Author Topic: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥  (Read 13266 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« on: July 13, 2017, 09:32:29 PM »


  Star: Beshqek
  Orbit: 5th
  Moons: 5
  Rotation Period: 31 Standard Hours
  Orbital Period: 207 Local Days
  Class: Terrestrial
  Diameter: 21,600km
  Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
  Climate: Temperate
  Gravity: Standard
  Terrain: Oceans, Urban Sprawls, Plateau Reserves, Canyons, Lake Systems
  Population: 19.7 Billion (98% Human, 2% Other)

  Byss occupies somewhat of a mythical status even in the current sense.  Difficult to access because of the complexities in navigating the densely packed Deep Core, Byss is a lush green paradise untouched in the Expansion Era.  It was discovered only in the waning century of the Old Republic and rapidly colonized by humans, especially during the reign of the Empire as it was actively pushed as the ideal successful model of The New Order society at work.  While a glimpse of the surface might render this claim true, the reality was that Palpatine's Dark Energies permeated and fed off the world and it's populace.  Byss was his secret throne world and it became a heavily guarded and reclusive planet that was nearly inaccessible by any vessel without the highest Imperial Clearance.

  After the Battle of Endor and the fragmentation of The First Galactic Empire, Byss became the Capitol of the True Galactic Empire.  Here, guided by members of Palpatines Inner Circle, the machinations of The New Order continue to take shape and the secret reign of the Sith continues to propagate itself...

« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 05:00:18 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2017, 12:59:30 PM »

Some time before Uni Start-Up in this very same Galaxy...

A single TIE Advanced flicked from hyperspace above the planet of Byss.  Instantly it curved into a shape angle and descended into the atmosphere.  Flames boil from its sides and its energy shields lite up under the strain of atmospheric reentry.  Bisho closed his eyes and allowed the force to envelope him.  It swirled though his mind and images of the ancient past merged with those of what could be the distant future.  Memories of a father he hardly knew, memories of Lord Vader teaching him to embrace the dark side of the force, Star Destroyers in battle, the Death Stars destruction, and a mysterious voice that seemed to echo from Byss. 

Let loose of the holocrons poisonous spell he had been allowed to finally explore its knowledge freely.  That and the sickened matrix of its former creator being drawn from it.  Now all that remained was what was in essence of a high sophisticated computer simulation of its former self.  It's secrets were relieving and dangerous.  Soon the secrets of the Sith would be his and he could finally relinquish the chains of the fallen order.  To embrace the truth path of the dark side.  To embrace his destiny.  On the trip the first steps had taken place.  He had deconstructed his inquisitor blade and rebuilt it into a pair of curved hilted lightsaber blades.  Each could attach to each other to form a single duel bladed weapon or remain separate.  His strength, for now, laid in the blade and for that reason he had to both diversify his weapons of choice and separate himself from the shackles of the inquisitors.  Though power his chains would be broken. 

Taking one last look at the two lightsaber blades he twist the end slightly to tighten the hilt.  During the adjustment the flames around the ship had softened and the communicator began to crackle to life.
"Byss planetary defenses to unidentified TIE Advanced! You have entered restricted space and will be shot down.  Identify yourself immediately!"

The fire of the power of the dark side filled his eyes deepening them from their normal greenish blue to a harsh reddish orange.  His meditations during the trip had deepened his connection and his studies had began to pay off.  The pain of the barely functioning life support remaining of in the small space craft has also strengthen him.  Each struggling breath taught him much.  The pain was a river of power.  The ever chilling craft was a tomb of agony of which he would have once gone mad from, but now only gave him strength.  These memories he would draw from whenever he needed to call upon the power of the dark side.

"My name is.. Tash.. and I am a servant of Emperor Palaptine's Empire.  You will allow me to land immediately" Bishio said in a low and threatening voice.  Tash of course was a word from the ancient Sith language.  The word that translated into lie.  He had no desire to prepare those that waited for him on the surface of who he really was.  He also knew Emperor Palaptine was dead.  But no need to show his position to a lowly comms officer.  After all he might need to take those on the surface and surprise would be the best move in the opening gambit. 

A few moments of silence passed and the communicator crackled to life once again and on the HUD a stream of coordinates filed into the nav computer.  The auto pilot chirped asking permission to guide the vessel to the given location.  He pushed the keys and the ship slowly adjusted itself as the comms officer said, "Permission to land on pad 334A-22.  Private palace landing pads of Emperor Palapatine"

At that very moment a pair of air speeders drifted into a loose formation on either side of Bishio's vessel.  He noticed them just far enough back to be able to quickly get a weapons lock if he were to rapidly change course but it was of no concern of his.  He could feel the small and frightened minds of each of the pilots.  If he wanted to he could reach out and crush them.  Possible get them to fire on each other.  To crash there pathetic vessels into the surface.  Or maybe even suicide into the Palace if they dared cross him.  All options were open as far as he was concerned.

