Author Topic: CHANDRILA  (Read 43913 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2011, 12:42:42 PM »
Current Player Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Total Victory Points: 215
Previous Victory Balance: 120

1 MAY: +50 (ISP), +10 (ISH), +10 (IAC), +25 (IFD RALL-01)

Previous Balance: 20 KCs
VP Paycheck: +215 KCs

Expenditures & Constructions
NEW Imperial Trade Center for ISP CHAN: -100 KCs
NEW Imperial Trade Center for IAC CHAN-01: -100 KCs

Ending Balance: 35 KCs

Fleet Movements
Ships *** and *** returned to Chandrila, from Ralltiir (overdue).

Monetary Contributions to the SSD Project: 25 KCs
From IFD RALL-01: 25 KCs (Sent 1 MAY)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2011, 11:34:19 AM »
Provincial Moff of Chandrila & Commander of the 1st IEF


 It was a quiet morning in Hanna City, as a month had passed since the crackdown on Rebel insurgency began. Business slowed due to the increased level of security measurements in place, especially when it came to on and offworld shipping transits, but the economy was beginning to bounce back, as the restrictions on freedom initially in place were being repealed. Most of the citizens didn't mind, as their lives were centered mainly on city life, not offworld life, so the crackdown didn't really affect them.  Even the nightly curfew established didn't really impede on many, as most Chandrilans favored in-home entertainment such as dinner parties or watching the latest holodramas on the Imperial Holotelevision networks.

 Though things were beginning to look up for all Chandrilans, as an annoucement was made that the crackdown procedures were being repealed this morning, due to a major development in the search for the Rebel insurgency.  Apparently, the message was made clear to the Rebel sympathizers: do anything and the entire planet suffers, as it was in the suffering of the crackdown that numerous leads were followed and developed upon.

 For those tuning into the IHTV, the could see Hale deliver a speech, with an entourage of Imperial officers and aids behind him, with Jana Sable at his right side:

 < Good morning. Today, I can report to the citizens of Hanna city and to the rest of Chandrila that my office has conducted an operation that killed Nedal Nib Amaso, the leader of the Rebel Insurgency on Chandrila, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of hundreds of innocent citizens.
 It was nearly a month ago that the attacks occured, resulting in utter destruction of the Moff's Palace here in downtown Hanna City. We all remember the scenes and the images -- a mushroom cloud of fire over the city, and chaos and panick in the streets below. But this was not the extent of the damage, for the ensuing crackdown left a world paralyzed by Imperial security, and rightfully so, as justice needed to be served.
 We quickly learned that these attacks were spearheaded by a man named Nedal Nib Amaso here on Chandrila, a Rebel terrorist and organizer of the lowest order.
 Over the last month, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterinsurgency professionals, we've made great strides in that effort. Yet Nedal Nib Amaso remained at large.  And so shortly after taking the office of Moff, I directed my assistant Jana Sable to make the killing or capturing of Nedal Nib Amaso a top priority, so that the people of Chandrila would no longer feel the pressure of the crackdown.
 We soon learned through information garnered through incarcerations and interrogations, that Nedal Nib Amaso was secretly hiding in an underground compound deep inside Natsikap City. After verifying these leads, I decided that it was time to act.  Last night, at my direction, an Imperial strike team led by Jana Sable herself performed a direct action assault against Nedal Nib Amaso and killed him and his allies.
 At last, Imperial order has been re-established and justice has been served, so let this strike be a warning to future Rebel terrorists and sympathizers -- we will find you no matter where you are and bring you to justice. Imperial order will prevail! SEMPER IMPERIALIS! >

 After the address was made, there was a resounding silence around Hanna City, for everyone was suprised that the crackdown was over and that Nedal Nib Amaso had been killed.  It was a glorious day for the Empire, and a glorious day for Chandrila!


 The briefing room inside the Imperial Sector Palace was remarkably quiet, as a number of officials waited for Hale and his team to return. They all were thumbing through their datapads, checking up on the intelligence they were ready to present for Hale's daily briefings. Although Hale was responsible as Moff to safeguard Chandrila, his operations were largely focused on locating and destroying Rebels throughout the galaxy.
 Suddenly, Hale and his team walked in, and everyone rose from their chairs to applaud him.

