Author Topic: Galactic Republic | Dramatis Personae  (Read 15007 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Galactic Republic | Dramatis Personae
« on: June 15, 2013, 11:37:59 PM »

Name: Lucidius Hale
Portrayed by: Jake Gyllenhaal
DOB/Homeworld: 20 BBY / Alderaan
Allegiance: Galactic Republic
   <> Lord Protector of the Galactic Republic
   <> Supreme Commander of the Republic Defense Force
Historical Background:
   Lucidius Hale was born to a large and wealthy family of musicians, artisans, and merchants on his native planet of Alderaan. Learning what he could from his parents, brothers, and sisters, Hale developed a knack for being a jack-of-all-trades at a very early age, and entered the family business as a teenager. Upon hearing about the Rebellion Against the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Hale decided to submit an application to the Imperial Academy on Corulag so that he could defend the Empire and his beloved Alderaan.
   On his 20th year, Hale graduated from the Academy and was given a junior officer assignment in Scourge Squadron - then Grand Moff Tarkin's outfit. After the destruction of Alderaan, Hale was devastated and angered that the Rebel Alliance effectively caused its demise. With all of his family killed in the incident, Hale dedicated himself to destroying the Rebel Alliance once and for all. His anger and fervor was noted by Grand Moff Kaine, who transferred Hale to the SSD Executor so that he could gain personal satisfaction from Death Squadron's primary mission to locate and destroy the Hidden Rebel Base. While onboard the Executor, Hale's future was ultimately decided by Darth Vader himself, who appointed Hale as the new commanding officer of the new 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force.
   Immediately following the Battle of Endor, Hale's leadership took the Imperial Remnant to new heights as ultimately he used the 1st IEF to expand the Imperial Remnant's sphere of influence across the galaxy as well as destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all.
Recent History:
   After the Battle of Coruscant, Hale's dramatic decision to order the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force to secure Imperial Center for the New Republic led to the final victory for the Republic and expulsion of all Imperial forces from Coruscant. However, the attack on Coruscant left the New Republic's Fleet and leadership almost entirely wiped out, and so Hale was celebrated as a hero and given the title of Lord Protector, so that he could restore order. Using his new found authority, Hale formed an interim parliament in order to ratify the Pellaeon-Mothma Treaty, which reorganized the galaxy into various spheres of influence. Taking what resources and territories he could from his Imperial Remnant holdings, the battle-shattered New Republic was reconsolidated and reorganized into the Galactic Republic.
   In the year following the Battle of Coruscant, the GR's hybrid approach towards governance would come to be known for its democratically elected legislative branch - embodied by the Republic Senate, its powerful executive branch - embodied by the Republic Defense Force, and the judicial branch - which utilized a restored Jedi Order of the Republic to provide the Republic with moral authority and oversight. In order to prevent one man from ever attaining too much power, one of the first bills passed by the Senate was to establish a Supreme Triumvirate, so that there would always be "rule by three". Comprised of the Senate President, Lord Protector, and a Jedi Grand Master, the Supreme Triumvirate worked to restore the principles and liberty that reigned under the Old Republic, with the enduring mission to restore peace and prosperity throughout the galaxy.

Name: Jana Sable
Portrayed by: Kate Upton
DOB/Homeworld: 16 BBY / Ralltiir
Allegiance: Jedi Order of the Republic
   <> Jedi Knight
   <> Jedi Liason to the Republic Executive Branch
   <> Special Agent of the Republic Secret Service
Historical Background:
   Jana's past will forever be clouded in mystery. What she does know is that she was discovered by Darth Vader during the Jedi Purge and Rise of the Empire era during an intensive battle on Ralltiir. Her Arkanian parents genetically engineered her to be a perfect human female, but since genetics and cloning was outlawed by the Empire, her parents were executed. Afterwards, as was Vader's personal policy to not let a single infant be an innocent victim during this time, he took the baby and immediately transferred her to the Imperial Special Activities Division HQ located on Byss: a holding complex designed to "rehabilitate" battlefield orphans. Trained from the very earliest ages to be an Imperial Operative, Jana's latent Force sensitivity was noticed by the Emperor himself, who then selected her at the age of 6 to be the Emperor's Shadow.
