
Who do you want to die during the Battle of Coruscant? (Pick 7)

Princess Leia
5 (11.6%)
Luke Skywalker
6 (14%)
Gilead Pellaeon
3 (7%)
Sate Pestage
4 (9.3%)
Ysanne Isard
3 (7%)
Han Solo
4 (9.3%)
3 (7%)
Boba Fett
3 (7%)
Mon Mothma
6 (14%)
Admiral Ackbar
4 (9.3%)
Lando Calrissian
1 (2.3%)
(Player Character)
1 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: May 08, 2013, 10:48:44 PM

Author Topic: OOC: Battle of Coruscant  (Read 35215 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2013, 06:47:28 PM »
The problem is that in our game, the trooper taking a shit isn't the one directing inter-system warfare across the galaxy. The minor characters aren't the ones running factions.

I love to read stories about all types of characters and you can do that regardless of which way you go, but in terms of each of us having control over the factions from a story angle, its usually easier to not do it along side canon. You can do it, but then instead of creating your own characters as the leaders etc, you have to use characters created already. Not impossible, not bad, but you have a wider range of options stepping away from strict canon. You also don't have the responsibility of making the canon characters ring true. I never felt comfortable writing posts with Mothma, Ackbar, Skywalker, etc.

And just to point it out again, if ANH were a video game it would be more like one of the 1st person games in the franchise, not Empire at War, which is closer to what we're doing i think, right?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2013, 07:34:00 PM »
No but the ship hes taking a shit on might be invovled in said interstellar warfare.  Just saying, many many angles to same story.  The argument im making is that current dynamic allows for whatever method we as individual players wanted to take.  You may prefer to read about a General in the happenings of a combat post,  id like to get in to divergent angles personally in my work.  Im happy to read whatever approach my compatriots take.  Both work.

There are other Forums out there with SW simming, they sort of operate in the manner Dem is describing.  Albeit the methods can be a lot different and most the ones I've seen are almost entirely SL which make that significantly easier.  It's just a general synopsis of where the galaxy is, everything exists NPC in some state as 'summarily' presented initially.  Players create and use characters upon this then just sort of doing and interacting.  Of course I haven't seen one of these other forums that's had activity in the BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM generally swift responses we use, and the last I recall stumbling upon hadn't been active since 2009.  But I got to really think a lot of this is just boiling down to the perspective we are each individually taking, and within the set up we use, it can be done either way.

Realistically you could just entirely post banking for whole faction and summarize movements with blurbs and status' and then pick any little niche of your personal 'Empire' to grab characters to tell their tales while all this greater galactic manipulation is going on like a machine in the background so to speak. . . .

. . .Sorry, so after a lot of digression back to the point

LUKE LEIA HAN CHEWIE MOTHMA ACKBAR ETC. . .we are better served to stick to plan more or less, with slight tweaking should any individual player really like to keep someone alive for develop/use further in III.  I will follow popular suit, or maybe not who knows ;p  Either way, I would like dibs on controlling whatever Leia is doing in the Coruscant melee.  If possible this can go along with Falcon + Han and Chewie obviously.  I may or may not kill one or all of them.  Providing this is agreed or disagreed, non respectively =)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 07:55:14 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2013, 08:22:44 AM »
I agree. For years we've all simmed "along side canon", and I think GCW3 will finally give us all the opportunity to explore the Star Wars universe from a large-scale character-driven perspective rather than a "follow along" perspective. To each his own. There are strengths and weaknesses to both angles, but at this point we can't really define what canon is anymore since Episodes VII, VIII, and IX will be published by Disney... which will essentially ignore the novels. That being said, I don't feel particularly bound to post-Episode VI canon anymore.

I think the basic highlights of the BOC should involve an epic space battle, with a Luke vs Algoz battle, Pellaeon-Mothma Peace Treaty, and all other major characters either getting destroyed or captured for a blank slate. What we as the player community chooses to do with that basic premise is what I hope will fill in the blanks and allow us to create something special.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2013, 12:53:53 PM »
Sounds good, then whomever falls in the righteous path of controlling said Canon characters based on our roles and needs in the BOC will dictate the ultimate outcomes of their fates individually to retain a bit of spice and unknowing for everyone else as to what's for sure going to happen?  i dig it

"start" date is still May 15th yes?

Soft launch for III June 1st, 2 week grace period to get the inbetween time and evolutions/backgrounds covered with SLs and such? hard launch for III June 15th?
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2013, 02:12:16 PM »

Battle of Coruscant OPENS on May 15th. Scheduled to last 2 weeks, ending on May 29th.

GCWII Closing and GCWIII Rules & Specs RELEASE: May 30th and 31st.

GCWIII soft launch on June 1st. Hard launch on June 15th (kickoff action day).

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2013, 07:17:49 AM »
Since the majority has elected for a STORYLINE battle, the current Command Point Limitations are hereby suspended for the BOC. Bring your best fleet, BUT be reasonable about it!

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: OOC: Battle of Coruscant
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2013, 11:56:12 PM »
Just a group FYI, I'm heavily in to some prelude NR story stuff to get to Coruscant involving Leia, eventually it will have nice Hutt tie in.  Will have the first part up tomorrow after work sometime (7PM EST).  Second part will be an NR force mustering which will be this weekend (Saturday I anticipate), third (early next week) an NR contigent force consisting of Falcon and some Canon chars arrives at Battle of Coruscant, which I believe will be in some state of War already before then?

And the arrival of my NR contingent will i think coincide with some of Hale's command, so will this time frame be ok for you Hale Re: NR arrival and engagement timeline?  In mean time there will be Imp interests getting "sorted out" so to speak?
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