Author Topic: DATHOMIR  (Read 27188 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2018, 02:44:22 PM »
Correction: I have TIE Fighter ELITE-3 in D6, TIE Advanced ELITE-4 in E5, and VSD's Knight Terror and Spitfire inbound. Expect a post sometime late tonight...
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 02:46:33 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2018, 03:27:59 PM »
GM Update
-Given that the TI (Severus) has exited the battle, the next post falls to the NO (Eidolon).
-Eidolon, given that you will be the last player to post, you will be able to reach Checkpoint 3 by default and thus the choice of killing either Princess Misada or Lady Kalia will fall to you, regardless of whoever winds in first place (by point count).
-Campaign posting deadline is High Noon, August 11th (this Saturday).
-Campaign Finale (NPC) post and awards will happen Saturday afternoon.

Update to the update. TI has next post. Carry on.

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2018, 03:05:17 PM »
::This is a pre-recorded message from Captain Mraeka of the VSD Knight Terror.::

"Your Excellencies Lord Admiral Hale and Imperator Reptanus. I am honored to extend an invitation to you both on behalf of Admiral Krell to meet at a neutral location in two weeks' time to discuss terms of a Memorandum of Understanding between us. We shall be returning to Dathomir shortly. Assuming Lady Kalia is handed over as requested, I expect we can work out an MoU with mutually beneficial terms that satisfies all parties involved. Dathomir, it seems, has marked the beginning of new things for the Empire."

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2018, 11:32:19 AM »
::The Victory-class Star Destroyers Knight Terror and Spitfire emerged from hyperspace and proceeded at great speed until they reached orbit around Dathomir.::

"Think they got the message, sir?" asked Lieutenant Vrahs.

"Undoubtedly, Lieutenant," replied Captain Mraeka. "Lady Kalia will come to us, one way or another. As for the others, well... we shall find out soon enough whether they understand a red line when they see one."

"And if they don't, sir?"

"There are larger forces at work here than the witch, Lieutenant. Our orders for today are to show restraint."

Captain Mraeka took a breath as he peered through the viewport at the planet's surface below. "On with it, then. Orbital strikes and fighters first. Then the ground units. Let's keep our footprint to a minimum."

Vrahs gave the order, and in an instant the Dathomirian sky cracked open and a mix of lasers and concussion missiles hammered the ground below. As the smoke and red ash rose like incense, the roaring of various TIE and other craft could be heard coming through the clouds...

Action Summary:

1. VSD Knight Terror exits hyperspace in X3 instead of green ring due to TNO's gravity field generator (-2 AP). 9/11 (8 AP + 3 AP from Legendary Admiral)
2. VSD Spitfire exits hyperspace in X3 instead of green ring due to TNO's gravity field generator (-2 AP). 6/8
3. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 exits hyperspace in X3 instead of green ring due to TNO's gravity field generator (-1 AP). 2/3
4. VSD Knight Terror moves three grid spaces to D4 (-6 AP). 3/11
5. VSD Spitfire moves three grid spaces to D4 (-6 AP). 0/8
5. VSD Knight Terror in D4 deploys TIE Advanced ELITE-1 (-1 AP). 0/11
6. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 moves two grid spaces to D5 (-2 AP). 0/3
7. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 moves two grid spaces from previous location D6 to D4 (-2 AP). 0/2
8. VSD Knight Terror commences orbital strike (barrage) on Rancors 2 and 10 in C4 (-2 AP). 1/11
Missile tubes configured for Assault, +4 DMG instead of +1
DMG calculated without UCR
DMG = (2 concussion missiles x 4 DMG) = 8 DMG total
9. TIE Fighters ELITE-7, ELITE-8 and ELITE-5 do bombing runs on C4 from their current location E3 (-1 AP each). 1/2 each
DMG calculated without UCR
DMG = (6 laser cannons total x 1 DMG) = 6 DMG total
10. TIE Advanced ELITE-1 does a bombing run on C4
DMG calculated without UCR
DMG = (2 laser cannons x 1 DMG) + (2 concussion missiles x 1 DMG) = 4 DMG total
11. VSD Knight Terror deploys Lambda-class Shuttle SWAG-3 (-1 AP). 0/11
12. Lambda-class Shuttle SWAG-3 descends to the Landing Zone (-1 AP).  1/2
13. Lambda-class Shuttle SWAG-3 deploys Imperial Patrol Trooper regiment NEON-3 (-1 AP). 0/2
14. Rendezvous with Captain Rogero's forces at the Landing Zone
+2 DARC Troopers, GAMMA-1 and GAMMA-2
15. Imperial Patrol Trooper regiment NEON-3 moves 2 grid spaces to B4 (-2 AP). 1/3
16. AT-ST KAPPA-1 moves 2 grid spaces to B4 (-2 AP). 2/4
17. DARC Trooper regiments GAMMA-1 and GAMMA-2 move 2 grid spaces to B4 (-2 AP each). 4/6 each
18. Imperial Patrol Trooper regiment NEON-3 fires on Rancor 2, one attack (-1 AP). 0/3
UCR = 8/7 = 1.142857142857143, round up = 1.15
DMG = (1 Mounted Blaster Rifles x 2 DMG) x UCR = 2.3 DMG total
unable to attack a second time due to AP limit
19. AT-ST KAPPA-1 fires on Rancor 10, one attack (-1 AP).  1/4
UCR = 6/6 = 1
DMG = (2 Blaster Cannons x 3 DMG) x UCR = 6 DMG subtotal
DMG = 6 DMG subtotal x 1 attack = 6 DMG total
20. AT-ST KAPPA-1 fires on MIDNIGHT FOUR, one attack (-1 AP). 0/4
UCR = 6/7 = 0.8571428571428571, round up = 0.86
DMG = (2 Blaster Cannons x 3 DMG) x UCR = 5.16
21. DARC Trooper regiments GAMMA-1 and GAMMA-2 fire on MIDNIGHT FOUR, 2 attacks
UCR = 7/6 = 1.166666666666667, round up = 1.17
DMG = (2 Machine Blasters x 2 DMG) x UCR = 4.68 DMG subtotal
DMG = 4.68 DMG subtotal x 4 attacks  (two attacks per regiment) = 18.72 DMG total