   Over the next 10 years, Jana's relentless training regime molded her into the perfect assassin and operative the Imperial Security Bureau could ever imagine in their wildest dreams. By the age of 16 she was proclaimed the Emperor's Shadow - the youngest ever, and no mission was too small or too great for Jana to accomplish. While her designation as the Emperor's Shadow lent her to perform many internal espionage missions, many Imperial Moffs, Admirals, and Generals each experienced tragic "accidents". Her youth and her beauty were often used as weapons as well, as it was easy to perform countless blackmails and loyalty tests while working undercover as a secret mistress.
   Her experiences and talents ultimately led to her assignment as Hale's personal attache, as the Emperor - ever suspicious of Vader's machinations - wanted to prevent Hale from ever achieving too much power. As Hale's operative during his tenure on Chandrila, Jana assisted him in tracking down a massive Rebel smuggling ring eventually linked to the Hutt Empire. Her investigation on Nar Shaddaa was eventually interrupted with the death of the Emperor, which sent a powerful Force reverberation through her psyche and physiology, leaving her weakened and slightly deranged. Disconnected from her Force powers and reality, Jana began taking odd jobs from the very criminals she was investigating in order to make a living. The rise of Darth Algoz sent another Force reverberation through the galaxy, only this time it "awakened" Jana. During her revival period, Jana returned to serving Hale doing what she knew best, but struggled with the Dark Side's hold over her.
Recent History:
   After an encounter and battle with the mysterious Darth X on Endor, Jana's triste with the Dark Side formally ended as she knew the only way to overcome such power was by turning to the Light Side. Later, Jana recovered a Jedi Holocron within the ancient Jedi ruins at Ilum and began her informal training as a Jedi Knight using the teachings from the holocron. In the Battle of Coruscant, Jana led a strike team to the Imperial Palace and planted enough explosives to destroy the entire palace as well as presumably kill both Darth Algoz and Luke Skywalker.
   In the weeks following the Battle of Coruscant and the formation of the Galactic Republic, Jana was ushered into creation of the Jedi Order of the Republic (JOR) and proclaimed Jedi Knight. Although Jana's knowledge of the Force an the Jedi Order is limited, she began tracking down former Force-sensitive Imperial Operatives and Dark Side Adepts that the Emperor held and offered them a chance to convert to the Light Side and join the JOR. Eventually, many Jedi Masters that went into hiding stepped forward and offered leadership to the JOR, and so Jana was officially assigned to the Republic Secret Service to put her counter-espionage skills to good use and to continue to serve by Hale's side.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic | Dramatis Personae
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2013, 01:49:00 PM »

Name: Davik Ibn Amani
Portrayed by: Denzel Washington
DOB/Homeworld: 52 BBY / Corellia
Allegiance: Galactic Republic
   <> President of the Galactic Senate
   <> Executive-in-Chief of the Republic Defense Force
Historical Background:
   Davik was born into a wealthy house on Corellia and from an early age become interested in politics. However, he spent the vast majority of his childhood and adolescence aboard space cruisers and freighters working in the family business - Amani Shipping Services. By the time Davik had reached adulthood, he had traversed much of the galaxy and cultivated a large personal and professional network as an up-and-comer in the intergalactic business world. However, in his 30s when the Clone Wars broke out, Davik joined the CorSec Diplomatic Corps in order to ensure peaceful negotiations continued between the Corellian systems and the galaxy at large. Leading an independent panel to investigate the economic impact of the Clone Wars as well as create a historical account for Corellian records, Davik discovered several suspicious links between layers of dummy and front corporations interlaced with Republic and Seperatist interests. It wasn't long before Davik began harboring severe doubts in the Republic itself, and soon after he left CorSec and started a new company - Amani Consulting Services - which immediately began working for the Seperatists. After the Clone Wars ended, Davik learned the truth - that Senator Palpatine was somehow behind everything - but he did not have hard evidence.
   Soon after the Declaration of the New Order, Amani began working closely with Senator Bail Organa and used his business and personal connections to begin cultivating a support network that privately funded and aided the burgeoning Rebel Alliance. After the Declaration of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was made public, Amani immediately began expanding services to promote Imperial interests - both to cover his tracks, mask his true loyalty, and gain knowledge of the Imperial economic system. Becoming a trusted advisor and close friend to the founders of the Rebellion, Davik's background and natural talent to weave between the business and diplomatic worlds allowed him to rise as one of the greatest unsung heroes and leaders of the Rebel Alliance.