Almost an hour passed as they skimmed the surface of the planet.  Bishio noted several cities and large military complexes.  He was clearly being given the tour.  Civilian traffic seemed confined to one quadrant of the planet where most of the population was.  Without warning the two air speeders escorting his vessel peeled off and the shake of a tractor beam locking onto his ship could be felt.  The vibration of its constant lock continued until the clouds parted and a tree like metallic structure of landing pads could be seen poking out of the side of a mountain.  At the top the mountain appeared to be a scaled down replica of the Imperial palace on Corusant with a few noticeable differences.  Mostly in tower like defenses and a more rugged defensible materials rather than elegant ones. 

Four huge flood lights from each corner of his landing pad also locked onto the underside of his vessel and tracked him in until his vessel was slowly placed upon the surface of the pad.  He cut his engines and as he did so the high powered lights flicked off and a set of smaller lights slowly lite up in a circle around his ship and also indicating the walk way towards the door of the inner complex.  He also noticed that under each of the four powerful lights that had fallowed his vessel down a pair of high powered laser cannons and additional tractor beam emplacements.  This was clearly a very high security facility and he deemed it likely this was a place the Emperor, while he was alive, visited frequently.  A droid rolled slowly towards the vessel with a second slightly behind.  One had a fuel hose and the other walked slowly along the path looking up at the ship.  Bishio activated his small droids and they came to life.

"Master, how may I serve you?" one of the small sphere said in a slow slurred voice as its system powered up completely.  "Ensure we are fueled and supplied.  Keep an eye on them too." Bishio said as he lifted his hood over his head.  As the top hatch popped open he leaped violently out though the steam like escaping atmosphere landing directly in front of the second droid in a force controlled decent.  The droid, clearly startled, looked Bisho up and down before saying, "Master Tash, I am here to escort you to the palace!"  The large metal doors on the far side of the path slid open.  Bishio lifted his head slightly looked over at the door.  He lifted his hand slightly to one of the two hilts under his robe although he felt no danger.  A pair of stormtroopers stepped out and took station on each side of the entrance.  The droid turned slightly and gestured towards the door, "Please Master Tash, this way good sir?"

The silver bodied droid slowly started to waddle down the lit path and the first droid moved to attach the fuel hose to the under belly of the vessel and quickly started taking scans and assessing repairs and supply needs.  One of Bisho's personal droids drifted down from the cockpit and the two began speaking in fast paced beeps and bops.  Bishio lowed his hand from the hilt of one of his blades and let it fall to his side as he walked behind the droid leading him into the mountain.  He reached out with the force and felt no danger but deepened his connection.  Remembering the pain and suffering of the trip.  Drawing on the power of the dark side to increase his senses to their absolute peek.  Passing the two stormtroopers they entered the mountain and both troopers turned and began walking behind Bishio as well.  He heard the doors slide shut behind them and then only the clanks and clicks of the droid before him and the steady footsteps of the stormtroopers behind him could be heard in the dimly lit hallway. 

He awaited what was going to be before him. 


Gergory Bishio
True Galactic Empire
TIE Advanced 'Raven'
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 11:25:15 AM by TGE Eidolon »

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 10:17:39 PM »

  Sate Pestage and Ars Dangor watched from the balcony of the Inner Council Chambers of the Grand Palace as the lone TIE Advanced approached with its escort through the hazily greenish Byss evening twilight.  The latter pointed a hand-held transponder reader in the crafts direction to verify what had already been ascertained by at least six other sources since it's arrival in system.  He checked the devices program version before confirming to Pestage,

  "It is one of Vader's old ships," he spoke in his raspy tone without looking at the other.

  Sate's gaze narrowed in calculation, "Interesting.. surprises abound the Dark Lord even in his absence.  What gifts has he sent us from the grave.. summon the Telepath, leave Greejatus out of it," he replied.

  Ars met Pestage's stare, "Unwise to consult his pets without their masters knowledge.  We should take caution to respect the barriers, for now.." he answered.

  Pestage considered for a moment and conceded, "Very well, inform him first- it will take him some time to return to the palace, but retrieve the Nagai immediately."

