Author Topic: ¥ Deep Core - Fre'ji System - Fresia ¥  (Read 8072 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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¥ Deep Core - Fre'ji System - Fresia ¥
« on: July 14, 2017, 01:24:30 PM »


  Star: Fre'ji
  Orbit: 2nd
  Moons: 7
  Rotation Period: 528 Standard Hours
  Orbital Period: 132 Local Days
  Class: Terrestrial
  Diameter: 10,308km
  Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
  Climate: Temperate
  Gravity: Standard
  Terrain: Oceans, Archipelagos, Islands
  Population: 2.3 Million (96% Human, 4% Other)

  Fresia is home to the Incom Corporation and has been occupied by the Empire since the T65 debacle.  After the Battle of Endor, it's proximity to Byss naturally saw it drawn in to the sphere of the TGE.  There is an abundance of life on the planet though no native intelligent species, with it's small emigrated population making it the least inhabited Core World.  The planets seven moons produce a complex tidal cycle resulting in frequent violent storm systems sweeping across the globe.  The worlds extremely slow axial rotation made for incredibly long days that dramatically affected the populations lifestyle.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 12:15:58 PM by TGE Eidolon »
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