Author Topic: SWSF: Imperial Technology  (Read 8126 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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SWSF: Imperial Technology
« on: August 14, 2017, 12:17:17 PM »
Weapon Damages: v FAC-CAP / v SF-AUX / v GAV / v TROOP

Note: New builds do not include any onboard units besides crew.

Capital Ships

Executor-class Super Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits:  22,202 MC
Production Time:  16 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  4,440 MC

Length:  8,000 Meters
Crew:  79,144
Troops:  24,000
Ground Units:
    15 Landing Barges
    3 Pre-fabricated Imperial Garrison Bases
    75 Vehicles
Movement Points:  1
Maneuverability:  1
Shields:  8,000 Points
Hull:  8,000 Points
Power Systems:  8,000 Points
Weapons Systems:
    200 Turbolaser Batteries (1600/0/1600/4000)
    200 Turbolaser Cannons (1200/400/0/3400)
    250 Concussion Missile Launchers (500/1000/1000/3000)
    250 Ion Cannons (1500/500/0/0)
    100 Laser Cannons (200/100/400/800)
    30 Tractor Beam Projectors (3000m)
Launch Bays:
    2 Large Bays
Onboard Craft:
    12 Fighter Squadrons
    28 Auxiliary Craft
Special Capabilities/Notes:  Due to their massive size, Super Star Destroyers can only concentrate 50% of weapons on units one third their size and smaller; 25% of their weapons on units on sixth their size and smaller. No more than 25% of its weapons can be used to down warheads. May not enter atmosphere. Only one may be in service at any time (per faction). Prefab garrison bases do not pay maintenance unless deployed (paid at the moment of deployment, prorated for the remaining days in month).

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits: 2,985 MC
Production Time:  7 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  597 MC

Length:  1,600
Crew:  36,755
Troops:  9,600
Ground Units:
    9 Landing Barges
    1 Pre-fabricated Imperial Garrison Base
    50 Vehicles
Movement Points:  1
Maneuverability:  1
Shields:  1,600 Points
Hull:  2,000 Points
Power Systems:  1,600 Points
    50 Turbolaser Batteries (400/0/400/1000)
    50 Heavy Turbolasers (350/100/0/750)
    20 Ion Cannons (120/40/0/0)
    10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Large Bay
Onboard Craft:
    6 Fighter Squadrons
    20 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: Prefab garrison bases do not pay maintenance unless deployed (paid at the moment of deployment, prorated for the remaining days in month).

Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits:  2,819 MC
Production Time:  7 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 564 MC

Length:  1,600
Crew:  36,810
Troops:  9,600
Ground Units:
    9 Landing Barges
    1 Pre-fabricated Imperial Garrison Base
    50 Vehicles
Movement Points:  1
Maneuverability:  1
Shields:  1,600 Points
Hull:  1,600 Points
Power Systems:  1,600 Points
    60 Turbolaser Batteries (480/0/480/1200)
    60 Ion Cannons (360/120/0/0)
    10 Proton Torpedo Tubes [30 PT] (120/60/80/80)
    10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Large Bay
Onboard Craft:
    6 Fighter Squadrons
    20 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: Prefab garrison bases do not pay maintenance unless deployed (paid at the moment of deployment, prorated for the remaining days in month).

Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits:  1,305 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  261 MC

Length:  900 Meters
Crew:  6,107
Troops:  1,600
Ground Units:
    2 Landing Barges
    8 Ground Vehicles
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  1
Shields:  900 Points
Hull:  1,125 Points
Power Systems:  900 Points
    30 Turbolaser Batteries (240/0/240/600)
    30 Turbolaser Cannons (180/90/0/450)
    10 Ion Cannons (60/20/0/0)
    10 Tractor Beams (1000m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
Onboard Craft:
    2 Fighter Squadrons
    8 Auxiliary Craft

Loronar Strike Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  557 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  84 MC

Length:  450 Meters
Crew:  1,972
Troops:  480
Ground Units:
    2 Landing Barges
    5 Ground Vehicles
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Shields:  450 Points
Hull:  450 Points
Power Systems:  450 Points
    10 Turbolaser Batteries (80/0/80/200)
    20 Turbolaser Cannons (120/60/120/340)
    10 Ion Cannons (60/20/0/0)
    6 Tractor Beam Projectors (600m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron
    4 Auxiliary Craft

Carrack-class Light Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  349 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  52 MC

Length:  350 Meters
Crew:  1,007
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Shields:  350 Points
Hull:  437 Points
Power Systems:  350 Points
    10 Heavy Turbolasers (70/20/0/170)
    20 Laser Cannons (40/20/80/80)
    5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Launch Bays:
    3 Launch Rack (4 fighters each, deploy all at once)
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron

Imperial Army Star Galleon
Cost in Credits:  589 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks, 4 Days
Monthly Upkeep: 88 MC

Length:  550 Meters
Crew:  1,500
Troops & Ground Units:
    Assault Option
        10 Landing Barges
        6,785 Troopers
        24 Vehicles
    Armored Option
        8 Landing Barges
        2,560 Troopers
        45 Vehicles
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Shields:  550 Points
Hull:  550 Points
Power Systems:  550 Points
    24 Laser Cannons (48/24/96/96)
    3 Concussion Missile Tubes [9 CM] (18/36/36/108)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Notes: May make planetary landings.