  The two men disappeared from the balcony as the now lone ship disappeared behind the dimly lit superstructure of the towering palace.. (TBC)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 06:57:12 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 09:42:14 PM »
 ...the dark visitor was led by the silver bug-eyed droid and pair of Stormtroopers deeper into the mountain through the towering stone walled corridor.  The droid clamoured along hurriedly as the others kept pace at a regular stride. 
  There was no decour or particular design to the passageway, it was dimly lit in a red hue which emanated from somewhere in the upper portion of the vaulted ceiling and cast its glow down just enough to make out the hand-tool marks along the floor and walls throughout the entire journey.  To a well versed galactic traveller the implication was well evident, to a force sensitive being even more so.  Eventually, after the droid had assured the visitor at least three times that they were nearing the palace entrance, they'd reached a single massive turbolift door way.  The troopers stopped following a few paces before and assumed their guard posts on either side of the corridor.  As the droid and guest approached, the turbolift door slid open quickly with a hiss revealing a towering crimson robed Royal Guard looking being, although it differed considerably.  Besides the inhuman stature, instead of the usual force pike it bore a large talisman adorned vibro-axe and in place of the red dome helmet and obsidian black eye-plate, a medieval looking horned red helmet with a small open eye slit and a pair of glowing red eyes the only sign of life beneath.  His robes were not plain, rather covered in ornate patterns with gold glimmering stitching of strange rudimentary looking symbols or characters.  The three meter tall guardian occupied a third of the large turbolift interior floor space and seemed to take little notice of either of the two shorter occupants besides an initial half-glance at the visitor as the door hissed closed behind them and the lift began its rapid ascent.
  The droid accustomed to its protocol functions introduced the turbolift occupant to the guest at length,

  “May I present Lord Myn Kyneugh, rescued from the Endor incident and restored to greater glory as a Sentinel by the Masters, his martial prowess rivaled the Noghri in his simpler form! But reborn as a Sentinel he’s been more frequently compared to a small rancor!..”

  Most believe Kyneugh deceased in the demise of the Second Death Star.  That was partially true, but so was the droids version.  The Sentinels were the True Empires reformed version of the Royal Guard since the Order split and a number of Ex Guardsmen formed the Imperial Guardians version of the New Empire.  While most of the Sentinels were still human, albeit apex physical specimens, others took a new more daunting form.

  The droid waited a moment for any living being interjection as it was programmed then continued and in return introduced the guest to the clearly disengaged behemoth being,

  “Master Kyneugh, may I present Master Tash, esteemed guest of the Inner Council!”

  The droid waited for a social cue to speak again while alternating its attention between the two mostly living beings, but there was no further verbal exchange between the occupants over the short trip.  The Sentinel, Lord Kyneugh simply continued to stare ahead without a budge while the dark visitor identified as Tash appeared devoid of emotion and simply focused.

  The large turbolift came to a rapid but well cushioned rest and the opposite side from which they’d entered slid open.  The droid waddled out bidding Tash to follow as the Sentinel remained unmmoving… (TBC)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 09:56:59 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2017, 10:04:35 PM » the dark visitor followed the droid out of the lift, it slid back shut behind them.  The large black marble walled corridor they walked down was brightly lit.  The obsidian stone floors inlaid with fist-sized golden insignias of The New Order every square foot or so.  Crimson banners in the same color and stitched decor as the Sentinel slung from the upper walls on both sides and draped down along the length of the long rectangular room.  Far ahead was a short wide stair case, atop which was a pair of large black stone doors with a single red-robed Sentinel on either side, each more human in stature than the previously encountered guardian, though still intimidating and carrying a more modern version of the vibro-axe.  Their red helmets were more sculpted and trimmed than the standard Royal Guard dome and their eyes were hidden by the usual black face plates.  As the droid shuffled forward it continued to provide passing information in it's electronic feminine tone,

  "The Council is most interested in your audience Master Tash, our lift bypassed all standard security levels and we are not in the upper most sections of the Palace," it offered with a hint of enthusiasm.

  "The palace is modeled after Imperial Palace on Coruscant but the facades are crafted entirely of native natural Byssian materials and it was built entirely by local labor.  Byss is a model example of The New Order and the raining benefits upon societies who willfully embrace the security and protection of The True Empire are reaped by all,"

   It continued on the glowing review for a few moments until they'd neared the large doors,

  "Ahead is the Council Chamber, these Sentinels are less impressive than Master Kyneugh as their enhancement levels are far lower, it is a process.  Despite their comparable short-comings, each has been proven in martial combat against a wookiee,"

   The droid stopped at the bottom of the steps and ushered Tash forward, as he continued the pair of Sentinels gave him a visual assessment and as they barely met a glance with one another, the pair of massive stone doors began rolling back into either side of the wall.  Tash entered in to a room full of darkness as the doors closed and sealed off the beaming slab of light shining in from the corridor.

   A much more natural feminine voice boomed intensely, seeming to call out aloud in the darkness from every direction at once bidding him forward,


   It seemed to echo off the walls and bounce around.

