Author Topic: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!  (Read 30096 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2017, 07:52:43 PM »
  Also I feel like 15k is pretty damn tight still.  Am I only one who's buying 1 additional of each prod facil?  I suppose that would free up a little more fleet cash but hell, I only bought 1 Garrison Base and loaded it and the free one.  And am left with less than 9k for a fleet.  Which with ISDs, is 3 of them with no load out, or 2 ISDs and 1 VSDII with a good load out, or 1 ISD and 2 VSDIIs with great load outs.  Pretty tight.  Not opposed entirely, just discussing..

 I can free up a few hundred if tone down GAV/Troop alottment on them but they are already at 6TFs for SF squads.  Still rough (woof).  What are others shaping up feeling?

Right, well, I am open to what players want to do.

My instinct is try to keep it all tight, and income tight, so that it regulates itself and units 'matter'. The same ISD rolls into battles and its got a history, a story that you can carry. In other games, with big fleets or big universes and incomes, an ISD could get smoked in each battle and you just popped out a fresh new one, the units had no character or story!

So that is my motivation. That being said, I'd be willing to increase income and purse further. From what I worked out for myself on 12k (not adding much additional defenses at start) I put together a pretty solid fleet. Assuming most worlds have a garrison or two at most, you don't need to rollin with a fleet of ISDs and VSDs. I can send in a pair of RAFs and some CORVs loaded with troopers and get the job done. The rest of the fleet on standby to defend my territory or reinforce the attack should the Imps send a massive defense force. Even if the imps send ALL of their fleet in, we're still talking about 5-6 units, <12 SF squads, and only one or two really big ships... so while the ISD can smoke some units in a turn with support, the other ships aren't gonna be full scale slaughtered in one post and have time to maneuver, withdraw, etc...

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2017, 01:58:02 PM »

  I agree with all you state and feel that the 15k limit is very close.  From scrolling up it seems the general mentioned ranges have been between 12-18k.  We are in the middle of that now at 15 and I myself feel pretty constrained still, don't know about the rest of you.  If others are in agreement, I'd be completely satisfied and feel comfortable at the 18k point.

  My personal concern is feeling like I have some ships I can freely move around and others I can hold back to keep positioned for defensive action.

  18k is my ideal final start up point
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2017, 02:24:11 PM »
  I agree with all you state and feel that the 15k limit is very close.  From scrolling up it seems the general mentioned ranges have been between 12-18k.  We are in the middle of that now at 15 and I myself feel pretty constrained still, don't know about the rest of you.  If others are in agreement, I'd be completely satisfied and feel comfortable at the 18k point.

  My personal concern is feeling like I have some ships I can freely move around and others I can hold back to keep positioned for defensive action.

  18k is my ideal final start up point

All right, we'll go to 18k. Updating.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2017, 02:38:24 PM »
OP updated! Get your shit together!

Let's try to "start" official on Saturday, income collection to start on the 1st of September (and Maintenance fees!)

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2017, 03:34:25 PM »
Happy to hear we got bumped to 18K. I myself was also quite worried.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2017, 07:33:36 PM »

When you say this

*does a Hop voice*

***All free units come stocked with cheapest Common Tech unit of that type, and can be swapped/upgraded from your purse.

Presumably the exchange cost is only the difference and also just to be sure

Do you mean then Conscript Infantry and Z95s for everyone for our Free Golan and HQ Base?
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2017, 07:51:29 PM »

When you say this

*does a Hop voice*

Presumably the exchange cost is only the difference and also just to be sure

Do you mean then Conscript Infantry and Z95s for everyone for our Free Golan and HQ Base?

The LOCAL DEFENSES cannot be modified, ever.

The FREEBIES (Golan, HQ Base, MFGs) come with cheapest shit (Conscript, I think Cloakshapes are cheapest SF, and so on). You can upgrade for the difference in price (if conscripts cost 3, your Stormtroopers cost 5, you pay 2 and have stormtroopers to start).

