Author Topic: <IG> Coruscant Sector -- Coruscant <IG>  (Read 8207 times)

Offline gallpizi

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<IG> Coruscant Sector -- Coruscant <IG>
« on: July 16, 2017, 10:38:27 PM »
Imperial Palace - Throne Room

The skies above Coruscant were filled as they always were. Billions of beings went about their business,went to school, went to work, made poor decisions. Every second someone either died or was born here, likely both. Yet even as these beings went about as if nothing had changed, tensions rose. The Emperor was gone and with him his beloved Death Star project. Billions of soldiers, dead, or currently fighting against rebel forces. Other Imperials, convinced that their beliefs were in the right found themselves breaking off from the Empire proper and forming their own versions of the Empire.

The Royal Guards, Emperor Palpatine's body guards and elite soldiers, knew that things could not continue the way they had. Much as the clones had been trained with a special order to handle the Jedi if a need arose, the Royal Guards had their own training deal with extraordinary circumstances. The death of Emperor Palpatine and his heir apparent Lord Vader definitely were covered under 'extraordinary circumstances'. They worked fast, solidifying their control over what they could of the Imperial Navy and Army. They quickly found supporters among some of the highest ranking members of the Imperial Navy as well as the commander of the Coruscant Military district. They utilized pre-recorded messages from the Emperor himself outlining what the plan was if he were to die or be captured to gain control of what they could.

They knew that without a strong leader that the whole system could come crashing down. They also understood that even though the Empire had fractured, certain elements would be willing to help the cause to ensure that the rebel alliance, or the New Republic, or whatever they were calling themselves these days did not get to take control of the galaxy.

Scapro Tyler, clad in the pristine white uniform of a Grand Admiral, turned from the viewport he had been looking out and turned on the holo recorder. A few weeks ago he had been a Fleet Admiral dedicated to defending Coruscant and various other key worlds as the Empire found itself crumbling around him. Now, with the backing and support of the Royal Guards, he found himself head of what was being dubbed the "Imperial Guards" due to the heavy influence of the Royal Guards.

Scapro cleared his throat and began. "My friends. While we all may believe that we have certain claims to His Majesty's Empire, I think it is safe to say that we do not wish to see the galaxy fall deeper into chaos or, worse yet, be ruled by the Rebel Alliance. I propose a meeting on Scarif so that we can discuss the future of the galaxy. If you do not attend, I will be forced to catalog you as a true dissident and rebel. For the Empire!" As he ended the call, his left hand extended up and into a fist as part of the traditional Imperial Salute, he cleared his throat again. He knew he may have just made enemies out of the two largest pretenders to the Throne but he also knew that if he could get one of them to ally with him, the process of restoring peace would become just that much easier.   
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 09:54:31 PM by IG GallPizi »
Simming on the SWSF in AOL since 1999.
Let's bring back the glory days!

Co-Host: Coruscant Pulse Podcast.