   The guest took a few steps forward before dozens of fine beams of red light shot up around him in a circle from the floor leaving him little room to even raise his arms.  The dark one seemed to immediately and instinctively test the boundaries of his containment by smoothly and slowly reaching for his sabers.  In doing so his elbows almost immediately arced in to the red beams of light.  They burned directly through the skin and cut directly in uninterrupted sending short small funnels of smoke up around him until he'd smoothly returned his arms to his sides.  The wounds were immediately sealed by the beams and the visitor showed no specific reaction besides ceasing his attempt to draw blade.

  The source of the booming voice became apparent as an ornately attired woman with dark colored robes that enveloped her and gave a floating sense to her posture appeared in close proximity to the cage of red-light, illuminated only by its glow.  She had a unique arced head-dress and kept her head bowed, not looking up as she spoke,

  "Lord Pestage and Dangor apologize for your confinement.  It is temporary until your intentions here are ascertained," she stated speaking in a more normal tone but now echoing more quietly.

  "They, and I, also apologize for the pain.  It will range from excruciating to fatal, dependent upon your fortitude and disposition.."

  The visitor seemed to give the woman a deliberate gaze from beneath his brow as she mentioned this.  There was no time for questions as the air in the room filled with a distinct shimmer and a high pitched humming grew from a whisper to a deafening howl.  As the tension grew to a boil, a thunderclap seemed to crack it leaving the room feeling like a vacuum devoid of air or sound aside from a rotating whurr that got closer then further, closer then further.  The visitor was left frozen standing total erect on the tips of his toes with his own dark robes draped around him, in several points catching the beams of light and burning.  His head was tilted up and for the first noticeable time since his arrival, a readable expression on his face.

  The Nagai woman before him was unchanged in stance.  Her head was still bowed though her closed eyes fluttered beneath their closed lids and her brow line flexed in consternation.  Several minutes passed as she read the contents of his mind.  A life time of experiences recalled and felt in moments.

  The exercised passed as usual for the Nagai and subject as it always had until a moment of reaction from the Telepath.  Her bowed head shot back with her eyes now wide open displaying her jet black pupils as a white light radiated out around from behind them.  Her mouth was agape.  The dark visitor in the circular prison of light was no longer uplifted and entranced, rather he stood flat footed and slightly slumped, holding himself up from again being burnt by his confines.

  Several seconds passed until the Nagai collapsed to the floor.  She panted heavily while composing herself and spoke,

  "He is Vaders Apprentice.."

  As she finished the red beams vanished into the floor and a low ambient light glowed to life in the Council Chambers, revealing two aged looking human males seated at the center of a long swooped table inlaid with the more modern functions of technology, the room was granite walled with fine carvings from floor to ceiling throughout the large chamber.  A single large banner of The New Order hung behind them... (TBC)
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Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2017, 01:14:02 AM »
The room slowly lit as the ozone scented air created from the high energy field of the restraining rings faded from Bishio’s nostrils. His vision was still stained with the rings of the bright light.  He blinked rapidly to loosen the affect.  His memory felt somehow different than before.  As if he had lived his life all over again in the blink of an eye.  A mother he never knew.  A father he hated.  The first women he ever embraced. The first man he ever killed in malice.  Then of course there was Darth Vader.

Reaching up to his face to wipe the sweat from his brow and forehead he felt the sting of a burn along his arms.  Its pain was intense and only intensified by the beads of sweat that now rolled down his forearms and into the near completely cauterized wounds.  The pain fueled his rage and his rage fueled his connection to the dark side as he reached around the room with the force.  His eyes intensified into an orange glow and he reached his arm out towards the Nagai women that slumped before him exhausted and he released a sudden burst of dark side energy that threw her a dozen feet across the room, rolling her once head over feet, before a mild impact against the wall next to a pair of men seated at an elegant table.

Ignoring the men for now he blurred towards a nearby wall in a force enhanced spirit and then pushed off it with an equal amount of strength and force enhancement to send him twisting midair towards the entrance he had been escorted though.  His first instinct was to secure an exit and then challenge the main force that he expected would be before him.  In one quick motion, the curved cylinder of his lightsaber flung into his open hand and as his grip tighten around it the crimson blade erupted from it.  In a single swing, it had left the silver droid in several pieces.  Its eyes still glowed for a moment and its remaining power was spent in several protocol functions that had been jumbled in confusion in its waning moments and the glow slowly faded. 

The pair of royal guards that had flanked the entrance quickly charged towards Bishio.  The first of the pair took a vertical overhead swing with his vibro-axe towards Bishio’s crown to only have it parried by the active lightsaber blade, and then Bishio in a burst of force enhanced speed called for his second saber hilt to his still open hand and pointing its cylinder directly into the first guardsmen chest ignited the blade impaling him.  As the first royal guardsmen slumped down possibly dead to the floor the second swiped high once again at Bishio’s head causing the dark warrior to awkwardly duck and then roll back as he deactivated his blades.  This time swelled with the rage of the dark side and enhanced with the fear of his own possible death Bishio reached out with the force and slammed the second guardsmen against the wall behind him.  The sound of bones cracked and echoed out across the room.  With a second push the man lost grip on his vibro-axe and it clanked across the stone floor.  With a third and final push, the man was nearly smashed flat against the wall.  Gore splattered across the wall and pooled at the man’s feet as Bishio released his grip and let him fall into his final resting position.