 "Congratulations," said many, shaking his hand and saluting him.

 Hale approached the head of the briefing table and raised his hands, saying "thank you, thank you. But I must congratulate each and everyone of you for taking part in these operations. I truly have a remarkable team!"
 As the applause quieted and people took their seats, Hale began to speak again. His entourage from earlier spread around the room, some taking seats, while others left the room altogether.  Jana Sable stood quietly at the window looking outward to the city.

 "Good morning. Although Amaso has been taken down, we can't let the security of Chandrila be our only victory nor our only focus. Now, the reason why many of you were not apart of the Amaso task force is because I needed you to investigate any Rebel activity outside of Chandrila. So what do you have?" asked Hale, opening up the floor for anyone.

 "Sir, I've contacted the Imperial Security Bureau to ask for assistance in this matter, and they forwarded me a list of known hyperspace trajectories from Hoth, focusing on major and minor hyperspace lanes as potential hubs for Rebel activity. This much we know already, but ISB analysts have determined that the Rebels might be operating similarly to our Imperial task forces, in that remote worlds are not likely base candidates, as Rebels prefer more centralized locations to make more effective bases of operation."

 Hale nodded, as the next person spoke.

 "Following on that sir, we're taking a look at all unusual activity in the open market or in the black market.  Our covert investigation operatives looking into black market activity on Nar Shaddaa have confirmed that there has been a recent increase in the purchasing and shipping of spice, correlating with recent acquisitions of construction materiel which analysts have determined to be suitable only for high-end facilities."

 Hale nodded, "so where is this pointing us to? We have hyperspace and black market activity, which seems to point to a Rebel operation, but where is it?"

 "Honestly sir, we don't know yet. Our operatives are developing their leads, but they are reaching a dead end. We need some harder evidence."

 "Agreed," replied Hale. "Let's organize another task force then..."

 Jana turned around and glared at Hale, "No," she spoke softly, moving towards him. "Rebel activity has been correlated with black market activity, yes? Then we need to go to where the brood of vipers are. A task force would be too much. We need something more subtle."

 "What are you suggesting, Jana?" asked Hale.

 "Bounty hunters..."

 As soon as she said that, many in the room scoffed aloud. One Ensign Von Baaken spoke defiantly, "Are you ridiculous? It is disgraceful for the Empire to succumb to the use of bounty hunters, especially for a task like this one."

 "Then you tell me where the Rebel base is Von Baaken! We don't have time to 'play by the rules'.  This is not the Imperial Academy, this is Real Life. We need results, not ideas..." replied an ISB officer in the room.
 The bickering began and more and more officers began jumping down each other's throats, arguing over the 'honor of the Empire' and the 'ethical use of bounty hunters' or whatever their hearts fancied.  For Hale, he had enough. His team was good, but they came from all sides of the spectrum in terms of experience and worldview, which gave them great diversity, but also led to many disagreements.  Hale stepped closer to Jana and whispered into her ear, "go to Nar Shaddaa and investigate these black market leads. Employ a bounty hunter if you desire."

 Jana nodded and walked out of the room, her black cloak flowing gracefully behind her. Hale felt attracted to Jana, but knew professionalism had to have come first. He also knew because she was the Emperor's Shadow, her presence within his organization meant that more likely the Emperor wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he was doing his job.

 "ENOUGH!" Hale shouted. "Jana Sable has been given this assignment. I'm sure you all trust that she will get the job done, as she did with Nedal Nib Amaso. Is this satisfactory?"

 Though the question was rhetorical, many nodded. They all suspected who Jana really was, but never said it aloud. She was too mysterious to be a part of the Imperial Fleet, too open to be COMPNOR, and too powerful to be a mere ISB agent.  Many suspected that she was perhaps one of Vader's agents, as Hale's mission came from Vader, but her characteristics resembled that of one of the few Emperor's elite operatives more so than one of Vader's agents, who typically were just assassins.  Regardless of what anybody thought, even if it was true, nobody said anything.  You simply didn't question high-level officers like that.


