious eventual sexual tension.  He makes a comment about her appearance and then she baits his testosterone/ego when he first speaks privately to her, then she fondly swoons over his unconscious body as they are evac-ing to the shuttles. 
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 04:39:58 PM by NR Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2017, 12:22:41 PM »
Overall loved it. Kyli and rey were fantastic and sonwas luke. The force and finally having imperfect jedi and sith with flaws and and depth is so awesome. They could make a millin movies just with jefi and sith if handled with nuance like this and id go to every one. Was first new sw movie i could see in theater! I fucking loced it!

Offline Bishio

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2017, 05:19:37 PM »
Overall loved it. Kyli and rey were fantastic and sonwas luke. The force and finally having imperfect jedi and sith with flaws and and depth is so awesome. They could make a millin movies just with jefi and sith if handled with nuance like this and id go to every one. Was first new sw movie i could see in theater! I fucking loced it!

I agree with the flaws bit.  It made all of the characters feel a lot more real.  It was one of my favorite movies since the first 3.  Apparently a lot of people hate it because Snoke and Rays parents were god mode fan therories but whatever right.  I go to watch movies on their own merit and not what I hype it up to be for a couple of years.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2017, 08:23:59 PM »
I hit the wrong buttons!!

I accidentally deleted a post of yours Hop. Meant to "Quote" not "Modify" (which led to deleting it inadvertently). Anyway, I wanted to respond to your points one by one. Here they are.

Quote from: Hoppus
1. Finn arc was shit. The Casino world, the Rose character was just too soft and dreamy for my liking. Rip all of their scenes out and you have a normal length movie that is much tighter. They would have been better off sending him off on some other errand, and letting his whereabouts tie into the next flick somehow.

Agree. Many critics have made that observation as well. Sub-plots and side-quests CAN work in a story, but they need to have some payoff. There was zero development, zero success, and zero impact on the main story with Finn and Rose. In turned into a Social Justice commentary, and reversed the politics of the military-industrial complex of prequels (the idea that the Clone Wars was between corporate war machines rather than governments). Honestly, I'd liked Rose up until that point. In fact, when Finn was making the suicide run against the Siege Cannon, it would have been epic if Rose bumped him away to take his place, and as she clutched her medallion saying "this is for you Paige!" (her sister the bomber). Obviously Vice Admiral Holdo's suicide run would've inspired Rose to do something similar, so it's not that much of stretch.

2. I was okay with Snoke dying, mostly because the build up of Kylo/Rey was just awesome. Really love Rey and I no longer hate Kylo after thinking him dreadful in the #1, i guess part of that was having snoke point out how much of a bitch he was with his stupid mask etc and then him responding by being tougher/taking his own step. I wish they would have a do-over on the first film and make a better version of it sans Starkiller Base and based entirely on trying to get the map to skywalker.

I'm convinced that The Last Jedi should have been adapted for Episode VII, and The Force Awakens adapted for Episode VIII. The stories work way better that way, because The Last Jedi utterly demolished everything that ever took place in Saga prior. The ending of The Last Jedi would've also worked leading into The Force Awakens... the Resistance is reduced to the Millennium Falcon more or less, and spends 2 years running around the galaxy (re)building from scratch so they can destroy Starkiller Base. 

3. Luke was awesome. Just great. He plays it a little heavy at times but then thats the Luke I know from the original trilogy. The R2 reunite and "Help me obi-wan kenobi" bit was just fantastic nod to the classic trilogy. Really great all around and loved the dual sunset dematerialization!

Agreed. It's fairly clear he's going to be Force Ghosting in Episode IX. He will probably haunt and taunt Kylo into madness.

4. Starships were really boring. Hated the bombers. HATED the bombers and that entire scene. HATED the big guns on snoke's ship lobbing energy as if there is some sort of gravity in space to give them that sort of rise-and-fall arc. But whatever.

The physics of this trilogy are really weird. We all know this is science fiction and we can suspend disbelief, but at least with Episodes I-VI, gravity made sense. Something that has been bugging me since The Force Awakens is this particular aerial movement called the Herbst maneuver, which requires drag, stalling, manipulating flaps, and vectoring thrust to produce a "J-turn" --- things starships quite frankly aren't capable of. Another way to describe the Herbst maneuver in terms of automobiles is "drifting."   

5. I liked the admiral lady and how she handled the man-splaining. I thought the non-military dress for an admiral was weird though. but then leia is a general so whateva.

As a US Navy veteran... I'm really torn with how they handled that scene. (1) Yes, as a leader you need to assert your place in the chain of command, but (2) you also need to explain your course of action as the commanding officer in order to maintain good order and discipline, so (3) you can prevent dissent and preserve your integrity/authority. It just goes to show that the Resistance sucks at life. They didn't act like professionals. They acted like ideologues with guns. No wonder everyone is suicidal.
6. Just want to see more of Kylo and Rey now. The force is so much more interesting with these two, flawed, more interesting people. I really love Rey, don' t know why exactly but her character works fantastically with me. Sweet, hard working, determined, principled, unafraid, yet fragile, damaged, etc... just love her.