Closing his eyes while reaching out with the force Bishio took in the moment as he placed both of his saber hilts back on his belt and then lifted the hood from his shoulders over his head.  The insane and unlimited power he had felt feeding him, the power of the dark side, slowly seeped from his grip as he slowly returned to his more rational mindset.  For a moment, it reminded him of his weakness without it.  A constant reminder of what gives him the power and what he serves to be granted power.

Opening his eyes, he turned back towards the table with the two men and slowly walked towards them.  The force had alerted him of the large being from the turbolift entering the room and standing at the door.  He moved silently and with grace for such a large and powerful, from what Bishio could tell, beast.

“Sorry about the mess Lord Kyneugh”, Bishio said with a grin across his face as he continued to walk towards the pair of men at the table.  Lord Kyneugh poked both fallen sentinels with his axe and sniffed.  The first of the men to fall twitched slightly and Lord Kyneugh showing no mercy finished the man off with a single swing of his axe.  From this point on he merely stood station at the door observing the man he knew as only Lord Tash approach a pair of the most important members of the Empire's inner circle.

“Greetings gentlemen.  I seemed to have gotten a little lost on the way here.  May need to have your droid checked?  Either case I hope my tardiness isn’t too much of a problem.” the man known as Tash said as he stopped a few feet from the tables edge.  Tash’s head lifted slowly towards where the Nagai women laid along a dimly lit wall.  She was clearly in pain but for the most part completely unharmed.  At least not any lasting injuries.  “I also know your scent now women, and you will not get over on me so easy the next time you try to touch me with the force.  But know this.  The next time will be your last!” a slightly agitated voice echoed off the stone walls as his angry nearly got the best of Bishio, or perhaps now his alter ego, Tash.

“Enough Tash!  I hope you understand the position we are in and the need for such actions!”, one of the two men said.  A hit of anger in his voice as well.  This was an unexpected but admired trait Tash felt from one of the two men.  It was difficult to tell which of the two were speaking.  They were shrouded in the darkness of the dimly lit room and the voiced echoed around the chamber. 

“We know you are the apprentice of the Dark Lord, of Lord Vader!” one of the two men said.  Clearly from the pitch of the voice being from the other of the two men.  “Correction… Pestage.. Sage Pestage is it?” Tash said with a smirk as he said under his breath, “yes.. your thoughts are quite clear.”  A moment passed of silence, Lord Pestage cleared his throat, and Tash continued, “As I was saying my Lord I am no longer the apprentice of the fallen Lord.  I was scorned off and cast aside for a son that rejected the father.  A father that betrayed us all to the Jedi.  To the Alliance.  My former master’s greatest moment of weakness was the Empire’s greatest defeat.  At that moment, he no longer deserved to be called master.”

“What is it you seek of us than Tash?” echoed across the room from the other man’s voice.  This man’s mind was somehow more difficult to reach into.  A stronger will perhaps.  Or maybe prepared from the earlier demonstration.  “I seek an Empire that stands against the Jedi that have begun their return.  An Empire that stands with the dark side of the force.  An Empire that will vanquish the treasonous followers of the born again… Lord Vader.. and the other blind slivers of what was once Lord Sidious’s great Empire.  The force lead me here for a reason my lords.  Either to slay you for your failures to the dark side or to join you in slaying its foes”

The room grew silent.  All the minds in the room pondered for a moment. 

« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 04:57:54 PM by TGE Bishio »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2017, 12:02:08 PM »

  ...Ars Dangor cracked a devious smile and let out a strangely paced low cackling type laugh.  Pestage stood and began to walk around to the other side of the table as Lord Kyneugh had joined the group in closer proximity and while at few step distance, because of his towering height now leered over Tash.  The Nagai telepath had finished adjusting herself and hastily made her exit visibly angry, just before departing she shot a glance toward the visitor and was sure to impart a consideration upon him with her thoughts as he watched her,

  "Your blind rage will lead you to ruin.  Even the lowest of life feeds the Force, but death destroys it."

  As she was exiting, the final third of the True Empires central figures on Byss was making his delayed entrance,

  He stopped and spoke briefly with the Nagai but continuing toward the gathering of minds.  His dismay to the developments in his absence was clear in his demeanor as he took his seat beside Dangor,

  "I trust the details to this point will be relayed to my office with urgency and accuracy, what did I miss?"  he spoke.

  Dangor nodded to the new arrival and bluntly responded with a hint of enjoyment, "Much."