 After walking out of the briefing, Jana Sable made her way to the West Platform where the Vengeance was parked.  She didn't need any prep time for her mission.  Everything she had was already onboard, as she practically lived in the vessel.  So after prepping the sleek J-type for launch, the vessel engaged its drive engine and blasted off the platform, entering the skies above.

 Meanwhile, Hale looked out from the windows of the briefing room to see the Vengeance streak upward.  He had full confidence in Jana's abilities, which would be put to the test in her upcoming assignment. Tracking down Rebels was no easy task.

1. Repealed crackdown on Chandrila.
2. Discussed Rebel operations.
3. Deployed Jana Sable, Emperor's Shadown (IMPERIAL OPERATIVE) for a storyline mission to Nar Shaddaa. Her mission is to investigate Rebel smuggling activity on and offworld.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2011, 02:52:52 AM »
Provincial Moff of Chandrila & Commander of the 1st IEF


 Hale was quietly typing away at his computer, writing various reports. He had bi-monthly progress reports to send to Darth Vader, which also were CC'd to the Office of Fleet Intelligence (OFI) and Imperial High Command (IHC), and as such were not exactly the easiest things to write, as these mentionables preferred very detailed reports and updates of progress in addition to future planning of operations.  Accountability was a hard thing to maintain, but was often a necessary thing to keeping vital operations going and moving forward.

 A buzz was heard at his door, followed by a young female officer budging in, as Hale's door had simple note posted on it that read 'knock and enter'.

 "Yes, Ensign Freewell, what can I do for you?" asked Hale, who was partly surprised, as she was the Communications
 Officer for ISPCHAN,
 a position that required no more interaction with him other than a daily inbound and offgoing electronic message report.

 "Yes sir," she said with a worried tone in her voice, "'s the daily report, sir," handing the datapad to him. "I would have sent this via our intranet sir, but we've received a priority message from Yavin IV."

 "Yavin IV?? What in the blazes is this about?" Hale began to skim over the message before Freewell could answer, "Distress Signal, aye. Is there anything else I should know before I mobilize the IEF?"

 "Well sir, the attack is being spearheaded by this so-called Mandalorian Liberation Army. In the last OFI Journal, they documented the MLA's intent to acquire a strike fleet, but it seems they have already managed to do so under our noses, which isn't hard to believe since their fleet consists of 1 Venator-class Star Destroyer, the command ship, and 4 NeutronStar-class Bulk Cruisers, which appear to be secondary-line units," replied Freewell.

 "Excellent analysis, Freewell
. As the Comm-O I didn't expect you'd be keeping up with the OFI Journals."

 you sir, but with all do respect, I get to see alot of communications traffic, and so I dabble in whatever interests me."

 "Well dabble away Freewell, I need diversity and independent thinking for my staff, not robotics," replied Hale, complementing her. "I look forward to your next report. Have a nice day."

 Freewell saluted Hale and departed. Meanwhile, Hale began packing up his bags and laptop, getting ready to also leave. As commander of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force, his responsibility was to be equally on the field as he was off it, performing the administrative duties of his operation, so this meant everytime the IEF was mobilized for a major mission, he would be there to lead it into battle.


 Hale stepped off the turbolift with his black duffle bag and laptop bag slung over both of his shoulders. He saw the flight crew of the Veritas sitting together in a circle with a small fire going, as they were grilling burgers for lunch. Hale smiled for a moment before walking closer to them, as he appreciated the fact that his personal shuttle crew was enjoying the nice day and taking a break from the stiff upper lip routine that was normally associated with being an Imperial serviceman.

 "Men," said Hale confidently, as he approached. Immediately upon recognizing the voice, the entire flight crew snapped to attention and saluted, some with food in their mouth.

 The lead flight officer, Warrant Officer Benz dropped his salute and handed Hale a datapad.
"Sir, daily maintenance and pre-flight checklist was completed as of 0900 this morning. We are ready to go," offered Benz, hoping to get a break since clearly he and the crew were exercising some liberties with the grill.