- Total DMG to C4 from orbital strikes= 8 + 6 + 4 = 18

divided by Rancors 2 and 10 (2 units total), so 18/2 = 9 DMG/unit

- So total DMG to Rancor 2 = 9 DMG from orbital + 2.3 DMG from Imperial Patrol Trooper regiment = 11.3 DMG, Rancor 2 destroyed

- And total DMG to Rancor 10 = 9 DMG from orbital + 6 DMG from AT-ST = 15 DMG, Rancor 10 destroyed

- Total DMG to MIDNIGHT FOUR = 5.16 + 18.72 = 23.88 (2 Night Warriors killed?)

Location Summary:

1. VSD's Knight Terror and Spitfire in D4
2. TIE Advanced ELITE-4 and in D5
3. TIE Fighter ELITE-3 in D4
4. TIE Fighters ELITE-7, ELITE-8 and ELITE-5 in E3
5. Lambda-class Shuttle SWAG-3 in the Landing Zone
6. Imperial Patrol Trooper regiment NEON-3 in B4
7. DARC Troopers GAMMA-1 and GAMMA-2 in B4
8. AT-ST KAPPA-1 in B4

DMG Summary:

1. Rancors 2 and 10 destroyed
2. MIDNIGHT-FOUR survives, 2 Night Warriors killed?
3. MIDNIGHT-FIVE unscathed

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[OOC note: In the previous post, location of TIE Advanced ELITE-4 was shown incorrectly in the + dropdown (E5), but was correct in the action and location summaries (HS).]

[Math check: Did previous attacks on the Night Warriors take the +1 UCR from the Nighsister Legends into account? It doesn't seem so?]
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 03:21:18 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2018, 01:40:07 PM »
GM Advisory: Severus

* I tried to note in my post (see: NPC Summary) that Midnight Four and Five (in C-4) and Rancors 2 and 10 (also in C-4) were the only NPC units that had not yet been engaged or had not yet taken lethal damage.
* The Rancors in A-4 were already dealt lethal damage by me first, so all of your damage is overkill.

* The TNO's AT-STs were marked as destroyed by Eidolon, so you can disregard them for Orbital Barrage.

* Nightsister UCR bonus is not in effect. No need to worry about re-doing the math, I will mark Nightsister Group MIDNIGHT FOUR as having taken lethal damage.

* Feel free to edit your post.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2018, 01:49:23 PM »
  I activated my INT Huntsman's Gravity Field a way back.  Doesn't this also make Exiting/Entering HS only possible from Xs possibly altering the available AP per VSD slightly?

7/20/18 10:57pm EST. Round 2 TNO post.