  Pestage took the reigns of the conversation as he stood at the other side of the table now with Tash and Lord Kyneugh, he did not focus directly on their guest Tash as he slowly paced around with his hands clasped at his back,

  "Welcome Lord Greejatus, we tried to wait for your arrival before convening this audience but our guest Tash was in some haste to demonstrate his zeal toward our mutual cause,"

  Greejatus took the chance to interject, "I hope this Tash understands our mutual cause is now set back two fine level 5 enhanced specimens, and perhaps his zeal can be better channeled," he offered while motioning across the room to the pair of dead Sentinels being inspected by apparent medical staff including droids and a few Kaminoans.

  Pestage continued, "A loss indeed, but I think we can find understanding in our common goals and perhaps offer channels for your...talents," he stopped for a moment in front of Tash and met his equally malevolent gaze before breaking off in to his slow calculated pacing again now infrequently articulating some with his hands when not clasped.. (TBC)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 12:18:18 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2017, 10:19:36 AM »
“Your blind rage will lead to ruin.  Even the lowest life feeds the Force, but death destroys it?” echoed around in his mind as the Nagai women left in a huff.  Apparently, Tash had hit his mark with the fragile women.  While he didn’t respect her Jedi like sentiments of the force he understood why the new comer to the room found her useful as he observed them talking privately between themselves for a moment.  Just as Tash had seen value in her during his outburst.  It was the only reason she was spared the doom she deserved for failing to grasp the larger picture a being such as Tash presented.  A lesson for her to learn and never forget.  Little did she know she was spared knowingly.  Spared not for mercy she did not deserve but spared for her value in the larger game of galactic dominance.

The other two men that had been sitting at the table had stood and approached.  The large guardsmen, Lord Kyneugh, had come up from behind and loomed over Tash.  The new comer had entered the room and a sense of authority entered with him.  While this group referred to themselves as a council Tash, Lord Tash, quickly came to know this third man to be the true power within this group.  A sense of command and insight that Tash respected as valuable traits.

They all spoke a bit but Tash only seemed to hear the new comer.  Janus Greejatus was his name.  He could sense it.

“I hope this Tash understands our mutual cause is now set back two fine level 5 enhanced specimens, and perhaps his zeal can be better channeled”

Then Pestage spoke, “A loss indeed, but I think we can find understand in our common goals and perhaps offer for your… talents”.  Lord Tash ignored Pestage’s words.  To answer to him was to be answering to the help Tash felt.  Below him now.

No, he would lock his eyes direct onto Janus and spoke, “Your toys are impressive to normal men my Lord.  But the Jedi have returned.  I would be no match for this Luke Skywalker in my current state and I cut though these... men... like paper.  He could come here now and kill us all if it was in their nature”, Tash paused to let the words sink in for a moment and then continued, “but we know their nature is passive and their main struggle is from within themselves as they resist the true nature of the force.  This will give me the time to learn what I must.  To unlock all the secrets of the force.”

Lord Tash interlaced his hands within the loose-fitting sleeves of his robes as he stepped slowly towards Janus.  From under the hood the glow of orange eyes could be seen when the angle of the light managed to pierce its cowl.  Lord Kyneugh step forward in an act of protection and calmly lifting his hand and pinching his fingers Tash sent the creature to his knees gagging.

“Even your ultimate champions mean little to me my Lord.  But like the... women that left... when value and respect is earned it must be maintained for the good of the order.  Although it doesn’t mean lessons from time to time must not be taught” Tash said releasing the grip of his fingers and allowing Kyneugh to stand and breathe freely again.  “Just as you taught me one when I walked in this very room...” Tash said to break the ice and once again yield authority back to Lord Greejatus.
To yield authority was an important lesson Bishio, now Lord Tash, had learned during the agonizing hyperspace jumps to Byss from Korriban.  The failing of the dark side after a thousand years of growth was to venture into the political land scape.  To rule as the crown instead of as the hand.  A needless distraction for those of the dark side to partake in.  Men like Lord Greejatus, Ars Dangor, Sate Pestage, Ximata, and even Kyneugh were necessary to maintain the order of the dark side throughout the galaxy.  Most of them knowingly and some of them simply by their nature.  But there was someone else.. someone he couldn’t put his fingers on.
There was also something going on throughout the planet.  Tash’s first clue was the surprising lack of personal, ships, and fighter craft at the various military bases and platforms he had been paraded before on the way in.  They were clearly well used and maintained yet mostly devoid of ships.  The second was the skeleton security force that was strung around the palace although all its chambers seemed well lived in.  The final clue was possibly the clearest.  With so many minds, including the key personal in this room, focusing on a single task it became an easy vibration to pick up on though the force.  Clearly the Empire was about to embark on something important.  But with its mystery the force could not reveal everything. 

