Author Topic: Character Biographies  (Read 20110 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Character Biographies
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:48:02 AM »
Post all character bios here.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 10:55:15 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Character Biographies
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 02:25:08 AM »

Consular-class Cruiser DAUNTLESS
Type: Heavily Modified Charger c70 Refit
Length: 140 meters
Crew: 8
Passenger Capacity: 30
Cargo Capacity: 6000 tons
Consummables: 90 Days
Shielding System: MC20-DCER Mon Calamari
Armor Plating: Durasteel-Beskar Composite
Hyperdrive: CEC Republica VX-0.9
Engine System: Rendili StarDrive Challenger-9001 (x3)
Top Speed: 75 MGLT / Flank Speed: 90 MGLT
   2 Quad Blaster Turrets
   4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
   1 Dual Heavy Ion Cannon
   1 Enhanced Proton Torpedo Launcher
   1 Anti-Personnel Auto-Blaster Turret
Onboard Equipment:
   4 BARC Speeders
   4 R2-series Astromech Droids
   6 DUM-series Maintenance Droids
   2 Reprogrammed/Modified B2 Super Battle Droids (Ship Security)

Name: Nadira Ramani
Rank/Occupation: Captain (Smuggler/Freelancer)
Weapons of Choice and Personal Equipment:
        1. DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
        2. Technician's Utility Belt       
        3. Concussion Grenades
Core Aptitudes:
   1. Piloting: Starships and Speeder Bikes
   2. Charismatic: Twi'lek Sex Appeal
   3. Engineering: Electrical Systems
Background: Nadira was one of the few and fortunate Twi'lek women who did not get born into slavery or was compelled into sex trafficking when she was growing up. She has actually never set foot on Ryloth since she was 3, having spent her entire life onboard freighters. When the Clone Wars began, she enlisted in the Republic Judicial Forces and quickly earned a reputation as a phenomenal starship pilot. After a few promotions, she was selected for the RJF's Special Activites Division, which worked closely with the Jedi Order to track down wanted criminals and bring them to justice. After Order 66 went down, she and her crew onboard the Consular Cruiser Dauntless were able to avert the catastrophe and immediately fled to Nar Shaddaa to discuss options. After unraveling rumors that the Sith Lord who was manipulating the CIS was in fact Emperor Palpatine, Nadira and her crew deserted their post at the Republic Judicial Forces and began working to keep their Jedi Knight-in-exile out of harm's way.

Name: Gunnar Kendrik
Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight (Sentinel)
Weapons of Choice and Personal Equipment:
        1. Single-Bladed Lightsaber (with Extended Hilt), Color: Blue
        2. Environment-Adaptive Camouflage Cloak, Default Color: Black
        2. Jedi Utility Belt
Core Aptitudes:
   1. Lightsaber Combat: Form V - Shien / Djem So (Mastery)
   2. Force Drain
   3. Telekinesis
Background: Regarded as a bordeline case for the Jedi Council, Gunnar was always under scrutiny by his peers for being too quick to dispense death and judgment to his adversaries rather than simply defeating them and bringing them to justice. Because of this, Gunnar was kept away from the frontlines during the Clone Wars for the Council feared the war would put him on a path to the Dark Side. However, Gunnar's talents not withstanding, the Council dispatched him on numerous missions that required a certain "moral flexibility" that he had seemed to possess. This had garnered him immense popularity with the Antarian Rangers - who themselves did most of the "dirty work" of the Jedi Order. After Order 66 transpired, Gunnar was also onboard the Dauntless, but was with a squad of Rangers and in safe hands. After a brief meeting with General Rahm Kota, they both agreed that going underground and splitting up was the best way to ensure their mutual survival. To this day, Gunnar and his Rangers operate as an anonymous "Republican" terrorist cell, doing as much damage as they can to disrupt the Imperial system and preserve the Jedi Order.

Notes on Force Powers: Force Drain, used to deplete and steal both the kinetic energy and life essence of somebody. Can also be used to drain mental thoughts to obtain knowledge and secrets. Gunnar's typical use of Force Drain is to immediately "put people to sleep" by temporarily draining their physical energy as a non-lethal means to neutralize them. Gunnar's employment of Telekinesis has been shown to rival that of Yoda's, as he is able to quickly and efficiently control small objects at great distances or larger objects at shorter distances.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 04:31:29 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Character Biographies
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2014, 04:36:17 PM »

Name: Wellrick Grey
Rank/Occupation: Station Chief/Imperial Intelligence (Operations)
Core Aptitudes:
   1. Intelligence: Analytical Problem Solver
   2. Charismatic: High Emotion Intelligence
   3. Combat: Blaster Pistol Sharpshooter.
Background:   (b. 54 BBY) Grey spent his early career as a security agent in the Rachuk sector, stationed primarily on his homeworld of Commenor. After mandatory field service, he was recruited by the secutiry bureau's intelligence division and trained as an interrogator. Grey was later recruited into Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars by his former security section chief Armand Vickers. Following the end of the Clone Wars and transition to Empire, Grey remained in Imperial Intelligence as a Special Agent and Trainer. Following the loss of his daughter to illness and estrangement from his wife, he accepted a position as Sation Chief in the remote Shellash Sector in 17 BBY.