INT Huntsman Spends -2AP to move to D3. Activates Grav Field Generator -2AP.  SYSTEM WIDE EFFECT : HYPERSPACE MOVEMENT RESTRICTED TO/FROM Xs!!! 2/6AP

« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 01:52:34 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2018, 02:00:25 PM »
[Post edited. Corrected a few other things as well. The only thing that might still be incorrect are my + dropdowns. Rancors 2 and 10 are destroyed. Midnight 4 survives with ~ 2 witches remaining. Midnight 5 unscathed. Let me know if you notice anything else.]
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 03:44:25 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2018, 05:32:58 PM »
GM Input
1. Severus --- Everything checks out. Learning the ins/outs of combat is why we did this. Thanks for being flexible and editing as needed!
2. Eidolon -- I believe you are up to bat!

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2018, 04:07:55 PM »
NOTE: My Legend the Imperator is only on the Ground in Story concept to facilitate the story of the 'resolution'.

  As the TNO loyal DARC troopers dauntlessly poured their assault on to Nightshade Hill with their rapid repeating machine blasters, the massive beasts the Rancors under the powerful Nightsisters control lept passed them overhead and in an instant of shredded mechanized agony, their armor support from the Scout Walkers was reduced to rubble, while a handful of the DARC troopers turned their fire to the great massive beasts now behind them, the rest either continued their fire on the Hill or began an outright charge of their adversaries.  The blaster fire from both sides grew in intensity like sprinting deeper into a raging wild fire.  The onslaught was deafening to the troopers still behind as turbolaser fire broke through the clouds and didn't seem to pin point the Rancors positions to the rear of their line so much as it did inundate their general grid position.  For the next several minutes the ground shook violently like an earth quake as the land scape was altered by the literal force of energy.

  When the dust finally settled a short time later, in what felt like an eternity to the troopers close yet just far enough way to live through it, the banners of a formidable and for the time thankfully friendly force, the Remnant offshoot Tempest Squadron fluttered in the smokey breeze.  A trooper from TNO Battle Group Beta seemed to be directing his surviving when a small retinue approached the position, amongst the group was the immediately recognizeable from a distance figure of the Imperator.  He was much taller than average men with a much thicker bust and the extremities to match.  This imposing stature complimented the complete lack of character and void of personality.  Lumbering passed the crushed and still sputtering Scout Walkers he didn't pay them a single blink of attention, while those other New Order officers accompanying him took obvious stock if the toll.

  The DARC trooper seemingly in command of the initial TNO contingent removed his helmet with the break of an air seal and stood tall as the Imperator approached before him,

  "Imperator, Sir - Captain Rogero of the ISD Conquest, our thanks to answering the call, the battle field is secure" he said snapping to attention before the warlord.

  Glancing ahead in the not so far distance to the smoldering Nightshade Hill and further ahead to the horizon behind it toward Nightshade City, the Imperator dryly replied in his monotone wheezing speech,

  "What of the Upstart?"

  Captain Rogero summoned a small command speeder and a few of his men while answering,

  "A battlegroup of your men have entered the city to little further resistance and occupied the central square where they await.  Lady Kalia is in custody and the other matriarchs have assembled there," Rogero answered.

  The Imperator strode off toward the speeder which seemed to slump as he sat in the passenger seat for a moment before the repulsor balance adjusted itself and the vehicle sped off towards Nightshade City.  Rogero assembled the rest of his men on light transport speeders and followed off behind their assumed overlord..


Space Actions
  VSD Audacity spends 2AP to move from E1 to D3 to rejoin the rest of the TNO fleet, spends remaining 9AP to repair 9 ARMOR
  TIE Striker ALPHA spends 2AP to move from E1 to D3 and continues CSP[/left]
  TIE Avenger ALPHA spends 2AP to move from E1 to D3 and continues CSP
  ZETA1 spends 1AP to move from D3 space grid to LZ ground grid

Ground Actions
  !!!ALL 3 ATSTs in A4 are CRUSHED by the RAMPAGING RANCORS!!!
  BG DARC ALPHA (3) spends 5AP to move from B4 to NIGHTSHADE CITY/BASE
  BG DARC BETA (3) spends 15AP total to attack Midnight Five 15 Times w/ Machine Blasters.  UCR 7/6 = 1.2  15*2*1.2 = 36pts DMG LETHAL?
  ATST 1 spends 2AP to move from LZ to B4 and HOLD POSITION with BG DARC BETA
  DARC 1 & 2 HOLD POSITION in LZ guarding TNO ZETAs

Status Report
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[spoiler=Captain Rogero's Men]

« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 10:28:05 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2018, 09:56:31 AM »

The smoldering ruin of Nightshade Hill was contrasted with the relative security and pristine views of Nightshade City, but for all the cheers that could be heard from the Dathomirians and Iridonians living within the city upon the arrival of Captain Rogero, wailing and booing could be heard too. Needless to say, the battle was over, but at what cost? Moreover, what would be the future of Dathomir? Would it become an Imperial Vassal state under the direction of Lady Kalia? Or would it become an independent Imperial client world, under the leadership of Princess Misada? Soon, the judgment would be at hand, delivered by Captain Rogero, under the authority of The New Order.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2018, 11:07:31 AM »

  ..The Imperator stood atop the gallows platform with the subdued and defeated Lady Kalia bowed before him in prostration.  Her hands were not bound but lay palm up and open upon the platform planks, covered in dirt and soot.  His imposing tall and broad form seemed to cast the shadow of a great building upon the square where hundreds maybe thousands of citizens of Nightshade City had gathered to either welcome or scorn the triumphant arriving Imperial forces.

  Princess Misada stood several paces behind the warlord next to Captain Rogero.  The two exchanged brief quiet assessing words with one another.

  Lady Kalia's dark mind enchanting magic ran deep throughout a network of entities on the planet, and her influence weakened by the moment in her defeated subordinate state, but some still held outright loyalty of their own to her.  Many sisters had died today because of Kalia's ambitions however, and the Imperator himself had little interest in the politics of the day, only in his own quest for knowledge of the perversely powerful.

  A broken staff lay on the platform before Kalia.  It was fractured at about fourth fifths of the height of the instrument and at the point where a crevice existed for the insertion of an object, seemingly in the shape of a small pyramid.  The Imperator clenched the object which once sat there in one of his large hands, feeling a taste of it's power in the form of a sharp and deep sting running through his hand and up his arm into his entire body.  Temporarily satiated with the possession he tucked it into an inner breast pocket or pouch and held an open hand out toward the Captain.

  Rogero pulled a side-arm from it's holster and offered to the Imperator handle first.  As he clenched it in his hand and strode toward the cowed Kalia, the crowd erupted in roars of both approval and revolt all at once.  Princess Misada of the namesake Nightshade Clan noticeably stood a bit taller and held her chin high while watching Kalia from the corner of her eye.  While she opposed Kalia's power and agendas, her isolationist ethos gave her no pleasure in seeing this off-worlder solving Dathomirian problems.

  As the Imperator stopped before Kalia, his boots near her face, she looked up and met his blank distant gaze with a scowl and saliva filled speech, the darkness in her seemed to blacken even the outline of her teeth as she hissed,

  "Tosha'ka Bon Mokeska Beemala!" she cursed while spitting on his boot.

  As the last syllable rolled off her tongue and the spit wad flung from her narrowed lips the blaster bolt was piercing her fore head and her limp figure slumped completely.  Her utterance seemed to have some effect on the pyramid shaped artifact the Imperator held in his pocket as it began to glow a vibrant red or pink even through his clothing, beginning to burn it in a matter of moments evidenced by smoking cloth from within his lapel.  The spittle on his boot began to bubble and burn through it's material as well.  Removing the object with his bare hand, it was now fully illuminated, the brightest light coming from within intricate etching work on it's surface.  The scent of burning flesh filled the air as he strode out of sight of the crowd gazing intently at the artifact in his palm as though it sang to him.

  The Imperator made no public statements.  He stopped briefly as he passed Rogero and Misada, handing the soldier back his side arm and offering Misada a final private word or two

  "This place is dead."

  Pockets of scuffling seemed to break out across the assembled crowd of citizens.  Misada looked to Rogero who only offered a faiclal expression before following behind the Imperator.  From the edge of the platform, Misada, the new default Ruler of Dathomir directed some of her Sisters to points in the crowd to quell the mounting civil disturbance..
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 11:12:15 AM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2018, 12:11:41 PM »
With Imperial justice implemented in full, it was time to bug out. All forces began the long march back to the Landing Zone, where the various shuttles and starfighters from the Excelsior and Magnificent were recalled. Captain Rogero was left behind, for his DARC Trooper regiment and AT-ST division would oversee the future transitions. With the Imperator's decision to execute Kalia now being public knowledge, it was clear that the New Order had no interest in grooming Dathomir as an Imperial state in any capacity. What this meant is that the de facto responsibility for administration of the system now fell to Tempest Squadron. By now Lord Admiral Hale's intentions were well established by this point, and so within a matter of hours, the facilities at Nightshade City were commandeered by Tempest Squadron in order to establish a new Operations Center. Officially, Dathomir was to be declared a protectorate of the Imperial Remnant, with all planetary administration falling to the local government, now led by Princess Misada - or so she thought. What Misada had failed to realize is that once the Imperial hand of justice swings its hammer, it will refuse to let go of it. After quelling the riots in Nightshade City, Princess Misada was ordered by Captain Rogero to appoint a Council of Elders to oversee the management of Nightshade City. Misada would soon be escorted off-world, and sent to Kwenn Station, where she would rendezvous with her new benefactors. Captain Rogero, thus became the de facto Imperial governor. Only time would tell as to what would become of Dathomir....