Recent History:
   After the Battle of Coruscant, Davik rose up to take the mantle of leadership that Mon Mothma left behind after she died onboard Home One with Admiral Ackbar and several other key leaders. Being from Corellia, Davik immediately began pressuring the Corellian people to join the Second Galactic Republic and revealed his long, illustrious, and hidden identity as a Rebel Alliance leader and former officer in CorSec to win this initiative. Gaining particular popularity on Corellia, Davik was soon asked to run for President of the Galactic Senate by Lucidius Hale, who needed somebody to lay the groundwork for the "New Republic". Beginning his Presidential term one year after the Battle of Coruscant, Davik believes that the same tenacity he had fighting the Empire in the Rebel Alliance is the same he should have in re-expanding the Republic and restoring it to its former greatness.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Galactic Republic | Dramatis Personae
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 02:46:56 PM »

Name: Hageshi Senshi
Portrayed by: Toshiro Mifune
DOB/Homeworld: Unknown / Yamato (Unknown Regions)
Allegiance: Galactic Republic
  <> Jedi Master
  <> Headmaster of the Jedi Temple
  <> General, Republic Defense Force
  <> Senator, representing the Jedi Order
Historical Background:
 Much of Hageshi Senshi's background is unknown, as his complete personal history that was once part of the Jedi Archives was wiped away during the Rise of the Empire. What is known is that he is a member of the Yamato species, a rare humanoid species from the Unknown Regions that reportedly has a great lifespan, and that he was discovered and trained by Jedi Master Freiya Zorn during a 5-year Jedi mapping expedition of the Unknown Regions. Hageshi Senshi displayed a natural command of the Force, for his planet's native religion was attuned to the Force and its powerful and mystical energies. When Master Zorn was recalled to Coruscant at the onset of the Clone Wars, Hageshi decided to also leave Yamato to pursue mastery of the Jedi Way.
 While on Coruscant, Hageshi trained with Jedi Masters daily due to his advanced prowess of wielding both the Force and the lightsaber, and was quickly promoted to Jedi Knight. Once fully indoctrinated to the Jedi Order, Hageshi was given a chance to undertake many special operations missions during the Outer Rim Sieges phase of the Clone Wars, and often worked alongside many famous Jedi Masters such as Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
 When Order 66 was issued, Hageshi was luckily in hyperspace traveling onboard his personal Consular Cruiser Ronin, with only a squad of Clonetroopers onboard, who were easily dispatched. Learning from one of the dying Clonetroopers that they were executing Order 66, Hageshi sensed the true nature of the Clone Wars and upon exiting hyperspace immediately plotted a new course to the Unknown Regions to return to his homeworld for immediate safety. After hiding for a year on his homeworld, Hageshi decided to venture back into the Known Regions of the Galaxy in order to discern the fate of the Jedi order and the Republic. Adopting a new identity for himself and beginning work as a private investigator, "Oni" as he referred himself as completed countless rescues of people who had been kidnapped or victimized by the Empire or the Hutts, putting his skills as a Jedi Knight to good use in the pursuit of justice.
 Although Hageshi had heard of the Rebel Alliance, he was unable to locate a Rebel sympathizer or find anybody that he trusted enough for him to reveal his identity, and so he remained a secret Jedi simply due to unfortunate circumstances. It was only until the Battle of Endor when he was able to personally track down the secretive Rendezvous Point, where he finally was able to join the Rebel Alliance, but by then it seemed the Force had willed him not to participate in the coming conflict.
Recent History:
 With Luke Skywalker proclaimed Missing-In-Action, Hageshi was quickly recognized as not only one of the few Jedi Masters that had resurfaced after the Battle of Endor, but also the most powerful, and so he was quickly proclaimed the Headmaster of the Jedi Temple. Faced with the daunting task of building the restored Jedi Order from the ground up, Hageshi implemented many reforms such that the conservativism of the old Order would never come to threaten it. Being the Headmaster of the Jedi Temple, Hageshi has tirelessly worked towards rebuilding the Temple and restoring the Jedi Order to its former glory. Not to be outdone by the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, the Jedi Temple is still considered the headquarters of the Jedi Order, although the number of Padawans undergoing training is significantly less than what it is at Yavin IV.
 Master Hageshi is also a ranking General of the Republic Defense Force, as well as a Senator in the Galactic Senate, as it was deemed necessary to not only restore the Jedi Council to the Senate, but give the Jedi hands-on representation as well such that the Republic's political affairs could always remain observed. Hageshi's current apprentice is Jana Sable, whom he only tutors from time to time as to sharpen her skills in the Force.