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2017, 08:52:05 PM »
So many changes, so little time. lol.

This is neither here nor there, but I found myself making 1 system a stronghold, keeping another as a less-powerful back-up, and the rest lightly fortified.

So I like the idea of free local defenses being available only to Stronghold/Capitol systems, maybe each faction gets 2?

In the event say a new player joins late in the game, or a faction gets totally obliterated, there is always the opportunity to push the reset button, come in fresh with 2 systems ready-to-go, and build yourself back up again.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2017, 09:00:19 PM »
So many changes, so little time. lol.

This is neither here nor there, but I found myself making 1 system a stronghold, keeping another as a less-powerful back-up, and the rest lightly fortified.

So I like the idea of free local defenses being available only to Stronghold/Capitol systems, maybe each faction gets 2?

In the event say a new player joins late in the game, or a faction gets totally obliterated, there is always the opportunity to push the reset button, come in fresh with 2 systems ready-to-go, and build yourself back up again.

Sorry, so no free local defenses for all worlds, only two worlds? I dont quite understand specificslly what you mean

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2017, 07:28:40 AM »
Let me just reiterate the main goal I've had:

Lightly defended worlds, light fleets where large ships are durable, where players are coerced into combat vs each other rather than versus spawned PDF.

I already feel like we've taken a step towards what I'm trying to avoid with such robust defenses "FREE" on every world, which distorts the balance crated by paying for every unit and its maintenance...

I think a better plan is to keep it simple rather than add more rules:

- 18k
- 1 Free HQ Base (no maintenance)
- 1 of each MFG facility

Go build your empire.

The idea is not that you have every world with multiple garrisons and SF platforms plus fleets of multiple ISDs. Its that you have most worlds with 1-3k troops and a fleet with 1 ISD and smaller support ships, ranging from VSD down (or in my case, 1 big MC ship then RAFs, Nebs, Corvs, etc).

You shouldn't need an ISD's worth of ground support to conquer most surface PDFs in this game, an ISD would go up against a heavily fortified world -- assuming it gets past space.

That's what I'm after.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2017, 02:57:07 PM »
Sounds good!

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2017, 06:39:46 PM »
The FREEBIES (Golan, HQ Base, MFGs) come with cheapest shit (Conscript, I think Cloakshapes are cheapest SF, and so on). You can upgrade for the difference in price (if conscripts cost 3, your Stormtroopers cost 5, you pay 2 and have stormtroopers to start).

Cloakshapes cost 132, TIE Ints cost 90.  I stand to make decent money in that exchange.  You ok with that?  Just making sure before i delve too deep into finalizing start up lot.

Change 6 Cloakshapes to TIE Int squads and I make 252MC.  Not that I don't want that 252 =)
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2017, 08:45:35 AM »
Cloakshapes cost 132, TIE Ints cost 90.  I stand to make decent money in that exchange.  You ok with that?  Just making sure before i delve too deep into finalizing start up lot.

Change 6 Cloakshapes to TIE Int squads and I make 252MC.  Not that I don't want that 252 =)

No, if you replace and it costs less, I would say you lose nothing gain nothing. It's not meant to be a money making scheme.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2017, 10:52:42 AM »
Actually, go ahead. Downgrade you get diff foe purse.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: SWSF: Starting Guidelines v 2.0!
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2017, 12:23:54 PM »


Regarding SSD.  Its still in specs are the normal full strength version it looks like, so was wondering with the Facil limitation to each system (max of 3) and the Length limitation on the OSD to 1km, how would one go about building an SSD to begin with if most cap ship build length I can get at one place is 3km?  If SSD is being removed then doesn't matter, if being left, then kind of a gap there.  Would say to solve either allow the compiling of other OSDs at other places in order to make full 8km or to up the max length each OSD provides or give SSD special exemption for build requisites if keeping.
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