1. All ground forces recalled to transports.
2. All starfighters and auxiliary recalled to capital ships.
3. All capital ships move to X-1 and enter hyperspace.
4. Nightshade City is converted into an Operations Center.
5. 1 DARC Trooper and 1 AT-ST remain behind.
6. Nightsisters and Rancors summoned to join Tempest Squadron are disbanded (in favor of cash payout).
7. Princess Misada takes Plot Device Transport and enters hyperspace.

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2018, 03:14:57 PM »
Campaign Epilogue - Terrors of the Imperium:

::Inside Captain Mraeka's war room aboard the Knight Terror.::

"Well that was exciting," exclaimed Lieutenant Vrahs.

"Indeed," said Captain Mraeka. "I expect Ladies Adeenu and Ichikeh aboard the Knight Terror shortly. Along with the body." Mraeka looked at the palms of his clasped hands as if he were reading.

"Recall General Draenos and his men, and let's depart within the hour."

"And the rancors, sir? You still want them?"

"They're not for me, Lieutenant. They're a gift. Sort of an inauguration present."

::On the surface of Dathomir. Night Shade City. Dusk.::

"Seems we're too late, sir," reported a mid-ranking soldier in his thirties. The general held his modified E-11 firmly as he walked straight up to the lifeless form before them. Several Nightsisters--followers of Lady Kalia--were huddled over her body, performing a Dathomirian spell to some unknown effect.

"Let's go boys! Shuttles inbound. Lady Adeenu--"

She looked up.

"You have everything you need?"

"Quite. We have our own craft and require no assistance from your men."

"I'll see you onboard then. Men--move out!"


1. TI forces arrive a little late to the party at Night Shade City.
2. Captain Rogero's forces that fought with TI defect and become NPC units for TI (DARC Trooper regiments GAMMA-1 and GAMMA-2, AT-ST KAPPA-1).
3. VSD Spitfire deploys Lambda-class Shuttle SWAG-4. VSD's Knight Terror and Spitfire deploy additional NPC transports as needed.
4. All ground forces recalled to shuttles and transports.
5. Five Nightsisters led by Lady Adeenu and Lady Ichikeh, disciples of Lady Kalia, join TI as NPC units. (7 NPC Nightsisters total)
6. With the help of the Nightsisters, TI captures and transports 2 NPC rancors to the VSD Knight Terror.
7. NPC Nightsister transports RED-1 and RED-2 board the VSD Knight Terror, carrying not only the Nightsisters but also the dead body of Lady Kalia and her broken staff.
8. All starfighters, auxiliary, and additional NPC transports recalled to capital ships.
9. All capital ships and remaining support TIE's move to X1 and enter hyperspace and become NPC units for TI.
10. Commander Vasha and Sister Priyana are left to tend to the affairs of the Nightsisters.

1. 100 GC cash
2. 100 GC cash
3. 25 GC cash
4. 50 GC cash

Spoils-of-War: 340 GC, backdated to 8/11. Bronze Trophy Cashout: 275 GC, backdated to 8/11. Financial report for 8/11 updated.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 11:40:10 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2018, 03:45:36 PM »

  1. The total TNO forces begin slow deliberate withdrawal of all forces.

  2. All loses are attributed to "free" units per Dathomir Campaign framework.  All ship states and load outs revert to previously declared Start-Up Loads.

  3. All rewards are cashed out with exception of Golan I platform.  Transported in hold to Kessel until TO ownership story and Stratcom placement complete.

  4. All TNO elements can be considered now, or upon arrival of relevant time frames, to have completely vacated Dathomir.

  5.  275 GC, 1 Golan I, 1 Sith Holocron (plot device, held by Imperator Reptanus) acquired.
SWSF 'til Death