Author Topic: ((TF)) DURO  (Read 11646 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: October 12, 2019, 11:10:57 PM »
STRATEGIC BONUS: Capital Ships +1 AP
NOTES: Historically, Duro's claim to fame is that it was the first civilization to reverse engineer Rakatan hyperdrive technology (the Corellians being the second). This advancement enabled them to become a spacefaring species, and so they traveled to former Rakatan slave worlds to share their technology with others species in hopes to promote peaceful coexistence. This proliferation of technology and goodwill laid the groundwork for the first Galactic Republic, a precursor to the Old Republic. Since then Duro has been a major player in galactic affairs, and integral to Core Worlds culture. After the Galactic Civil War ended, Duro decided to reforge the Trade Federation, taking the mantle away from its daughter-species the Neimoidians (as to avoid any connotations that the "old" Federation was back in power). Using its historical influence, Duro convinced a number of other systems to join them, thus giving the galaxy a third option for those desiring neither Imperial nor Republic attachments. Commanders who use Duro in their campaign will benefit greatly from its operational oversight.


Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: ((TF)) DURO
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2019, 09:41:35 AM »
General Lucidius Hale
* * * * * *

After the Galactic Civil War had ended, control of the Trade Federation was transferred back to the Neimoidians, but there was still much more work to be done to rebuild its trading networks that the Empire had pilfered. It was decided that remilitarizing the Trade Federation, which was seen as a controversial decision, would be the best way to reclaim former glory. Of course, this decision required that the Trade Federation appoint a new commander-in-chief of its military forces, and given that each of the member worlds each had their own officer that they wanted to have the job, negotiations for appointing this person took many months. The agreed compromise was to hire an outsider, Lucidius Hale, who fought for the Galactic Empire in the Galactic Civil War. In the wake of Jakku, seasoned Imperial officers were hard to come by, and without an Empire to defend, the Trade Federation offered Hale an opportunity of a lifetime to command the Trade Federation Security Forces, and an extremely generous salary and rewards package. His experience on the battlefield and prowess would hopefully secure current clients and bring in new ones, or at least that's what the board of executives thought. At the annual meeting of shareholders, merchants, and executives of the new Trade Federation, a delegation of core member worlds was sitting along a long table on a raised platform, facing a larger crowd in the hundreds. At this meeting, Hale gave a speech that outraged the current president of the Trade Federation, a Duro by the name of Delo Fulcrom.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we're not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality. The Trade Federation has become a third-rate power. Its trade deficit and its banking deficit are at nightmare proportions. Now, in the days of the Old Republic, when this organization was a top galactic power, there was accountability to its merchants. The Duros, the Neimoidians, the men that built this organization, made sure of it because it was their money at stake. Today, management has no stake in the company!

All together, these men sitting up here own less than 3 percent of the company. And where does Mr. Fulcrom put his million-credit salary? Not in Trade Federation stock; he owns less than 1 percent.

You own the company. That's right -- you, the stockholder.

And you are all being royally screwed over by these, these bureaucrats, with their fancy lunches, their hunting and fishing trips, their luxury space yachts and harems full of concubines.

The Trade Federation, Mr. Fulcrom, the Trade Federation has 33 different vice presidents, each earning over hundreds of thousands of credits a year. Now, I have spent the last two months analyzing what all these guys do, and I still can't figure it out. One thing I do know is that we lost over a hundred million credits last year, and I'll bet that half of that was spent in all the kickbacks and partying going back and forth between all these vice presidents.

The new law of evolution in the Trade Federation seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated.

After taking command of the military forces and introducing an acquisitions budget that favored maximizing droid units - our signature asset - stockholders have received dividends unlike they've ever seen. Thank you.

I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them!

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.

Greed is right.

Greed works.

Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.

And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save the Trade Federation, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the Galaxy.

Thank you very much.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 11:28:26 AM by SWSF Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: ((TF)) DURO
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 12:03:05 PM »
General Lucidius Hale
* * * * * *

The time had finally come for the Trade Federation Security Forces to mobilize. Without a strong and centralized Republic running the show, many star systems needed to be reopened for intergalactic trade, and if they weren't willing to do it themselves, the Trade Federation would do it for them. Nothing personal, just business. The TFSF fleet, dubbed "Immortal Squadron," entered hyperspace, bound to kick a hornet's nest. Immortal Squadron was being led by Captain Artemis, a humanoid replica droid (HRD) modeled after the infamous Guri. Programmed to be a novel tactician and diplomat, Artemis was developed by the Trade Federation to significantly outperform the T-series of tactical droids that were used in the Clone Wars to command Munificient cruisers. The idea was to place Artemis in command so that not only could she handle herself on the battlefield, but if the time came to negotiate contracts with new clients, she could easily shuttle down to the surface and broker agreements if a formal TF delegation could not make it. Although the simulations that Artemis ran proved her capabilities, investors wanted "real life" data before they were to commit the resources in manufacturing a full range of Artemis-class HRDs. If so, she could replace TF delegates in military command positions to free up their time to run companies or other business ventures. And so hopefully, the plans outlined by General Hale would give Captain Artemis the opportunities she needed to fulfill her destiny as a prototype.