 "Good work Warrant Officer," Hale read the report, adding some tension to the situation by refraining from speaking right off the bat. "Because we need to go, now," Hale said sternly, as he began walking up the shuttle's loading ramp. In that moment, the crew figured themselves busted, but Hale turned around and smiled, "but before we do, I'll take a bacon cheeseburger and a cola in the cockpit."

 Warrant Officer Benz smiled, "you got it, sir."

 At that instance, the crew began packing up their lunch operations and everything else they had broken out, as they returned all the equipment back to the shuttle. Within minutes, the rest of the crew was scurrying around the shuttle performing another pre-flight checklist, as it was customary to do so before flying, even if one had already been completed. Hale sat in the cockpit quietly, enjoying his lunch as the crew worked. After a short while, Benz reported to Hale that they were ready for launch, so they proceeded to engage flight operations.

 The crew mustered in the cockpit to get a mission briefing from Hale before departing. "Gentlemen, we are to rendezvous with the 1st IEF in orbit as soon as possible on a priority mission. I'm deploying the fleet to Yavin IV to respond to a distress signal sent a few days ago, as apparently Yavin Base Forces are under attack by a rogue Mandalorian element calling themselves the Mandalorian Liberation Army, and judging from their attack fleet, they've probably already wiped the floor with the Imperial defenses stationed there, and so I've been directed by Imperial High Command to intercept and engage the MLA. So let's get out of here!"

 At that instance, the crew took their stations and the shuttle's main core came online, sending full power throughout the shuttle's systems. Within moments, the shuttle was taking off and entered the atmosphere, where it quickly passed through and entered low orbit, where the handful of ships that was the 1st IEF awaited them. After docking onboard the Chandrila, Hale's command ship, it and two more vessels entered hyperspace bound for Yavin IV. The other half of the fleet would enter hyperspace at later time, as their faster hyperdrives alloted Hale the flexibility of being able to stagger the entrance of his forces and maintain combat momentum accordingly.

1. Received Distress Signal from Yavin IV.
2. DREAD Chandrila & STRK Warhawk & STRK Highlander entered hyperspace for Yavin IV. ETA 92 Hours.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2011, 10:26:18 PM »
3 Carrack Cruisers enter hyperspace for Yavin IV.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2011, 09:31:19 AM »
Current Player Rank: COMMANDER

Total Victory Points: 310
Previous Victory Balance: 215
15 MAY: +50 (ISP), +10 (ISH), +10 (IAC), +25 (IFD RALL-01)

Previous Balance: 35 KCs
VP Paycheck: +310 KCs
Trade Centers: +100 KCs

Expenditures & Constructions
NEW Imperial ComScan Outpost (Chandrila): -300 KCs
UPGRADE Shipyard (ISH) to Level 3: -100 KCs

Ending Balance: 45 KCs

Total Monetary Contributions Sent to the SSD Project: 100 KCs
Previous Contributions: 25 KCs
15 MAY: IFD RALL-01 (+25 KCs), ITC/ISP (+25 KCs), ITC/IAC (+25 KCs)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 09:34:26 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2011, 12:24:06 AM »
Current Player Rank: CAPTAIN

Total Victory Points: 575
Previous Victory Balance: 310
1 JUN: +50 (ISP), +10 (ISH), +10 (IAC), +25 (IFD RALL-01), +50 (CSO)

Previous Balance: 45 KCs
VP Paycheck: +575 KCs
Trade Centers: +100 KCs
Flashpoint: +288 KCs

Subtotal Balance: 1008 KCs

Expenditures & Constructions
UPGRADE Imperial Sector Palace to Level 3: -125 KCs
UPGRADE Imperial Shipyard to Level 4: -200 KCs
NEW Imperial Factory (Chandrila): -200 KCs
NEW Imperial Fleet Depot (Chandrila): -200 KCs
NEW Imperial Trade Center (for ComScan Outpost): -100 KCs

Ending Balance: 183 KCs

Total Monetary Contributions Sent to the SSD Project: 175 KCs
Previous Contributions: 100 KCs
1 JUN: IFD RALL-01 (+25 KCs), ITC/ISP (+25 KCs), ITC/IAC (+25 KCs)


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2011, 05:10:43 PM »
Commanding Officer: COMM Lucidius Hale


 The Chandrila and the rest of Avenger Squadron appeared out of the brink of hyperspace and into orbit over Chandrila, victorious from their engagement over Yavin IV. Due to Hale's prowess on the battlefield and expansion of Imperial facilities on Chandrila, his achievements garnered him an immediate promotion to the rank of Commodore. Now hopefully, other officers would not only respect him as an equal, but also look up to him as model Imperial leader on his way to Admiralty.

