Author Topic: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)  (Read 14031 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« on: December 18, 2017, 12:24:15 PM »
My theory is that Rey is the new Chosen One of the Force, based on several premises.

1. I think the prophecy of the Chosen One is fluid and not concrete. There isn't supposed to be "the" Chosen One for all time, but "a" Chosen One will rise from time to time to bring balance to the Force. Obi-Wan relented this fact because he thought Anakin was supposed to do this, and indeed he did from a certain point of view (he destroyed not only the Jedi but the Sith as well). And yet, for those of you who watch the TV show Rebels, there is a scene in which Obi-Wan and an aged Darth Maul have one final confrontation in which they oddly make peace with each other (albeit as Darth Maul is dying). Check it out. Maul concludes that Obi-Wan is hiding on Tatooine in order to protect somebody. As Maul dies, he asks "tell me, is it the Chosen One?" to which Obi-Wan responds "he is" and in Maul's dying breath "he will avenge us." This is huge. Maul usage of inclusive language here suggests that he's moved beyond the Jedi-Sith dichotomy and seeks to transcend it (in fact in a scene from an earlier episode Maul harbors a grudge against the Sith and wants to destroy them for ruining his life). This doesn't mean Maul has suddenly regained a moral compass, but rather he sees the Force for what it truly is: the means, not the ends. Point is, when it was clear Anakin's status as the Chosen One faded, it passed to Luke. And, as we learned in The Last Jedi, Luke's self-imposed exile brought about the conditions for a new Chosen One to emerge... and that the mantle has now passed on to Rey!

2. Consider the fact that Anakin did not have any parents. He had a mother sure, but his conception was by the Force. I think it's possible that Rey too could be parentless, which explains why during her cave vision that she saw nobody - only her own reflection - when she was seeking out her true identity. I think what the Force was trying to tell her is that she may have had "parents" in the same way Anakin did, but that she was conceived by the Force. The added imagery of an infinite mirror reflection kind of points to this as well... for if the Force is eternal, then in some ways so is she.

3. Also consider how talented Rey became in the Force without any training. Insane piloting skills? Jedi Mind trick? Beating Kylo Ren in a duel? Becoming engrossed in a Force vision by simply touching the Skywalker Lightsaber? Really? Her inherent ability to wield the Force intuitively is suggestive of her unique connection to it... as the Chosen One.

4. The general theme of the new-EU and the films seems to be trending towards the Gray Force. Perhaps this is what the Chosen One was truly meant to embody from all along - somebody who could wield both the Dark and the Light without becoming a slave to the will of either (as a Sith/Jedi), for this would be true balance, no? If this is indeed the concept that Disney wants to push, then I think Rey will eventually complete her journey (as the Chosen One) in such a way.

What do you guys think!?

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2017, 02:22:57 PM »

Saw for 2nd time this morning.

  Cave scene where there's 20 of her and she inevitably sees herself in the reflection, I think it's just a personal introspective experience telling her that it doesn't matter who or where she is from but what she chooses to become and where she chooses to go.

  There are moments in movie where it seems like they really try to push the importance of her identity, like when she is first following Luke around island and goes to the tree where the jedi text books are in.  Luke asks her a few times "Who are you," with a tone of mystery drawing us to think that yes she really is related to someone.  Then she talks about having been in that place (tree library) having seen it in her visions.

  Later shes in the cave and has the multiple selves, foggy mirror reflection of herself.

  They ultimately then take that importance away with the Kylo/Rey confrontation.

  ..ultimately, it's a lot of focus on who is she ultimately to just say she is Rey.

  All in all. Even better after 2nd viewing.
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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 04:25:22 PM »
I do think she is the Chosen One and I think that will come to be known in IX.

