Author Topic: SWSF: Common Technology  (Read 8169 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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SWSF: Common Technology
« on: August 14, 2017, 12:15:00 PM »
Weapon Damages: v FAC-CAP / v SF-AUX / v GAV / v TROOP

Note: New builds do not include any onboard units besides crew.

Common Tech

Capital Ships

Victory-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits:  1,335 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  267 MC

Length:  900 Meters
Crew:  4,789
Troops:  2,040
Ground Units:
    3 Landing Barges
    15 GAVs
Movement Points:  1
Maneuverability:  1
Shields:  900 Points
Hull:  900 Points
Power Systems:  900 Points
    40 Turbolaser Batteries (320/0/320/800)
    10 Turbolasers (60/30/0/150)
    10 Concussion Missile Tubes [30 CM] (60/120/120/360)
    10 Tractor Beam Projectors (100m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
Onboard Craft:
    2 Fighter Squadrons
    6 Auxiliary Craft

Venator-class Star Destroyer
Cost in Credits: 1,568 MC
Production Time: 5 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep: 314 MC

Length: 1150m
Crew: 6,524
Troops: 2,560
Ground Units:
  30 Vehicles
Movement Points: 1
Maneuverability Points: 1
Shields: 1,000 Points
Hull: 1,150 Points
Power Systems: 1,150 Points
  8 Double Heavy Turbolaser Turrets (112/32/0/272)
  50 Point Defense Laser Cannons (100/50/200/400)
  4 Proton Torpedo Tubes [12 PTs] (48/24/96/96)
Launch Bays:
  1 Large
Onboard Craft:
  5 Fighter Squadrons
  12 Auxiliary Craft
Notes:  Capable of landing on planetary surfaces to deploy ground units.

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  919 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  184 MC

Length:  600 Meters
Crew:  9,300
Troops:  2,880
    2 Landing Barges
    15 Vehicles
Movement Points: 2
Maneuverability: 1
Shields:  600 Points
Hull:  800 Points
Power Systems:  600 Points
    10 Turbolaser Batteries (80/0/80/200)
    10 Turbolasers (60/30/0/150)
    10 Proton Torpedo Tubes [30 PTs] (120/60/240/240)
    20 Heavy Ion Cannons (160/20/0/0)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron
    8 Auxiliary Craft
Special note:  This tech is common to all sims.

Quasar Bulk Cruiser/Imperial Light Carrier
Cost in Credits:  269 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  40 MC

Length:  340 Meters
Crew:  250
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Movement Points: 3
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  340 Points
Hull:  340 Points
Power Systems:  340 Points
    4 Turbolaser Batteries (32/0/32/80)
Launch Bays:
    1 Large Bay
Onboard Craft:
    4 Fighter Squadrons
    4 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes:  May make planetary landings. The tech for this ship is common to all sims.

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Cost in Credits:  370 MC
Production Time:  1 Week
Monthly Upkeep:  56 MC

Length:  300 Meters
Crew:  920
Troops:  160
Movement Points: 3
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  300 Points
Hull:  300 Points
Power Systems:  300 Points
    24 Turbolaser Cannons (144/72/0/360)
    18 Laser Cannons (36/18/72/144)
    2 Tractor Beam Projectors(200m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron
    4 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: May not enter atmosphere. This tech is common to all sims.

Marauder-class Corvette (SA Only)
Cost in Credits:  184 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks
Monthly Upkeep:  28 MC

Length: 195 Meters
Crew:  177
Troops: 160
Ground Units:
    2 GAVs
Movement Points: 3
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  195 Points
Hull:  195 Points
Power Systems:  195 Points
    8 Double Turbolasers (96/48/0/240)
    3 Tractor Beam Projectors (300m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron
    4 Auxiliary Craft
Special note:  This tech is available for construction or purchase only from worlds within the Corporate Sector or from the Corporate Sector Authority. May make planetary landings.

Corellian Corvette
Cost in Credits:  125 MC
Production Time:  1 Week
Monthly Upkeep:  19 MC

Length:  150 Meters
Crew:  165
Troops:  640
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  150 Points
Hull:  150 Points
Power Systems:  150 Points
    12 Turbolasers (72/36/0/180)
Special Notes:  May make planetary landings. This tech is common to all sims.


Z95 Headhunter
Cost in Credits: 138 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  11 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  3
Shield:  5 Points.
Hull:  11 Points
Power Systems:  11 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Special Notes: No Hyperdrive. Atmospheric capable.