Name: Anya NLN
Rank/Occupation: N/a
Core Aptitudes:
   1. Force Precognition
   2. Force Biometrics
   3. Force Psychometrics
Background: (b. 22 BBY) Enrolled in the Jedi Academy on Coruscant in 19 BBY. [ Incomplete Record... ]


TAHLIA LAO; Jedi Padawan (human female)

ENRO CHO; Jedi Master (human male)

ARMAND VICKERS; director, Shellash sector, Imperial Intelligence (human male)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 07:58:35 PM by Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Character Biographies
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 03:56:48 PM »

16BBY. . .


   A young adult Trandoshan (T'doshok) female from what qualifies as noble roots in her species.  Her native Dosha clan, the T'kosska, were amongst the first to strike treaties with the Empire.  Since then they've played a heavy role in the acquisition and trade of Wookiee slaves.  Taking up an active role in the clan trade rather than lay clutches and claw squabble, she drew natural contempt from the predominantly male hunting squads.  Her prowess and ambition however saw her rise to great acclaim, eventually earning the right to lead her own squads.  The highly aggressive and competitive workings of Trandoshan culture however assure constant shifting in power.  Though none of her own or later clutches would dare challenge her, males of older hatches in the clan constantly sought to usurp and mate her. 

   Due in large part to such scheming, on one particular hunt on nearby Kashyyyk, Prikesshk was captured by would be prey- the utmost shame in the warlike Trandoshan culture.  According to their religion and societal traditions, such dire failure of oneself and their people resulted in complete vanquishing of a lifetime's accomplishment, or in local spiritual terms- your measure in worth to the Scorekeeper in the currency of jagannath points is reduced to 0.  From one T'doshok to another, you're rendered effectively worthless.  Her aristocratic status brought additional gravity to the shame Prikesshk had brought upon herself and the T'kosska T'doshok.  Banished from Dosha and the Kashyyyk system, Prikesshk sought to redeem her standing with the Scorekeeper and her clan, taking up the mantle of a tracker and bounty hunter.

   Wookieepedia - Trandoshans


   A highly lethal and highly illegal Assassin droid in the company of the Trandoshan Bounty Hunter Prikesshk.  Produced by Farffin Droidworks, Emfordee is a highly modified and advanced machine, one of the last known models of Assassin droids produced prior to their outlaw by the Galactic Republic centuries before the Clone Wars.  Short of being an actual Artificial Intelligence due to intentionally low cognitive capacities, the stock models were quite singular in purpose and usefulness.  Emfordee however is a highly upgraded specimen, capable of limited protocol and diagnostic behaviors as well as piloting and some general personality programming.

The Settled Score

   With her social value gone bankrupt and nothing but the scales on her back, Prikesshk put to use the little leverage she had left to bargain herself a ship.  In this case, the T'kossk clan Successor Chief's personal transport, a Cygnus Spaceworks Intruder attack ship.  The leverage?  The obscure fact of the tainted lineage in the T'kosska clan's Successor Chief, known only to the Chief, the Successor and Prikesshk herself through the taste of his blood drawn by her own claw in his failed attempt to mate with her some time ago.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 09:41:31 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Character Biographies
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 07:08:10 PM »

   Only a child padawan learner of age 7 at the time of Order 66, Ock'lana was far removed from Coruscant or any Clone forces with her custodian Knight on meditation exercises.  Together in the aftermath, they eluded Vader and other Imperial agents, skipping across the Outer Rim for a few years, until her caretaker Knight was eventually tracked and slain by Ahnju Besadii's Defel Hit Squad.  Ock'lana herself was kept alive and hidden by the Hutt, especially from the Empire who would surely seize her for themselves.  With her limited development, her primary asset in the Force is in the telepathy branch, though incredibly strong.  Unfortunately, thus proving useless in helping secure her own freedom from a Hutt captor, a species whose mind and will are little affected by such powers.  She's spent the last four years as a secret pet of Ahnju's kept under close lock and key, provoked to use her abilities for his benefit in dire circumstance.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 11:41:13 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline Rinny

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Re: Character Biographies
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2014, 10:14:53 AM »

Nashara Vaelen born on Nar Shaddaa to a former dancing girl belonging to Ahnju the Hutt and a bounty hunter currently in his employ.  Though not a slave, Nashara has worked for the Hutt organization her entire life doing odd jobs, running messages and packages, or just keeping an ear to the ground for any information or rumors that might prove profitable.  She is a skilled pick pocket though she doesn't make it a habit.  Though she still shares a two room flat with her father, he is rarely there and Nashara has essentially spent the last five years raising herself.

Royston Vaelen has been a bounty hunter and enforcer in the employ of Ahnju the Hutt for the past fifteen years.  Known for being exceptionally ruthless in taking down a mark, he has enjoyed a long and profitable run though lately has been plagued by a string of bad luck and missed opportunities.  The recent dry spell has only served to make him more irritable and unpredictable.