Author Topic: HOTH  (Read 9841 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« on: August 18, 2018, 11:14:09 PM »
Planet: Hoth
System: Hoth
Sector: Anoat

Region: Outer Rim Territories

Description: The planet's surface features a mix of icy caves and snow-covered mountains and plains. Once home to the rebel Echo Base and the site of the infamous Battle of Hoth, the system has in recent months become a sort of second home to the Terrors of the Imperium.

There is more to Hoth's history than a rebel base and a visit by Lord Vader. Long ago, Hoth had another visitor...

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2018, 11:30:37 PM »
CLASS:  Ground Facility
AP:      10
UCR:    10
ARMOR:  100
  10 Blaster Cannons (RNG 2/DMG 3)
  1 Defender Cannon (RNG 1*/DMG 5)
NOTES: The Defender Cannon can be fired up to two times for 5 AP each, and it may target any Large or Heavy CAP in the HALO zone! Ignore UCR calculations for the Defender Canon - it just does 5 DMG straight up.

COST:    200 GC
CLASS:  Ground Facility
POWER:  +10 CP
AP:      10
UCR:    10
ARMOR:  50
  5 Blaster Cannons (RNG 2/DMG 3)
NOTES: Each OPCENT generates income based on the total number of OPCENTs you control. For example: 1 = 5 GC, 2 = 10 GC each, 3 = 15 GC each, and so forth.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 10:48:53 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2018, 08:39:17 PM »
::Four Imperial warships come into focus as they exit hyperspace in close proximity to Hoth.::

"There we are," said Admiral Krell to one of the captains. Ywiru and the most of the others were gathered around one of the navicomps that seemed to be malfunctioning.

"Deploy fighters, assume defensive positions. And let's get a crew on that surface immediately."

Lady Ichikeh stepped forward with a certain finesse. Nightsisters had a way about them that was distinctly Dathomirian. Standing to Admiral Krell's side, eyes squinted, she searched for the right words to describe what she was feeling. "The dark side energy on this planet... it's very similar to what I felt at Dagobah. After the Days of Mourning for Lady Kalia, I went down to the planet to clear my mind."

Krell glanced over to the woman on his left. "I'm aware."

"Yes, but what you are not aware of, my dear Admiral, is that I spoke with the spirit of the Dark Jedi in Dark Side Cave." She has his attention. Turning to face him as she spoke, Ichikeh clawed at the air with both hands as she continued: "One of them, anyway. There are more. The one whose lightsaber you found... he told me something."

"About the twin Dark Side Cave on Hoth? About how the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker once visited that cave as well? We know. That's why we're here."

"No. Well yes, but what I meant was... he told me something greater. He told me to serve Severus, and to rebuild everything that was lost."

"Lord Severus will be delighted to hear that, I'm sure." Admiral Krell waited for more.

"And then he told me to destroy The First Order." She turned to face forward again.

"Lady Ichikeh. I understand you and your sisters have suffered great loss with the death of Lady Kalia. But in the interest of restoring the Empire, we have to strike a delicate balance."

She understood what he meant. But she didn't like it. "I must destroy The First Order," she said again, louder this time.

"Your business with The First Order will have to wait, I'm afraid. But perhaps not for too long. If they refuse to hand over Reptanus, you might get your wish sooner than you think. There'll be a shuttle to the surface ready for you within the hour. The search party is under your command."

What else did the spirit of the Dark Jedi tell her, Krell wondered. That Skywalker was drawn to the cave on Hoth for the same reason he was drawn to the cave on Dagobah? That Skywalker would one day serve Lord Severus just as he had envisioned? That there is a lightsaber buried on Hoth as well? In all the years he had served with Lord Severus...

Action Summary:

1. Shields up on all TI warships in the system
2. TI warships take up defensive positions around Hoth
3. TI warships deploy shuttles with ground units.
4. Shuttles deploy ground units and remain on planet surface.
5. TI warships deploy TIE support craft.
6. INT Banshee activates its gravity field generator
7. INT Banshee activates two gravity wells targeting E5.
8. INT Banshee activates two gravity wells targeting F4.
9. VSD Horror initiates comscan of the system.

Location Summary:

1. VSD Adamant in C3.
2. VSD Horror in C4.
3. VSD Inescapable in E3.
4. INT Banshee in E4.

Support Unit Summary:

1. VSD Adamant (C3):

2 TIE Advanced (D3)
1 Lambda-class Shuttle (planet surface)
2 Imperial Army Trooper (planet surface)
1 Imperial Patrol Trooper (planet surface)

2. VSD Horror (C4):

2 TIE Advanced (D3)
1 Lambda-class Shuttle (planet surface)
2 Imperial Army Trooper (planet surface)
1 Imperial Patrol Trooper (planet surface)

3. VSD Inescapable (E3):

2 TIE Advanced (D3)
1 Lambda-class Shuttle (planet surface)
2 Imperial Army Trooper  (planet surface)
1 Imperial Patrol Trooper  (planet surface)

4. INT Banshee (E4):

2 TIE Fighters (D3)
1 Lambda-class Shuttle (planet surface)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 10:28:55 PM by LordSeverus »