CloakShape Fighter
Cost in Credits: 132 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  15 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  5
Maneuverability:  2
Shield:  None.
Hull:  15 Points
Power Systems:  15 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Special Notes: No Hyperdrive

R-41 Starchaser
Cost in Credits:  192 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  16 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  5
Maneuverability:  2
Shield:  8 Points.
Hull:  12 Points
Power Systems:  12 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Ion Cannons (12/4/0/0)
    2 Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Special Notes: No Hyperdrive

Hornet Interceptor (SA only)
Cost in Credits: 72 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  14 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  8
Maneuverability:  4
Shield:  7 Points
Hull:  14 Points
Power Systems:  14 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
Special Notes: No Hyperdrive.  Available through Black Market contacts only.  Accessible by Smugglers Alliance faction or from Tenloss Syndicate at Vergesso Asteroids.

IRD/A-class Starfighter (SA Only)
Cost in Credits:  120 MC
Production Time:  4 Days
Monthly Upkeep:  4 MC

Length:  10 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  7
Maneuverability:  4
Shields:  0 Points
Hull:  10 Points
Power Systems:  10 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    2 Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Notes: No Hyperdrive. The IRD/A is a Corporate Sector Authority designed and produced starfighter.  It can be obtained only in the Corporate Sector, and usually only through official CSA purchase officers. Default/Base fighter for Smuggler Alliance.

Support Craft

Sentinel-class Landing Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  39 MC
Production Time:  8 Days

Length:  40 Meters
Crew:  5
Troops:  54
Ground Units:
    6 Speeder Bikes
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  40 Points
Hull:  40 Points
Power Systems:  40 Points
    8 Laser Cannons (16/8/32/64)
    1 Ion Cannon (6/2/0/0)
    2 Blaster Cannons (4/8/4/18)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. May only carry Speeder Bikes, they are not included in build.

Echo-class Boarding Transport
Cost in Credits:  21 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  30 Meters
Crew:  4
Troops:  30
Ground Units:
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  30 Points
Hull:  30 Points
Power Systems:  30 Points
    4 Laser Cannons (8/4/16/32)
    2 Ion Cannons (12/4/0/0)

Tramp/Mining Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  11 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  3
Cargo or Passengers:  10
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Shields:  25 Points
Hull:  25 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. Auxiliary craft.

Lambda-class Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  25 MC
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  20 Meters
Crew:  2
Troops:  20
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  20 Points
Hull:  20 Points
Power Systems:  20 Points
    10 Laser Cannons (20/10/40/80)
Special notes:  Atmospheric. 

Delta-class Boarding Shuttle
Cost in Credits:  22 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  3
Troops:  25
Movement Points: 4
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  25 Points
Hull:  25 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points
    3 Heavy Laser Cannons (9/9/0/36)
    2 Turbolasers (12/6/0/30)

Skipray Blastboat
Cost in Credits:  25 MC
Production Time:  7 Days

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  2
Movement Points: 5
Maneuverability: 3
Shields:  25 Points
Hull:  25 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points
    2 Laser Cannons (4/2/8/16)
    1 Proton Torpedo Launcher (4/2/8/8)
    1 Concussion Missile Launcher (2/4/4/12)
    3 Ion Cannons (18/6/0/0)
Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. No hyperdrive. Auxiliary Craft available to all sims.

Landing Barge
Cost in Credits:   N/A
Production Time:  N/A

Length:  Varies
Crew:  2
Movement Points: N/A
Maneuverability: N/A
    700 Troops
    4 Vehicles
    16 Vehicles
Special Notes/Capabilities: Used to ferry troops to and from surface. Cannot be engaged/destroyed. See Landing Troops/Boarding Vessels in the handbook for more details.


Corps of Engineers
Cost in Credits:  25 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Week

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  3 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Pistol (0/0/0/3)
Notes: Can build modular/camp/outpost garrison bases and weapons emplacements in combat. 1 Day of construction = 1 Engineering Corps Company.

Conscript Infantry
Cost in Credits:  15 MC per Company
Training Time:  6 Days

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  3 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Pistol (0/0/0/3)

Standard Infantry
Cost in Credits:  19 MC per Company
Training Time:  4 Days

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  6 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Carbine (0/0/0/5)

Standard Heavy Infantry
Cost in Credits:  25 MC per Company
Training Time:  1.5 Weeks

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  2.5
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  9 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)

Espo Troopers (SA Only)
Cost in Credits:  32 MC per Company
Training Time:  7 Days

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  8 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Thermal Detonator (0.1/0.1/0.1/17)
Notes: Espos are the CSAs highly trained mercenary/localized militarized policing foot soldiers.