TIE Fighter
Cost in Credits:  48 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  7 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  8
Maneuverability:  4
Shield:  None.
Hull:  7 Points
Power Systems:  7 Points
    2 TIE Laser Cannons (2/4/8/16)
Special Notes: No Hyperdrive.

TIE Interceptor
Cost in Credits:  90 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  7 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  10
Maneuverability:  5
Shield: None.
Hull:  7 Points
Power Systems:  7 Points
    4 TIE Laser Cannons (4/8/16/24)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  No hyperdrive.

TIE Bomber
Cost in Credits:  126 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  8 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  4
Shield:  None.
Hull:  8 Points
Power Systems:  8 Points
    2 TIE Laser Cannons (2/4/8/16)
    2 Proton Warhead Launchers [2 PT] (8/4/16/16) or [2 PB] (12/0/50/0)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  No Hyperdrive. Atmospheric.

TIE Advanced
Cost in Credits:  150 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  8 Days

Length:  12 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  10
Maneuverability:  6
Shields:  6 Points
Hull:  12 Points
Power Systems:  12 Points
    2 TIE Laser Cannons (2/4/8/16)
    2 Concussion Missile Launchers [2 CM] (4/8/8/24)

Xg-1 Assault Gunboat
Cost in Credits:  216 MC per Squadron.
Production Time:  9 Days

Length:  15 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  4
Shields:  15 Points
Hull:  15 Points
Power Systems:  15 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Ion Cannons (12/4/0/0)
    2 Multi-Purpose Warhead Launchers [2 PT] (8/4/16/16) or [2 CM] (4/8/8/24)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. No Hyperdrive. Counts as Auxiliary Craft.


Imperial Infantry
Cost in Credits:  19 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Week

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  6 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Carbine (0/0/0/5)

Imperial Stormtroopers
Cost in Credits:  32 MC per Company
Training Time:  2 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  8 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Thermal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)

Imperial Rangers
Cost in Credits:  33 MC per Company
Training Time:  2.5 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  1
Damage Tolerance:  8 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Pistol (0/0/0/3)
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Termal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)

Elite Imperial Commandos
Cost in Credits:  38 MC per Company
Training Time:  3 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  4
Maneuverability:  3
Damage Tolerance:  10 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Pistol (0/0/0/3)
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Thermal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)

Imperial Royal Guard
Cost in Credits:  46 MC per Company
Training Time:  3 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  4
Maneuverability:  3
Damage Tolerance:  10 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Pistol (0/0/0/3)
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Thermal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)
    1 Vibro Spear (0/0/0/15)


AT-AT Walker
Cost in Credits:  28.5 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  20.6 Meters
Height:  15.5 Meters
Crew:  5
Onboard Troops/Vehicles:  40 Troopers
Movement Points:  4
Maneuverability:  1
Hull:  41 Points
Power Systems:  41 Points
    2 Siege Blasters (8/16/16/26)
    2 Heavy Blaster Cannons (6/12/8/22)

AT-ST Walker
Cost in Credits:  11.5 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  6.4 Meters
Height:  8.6 Meters
Crew:  2
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  17 Points
Power Systems:  17 Points
   2 Blaster Cannons (4/8/4/18)
   1 Concussion Grenade Launcher [1 CG] (5/5/3/15)
Notes: Default/Base vehicle for Imperial sims.

Compact Assault Vehicle
Cost in Credits:  3.5 MC
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  5.1 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  8
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  10 Points
Power Systems:  10 Points
   1 Blaster Cannon (2/4/2/9)

Floating Fortress
Cost in Credits:  16.5 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  17.4 Meters
Crew:  4
Onboard Troops/Vehicles:  10 Troopers
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  1
Hull:  35 Points
Power Systems:  35 Points
   4 Blaser Cannons (8/16/8/36)

Cost in Credits:  11 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  15.9 Meters
Crew:  4
Onboard Troops/Vehicles:  6 Troopers
Movement Points:  10
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  30 Points
Power Systems:  30 Points
   1 Laser Cannon (2/1/4/8)
   1 Blaster Cannon (2/4/2/9)
   1 Concussion Missile Launcher [1 CM] (2/4/4/12)


Modular/Prefab Imperial Garrison Hangar
Cost in Credits:  300 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 30 MC

Diameter:  300 Meters
Crew:  528
Troops:  1,280
Ground Units:
    15 Vehicles
Shields:  300 Points
Hull:  300 Points
Power Systems:  300 Points
   6 Heavy Turbolasers (42/12/0/102)
   6 Heavy Laser Cannons (18/18/0/72)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium
Onboard Craft:
    3 Fighter Squadrons
    4 Aux Craft

Heavy Imperial Garrison Hangar
Cost in Credits:  726 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 72 MC

Diameter:  600 Meters
Crew:  1,144
Troops:  3,200
Ground Units:
    40 Vehicles
Shields:  600 Points
Hull:  600 Points
Power Systems:  600 Points
   10 Heavy Turbolasers (60/30/0/150)
   10 Heavy Laser Cannons (30/30/0/120)
Launch Bays:
    2 Medium
Onboard Craft:
    6 Fighter Squadrons
    6 Aux Craft
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 07:01:11 PM by TGE Eidolon »