Author Topic: SWSF: New Republic Technology  (Read 10955 times)

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SWSF: New Republic Technology
« on: August 14, 2017, 01:16:29 PM »
Weapon Damages: v FAC-CAP / v SF-AUX / v GAV / v TROOP

Note: New builds do not include any onboard units besides crew.

Capital Ships

MC80 Home One-class Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits: 2,473 MC
Production Time: 8 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 495 MC

Length:  1,400
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  1,280
Ground Units:
Movement Points: 1
Maneuverability Points: 1
Shields:  2,800 Points
Hull:  1,400 Points
Power Systems:  1,400 Points
    36 Turbolasers (216/108/0/540)
    24 Laser Cannons (48/24/96/192)
    6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Launch Bays:
    5 Small Bays
Onboard Craft:
    10 Fighter Squadrons
    15 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Only one may be in service at any time.

MC80b Mon Remonda-class Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits: 2018 MC
Production Time: 4 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 404 MC

Length:  1,200
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  1,600
Ground Units:
    2 Landing Barges
    10 Vehicles
Movement Points: 1
Maneuverability Points: 1
Shields:  1,900 Points
Hull:  1,200 Points
Power Systems:  1,200 Points
    48 Turbolaser Batteries (384/0/384/960)
    24 Heavy Ion Cannons (192/24/0/0)
    12 Laser Cannons (24/12/48/96)
    6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Launch Bays:
    2 Medium Bays
Onboard Craft:
    4 Fighter Squadrons
    20 Auxiliary Craft

MC80a Liberty-class Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits: 1894 MC
Production Time: 4 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 379 MC

Length:  1,200
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  4,160
Ground Units:
    6 Landing Barges
    24 Vehicles
Movement Points: 1
Maneuverability Points: 1
Shields:  1,600 Points
Hull:  1,200 Points
Power Systems:  1,200 Points
    48 Turbolaser Batteries (384/0/384/960)
    24 Heavy Ion Cannons (192/24/0/0)
    12 Laser Cannons (24/12/48/96)
    6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    3 Fighter Squadrons
    15 Auxiliary Craft

MC75 Profundity-class Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits: 1,699 MC
Production Time: 4 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 340 MC

Length:  1,200
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  1,600
Ground Units:
    2 Landing Barges
    10 Vehicles
Movement Points: 1
Maneuverability Points: 1
Shields:  1,500 Points
Hull:  1,200 Points
Power Systems:  1,200 Points
    12 Turbolasers (72/36/0/180)
    20 Heavy Laser Cannons (60/60/0/240)
    12 Warhead Tubes [36 PTs] (144/72/288/288) or [36 CMs] (72/144/144/432)
    4 Double Heavy Ion Cannons (64/8/0/0)
    6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay 
Onboard Craft:
    4 Fighter Squadrons
    4 Auxiliary Craft

Rebel Assault Frigate
Cost in Credits:  938 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  141 MC

Length:  700
Crew:  4,882
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Movement Points: 3
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  700 Points
Hull:  700 Points
Power Systems:  700 Points
    15 Turbolaser Batteries (120/0/120/300)
    15 Quad Laser Cannons (120/60/240/480)
    20 Heavy Laser Cannons (60/60/0/240)
Launch Bay:
    1 Small
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron

GR75 Medium Transport
Cost in Credits: 63 MC
Production Time:  1 Week
Monthly Upkeep: 10 MC

Length:  90
Crew:  75
Troops & Ground Units:
    Assault Option
        2 Landing Barges
        1,280 Troopers
        7 Vehicles
    Armored Option
        2 Landing Barges
        640 Troopers
        20 Vehicles
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  90 Points
Hull:  90 Points
Power Systems:  90 Points
    2 Dual Laser Cannons (8/4/16/32)
Notes: May make planetary landings.


X-Wing Starfighter
Cost in Credits:  198 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  8 Days

Length:  16 Meters
Crew:  1 + Astromech Droid
Movement Points: 6
Maneuverability: 4
Shields:  8 Points
Hull:  16 Points
Power Systems:  24 Points
    4 Laser Cannons (8/4/16/32)
    2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (8/4/16/16)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric.

A-Wing Interceptor
Cost in Credits:  132 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  7 Days

Length:  10
Crew:  1
Movement Points: 8
Maneuverability: 6
Shields:  5 Points
Hull:  10 Points
Power Systems:  15 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  None.

Y-Wing Bomber
Cost in Credits:  204 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  9 Days

Length:  16 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points: 5
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  8 Points
Hull:  16 Points
Power Systems:  24 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (8/4/16/16)
    2 Ion Cannons (12/4/0/0)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. May fire all weapons in same turn.

B-Wing Assault Fighter /Bomber
Cost in Credits:  264 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  12 Days

Length:  18 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points: 5
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  9 Points
Hull:  18 Points
Power Systems:  27 Points
    3 Laser Cannon (6/3/12/24)
    2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (8/4/16/16)
    3 Ion Cannons (18/6/0/0)
Special Notes: Atmospheric. May fire all weapons in same turn.


Republic Infantry
Cost in Credits:  23 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Week

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  6 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Carbine (0/0/0/5)
    1 Vibro Knife (0/0/0/10)
Special Notes: Vibroblades can only be used against troops in same grid space. Default/Base infantry for Rebel sims.

Republic Commandos
Cost in Credits:  23 MCs per Company
Training Time:  2 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  8 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)

Republic Special Forces Infantry
Cost in Credits:  36 MC per Company
Training Time:  3 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  4
Maneuverability:  3
Damage Tolerance:  10 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Thermal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)


Cost in Credits:  12.5 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  14.6 Meters
Crew:  5
Movement Points:  8
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  29 Points
Power Systems:  29 Points
    2 Heavy Blaster Cannons (6/12/8/22)

Heavy Tracker
Cost in Credits:  10.5 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  22.2 Meters
Crew:  8
Onboard Troops/Vehicles:  5 Troopers
Movement Points:  7
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  44 Points
Power Systems:  44 Points
    1 Turbolaser (6/3/6/15)

T-47 Speeder
Cost in Credits:  4.5 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  5.5 Meters
Crew:  2
Movement Points:  12
Maneuverability:  3
Hull:  11 Points
Power Systems:  11 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    1 Power Harpoon

Ultra Light Assault Vehicle
Cost in Credits:  11.5 MC
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  7 Meters
Crew:  2
Movement Points:  10
Maneuverability:  3
Hull:  14 Points
Power Systems:  14 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    1 Concussion Grenade Launcher (5/5/3/15)
    1 Blaster Cannon (2/4/2/9)


Light Republic Hangar
Cost in Credits: 135 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Maintenance Cost: 13 MC

Diameter:  300 Meters
Crew:  712
Troops:  800
Ground Units:
    10 Vehicles
Shields:  0 Points
Hull:  300 Points
Power Systems:  300 Points
    4 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (28/8/0/68)
    5 Concussion Missile Launchers [20 CMs] (10/20/20/60)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium
Onboard Craft:
    2 Fighter Squadrons
    2 Aux Craft

Medium Republic Hangar
Cost in Credits:  314 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 31 MC

Diameter: 450 Meters
Crew:  1,298
Troops:  1,600
Ground Units:
    20 Vehicles
Shields:  0 Points
Hull:  450 Points
Power Systems:  450 Points
    8 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (56/16/0/136)
    15 Concussion Missile Launchers [30 CMs] (30/60/60/180)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium
Onboard Craft:
    4 Fighter Squadrons
    4 Aux Craft
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 06:55:56 PM by TGE Eidolon »