Kaltoonian Mercenaries
Cost in Credits:  34 MC per Company
Training Time:  10 Days

Troop # per Company:  160
Movement Points:  3
Maneuverability:  2
Damage Tolerance:  10 Points
Weapons & Equipment:
    1 Blaster Rifle (0/0/0/6)
    1 Vibro Axe (0/0/0/15)
Notes: May only be recruited at Nar Shaadaa. Nar Shaadaan Mercenaries come in all shapes and sizes, from the various indebted underling races of the Hutts hailing from the Si'Klaata cluster to brave, bold, mischievous and malevolent aliens from one corner of the galaxy to the other.


Speeder Bike
Cost in Credits:  3.5 MC
Production Time:  3 Days
Length: 4.4 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  8
Maneuverability:  4
Hull:  9 Points
Power Systems:  9 Points
    1 Blaster Cannon (2/4/2/9)

AT-PT Walker
Cost in Credits:  9 MC
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  2.6 Meters
Height: 3 Meters
Crew:  1
Movement Points:  5
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  6 Points
Power Systems:  6 Points
    2 Blaster Cannons (4/8/4/18)
    1 Concussion Grenade Launcher (5/5/3/15)

Cost in Credits:  36 MC
Production Time:  6 Days

Length:  49.4 Meters
Height: 30.4 Meters
Crew:  9
Movement Points:  6
Maneuverability:  2
Hull:  99 Points
Power Systems:  99 Points
    1 Laser Cannon (2/1/4/8)
    2 Blaster Cannons (4/8/4/18)
    2 Concussion Grenade Launchers (10/10/6/30)
Notes: The wheeled behemoth predecessor of the AT-AT.  Mass produced to the extent that they can be found far and wide across the galaxy.


Military Camp/Outpost
Cost: 122 MC
Build Time: 7 Days *see notes*
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 12 MC

Length:  300 Meters
Crew:  120
Troops:  800
Ground Units:
    5 Vehicles
Shields:  0 Points
Hull:  300 Points
Power Systems:  300 Points
    10 Blaster Cannons (20/40/20/90)
Special Notes: A light and modular camp. Can be built while in combat by 1 Engineer Company in 7 days. Add additional Engineer Companies to reduce build time by 1 day each (7 Engineer Companies can build the outpost in 1 day). Maintenance is only paid while deployed. Engineers can disassemble an outpost and recover the 122 MC cost at any time, at the same rate as Build Time.

Garrison Base
Cost: 275 MC
Build Time: 14 Days
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 27 MC

Length:  450 Meters
Crew:  450
Troops:  1,600
Ground Units:
    10 Vehicles
Shields:  450 Points
Hull:  450 Points
Power Systems:  450 Points
    10 Blaster Cannons (20/40/20/90)
    10 Turbolaser Cannons (60/30/60/150)
Launch Bays:
    1 Small Bay
Onboard Craft:
    1 Fighter Squadron
    4 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: None.

Headquarters Garrison
Cost: 1,152 MC
Build Time: 21 Days
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 115 MC

Length:  900 Meters
Crew:  1,000
Troops:  3,200
Ground Units:
    20 Vehicles
Shields:  900 Points
Hull:  900 Points
Power Systems:  900 Points
    20 Blaster Cannons (40/80/40/180)
    20 Turbolaser Cannons (120/60/120/300)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
Onboard Craft:
    6 Fighter Squadrons
    6 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: None.

Starfighter Base
Cost: 143 MC
Build Time:  1 Week
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 14 MC

Length:  250 Meters
Crew:  760
Troops:  250
Ground Units:
    15 Vehicles
Shields:  0 Points
Hull:  250 Points
Power Systems:  250 Points
    10 Blaster Cannons (20/40/20/90)
    3 Turbolaser Cannons (18/9/0/45)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
Onboard Craft:
    2 Fighter Squadrons
    6 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Surface installation.

