Author Topic: ROON  (Read 15657 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: April 14, 2013, 10:47:03 PM »


  A little known and mostly forgotten world with rich ancient Galactic history.  Roon had been lost to time in most all known star-logs.  Located within the near impenetrable massive dense astrological debris field known as the Cloak of the Sith, even those with knowledge of Roon's existence and location found reaching it a difficult if not treacherous endeavor.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 10:49:23 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 07:29:27 PM »

  Isolation.  Far from a merit in the considerations of most.  To others, bliss.   The remote temperate world Roon enjoyed the attached sentiments.  Surrounded by a vast treacherous and mostly unnavigable congregation of cosmic dust, asteroids and meteors known as the Cloak of the Sith, it was nearly impossible to reach.  The planet shares a unique place of mention in the earliest known piece of Galactic History, the Dha Werda Verda.  According to the ancient epic poem, in Pre-Republic times when the Taung species was driven from Coruscant by the Zhell, Roon became the final exiled nesting place of their race until their resurgence millennia later with the conquest of the planet Mandalore and assumption of the namesake as a redeemed culture.  Though the Taung and their branch races are long extinct now as a distinct species, the Mandalorian legacy of elite soldiering traces it's origins back to them.  

  In somewhat more modern times, two-thousands years before the Battle of Yavin, Roon once served as capital of the New Sith Empire founded by Darth Ruin.  Ten centuries later, by the end of the Fourth Great Schism however, it had fallen in to a relegated backwater forgotten realm.  In the climactic Seventh Battle of Ruusan, the Sith were vanquished once and for all with no known suriving entity at the time.  In the wake of the chaos after ages of interstellar warfare between the Republic and the Sith Empire, with the Ruusan Reformation the planet no longer appeared on any Republic Astrological charts.    Now a days, it's disappeared from all but the most obscure logs and has become a far flung hope for those looking to be forgotten and exist in chosen solitude, it's rich ancient history a disregarded footnote or topic of ignorance to most.

  Still, knowledge of and grander interests in Roon exist.  Looming outside the Cloak of the Sith, the Hammerhead Assault Frigate Harbinger, a heavily modified warship hailing from The Maw Shipyards, anchored an expedition to the elusive world.  One by one a trio of small landing shuttles dropped out from beneath the powerful cruiser and were joined by several small starfighters.  Forming up, they sped off in to the hazards in search of Roon. .

-= Summary =-
HAF Harbinger exited HS @ Roon
Deployed some undisclosed support craft
Began some SLing

Hammerhead Assault Frigate Harbinger
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems; 630/630/315/165
Location; **   UCR; 4
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 07:31:59 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2013, 02:21:04 PM »

  In the span of a few weeks, the generally spacious quarters of a Sentinel shuttle grew rather confined.  The familiar mingled pungent aromas of a couple dozen long unwashed human and alien bodies filled the cabins.  It had been twenty-two days since the expedition had ventured in to the Cloak of the Sith.  Sixteen days since last established contact with their mothership, the Harbinger, who anxiously waited safely outside the treacherous astrological barrier.  Ten days since being nearly swallowed by a strange massive space dwelling creature and two days since being caught in a lethal cosmic meteor shower, in total cutting their party to less than half strength.

  Now, a single shuttle and a pair of Starviper fighter escorts trudged nervously along through the Cloak.  Still no sign of the planet Roon and running low on every resource from water to resolve.

  Aboard the lead ship, a meager Szymon slumped in a co-pilots chair while the ship's Duros captain plodded along, he needed little nourishment or comfort to sustain and by now was the most alert of the party, along with his few present like-raced brethren.  The vast chaotic stellar rift, the Cloak, unfolded around them and filled the windows.  They jogged slowly along through a dust field, outlying clusters of asteroids and plasma storm generating clouds at a safe distance for the moment.  At a control pod behind the forward operators, a beleaguered Twi'lek repeatedly attempted to hail.. at this point? anyone, as was the routine every fifteen minutes or so for the last two weeks,

  "General Distress, Gwardia Flight Sigma to H-A-F Zero One, Over.." *SSSSHHHHHHH* radio silence.  "Gwardia Flight Sigma to Roon, Mayday Mayday, Beacon Request, Over.." *SHHHHHHH* more radio silence.  "Gwardia Flight Sigma, anybody out th..," his droning was abruptly cut off by a return transmission,

  "Pi--ing you Sig--. -- Roon out," a faint static riddled voice answered, followed by a soft sensor ping that echoed through the compartment, a relieving sound of joy for the cockpits occupants.  The Twi'lek's eyes opened brightly as his gauntlet of sharply pointed teeth lined his wide smile as he turned to his comrades.  The Duros was chuckling a merry blather while Szymon at first peeked only an eye open to peer around and ensure it not a hallucination before jumping to life,

  "Sensors?" he turned to a human controller behind him.  The young man's bright expression was cast in further luminance from the glow of his display panel, "Contact my Lord!  It's light but I've got a lock on it, two hours out!" he answered.  "Set course Captain! I'll ready the crew," Szymon instructed and exited the command quarters. .
SWSF 'til Death