But then Tash spoke unwillingly, “I shall accompany you to Bilbringi.  You will need me more than you know my Lord’s..”  Tash had no idea where the words had come from.  Just as he had no idea why he was drawn to Byss.  But he did know that the dark side would show him in time his purpose.

Tension grew in the room.  It could be cut with a knife.  The men looked in a panicked yet well practice controlled manner at each other.  They clearly were concerned Tash knew, from their perspective, about Bilbringi.  Tash himself did not know, but that was something he wouldn’t be expressing with either his face or words as he stood ominously awaiting a response.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 06:45:57 AM by TGE Bishio »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 11:29:45 PM »

  Greejatus was pleased that Tash had on his own volition ordained him the chief of the present clan.  His smirk covered by his folded hands was all too obvious to Pestage and Dangor.  It was for him another confirmation of his actually mostly absent talents.  But still, the new-comers mention and inherent knowledge of the secret plans for Bilbringi trumped that hierarchical distraction amidst the triad.  Janus’ moment of basking was interrupted as the men exchanged untrusting glances toward one another.  While Tash seemed capable of reading minds to a degree it was too convenient an excuse for the setting for any of them to accept outright.

  While Ars Dangor had assumed a more passive approach as was his usual demeanor, he took slight to the breached clandestine plotting of his personally devised scheme at Bilbringi.  He’d surely have none of this one involved there.  He leapt from his seat angrily as if feeling goaded personally by Tash and proclaimed his objection and suspicions,

  “Enough of this!  Janus, your veil is thin as always.  Your toys will not disrupt my acquisition of the Crown Jewel any more than you’ve already injected them!  It is already in motion!”

  He finished with a forceful fist upon the table as he resumed his seated and reclined posture  though still tensely consumed by anger.

  Pestage added a small correction, “OUR acquisition of the Jewel.”

  Janus Greejatus stood and began to walk around the table as he responded,

  “I can assure you Lord Dangor, that my relationship with Tash has only just begun,” he spoke as he drew near the dark visitor and placed his hand cautiously on his shoulder.  He could feel the darkness swirling in the man.  Though he imagined it feeding his own power, the sensation merely mocked that of growth. 

  “..BUT much as agreement is not my strong suit, Lord Dangor is correct, it is too late for you to join in the Bilbringi operation, the reconquest of the Empire has need of you elsewhere,” Janus continued.

  He now stood facing the imposing dark figure looking him directly in the eye through his own heavily squinted sockets, careful to shield himself with the little actual ability he possessed,

  “..take that anger and hate which is so powerful in you and strike at our enemies.  Carida has proclaimed their loyalty to the True Empire and the Usurpers now lash out at them for they fear our strength.   An element of fighters await you and your ship on the platform and a flotilla of Strike Cruisers awaits you on the approach.  Prove yourself worthy.  Lead the charge, break the blockade!"

  Greejatus had worked himself into a fervor of his own and finished with an excited and cynical tone.  Dangor and Pestage carefully awaited Tash's response.  Lord Kyneugh lingered ominously over them all closely, somehow more steadily flexed in size and posture and visibly more engaged in the visitors presence, fixated on him now..

« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 11:36:55 PM by TGE Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline Bishio

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Re: ¥ Deep Core - Beshqek System - Byss ¥
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2017, 11:04:21 AM »
Anger filled his mind but Tash did not act.  The blind political minded men before him set on creating their own destiny without the dark side.  But as Tash had said before.  Lessons must be learned.  For them to understand the value and purpose the force, the dark side, was providing them as a gift in his presence would have to be learned.  As previous Imperial lords they seemed more concerned with trinkets and tools instead of true power.  A folly in men that benefited from its strength, mostly unknowingly, from the Emperor and his chosen few.

Sensing the deceptive nature of the men in the room and the high level of second guessing going on around him Tash cracked a slight grin under his hood hidden face to fuel the speculation, “As you wish my Lord.  I will lead the strike on the traitor forces that stand against loyalty.  If all things are in order as I suspect we will leave within the hour!”   With that he gave a momentary bow to Lord Janus, ignored the remaining others to further fuel speculation, spun on his heel with his robe and cloak swirling around him, and in a force enhanced dash rushed from the room out the door.
In moments he was to the lift and its doors slid closed behind him and Tash lifted his wrist comm unit up to his lips and said only one word as he felt it begin to move down towards the landing pad, “Report”.  Not a moment passed before the sound of his droid’s voice came across the comm, “Master, I am happy to report all repairs have been made and our supplies are fully stocked.  We also received a few upgrades to our systems and I even received an oil bath!  Also 6 personal dressed in squadron gear have arrived and seem to be awaiting you.”   With an understanding nod to himself Tash reached his other hand up and deactivated the communications.  So far, these Imperials seemed to be to the standards required to possibly rekindle the glory of the Empire and vanquish the Jedi once and for all.  Even if they possibly didn’t know it yet.