I disagree in regards to the Cave Scene. I took that to be the Dark Side drawing her in. Remember it was a place of Darkness. She kept getting drawn deeper to find out what she needed and then what she found out was just nothing. The false promise of evil and Darkness.
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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2017, 05:01:05 PM »
Well consider Luke's cave sequence on Dagobah. The Dark Side confronted him with a vision of his potential identity - the next Darth Vader. If the cave Rey went into operates on the same principle, then the Dark Side incarnation of Rey is... her plain old self. At the very least, it does make you scratch your head. I don't dismiss the interpretation that the cave fundamentally represents the emptiness of the Dark Side, but we do have precedent to presume there's more to it than meets the eye.

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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2017, 05:03:15 PM »
I disagree in regards to the Cave Scene. I took that to be the Dark Side drawing her in. Remember it was a place of Darkness. She kept getting drawn deeper to find out what she needed and then what she found out was just nothing. The false promise of evil and Darkness.

Quote from: Hale
Well consider Luke's cave sequence on Dagobah.

I could see all that.  The darkness is centered around conceit/the self and herself is the only thing she sees there.

If Luke saw Vader in Dagobah dark place.  Even though Luke saved Father/Vader/Anakin, he went on to have the lapse and create Kylo.  Rey goes in to the Dark Hole on Island planet, and she sees her normal self.

Could be an argument to say she is THE Chosen One.

But its still aiming for the parentage with the two silhouettes initially wouldn't it be?  Yeah I spose, def head scratcher.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 05:09:19 PM by NR Eidolon »
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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2017, 05:08:44 PM »
Also remember that Yoda told Luke if he left then, with incomplete training, he would forever become an agent of Evil. Seems like it bore fruit, no?
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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2017, 05:20:17 PM »
3. Also consider how talented Rey became in the Force without any training. Insane piloting skills? Jedi Mind trick? Beating Kylo Ren in a duel? Becoming engrossed in a Force vision by simply touching the Skywalker Lightsaber? Really? Her inherent ability to wield the Force intuitively is suggestive of her unique connection to it... as the Chosen One.

Argument against this point-

Her swift skill development is no more than Little Ani's Pod Racing abilities.  While Lil Ani wasn't so rapidly force pushing people or dueling, Rey already had the innate bo staff skills from rearing herself for however long on Jakku?  We saw how inhospitable it was there, so she was a tough nugget to survive on her own.  Lil Ani built C3PO, Rey knows where to find the the valuable soda can sized hunk of tech on the inside of a star destroyer to trade in.  She lived in an ATAT shell, she had to probably lay it on the line for that claim more than once.  I think Jakku arguably hardened and taught her a lot.  She's a fighter already in her own right.  She bested a trained stormtrooper in Finn.

When you get to Kylo/Reys first Duel in TFA though, it's a hard argument to keep pulling along.

I think there is a lot that sets her apart to perhaps be THE Chosen One if there were actually ever just one.  I think The Chosen One has been illustrated enough all together to be just an empty prophecy of the jedi religion that their reverance of brings them only folly.  They broke their codes to accommodate training Anakin because they believed in it.  They broke their codes to accommodate training Luke because they believed in it.  Now you've got Kylo left, and Rey to fight him and their minds are linked.  And the stable boy =)

The force exists without the Sith or the Jedi manipulating it for their purposes!  Ultimately Luke was right.  Its time for the Jedi to Die.  The Force will create its own Balance.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 05:21:59 PM by NR Eidolon »
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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2017, 05:26:02 PM »
I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. All is as the Force wills it.
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2017, 07:59:56 PM »
You know, I just realized the one thing that totally kills my theory. It fails the WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") Test.

When constructing a theory, it's a general rule of thumb that you should only form extrapolations based on what you actually see first-hand. The problem with my theory, is that we haven't seen anything about "the Chosen One" from the new films or any mention of the mythos of the prequels. All we got was a passing reference from Luke regarding the failure of the Jedi in allowing Palpatine's rise, but that's it. With the ancient books destroyed and the Jedi Order with it, the prophecy itself is now defunct and has no more meaning.

Offline gallpizi

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Re: A new theory about Rey... (contains spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2017, 12:05:17 AM »
The ancient books were stolen by Rey and are on the Falcon.
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