Author Topic: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments  (Read 11248 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« on: May 05, 2020, 02:46:58 PM »
So, I saw the news about the DoD confirming the UFO videos. I watched the Rogan podcast with Cmdr. Fravor (CO of Super Hornets squadron that investigated the 'tic tac'). Watched the Area 51 Bob Lazar documentary (which isn't great) on Netflix. Following Tom Delonge (of all people) and to be honest this is all catnip for me.

What the fuck is going on... anyone else into this stuff? 👽

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2020, 04:15:11 PM »
Well, if the Drake Equation is correct, there are at least some alien civilizations out there. The other issue is the Fermi Paradox -- which says, if there are alien civilizations out there, then why haven't we encountered them yet? Of course this assumes that UFO phenomena doesn't constitute an official encounter. I think it is more likely that UFO phenomenon, assuming they are alien spacecraft, are robotic/AI probes sent by alien civilizations to scout the galaxy, because the rigors of space travel (even assuming something like faster-than-light speed capability) are probably too severe for biological life forms to endure such missions. This also assumes these alien civilizations have some sort of Prime Directive and are deliberately avoiding 'official' encounters.


Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2020, 05:00:31 PM »
Well the suggestion of how the tech works for the 'tic tac' and other craft like it that have been recorded is that it distorts the field of gravity/space time or whatever, so no rigor of space travel involved.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2020, 09:54:47 AM »
I dunno shit about math or statistics but it seems against common sense that of all the stars out there and inconceivable distances that there aren't other 'intelligent' species.  Some are still in their respective stone age, some have evolved to the point of being conscious gaseous clouds, some are insects or prairie dogs with hive minds.

Regarding the rigors of space travel, thats all assuming that how a lifespan is measured on earth is comparable any place else or we are talking about carbon based life anyways.  We think living to be 100 is long.  Maybe for whatever transuniversal alien race we are theorizings, their life spans are 1000 of years.  Maybe they got so far in genetic engineering they don't look or function biologically any of the ways they used to or any of the ways we think of.

I dunno, but to me it just seems unlikely we are anything special or an anomaly among an infinite otherwise lifeless universe.  And as far as the reports and sightings go, imagine a primitive warlike species in star wars that hasn't developed intergalactic travel yet but has engineered superbugs and nuclear weapons...  If I traveled the stars to get to this zoo, Im not going to show those shaved apes my whole hand.  Better to observe, record and report and mess with their heads a bit.

I feel apprehension to the notion of a universe with non-human life derives from the human condition of "sapien exceptionalism".  We love to think we are amazing and belittle creeping ideas that undermine that foundation.  Our 'minds' are probably the most fragile part of us.
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Offline EmperorSeverus

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 07:33:37 PM »
The Drake equation is really cool, but the result of the equation depends on what values you assign to the variables. Scholars are divided between those who say there must be intelligent life somewhere else out there and those who say as hard as it may be to imagine, there is good reason to think we may very well be the only planet with intelligent life in the universe.

Personally I really don't know. I still think the Drake equation is cool. As far as UFOs are concerned, I like to imagine that some are real (it's the X-Files fan me) but in reality I think legit UFOs are probably just classified military projects.

Offline Ramano

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2020, 06:30:04 PM »
According to every scenario we've run, this galaxy shouldnt have life for another 10 billion years yet. So, not saying the science is absolutely right, but it could be we are the first sentient species in this galaxy. 

Personally i just think the aliens are afriad of us. Or moreover, afraid of what we would do if we got ahold of their technology. Its not hard to look at our history, which is open sources on the internet and make an educated guess that we are death incarnate.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: UFOs, Bob Lazar, and recent developments
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2020, 09:48:07 AM »
Same thing we do with all technology, find a way to use it to get over on one another.  Due to that, I think they know they don't have anything to worry about with the shaved ape clans of Earth. Any technology we get our hands on, we will be too busy trying to dominate each other to form any collective capable of threatening an external element.

Dogs are the superior species of Earth.

1post from 2,000th!  I have to stay off the Forum today until I get home to pour a drink and twist one ;p
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