 Unfortunately, the battle against the Mandalorians had its cost. Thousands of stormtroopers fell in battle, as well as a number of starfighter and auxiliary craft. It was time for Avenger Squadron to perform some much needed upgrading. With the NSBC Beast in tractor tow and disabled, it was marshalled to the Shipyard, where it would be salvaged along with the STRK Warhawk and its remaining units in order to fuel the war effort. Hale had his eyes on biggest and best ship he could build, but for now he would settle for a balanced task force by commencing construction of an Imperial Escort Carrier and some TIE Avengers.

 Meanwhile, on Chandrila's surface, construction for a Research & Development center began, which would herald in a new season of advancement and progress, as Hale hoped this would give him a powerful edge in his pursuit of the Rebels...


Current Player Rank: COMMODORE

Total Victory Points: 765
Previous Victory Balance: 575
15 JUN: +50 (ISP), +10 (ISH), +10 (IAC), +25 (IFD RALL-01), +50 (COMSCAN), +25 (IFD CHAN-01), +20 (FAC) = +190 VPs

Previous Balance: 183 KCs
VP Paycheck: +765 KCs
Trade Centers: +150 KCs
Salvage: +592 KCs (1 NSBC + 1 STRK + 3 LSHUs + 2 BARGEs + 3 TIE/F Squads + 14 ST Squads + 2 AT-ATs + 4 AT-STs + 6 SBs)

Subtotal Balance: 1690 KCs

Expenditures & Constructions
NEW Imperial Escort Carrier: -325 KCs
NEW (3) TIE Avenger Squadrons: -222 KCs
NEW Imperial R&D Center: -1000 KCs

Ending Balance: 143 KCs

Total Monetary Contributions Sent to the SSD Project: 275 KCs
Previous Contributions: 175 KCs
15 JUN: IFD RALL-01 (+25 KCs), ITC/ISP (+25 KCs), ITC/IAC (+25 KCs), ITC/CS (+25 KCs)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2011, 11:59:31 AM »
The lone YT-1300 moved to C-7 and lets go a single ACTIVE ping of the system.

Began active system scan

YT-1300 in C-7
Everything 100% (Its a shuttle, if you have something in range and choose to shoot at it, it will die, no sense looking up the stats, lol)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2011, 04:17:17 PM »
With a flash another YT-1300 exits HS in C-2 and begins an active scan of the system.

Exited HS
Began active scan

YT-1300 1 (C-7 Active Scan)

YT-1300 2 (C-2 Active Scan)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2011, 07:52:13 AM »
Another flash as a third YT-1300 exited HS in C-13 and began an active scan.

Exited HS and began active scan

YT-1300 1 (C-7 Active scanning)
YT-1300 2 (C-2 Active scanning)
YT-1300 3 (C-13 Active scanning)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2011, 01:58:27 PM »
49hrs, still awaiting scan results.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2011, 09:49:05 AM »
Scan results yield:
(1) STRK
(1) ESC
(3) CRAKs
(1) Level IV Shipyard
(1) Golan Platform

JUN 10 UPDATE: All units located in A-3.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 03:53:48 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2011, 01:45:38 PM »
Uhh... thanks much, now can I get the active scans, with their locations? I have 3 shuttles here all on active scan in various C-grids.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2011, 10:43:31 AM »
Everything enters HS for **** seeing as Hale either will not or can not post.

Enters HS for **** (Eta 4hrs for shuttles, 10hrs for fleet)

Status: HS
YT-1300 1
YT-1300 2
YT-1300 3
1st Republic Expeditionary Fleet
all 100%