All capital ships entered hyperspace (-1 AP/each).

                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
PBC NEMESIS I                       3    17  50/50   4/4   110/110  50/50  40/40              X/X
     CHAMPION   Captain Artemis (+3 AP)
     WEAPONS    2 QTLC (RNG2/DMG32)
                8 LC   (RNG1/DMG5) +1 UCR vs SF/AUX
                1 TB
     SUPPORT UNITS                UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 1    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 2    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 3    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 4    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 5    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 6    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 7    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 8    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 9    5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 10   5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 11   5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 12   5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                MTDT Lucky 1      5    1   26/26   None                                     Hangar
                MTDT Lucky 2      5    1   26/26   None                                     Hangar
                B3BD Super 1      5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 2      5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 3      5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 4      5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 1      5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 2      5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                SVSF Cobra 1      7    6   24/24   2 DLLCs(R0/D8)+2 PTs(R1/4)+4 Buzz(R0/D1) X
                SVSF Cobra 2      7    6   24/24   2 DLLCs(R0/D8)+2 PTs(R1/4)+4 Buzz(R0/D1) X
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
PBC NEMESIS II                      3    14  50/50   4/4   110/110  50/50  40/40              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 QTLC (RNG2/DMG32)
                8 LC   (RNG1/DMG5) +1 UCR vs SF/AUX
                1 TB
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 13     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 14     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 15     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 16     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 17     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 18     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 19     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 20     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 21     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 22     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 23     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 24     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                MTDT Lucky 3        5    1   26/26   None                                     Hangar
                MTDT Lucky 4        5    1   26/26   None                                     Hangar
                B3BD Super 5        5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 6        5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 7        5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 8        5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 3        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 4        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                Z95M Hunter 1       6    6   12/12   2 LLCs(R0/D4)+4 SMs(R0/D3)               X
                Z95M Hunter 2       6    6   12/12   2 LLCs(R0/D4)+4 SMs(R0/D3)               X
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
DRD KERES I                         4    9   100     1/1   60/60    30/30  20/20              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 HTLB (RNG2/DMG11)
                2 HIB  (RNG2/DMG8)
                1 TB
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 25     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 26     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 27     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                B3BD Super 9        5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 10       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 11       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 12       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 13       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 14       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 5        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 6        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 7        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 8        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
DRD KERES II                        4    9   100     1/1   60/60    30/30  20/20              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 HTLB (RNG2/DMG11)
                2 HIB  (RNG2/DMG8)
                1 TB
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 28     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 29     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 30     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                B3BD Super 15       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 16       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 17       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 18       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 19       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 20       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 9        5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 10       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 11       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 12       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
DRD KERES III                       4    9   100     1/1   60/60    30/30  20/20              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 HTLB (RNG2/DMG11)
                2 HIB  (RNG2/DMG8)
                1 TB
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 31     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 32     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 33     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                B3BD Super 21       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 22       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 23       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 24       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 25       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                B3BD Super 26       5    -   20/20   Attack 20                                Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 13       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 14       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 15       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                DAT  Tanko 16       5    -   200/200 Attack 100                               Hangar
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
HHF MACHAI I                        5    6   48/48   2/2   32/32    20/20  15/15              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 QLCs (RNG1/DMG20)
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 34     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 35     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 36     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                                    UCR  AP  SHI     SB    ARM      SYS    HUL                LOC/HDG
HHF MACHAI II                       5    6   48/48   2/2   32/32    20/20  15/15              X/X
     WEAPONS    2 QLCs (RNG1/DMG20)
     SUPPORT UNITS                  UCR  AP  DUR     WEAPONS                                  LOC/HDG
                VDSF Fortuna 37     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 38     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar
                VDSF Fortuna 39     5    4   8/8     2 LLCs(R0/D4)+2 Buzz(R0/D1)              Hangar

« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 12:08:27 PM by SWSF Hale »