The doors to the lift suddenly slide open and again with a force enchanted dash Tash burst out from the door.  The pair of stormtroopers that stood station at its doors hadn’t even noticed the dark blur that had shot between them.  One even turns and consult with the other about faulty equipment as he checked the door control panel.  It wasn’t until the doors at the far end of the hall opened and the silhouette of Tash appeared in the light from outside had they realized they had been wrong.

Now on the landing pad the 6 men dressed in full TIE pilot suits stood in a line.  As Tash approached each reached to their wrist control panel and 11 small blue hologram images of their squadron mates appeared in a small circle behind them.  They too were also arranged in lines and each watched Tash.

“Greetings, as I am sure you are aware we are heading to Carida.  An acquisition of ours is in need of assistance.  Reports on your fighter class and strengths?” Tash said as he punched a few keys on his wrist control unit.  His droid came to his side and hovered silently next to him at eye level as the men reported.  Apparently, he had 4 of the newer superiority TIE Advanced Squadrons and 2 heavier but slower Assault Gunboat squadrons.  All fully operational, manned, and repaired.  His droid had processed the information and displayed the squadrons as red triangles in a holo image along with their designations.  The red triangles suddenly shift up and to the left and an image of the Carida system grows in its center.

“Latest intelligence reports the local forces have taken station on several captured Strike Cruisers centered around this landing platform.” Red brackets appear on the holo image to a point around the planet in near orbit and the holo image zooms in closely to a platform and a pair of cruisers after pressing a few keys on his wrist controls.  “From this position they can effectively cut off supplies from landing on the surface of the planet and are capable of jamming all communications.  As you know we have an academy on the surface.  The last reports we receive were of them still holding firm but running low on critical supplies.  Apparently, at the academy doors they are facing more of a mob than an organized resistance on the surface.  I suspect the forces that captured the cruisers and platform to be the core of their resistance and thus, what must be destroyed.  Our goal will be to sweep the surrounding area around the platform of starfighters.  I will lead this element which will consist of these 3 squadrons along with my craft...” Tash states as he once again keys a few buttons.  Three of the TIE Advanced squadron commanders quickly reach to their own wrist control units and confirm the order and as they did the small holo images of their pilots in their command also did the same.

“The remaining Gunboat Squadrons and this TIE Advanced squadron will approach from this angle.  Gunboats are to focus on torpedo runs while the Advanced squadron gives them escort to the target.  This element will be commanded by…”, a momentary pause as Tash looks the 3 remaining commanders over visually and with the force, “By... you... Commander Ray Clarkson.” The holo image began to play a simulated version of the battleplan before the men.  Showing the first element arriving and sweeping the area of starfighters.  The second arriving and carrying out a pair of bombing runs.  “I have been assured that destroying these target is acceptable.  However, we also have a corvette and several boarding transports that are available to enter the system upon any targets of opportunity being disabled.  The platform being returned to Imperial control would assist in the resupply effort on the ground and restore all communications to and from the system to our control.  The cruisers while less useful in the current operation could be used elsewhere.  Although I doubt they will go as easily.  Be aware of these opportunities and exploit them if possible.  Not to mention we might get valuable intel on who and what spurred this action so we can snuff it out from future events”.

It had been a while since Tash had been put in the role of military commander.  Lord Vader’s training had often centered around tactical choices and decisions very compliable to military maneuvers which made sense now that Tash knew Vader was the legendary clone wars general and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.  A Sith Lord that had been born as a Jedi to fight a war to serve the dark side was what all his training and life ever was.  To Vader the two were nearly the same thing Tash thought as he returned to the moment and spoke, “Do we have any questions?” All the squadron commanders snapped to attention and saluted.  “Very well than... we will meet at this coordinates in 20 minutes.  From there we will hyperspace to the target.”

With that he gave a great force inspired leap to the top of his craft.  To startle the squadron commanders which were either in awe or confused on what had just happened.  He had earned their respect in the briefing.  He had now earned their fear with the demonstration.  “Hurry along gentlemen, you most certainly wouldn’t want to be late…” Tash said now in a more ominous tone as the men again saluted and jogged in an orderly fashion down the stairs next to the landing pad.
With that Tash closed the cockpit with his droid hovering beside him.  As his fighter lifted off the droid returned to his side node and began interacting though the ship systems rather than its usual good-natured voice protocols.  All systems checked and the vessel streaked across the morning sky and meet with the other fighters.  Upon arrival and all squadrons reporting in the wing of fighters stretched from the physics of entering hyperspace and blinked from the Byss system heading towards their objectives.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 06:21:19 PM by TGE Bishio »