I dont know if im just overtired and have a lot of shit going on in my life but i almost teared up like 3 times watching this and was like WTF are you doing dude? hah!

Grow some balls wussy.


Anyway, first time I've come out of a movie thinkg "I just had FUN. That was FUN." The settings were really nicely done and some of that little kid in me came to life and lived inside the movie for a couple hours =)

Agreed. I genuinely enjoyed the movie DESPITE my critical eye. I think Rian Johnson will be out for Episode IX however. The Finn-Rose subplot was a huge creative risk, and it did not payoff. That sort of thing is on the director.

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2017, 05:39:22 AM »
agree with everything especially order of the movies

Offline RanesDsane

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2018, 11:33:28 AM »
I hadn't thought about reversing the movies, but I have to agree.  Thought you'd perhaps would have to take like the first half of TFA and tack it on to the front of TLJ so we know the characters enough.
- Ranes

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2018, 03:32:24 PM »

How are we feeling about TLJ fam?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2018, 09:56:04 AM »

 Dern still sucks as Holdo.  Leia in space is like lets hurry up and get through this part for me.

  But love the movie all in all! Almost got a TLJ poster yesterday actually but held off on account of enough to frame as is.

  Rose is best character in it for me. The over arching theme that she and the stable kids anchor is some of whats most appealing to me I think.
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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2018, 11:53:19 AM »
I'm still pissed at Rian Johnson.

Somebody asked me recently how I thought the movie could be "more Star Warsy" I said:

--Some kind of Top Gun-flavored starfighter dogfight between Kylo and Poe would've been awesome. Obviously that didn't happen because Kylo bombed the hangar bay. It would have been nice to see Kylo run away because he could not defeat Poe, as opposed to simply being out of support range from the First Order fleet.

--Lando. Imagine if it was Lando in that jail cell instead of Benecio Del Toro!! This would have been not only a nod to the Solo movie, but would've reinforced Lando's criminality also.


Offline EmperorSeverus

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2018, 12:33:56 PM »
Mad at JJ for being in on everything the whole time and not doing anything about it. Thank you for the Force Awakens, but it's time for you to go back to Star Trek. Leave Star Wars alone.

I know JJ's Episode IX will be good, but that's the whole point. Their whole plan from the beginning was to take JJ off of Episode VIII so they could make radical changes to Star Wars and then bring JJ back for the finale after the changes are done and have another Force Awakens to calm people down.

TLJ is visually impressive and I like seeing someone that looks like Luke on screen again, but the damage to character of Luke Skywalker, to the Jedi religion, to the tone of Star Wars, etc. is unforgiveable.

I'm buying EU books only.

Offline Syren

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2018, 12:52:06 PM »
Bullshit, Holdo was fabulous and that hyperspace destruction scene still gives me chills.

Once you realize they will always capitalize on beloved properties at the expense of your fandom or nostalgia the less personally you'll take it. Studio's don't care when they know damn well you are going to shell out money to see it anyway, even if it's just to bitch about it later. 

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2018, 12:56:30 PM »
Benecios betrayal was unforgiveable i think for sure. I guess im most pissed.becsause I to him until then.  Lando would have been interesting and a great fit.

Jedi religion I dunno.  How much worse can you get than Midichlorian?

Im put off by Lukes demise but Obi, Yoda,etc all sarcificed in degrees and then vanishesld and became "more powerful than you can imagine". Similar fashion for Luke? How pissed were.people when Obi just stopped.fighting vader at the time?  

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2018, 01:12:30 PM »
Midichlorians were also a disgrace. Just because George did it doesn't mean it's ok for Disney to.

As for shelling out, I actually don't. I shelled out for TFA (saw it how many times??) but only saw Solo once in theaters because that guy is not Han Solo, no matter what they say.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2018, 01:26:27 PM »
Of all the shit I spend my half earned money on SW tickets are least of my buyers regret. Im never left wondering how I could have better spent $10-12 in that situation, no matter how bad Dern sucks. ;D

Kathleen Kennedy still has a lot of final input. Dave Filoni is knighted and a great creator.

Opening Bombing scene was still incredible and that moment of victory before having the rug pulled and crashing in to despair was a great edge of seat for next hour n half trick that i go for every time
« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 01:29:57 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline EmperorSeverus

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Re: The Last Jedi Discussion - SPOILER ALERT
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2018, 05:46:44 PM »
Han Solo isn't Han Solo. Luke Skywalker isn't Luke Skywalker. Luke and Yoda burn ancient Jedi books. Awesome bombing scenes don't make up for things like that. Ryan Johnson and Chuck Wendig already got dropped. Time for the real problem named Kathleen Kennedy to go too 
« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 05:52:14 PM by LordSeverus »