Golan Defense Platform
Cost: 1,604 MC
Build Time: 21 Days
Monthly Maintenance Fee: 16 MC

Length:  1,200 Meters
Crew:  6,540
Troops:  800
Ground Units:
Shields:  1,200 Points
Hull:  1,800 Points
Power Systems:  1,800 Points
    28 Turbolaser Batteries (224/0/224/560)
    5 Torpedo Launchers [15 PTs] (60/30/120/120)
    6 Tractor Beams (600m)
Launch Bays:
    1 Medium Bay
Onboard Craft:
    2 Fighter Squadrons
    6 Auxiliary Craft
Special Notes: Stationary, cannot be moved.

Light Artillery
Cost in Credits:  10.5 MC
Production Time:  4 Days

Crew:  4
Hull:  56 Points
    1 Laser Cannon (2/1/4/8)
Notes: No more than 50 total weapons emplacements may be placed on a any world.

Field Entrenchment
Cost in Credits:  11 MC
Production Time:  5 Days

Crew:  3
Hull:  58 Points
    4 Mounted Blaster Rifles (1/1/2/24)
Notes: No more than 50 total weapons emplacements may be placed on a any world.

Missile Turret
Cost in Credits:  17.5 MC
Production Time:  8 Days

Crew:  6
Hull:  65 Points
    2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4/8/8/24)
Notes:  Can fire at land or air based targets. No more than 50 total weapons emplacements may be placed on a any world.

Heavy Artillery
Cost in Credits:  13 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Crew:  8
Hull:  45 Points
    1 Siege Blaster (4/8/8/13)
Notes: No more than 50 total weapons emplacements may be placed on a any world.

Planetary Ion Cannon
Cost in Credits:  876 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  50 Meters
Crew:  50
Shield: 100 Points
Hull:  450 Points
    1 Anti-Orbital Ion Cannon
Special Notes:  Located on planetary surfaces, may fire at Capital Ships in Ground location (that are not landed) as well as any ship that deployed or recalled landing barges from the surface or bombarded/attacked ships in atmosphere in the prior turn.  Deals 2,000 points of system damage and bypasses all shielding.  May only fire once every 24 hrs.  Due to the enormous power usage of this equipment, only 2 may be placed on any one system.

Anti Orbital Turbolaser Cannon
Cost in Credits:  99 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  40 Meters
Crew:  15
    1 Planetary Scale Turbolaser Cannon
Hull:  230 Points
Special Notes:  Located on planetary surfaces, may fire at Capital Ships in Ground location (that are not landed) as well as any ship that deployed or recalled landing barges from the surface or bombarded/attacked ships in atmosphere in the prior turn.  Deals 200 points of shield then hull damage.  May only fire once every 24hrs. Due to the power usage of this weapon, only 5 may be located on any one planet.

Construction Facilities

Space Dock Repair Facility
Cost in Credits:  963 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length: 1,250 Meters
Shield:  1,250 Points
Hull:  1,250 Points
Systems:  1,250 Points
    10 Laser Cannons (20/10/40/80)
    6 Tractor Beam Projectors (600m)
Special Notes:  Used to repair damaged capital ships.  May repair two capital ships at a time of any size.

Orbital Space Dock
Cost in Credits:  917 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks

Length:  1,200 Meters
Crew:  4,114
Troops:  320
Ground Units:
Shields:  1,200 Points
Hull:  1,200 Points
Power Systems:  1,200 Points
    10 Laser Cannons (20/10/40/80)
    9 Tractor Beam Projectors (900m)
Special Notes:  May construct/repair a single ship up to 1,000 Meters in length at a time. May be chained together to build larger vessels.

Starfighter Plant
Cost in Credits:  328 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  250 Meters
Crew:  348
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Shields:  500 Points
Hull:  500 Points
Power Systems:  500 Points
    10 Laser Cannons (20/10/40/80)
Special Notes:  Capable of producing 24 fighters/auxiliary at a time.  Located on the surface of a world. May store up to 72 fighters/auxiliary at a time. Any overflow will be lost to theft.

Ground Weapons Factory
Cost in Credits:  215 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Length:  340 Meters
Crew:  400
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Hull:  780 Points
Power Systems:  340 Points
Special Notes:  Used to manufacturer vehicles and artillery emplacements.  May build up to 50 units at a time. May store up to 150 units at a time. Any overflow will be lost to theft.

Troop Training Grounds
Cost in Credits:  359 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  588 Meters
Crew:  234
Troops:  160
Ground Units:
Hull:  1,176 Points
Power Systems:  1,176 Points
Special Notes:  May train up to twenty companies at a time (3200).  May store up to 9,600 troops at a time. Any overflow will be lost to desertion.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 07:05:31 PM by TGE Eidolon »