Author Topic: SWSF: After Jakku recruitment  (Read 9455 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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SWSF: After Jakku recruitment
« on: August 30, 2018, 09:33:28 PM »
I'll get right to the point. SWSF is hands down the coolest, most awesome thing on the planet. We all know it.

So if you're looking for ways you could jump in to SWSF: After Jakku (the only active universe currently), here are some options for you:

1) Join in the whole way because SWSF is the greatest thing humanity ever invented. Create your own faction or join an existing one, but get in the game! Current factions with active faction leaders are all Imperial Remnant--The First Order (TFO), Tempest Squadron (TS), and Terrors of the Imperium (TI). You're on this forum for a reason, and the reason is you know how much you love SWSF and that there's nothing else like it anywhere!

2) If you want to jump in but you're limited on time, consider joining one of the existing factions (TNO, TS or TI). You can take command of a single ship and commit management of your legend, stratcom and all other management stuff to the faction leader and just focus on your one ship. I don't think it gets any simpler than this. Literally you would just be responsible for a single ship which gives you all the SWSF fun you're looking for and none of the responsibility or time consumption that's holding you back. If your ship gets destroyed, your faction leader can assign you a new one. If you get busy for a week or two, you can park your ship at the home world where it will probably be protected.

3) If you're extremely limited on time, jump in for campaigns only. We've had one campaign already at Dathomir that was a lot of fun (plus one of the Nightsisters was controlling an ISD, it was awesome!). There are two more campaigns coming up at Kwenn Station (starts this weekend!) and Mandalore (details have been finalized, it will be rolled out almost immediately after Kwenn Station) that are going to be huge, and many more are planned. You don't have to commit to participating in "all" campaigns either, you could join in a campaign now, skip one or two, join in another one when you have time again after that, etc.

4) You could take up one of the "NPC" factions and be responsible for the NPC faction's turn in the campaign. For the Dathomir campaign, there were four factions (the three Imperial Remnant factions mentioned above + Wraith Squadron which is fringe New Republic) and then also a fifth faction which was the NPC faction (in this case, Dathomir). If you're limited on time, you could consider volunteering to control one of the NPC factions in a single campaign.

5) Add some NPC story lines to the universe without assuming command of any forces. Whenever you have time, totally at your convenience, add some story lines to the After Jakku universe. We would love your contribution!

6) Same idea as #2 above but maybe you prefer ground forces. In that case you're welcome to become a general for TI and assume control of our ground forces in the next campaign!

There are so many ways you could join in After Jakku whether some time has opened up for you and you're ready to commit all the way or whether you're still limited on time right now and are looking for a way to participate that's a little less time consuming.

Contact Eidolon (The First Order), Hale (Tempest Squadron) or me (Terrors of the Imperium) and get involved!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2018, 09:38:02 PM by LordSeverus »